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Ignored %d pre-2000.1 not-so-lazy copies. Usage: p4d -jf 3104 starting_change_for_99.2INtfile,INffile,INchange,INefrevINffile,INtfile,INchange,INetrevINtfile/INffile,INffile/INtfile,INchangeUpdated %d integration records affected by bug 3104. WOdfile/LOdfile,WOclient/LOclientDeleted %d extra and synthesized %d missing lock records. authTRdfile,TRtrigger,TRmapflagNo trigger to replace!Usage: p4d -jf 4164INchange=g,INhowINtfile,INetrev=dINtfile/REdfile,INetrev/RErevINffile/REdfile,INefrev/RErevINchange=gCheckIntegWOdfile,WOclientjjj"kj&kj*kj.kjjCheck %s/%s... jnl.fixdb.changeCHkey/DEkeydb.descdb.fixFXjob/JOjobdb.jobdb.haveHAdfile/REdfile,HArev/RErevdb.revdb.integdb.workingWOcfile/HAcfile,WOhrev/HArevWOdfile/REdfile,WOhrev/RErevdb.revcxRXdfile/REdfile,RXrev/RErevdb.locksCHchange,CHstatusdb.changexREdfile/REdfile,RErev/RErevdb.revhxREdfile/REdfiledb.revdxdb.archiveARdfile/REdfile,ARrev/RErevTable %s has %d rows with invalid UTF8. 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   - 2         a@ \   L    0 8 ya  ` L HIatwHIat13DepotSpecData8DepotMgrX k   q       q    / t T o     t b        0 8 ybh`, | HIbtwHIbt14DomainSpecData11DmDomainMgrPreset-Values-l  E!!!!"N"N"" #O###[$##$$cP,,T&&&)y*0 8 yct`X"HIctwHIct12EditSpecData11EditSpecMgr,-@-i-i--,.\.o....GRuser,GRissub,GRmaxr,GRmaxs,GRtimeoutd88/`001y30 8 yd9:`,-HIdtwHIdt13GroupSpecData8GroupMgrJobTouchListeditedcreated$blank$user$nowdayold fh8he\ldtf?,@@ACJMQ0 8 y fhi``jtjHICftwHI:fzHI,ft11JobSpecData7JobDict6JobMgrfppTm4nppyy0 8 yf qq`jDkHIftwHIft15ProtectSpecData10ProtectMgrClient;code:301;rq;ro;len:32;;Update;code:302;type:date;ro;len:20;;Access;code:303;type:date;ro;len:20;;Owner;code:304;len:32;;Host;code:305;len:32;;Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;Root;code:307;rq;type:line;len:64;;AltRoots;code:308;type:text;len:64;;Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:noallwrite/allwrite,noclobber/clobber,nocompress/compress,unlocked/locked,nomodtime/modtime,normdir/rmdir;;LineEnd;code:310;type:select;len:12;val:local/unix/mac/win/share;;View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;Branch;code:301;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;Update;code:302;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;Access;code:303;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;Owner;code:304;fmt:R;len:32;;Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;Options;code:309;type:line;len:32;val:unlocked/locked;;View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;Change;code:201;rq;ro;fmt:L;seq:1;len:10;;Date;code:202;type:date;ro;fmt:R;seq:3;len:20;;Client;code:203;ro;fmt:L;seq:2;len:32;;User;code:204;ro;fmt:L;seq:4;len:32;;Status;code:205;ro;fmt:R;seq:5;len:10;;Description;code:206;type:text;rq;;Jobs;code:209;type:wlist;words:2;len:32;;Files;code:210;type:llist;len:64;;Change;code:201;rq;ro;fmt:L;seq:1;len:10;;Date;code:202;type:date;ro;fmt:R;seq:3;len:20;;Client;code:203;ro;fmt:L;seq:2;len:32;;User;code:204;ro;fmt:L;seq:4;len:32;;Status;code:205;ro;fmt:R;seq:5;len:10;;Description;code:206;type:text;rq;seq:6;;JobStatus;code:207;fmt:I;type:select;seq:8;;Jobs;code:208;type:wlist;seq:7;len:32;;Files;code:210;type:llist;len:64;;Client;code:301;rq;ro;seq:1;len:32;;Update;code:302;type:date;ro;seq:2;fmt:L;len:20;;Access;code:303;type:date;ro;seq:4;fmt:L;len:20;;Owner;code:304;seq:3;fmt:R;len:32;;Host;code:305;seq:5;fmt:R;len:32;;Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;Root;code:307;rq;type:line;len:64;;AltRoots;code:308;type:llist;len:64;;Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:noallwrite/allwrite,noclobber/clobber,nocompress/compress,unlocked/locked,nomodtime/modtime,normdir/rmdir;;LineEnd;code:310;type:select;fmt:L;len:12;val:local/unix/mac/win/share;;View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;Depot;code:251;rq;ro;len:32;;Owner;code:252;len:32;;Date;code:253;type:date;ro;len:20;;Description;code:254;type:text;len:128;;Type;code:255;rq;len:10;;Address;code:256;len:64;;Suffix;code:258;len:64;;Map;code:257;rq;len:64;;Group;code:401;rq;ro;len:32;;MaxResults;code:402;type:word;len:12;;MaxScanRows;code:403;type:word;len:12;;Timeout;code:406;type:word;len:12;;Subgroups;code:404;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;Users;code:405;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;Job;code:101;rq;len:32;;Status;code:102;type:select;rq;len:10;pre:open;val:open/suspended/closed;;User;code:103;rq;len:32;pre:$user;;Date;code:104;type:date;ro;len:20;pre:$now;;Description;code:105;type:text;rq;pre:$blank;;Label;code:301;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;Update;code:302;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;Access;code:303;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;Owner;code:304;fmt:R;len:32;;Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:unlocked/locked;;View;code:311;type:wlist;len:64;;Protections;code:501;type:wlist;words:5;opt:default;len:64;;Fields;code:351;type:wlist;words:5;rq;;Required;code:357;type:wlist;;Readonly;code:358;type:wlist;;Words;code:352;type:wlist;words:2;;Formats;code:353;type:wlist;words:3;;Values;code:354;type:wlist;words:2;;Presets;code:355;type:wlist;words:2;;Comments;code:356;type:text;;Fields;code:351;type:wlist;words:5;rq;;Words;code:352;type:wlist;words:2;;Formats;code:353;type:wlist;words:3;;Values;code:354;type:wlist;words:2;;Presets;code:355;type:wlist;words:2;;Comments;code:356;type:text;;Triggers;code:551;type:wlist;words:4;len:64;opt:default;TypeMap;code:601;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;opt:default;User;code:651;rq;ro;seq:1;len:32;;Email;code:652;fmt:R;rq;seq:3;len:32;;Update;code:653;fmt:L;type:date;ro;seq:2;len:20;;Access;code:654;fmt:L;type:date;ro;len:20;;FullName;code:655;fmt:R;type:line;rq;len:32;;JobView;code:656;type:line;len:64;;Password;code:657;len:32;;Reviews;code:658;type:wlist;len:64;;specwtw 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pos: %s ret: %s %s %s Probe1Probe2Scan1Scan2CompareReturn1Return2Return12Done"@T‚ʂӂ8TLLF F Jȃ؃10DbPipeJoinJ3DPJ%s pos: %s %s get: %s %s ret: %s %s subDirPos: %s %s MapScan %s %s pos: %s -> %s POSITIONFETCHCOMPAREWHICHREFILLEMPTY Kx[<EKSYKS`xp8Pll 4 L l` h  l T<\lHL $ 4PlHIƆHIHHIHHIHHI13DbPipeMapSets14DbPipeMapTrans14DbPipeMapCheck13DbPipeMapScan9DbPipeMap hDX<HI11DbPipeProbehp<DHIt12DbPipeSwitchv\\\ O""z##$$`%&{&& $-7@Iv   matching %c vs %s Expanded to %s ... %d %p to '%.*s' Expand %s ) () %d-> %s %p " %p --- '%s','%s' ---- LHS-WILDLHS-NEXTRHS-WILDRHS-NEXTBOTH-STARLHS-STARRHS-STARMISS -+%d: %c %s %d %d right %d center %d left map joinedmap joinlhsrhs4 h32 JNHICHI6HI$15MapDisambiguate10MapJoiner29MapJoiner6Joinerstrings for map: -> %d: %.*s (%d) List %s %d = '%s' Reusing in use page --- pages in+out+cached getNewPage: page allocation overflow. 8L"LELOLYLcLSTPTdTxTT`VUVM,NNOO$PPxPQJJ      KJHI܍HI̍13BTMainContext12BTAltContext9BTContext 8vvvuuuu0v|yBTCursor::find - Unable to read node BTCursor::find - searching before zero in internal node BTCursor::find - Invalid node in treeProblem searching for a key (slow) Problem searching for a key (second) Problem searching for a key (fast) insert at level - Problem inserting entry into node insert at level - Problem spliting a node insert at level - Problem finding left key insert at level - Problem converting root insert at level - Invalid node in tree insert - Unable to add inorder entry to tree insert - Problem converting root insert - Unable to inorder split insert - Unable to add entry to tree insert - Unable to write overflow data to disk insert - remove for replace failed insert - Inserting into unspecified location retrieve from unpositioned cursor retrievedata from unpositioned cursor remove from unpositioned cursor doing resequence old node %d new node %d parent_loc node %d index_ %d relation_ %d where %d Can't compare using key holder insert - failed split retrieve failure retrievedata failure Invalid node in tree internal node remove failure leaf node not found can not read next node moving past end of tree |YPZHZ@gnu,u\uy(}p~@Ld~(~<~H~T~`~~HIHIJ8BTCursor11BTKeyHolder11BTOFDataTagH0Ђ؂<|HI|11BTSeqCursorUnlocking