#TRUSTED 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 # # This script was written by Michel Arboi # # GPL # # # Nmap can be found at : # # if ( ! defined_func("pread") || ! defined_func("get_preference") ) exit(0); if ( ! find_in_path("nmap") ) exit(0); if(description) { script_id(14259); script_version ("1.18"); name["english"] = "Nmap (NASL wrapper)"; script_name(english:name["english"]); desc["english"] = " This plugin runs nmap(1) to find open ports. See the section 'plugins options' to configure it "; script_description(english:desc["english"]); summary["english"] = "Performs portscan / RPC scan"; script_summary(english:summary["english"]); script_category(ACT_SCANNER); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2004 Michel Arboi"); family["english"] = "Port scanners"; family["francais"] = "Scanners de ports"; script_family(english:family["english"], francais:family["francais"]); script_dependencies("ping_host.nasl"); if (NASL_LEVEL < 2181) exit(0); # Cannot run v = pread(cmd: "nmap", argv: make_list("nmap", "-V")); if (v != NULL) { ver = ereg_replace(pattern: ".*nmap version ([0-9.]+).*", string: v, replace: "\1"); if (ver == v) ver = NULL; } if (ver =~ "^[3-9]\.") script_add_preference(name:"TCP scanning technique :", type:"radio", value:"connect();SYN scan;FIN scan;Xmas Tree scan;SYN FIN scan;FIN SYN scan;Null scan"); else script_add_preference(name:"TCP scanning technique :", type:"radio", value:"connect();SYN scan;FIN scan;Xmas Tree scan;Null scan"); script_add_preference(name:"UDP port scan", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); # This option eats too much memory and hits rlimits if (NASL_LEVEL > 2200) script_add_preference(name:"Service scan", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); script_add_preference(name:"RPC port scan", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); # Too much memory if (NASL_LEVEL > 2200) { script_add_preference(name:"Identify the remote OS", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); script_add_preference(name:"Use hidden option to identify the remote OS", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); } script_add_preference(name:"Fragment IP packets (bypasses firewalls)", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); if (ver !~ "3.7[05]") script_add_preference(name:"Get Identd info", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); script_add_preference(name:"Do not randomize the order in which ports are scanned", type:"checkbox", value: "no"); script_add_preference(name: "Source port :", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name:"Timing policy :", type:"radio", value: "Auto (nessus specific!);Normal;Insane;Aggressive;Polite;Sneaky;Paranoid;Custom"); script_add_preference(name: "Host Timeout (ms) :", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Min RTT Timeout (ms) :", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Max RTT Timeout (ms) :", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Initial RTT timeout (ms) :", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Ports scanned in parallel (max)", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Ports scanned in parallel (min)", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Minimum wait between probes (ms)", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "File containing grepable results : ", value: "", type: "file"); script_add_preference(name: 'Do not scan targets not in the file', value: 'no', type: 'checkbox'); if (ver =~ "^3\.") script_add_preference(name: "Data length : ", value: "", type: "entry"); script_add_preference(name: "Run dangerous port scans even if safe checks are set", value:"no", type:"checkbox"); exit(0); } # if (NASL_LEVEL < 2181 || ! defined_func("pread") || ! defined_func("get_preference")) { set_kb_item(name: "/tmp/UnableToRun/14255", value: TRUE); display("Script #14255 (nmap_wrapper) cannot run - upgrade libnasl\n"); exit(0); } tmpfile = NULL; function on_exit() { if (tmpfile) unlink(tmpfile); } function compute_rtt() { local_var p, i, min, max, s, t1, t2, ms, v1, v2; min = 10000; max = 0; foreach p (make_list(80, 113)) for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { t1 = gettimeofday(); s = open_sock_tcp(p, timeout: 10, transport: ENCAPS_IP); t2 = gettimeofday(); if (s) close(s); v1 = eregmatch(string: t1, pattern: "([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"); v2 = eregmatch(string: t2, pattern: "([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"); ms = (int(v2[1]) - int(v1[1])) * 1000 + (int(v2[2]) - int(v1[2])) / 1000; if (ms > 9000 && !s) break; if (min > ms) min = ms; if (max < ms) max = ms; } if (max < 3 * min) max = 3 * min; if (min >= 9000) min = 0; if (max && max < 6) max = 6; if (max >= 9000) max = 0; if (isnull(min) && isnull(max)) return NULL; return make_list(min, max); } safe_opt = script_get_preference("Run dangerous port scans even if safe checks are set"); if ( safe_opt && "yes" >< safe_opt ) safe = 0; else safe = safe_checks(); ip = get_host_ip(); esc_ip = ""; l = strlen(ip); for (i = 0; i < l; i ++) if (ip[i] == '.') esc_ip = strcat(esc_ip, "\."); else esc_ip = strcat(esc_ip, ip[i]); res = script_get_preference_file_content("File containing grepable results : "); res = egrep(pattern: "Host: +" + esc_ip + " ", string: res); if (! res) { opt = script_get_preference('Do not scan targets not in the file'); if ('yes' >< opt) exit(0); i = 0; argv[i++] = "nmap"; argv[i++] = "-n"; argv[i++] = "-P0"; # Nmap ping is not reliable argv[i++] = "-oG"; if (defined_func("get_tmp_dir")) { tmpdir = get_tmp_dir(); if (tmpdir) tmpfile = strcat(tmpdir, "nmap-", get_host_ip(), "-", rand() ); } if (tmpfile) argv[i++] = tmpfile; else argv[i++] = "-"; p = script_get_preference("TCP scanning technique :"); # Force TCP scan in safe mode - other options could crash the IP stack # TCP scan is more aggressive against broken services than SYN scan, # but those services will probably be killed by fin_service or similar # tests. if (safe) argv[i++] = "-sT"; else if (p == "SYN scan" || p == "SYN FIN scan") argv[i++] = "-sS"; else if (p == "FIN scan" || p == "FIN SYN scan") argv[i++] = "-sF"; else if (p == "Xmas Tree scan") argv[i++] = "-sX"; else if (p == "Null scan") argv[i++] = "-sN"; else argv[i++] = "-sT"; if (p == "FIN SYN scan" || p == "SYN FIN scan") { argv[i++] = "--scanflags"; argv[i++] = "SYNFIN"; } # UDP & RPC scans or fingerprinting may kill a buggy IP stack if (! safe) { p = script_get_preference("UDP port scan"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-sU"; p = script_get_preference("Service scan"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-sV"; p = script_get_preference("RPC port scan"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-sR"; p = script_get_preference("Identify the remote OS"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-O"; p = script_get_preference("Use hidden option to identify the remote OS"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "--osscan_guess"; p = script_get_preference("Fragment IP packets (bypasses firewalls)"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-f"; } p = script_get_preference("Get Identd info"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-I"; port_range = get_preference("port_range"); if (port_range) # Null for command line tests only { argv[i++] = "-p"; if (port_range == "default" ) { n = 0; str = ""; while ( port = scanner_get_port(n) ) { if ( n > 0 ) str += "," + string(port); else str = string(port); n ++; } argv[i++] = str; } else argv[i++] = port_range; } p = script_get_preference("Do not randomize the order in which ports are scanned"); if ("yes" >< p) argv[i++] = "-r"; p = script_get_preference("Source port :"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "-g"; argv[i++] = p; } # We should check the values when running in "safe checks". custom_policy = 0; p = script_get_preference("Host Timeout (ms) :"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--host_timeout"; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } p = script_get_preference("Min RTT Timeout (ms) :"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--min_rtt_timeout"; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } p = script_get_preference("Max RTT Timeout (ms) :"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--max_rtt_timeout"; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } p = script_get_preference("Initial RTT Timeout (ms) :"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--initial_rtt_timeout"; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } min = 1; p = script_get_preference("Ports scanned in parallel (min)"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--min_parallelism"; argv[i++] = p; min = p; custom_policy ++; } p = script_get_preference("Ports scanned in parallel (max)"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--max_parallelism"; if (p < min) p = min; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } p = script_get_preference("Minimum wait between probes (ms)"); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--scan_delay"; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } if (! custom_policy) { p = script_get_preference("Timing policy :"); if ( ! p ) p = "Normal"; if ("Auto" >< p) { rtt = compute_rtt(); if (! isnull(rtt)) { minrtt = rtt[0]; maxrtt = rtt[1]; if (minrtt) { argv[i++] = "--min_rtt_timeout"; argv[i++] = minrtt; } if (maxrtt) { argv[i++] = "--max_rtt_timeout"; argv[i++] = maxrtt; } } # otherwise, use "Normal" timing } else if (p != "Normal") { argv[i++] = "-T"; # Disable aggresive timings in safe checks if (safe && ("Insane">< p || "Aggressive" >< p)) argv[i++] = "Normal"; else argv[i++] = p; } } p = script_get_preference("Data length : "); if (p =~ '^[0-9]+$') { argv[i++] = "--data_length"; argv[i++] = p; custom_policy ++; } argv[i++] = ip; scanner_status(current: 0, total: 65535); res = pread(cmd: "nmap", argv: argv, cd: 1); if (tmpfile) res = fread(tmpfile); # display(argv, "\n", res, "\n\n"); if (! res) exit(0); # error } if (egrep(string: res, pattern: '^# +Ports scanned: +TCP\\(65535;')) full_scan = 1; else full_scan = 0; res = egrep(pattern: "Host: +" + esc_ip + " ", string: res); if (! res) { set_kb_item(name: "Host/ping_failed", value: "yes"); exit(0); } res = ereg_replace(pattern: 'Host: +[0-9.]+ .*[ \t]+Ports: +', string: res, replace: ""); # Fields: # port_nb/state/protocol/owner/port_name/rpc_name/service/ # Example: # Host: () Ports: 111/open/tcp/bin/rpcbind (rpcbind V2)/(rpcbind:100000*2-2)/2 (rpc #100000)/, 111/open/udp//rpcbind (rpcbind V2)/(rpcbind:100000*2-2)/2 (rpc #100000)/, 113/open/tcp/root/ident //Linux-identd/, 119/open/tcp/root/nntp //Leafnode NNTPd 1.9.49.rel/, 123/open/udp//ntp ///, 137/open/udp//netbios-ns //Samba nmbd (host: CASSEROLE workgroup: MAISON)/, 138/open/udp//netbios-dgm ///, 139/open/tcp/root/netbios-ssn //Samba smbd 3.X (workgroup: MAISON)/ Ignored State: closed (194) scanned = 0; udp_scanned = 0; ident_scanned = 0; foreach blob(split(res, sep: ',', keep:0)) { v = eregmatch(string: blob, icase: 1, pattern: "^(Host: .*:)? *([0-9]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/"); if (! isnull(v)) { port = v[2]; status = v[3]; proto = v[4]; owner = v[5]; svc = v[6]; rpc = v[7]; ver = v[8]; # display("port=", port, "\nstatus=", status, "\nproto=", proto, "\nsvc=", svc, "\nowner=", owner, "\nrpc=", rpc, "\nver=", ver, "\n\n"); if ("open" >< status) # nmap 3.70 says "open|filtered" on UDP scanner_add_port(proto: proto, port: port); if (owner) { security_note(port: port, proto: proto, data: "This service is owned by user "+owner); set_kb_item(name: "Ident/"+proto+"/"+port, value: owner); ident_scanned ++; } scanned ++; if (proto == "udp") udp_scanned ++; if (strlen(rpc) > 1) { r = ereg_replace(string: rpc, pattern: "\(([^:]+):.+\)", replace: "\1"); if (! r) r = rpc; security_note(port: port, proto: proto, data: "The RPC service "+r+" is running on this port If you do not use it, disable it, as it is a potential security risk"); } if (ver) { ver = ereg_replace(pattern: "^([0-9-]+) +\((.+)\)$", string: ver, replace: "\2 V\1"); security_note(port: port, proto: proto, data: "Nmap has identified this service as " + ver); set_kb_item(name: 'Nmap/'+proto+'/'+port+'/version', value: ver); if (string !~ "\?$") set_kb_item(name: 'Nmap/'+proto+'/'+port+'/svc', value: svc); # set_kb_item(name: "NmapSvc/"+port, value: svc); } } } v = eregmatch(string: res, pattern: 'OS: (.+)[ \t]+[A-Za-z]+:'); if (! isnull(v)) { security_note(port: 0, data: "Nmap found that this host is running "+v[1]); set_kb_item(name: "Host/OS", value: v[1]); } v = eregmatch(string: res, pattern: 'Seq Index: ([^\t]+)'); if (! isnull(v)) { idx = int(v[1]); if (idx == 9999999) { security_note(port: 0, data: "The TCP initial sequence number of the remote host look truly random. Excellent!"); set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq", value: "random"); } else if (idx == 0) { security_hole(port: 0, data: "The TCP sequence numbers of the remote host are constant ! A cracker may use this flaw to spoof TCP connections easily. Solution : contact your vendor for a patch Risk factor : High"); set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq", value: "constant"); } else if (idx == 1) { security_hole(port: 0, data: "The TCP sequence numbers of the remote host are always incremented by 64000, so they can be guessed rather easily. A cracker may use this flaw to spoof TCP connections easily. Solution : contact your vendor for a patch Risk factor : High"); set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq", value: "64000"); } else if (idx == 10) { security_hole(port: 0, data: "The TCP sequence numbers of the remote host are always incremented by 800, so they can be guessed rather easily. A cracker may use this flaw to spoof TCP connections easily. Solution : contact your vendor for a patch Risk factor : High"); set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq", value: "800"); } else if (idx < 75) { security_hole(port: 0, data: "The TCP sequence numbers of the remote host depends on the time, so they can be guessed rather easily. A cracker may use this flaw to spoof TCP connections easily. Solution : http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms99-046.asp Risk factor : High "); set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq", value: "time"); } else { security_note(port: 0, data: "The TCP initial sequence number of the remote host are incremented by random positive values. Good!"); set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq", value: "random"); } set_kb_item(name: "Host/tcp_seq_idx", value: v[1]); } v = eregmatch(string: res, pattern: 'IPID Seq: ([^\t]+)'); if (! isnull(v)) security_note(port: 0, data: "the IP ID sequence generation is: " + v[1]); if (scanned) { set_kb_item(name: "Host/scanned", value: TRUE); set_kb_item(name: 'Host/scanners/nmap', value: TRUE); } if (udp_scanned) set_kb_item(name: "Host/udp_scanned", value: TRUE); if (full_scan) { if (ident_scanned) set_kb_item(name: "Host/ident_scanned", value: TRUE); set_kb_item(name: "Host/full_scan", value: TRUE); } scanner_status(current: 65535, total: 65535);