unlocked file insane page insert - past available space insane page split - past available space Node Page %u with %d entries (%d bytes free): hdr: pgno %ld treeid %ld nextpg %ld flags %lx lower %d upper %d dump entry on unknown node kind leaf page %u in tree has zero entries leaf page %u in tree has corrupt header %2d: index %d flags %x key size %d data size %dinternal page %u in tree has corrupt header internal bad flags %x pg %u item %d internal bad ksize pg %u item %d internal page %u in tree has zero entries Bad index to BTInternalNode::retrieveEntry Trying to replace non-existent entry in BTInternalNode::replaceRef %3d: index %d pgno %u flags %x key size %dCan't rewrite overflow page OverflowInternalLeafFree bad flags %x pg %u item %d chain %lu datasize %lu INVALID FLAGSmerge failure!merge middle insert fail! Hܯ|<P<Н4HJrHIe4HIT414BTInternalNode10BTLeafNode6BTNodeбHI414BTOverflowNodeno swaping page in %u no swaping page out %u retrieve failed!find for find failed!move next failed!retrieve next failed!find for insert failed!delete failed!find for remove failed!move to previous entry on free list failedL@8@4\4, JHIx,HIh,HIX,13BTTreeFreeMgr13BTListFreeMgr15BTAppendFreeMgr9BTFreeMgrGRissub=!  %s... (first end %s) ... %s NONEUNDERREVERSEEQNORMEQREVNORMALOVER؟`\d8&d|&lHI 11DmRemoteLbr(4H<xHI412DmRemotePipe%%yXDNhi_mark set to %d trans buffer size %d Rpc invoking %s Rpc flush %d bytes Rpc dispatch %s --- rpc msgs/size in+out mb+mb <<< Dispatch(%d) %d/%d %d/%d %d >>> Dispatch(%d) %d/%d %d/%d %d dlt#4P!xl(HIzHI 12RpcTransport3RpcRpcRecvBuffer %s = %s RpcSendBuffer %s = %s datajDj jj(hjrjT|jpj`jjjjj1.1.4NetBuffer send compressingNetBuffer recv compressingNetBuffer rcv %d: NetBuffer snd %d: NetBuffer flush#4P!xl(HI\9NetBuffertcpT%%        \ P%`%       (JwHIh12NetTransport11NetEndPointJ9KeepAlivesocketNetStdioTransport send %d bytes NetStdioTransport recv %d bytes +**@88))(:()L&&3& '''l'')HIܥHIȥ17NetStdioTransport16NetStdioEndPointNetTcpEndPoint %s listening bindacceptNetTcpEndpoint accept on %d NetTcpEndpoint connect on %d selectNetTcpTransport lastRead=%d NetTcpTransport %s connected to %s NetTcpTransport send %d bytes NetTcpTransport recv %d bytes NetTcpTransport %s closing %s ;<d=@8899L;::)04131t32T4\5|4<HITHI\15NetTcpTransport14NetTcpEndPointwb%c%d< ,%da%d %d%sd%d %d%s@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s***************%s*** %d,%d ****%s--- %d,%d ----%s! + AAAAAAadd %d chunks %d lines deleted %d chunks %d lines changed %d chunks %d / %d lines UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVUUUUVUUUUUUUUUUUU>VUUUUUUUUUUUUVVUUUUVUUUUU.VUUUU6VU>VUFVsnake %s s %x %d %d %d %d df1df2df3merging %s x %s x %s ALLBASEBASE L1BASE L2L1 L2BASE CONFLICTL1 CONFLICTL2 CONFLICTALL1ALL2BOTHBOTHXCONFDEL1DEL2DELBDELB1DELB2EDIT1EDIT2EDITC1EDITC2INSX1INSX2INSY1INSY2INS12INSX12INSY12INS1INS2INSC1INSC2INSC3INSC4INSC5INSC6 -> .^T^____z______________r______________iiTaTa)a8jZjjjjfdafghgg-hMhnhhhhhhhh hi*ig>iiiyiYicdddbbbbbbbdbbcbbbd       MMMM %s/%s adjustment %+d,%+d,%+d MMMM %d+%d (%d-%d,%d-%d) %d+%d (%d-%d,%d-%d) %d+%d (%d-%d,%d-%d) [%c%c %c%c %c%c] MMMM %s%s%s advancing %+d,%+d,%+d %d->%d %spq.qCq[qqMrbrwrrout of memory! Ȱ|d{yxwTwhvvhvuHI HIHIHIHI԰11DiffwReader11DiffbReader11DifflReader10WordReader10LineReaderJ 9SequencerT~~t}lp}JʱHIlHIlHIl13CharStepEUCJP16CharStepShiftJis12CharStepUTF88CharStep̀HX  J/HI16CharSetUTF8Valid12CharSetValidEnd of input in middle of word!Bad quoting in journal file at line %line%!Bad opcode '%operation%' journal record!Missing version number in journal record!Missing table name in journal record!Missing table version in journal record!Record version not known in journal record!Journal file '%file%' skipped (out of sequence).Journal file '%file%' replay failed at line %line%!Database open error on %table%!Database write error on %table%!Database get error on %table%!Database must be 98.1 through 2006.1 format.dbget: %table% record format mismatch!Database scan error on %table%!dbscan: %table% record format mismatch!Database delete error on %table%!Database locking error on %table%!End xact with %table% still locked!GetDb of %table% without prior get!Locking failure: %table% locked after %table2%!Locking failure: no upgrading %table%'s lock!Request too large for server memory (try later?).Only three ... permitted in '%arg%'.Duplicate wildcards in '%arg%'.Incompatible wildcards '%arg%' <-> '%arg2%'.Excessive combinations of wildcard ... in path and maps.Senseless juxtaposition of wildcards in '%arg%'.Expression parse error at '%line%'.Too many entries for field '%field%'.Value for field '%field%' must be one of %text%.Wrong number of words for field '%field%'.Missing required field '%field%'.Can't find numbered field in spec.Unknown type '%type%' for field '%field%'.Unknown option '%option%' for field '%field%'.No matching end quote in '%value%'.Error detected at line %line%.Server newer than current date.This server is only licensed for %users% use.Can't have platforms for pre-97.2 servers.BTree could not be opened or created!Internal BTree usage is not supported!BTree variation is not supported!Internal BTree system failure!MapCheck rejected too many rows.Word too big for buffer!Octet stream too long!Octet stream size mismatch!Word too big for a number!Journal record replay failed!dbput %table%: no write lock!dbget %table%: no read lock!dbscan %table%: no read lock!dbdel %table%: no write lock!Table %table% not known!Record key exceeds max size!Too many *'s in '%arg%'.Unknown field name '%field%'.Syntax error in '%value%'.License expired.Support expired.License must expire.Invalid checksum string.Error reading license file.License file invalid.BTree is corrupt!Allocation failure in db!%table%/%table2% inconsistencies found.Identifiers too long. Must not be longer than 1024 bytes of UTF-8.Initial dash character not allowed in '%id%'.Non-printable characters not allowed in '%id%'.Revision chars (@, #) not allowed in '%id%'.Slashes (/) not allowed in '%id%'.Null directory (//) not allowed in '%id%'.Relative paths (., ..) not allowed in '%id%'.Wildcards (*, %%%%x, ...) not allowed in '%id%'.Purely numeric name not allowed - '%id%'.Invalid option '%option%' in %field% option field.Invalid changelist number '%change%'.Invalid MaxResult number '%value%'.Invalid MaxScanRow number '%value%'.Invalid Timeout value '%value%'.Invalid revision number '%rev%'.Invalid file type modifier on '%arg%'; see 'p4 help filetypes'.Only one storage modifier +C +D +F or +S allowed on '%arg%'.Disallowed modifier (%option%) on '%arg%'; see 'p4 help filetypes'.Invalid file type '%type%'; see 'p4 help filetypes'.Invalid digest string '%digest%'.A partial file type is not allowed here.Database is at old upgrade level %level%. Use 'p4d -xu' to upgrade to level %level2%.Database is at upgrade level %level% past this server's level %level2%.Database has %value% tables with non-UTF8 text and can't be switched to Unicode mode.%change% is already committed.%change% belongs to client %client%.%change% belongs to user %user%.Too dangerous to touch counter '%counter%'.Depot '%depot%' doesn't exist.Depot '%depot%' unknown - use 'depot' to create it.%type% '%name%' doesn't exist.%type% '%name%' unknown - use '%command%' command to create it.%name% is a %type%, not a %type2%.Can't add client - over license quota.Job '%job%' unknown - use 'job' to create it.You don't have permission for this operation.Access for user '%user%' has not been enabled by 'p4 protect'.Path '%depotFile%' is not under '%prefix%'.Can't create a new user - over license quota.Mapping '%depotFile%' is not under '%prefix%'.User does not have list access for mapped depots.Depot %depot% missing from depot table!Depot and domains table out of sync!Revision table out of sync with index!Can't find %depotFile%'s successor rev!DmtIntegData unknown DBT_OPEN_FLAG!Jobs database must be upgraded with 'p4 jobs -R'!File %depotFile% isn't in revisions table!DmOpenData unhandled DBT_OPEN_FLAG!File %depotFile% changed it's name!Working and locked tables out of sync!%depotFile% is missing from the rev table!%depotFile% is missing from the working table!%depotFile% has muddled resolve from 99.2; revert and retry (sorry).Change description missing. You must enter one.Invalid JobView. Set with 'p4 user'.Can't update committed change %change%.Client, user, and status cannot be changed.Can't include file(s) not already opened. Open new files with p4 add, p4 edit, etc.Depot %depot% isn't empty; clear it with 'p4 obliterate' first.Locked %type% '%name%' owned by '%user%'; use -f to force update.%type% '%name%' is locked and can't be deleted.Client '%client%' has files opened; use -f to force delete.Group '%group%' doesn't exist.Overlay (+) mappings are not allowed in branch views.Branch mapping produced illegal filename.The job name 'job' is reserved.'%field%' field blank. You must provide it.Job has been modified by another user, clear date field to overwrite.%field% is a read-only always field and can't be changed from '%value%'. The job may have been updated while you were editing.Field codes must be between %low%-%hi% for %type% specs.%field% is read-only and can't be changed from '%value%'.%field% can't have a default multi-word value.Builtin field %code% cannot be changed.Can't modify label '%label%' owned by '%user%'.Can't modify locked label '%label%'. Use 'label' to change label options.Label '%label%' has a Revision field and must remain empty.Can't add filenames with wildcards [@#%*] in them. Use -f option to force add.Target file has illegal escape sequence [%xx].Indicator must be 'user' or 'group', not '%value%'.User name can't be changed from '%user%'.You need a 98.2 or newer client to set a password.Passwords can only be set by 'p4 passwd' at this security level.Not user '%user%'; use -f to force delete.You cannot use the default branch view; it is just a sample.The Revision field can only be added to empty labels.Job fix status must be one of %values%.%clientFile% - can't translate to local path -- no client!Can't find %depot% in depot map!Can't map %lbrFile% to archive!Invalid user (P4USER) or client (P4CLIENT) name.Locked client '%client%' can only be used by owner '%user%'.Client '%client%' can only be used from host '%host%'.An empty string is not allowed as a file name.A revision specification (# or @) cannot be used here.A revision range cannot be used here.%arg% - must create client '%client%' to access local files.%path% - must refer to client '%client%'.Invalid changelist/client/label/date '@%arg%'.Unintelligible revision specification '%arg%'.Can't yet do relative operations on '%rev%'.Can't use a pending changelist number for this command.Too many revision specifications (max %max%).Client map too twisted for directory list.%path% - can't delete remote file!%path% - can't checkin remote file!Remote server is too old to support remote access. Install a new server.Remote depot '%depot%' database access failed.Remote depot '%depot%' archive access failed.Remote depot access is not supported between UNIX and NT prior to 99.2.Remote authorization server access failed.Field %field% missing from form.Can't handle ^ (not) operator there.Fields '%field%' and '%field2%' have the same code.Fields '%field%' and '%field2%' have the same tag.Field '%field%' is required or readonly but has no default.Default for '%field%' can't have ;'s in it.License count: %count% clients used of %max% licensed.License count: %count% users used of %max% licensed.Try deleting old clients with 'client -d'.Try deleting old users with 'user -d'.Too many client root alternatives -- only 2 allowed.%change% created[ with %workCount% open file(s)][ fixing %jobCount% job(s)].%change% updated[, adding %workCount% file(s)][, removing %workCount2% file(s)][, adding %jobCount% fix(es)][, removing %jobCount2% fix(es)].%change% has %count% open file(s) associated with it and can't be deleted.%change% has %count% fixes associated with it and can't be deleted.%change% has %count% files associated with it and can't be deleted.%change% on %date% by %user%@%client%%description%%change% on %date% by %user%@%client% *pending*%description%%counterName% = %counterValue%Depot %depotName% not changed.There is already a spec depot called '%depot%'.Map entry '%map%' must have only 1 wildcard which must be a trailing '/...'.%type% %depotName% %updateDate% %location% %map% '%description%'%type% %depotName% %updateDate% %location% %address% %map% '%description%'%change% by %user%@%client% on %date%%description%%change% by %user%@%client% on %date% *pending*%description%%depotFile%%depotRev% %action% ==== %depotFile%%depotRev% (%type%[/%type2%]) ==== ==== %depotFile%%depotRev% - %localPath% ====[ (%type%)]==== %depotFile%%depotRev% - ======= - %depotFile%%depotRev% ======== < none > - %depotFile%%depotRev% ======== %depotFile%%depotRev% (%type%) - %depotFile2%%depotRev2% (%type2%) ==== content==== %depotFile%%depotRev% (%type%) - %depotFile2%%depotRev2% (%type2%) ==== types==== %depotFile%%depotRev% (%type%) - %depotFile2%%depotRev2% (%type2%) ==== identical--- %depotFile% %depotDate% +++ %depotFile2% %depotDate2%%domainType% %domainName% saved.%domainType% %domainName% not changed.%domainType% %domainName% deleted.%domainType% %domainName% %updateDate% root %domainMount% '%description%'%domainType% %domainName% %updateDate% '%description%'%depotRev% %change% %action% on %date%%depotRev% %change% %action% on %date% by %user%@%client% (%type%)%description%%depotFile%%depotRev% - %action% %change% (%type%)%job% fixed by %change% (%status%).Deleted fix %job% by %change%.%job% fixed by %change% on %date% by %user%@%client% (%status%)%job% fixed by %change% on %date% by %user%@%client%%depotFile% - can't %action% (already opened on this client)%depotFile% - can only %action% into file in a local depot%depotFile% - can't %action% exclusive file already opened%depotFile% - can't %action% from %fromFile%%fromRev% without -d or %flag% flag%depotFile% - can't %action% from %fromFile%%fromRev% without -i flag%depotFile% - can't %action% (already opened for %badAction%)%depotFile% - is already opened by client %client%%depotFile% - is already opened by user %user%%depotFile% - can't %action% existing file%depotFile% - can't %action% deleted file%toFile% - must sync before integrating.%depotFile%%workRev% - %action% from %fromFile%%fromRev%%depotFile%%workRev% - %action% from %fromFile%%fromRev% using base %baseFile%%baseRev%%depotFile%%workRev% - %action%/sync from %fromFile%%fromRev%%depotFile%%workRev% - sync/%action% from %fromFile%%fromRev%%depotFile%%workRev% - sync/%action% from %fromFile%%fromRev% using base %baseFile%%baseRev%%depotFile%%workRev% - flag %flag% not handled!%toFile%%toRev% - %how% %fromFile%%fromRev%%job%[ on %date%][ by %user%][ *%status%*][%description%]%depotFile%%haveRev% - deleted%depotFile%%haveRev% - replaced%depotFile%%haveRev% - updated%depotFile% - already locked by %user%@%client%%depotFile% - no permission to lock file%depotFile% - already unlocked%depotFile% - locked by %user%@%client%%depotFile% - can only %action% file in a local depot%depotFile% - can't change from %change% - use 'reopen'%depotFile% - can't change from %type% - use 'reopen'%depotFile%%workRev% - reopened for %action%%depotFile%%workRev% - currently opened for %action%%depotFile%%workRev% - opened for %action%%depotFile% - must sync/resolve %workRev% before submitting%depotFile% - also opened by %user%@%client%%depotFile% - warning: %action% of existing file%depotFile% - warning: %action% of deleted file%depotFile%%workRev% - %action% %change% (%type%)%depotFile%%workRev% - %action% %change% (%type%) by %user%@%client%%depotFile%%workRev% - %action% %change% (%type%) *locked*%depotFile%%workRev% - %action% %change% (%type%) by %user%@%client% *locked*%perm% %isgroup% %user% %ipaddr% %mapFlag%%depotFile%%depotFile%%depotRev% - copy from %lbrFile% %lbrRev%Deleted [%onHave% client ][%onLabel% label ][%onInteg% integration ][%onWorking% opened ][%onRev% revision ]record(s).Would delete [%onHave% client ][%onLabel% label ][%onInteg% integration ][%onWorking% opened ][%onRev% revision ]record(s).%depotFile%%depotRev% - purged%depotFile%%haveRev% - has pending integrations, not reverted%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, abandoned%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, cleared%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, deleted%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, reverted%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, unlocked and abandoned%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, unlocked and cleared%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, unlocked and deleted%depotFile%%haveRev% - was %action%, unlocked and reverted%depotFile%%haveRev% - belongs to user %user%, not reverted%depotFile%%workRev% - reopened[; user %user%][; type %type%][; %change%]%depotFile%%workRev% - nothing changed[; user %user%][; type %type%][; %change%]%localPath% - has been deleted - revert and sync.%localPath% - vs %fromFile%%fromRev%%localPath% - %baseType%/%headType% merge %fromFile%%fromRev%%localPath% - merging %fromFile%%fromRev%%localPath% - merging %fromFile%%fromRev% using base %baseFile%%baseRev%%localPath% - %how% %fromFile%%fromRev%%localPath% - %how% %fromFile%%fromRev% base %baseFile%%baseRev%%change% %user% <%email%> (%fullName%)%depotFile% - opened at head rev %workRev%%depotFile% - %action% of added file; must revert%depotFile% - %action% of deleted file; must revert%depotFile% - must resolve before submitting%action% %depotFile%%depotRev%%depotFile%%depotRev% - refreshing%depotFile%%depotRev% - unchanged, reverted%depotFile%%depotRev% - unchanged, moved to default changelist%toFile% - must resolve %fromFile%%fromRev%%fromFile% - must resolve %fromRev%Use 'p4 submit -c %change%' to submit file(s) in pending %newChange%.%depotFile%%depotRev% - added as %localPath%%depotFile%%haveRev% - deleted as %localPath%%depotFile%%depotRev% - replacing %localPath%%depotFile%%workRev% - is opened for %action% and can't be deleted%depotFile%%workRev% - is opened for %action% and can't be replaced%depotFile%%depotRev% - updating %localPath%%depotFile%%depotRev% - refreshing %localPath%%depotFile%%workRev% - is opened and not being changed%depotFile%%workRev% - is opened for %action% - not changed%depotFile%%workRev% - is opened at a later revision - not changed%depotFile%%haveRev% - is up-to-date%depotFile% - must resolve %revRange% before submitting%depotFile%%depotRev% - %name% cleared%depotFile%%depotRev% - %name% not set%depotFile%%depotRev% - %name% setUser %user% has file(s) open on %value% client(s) and can't be deleted.%user% <%email%> (%fullName%) accessed %accessDate%%depotFile%%depotRev% - %action% %change% (%type%) %digest%[ %status%]%mapFlag%%depotFile% %clientFile% %localPath%[%argc% - no|No] such changelist.[%argc% - no|No] such user(s).[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not in client view.[%argc% - no|No] target file(s) in both client and branch view.[%argc% - no|No] permission for operation on file(s).[%argc% - protected|Protected] namespace - access denied.[%argc% - all|All] revision(s) already integrated in pending changelist.[%argc% - all|All] revision(s) already integrated.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) to diff.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] already have digests.[%argc% - no|No] such file(s).[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not on client.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) integrated.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not in label.[%argc% - label|Label] in sync.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not opened anywhere.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not opened in that changelist.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not opened on this client.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not opened for edit.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] not opened in default changelist.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) resolved.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) to integrate.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) to resolve.[%argc% - file(s)|File(s)] up-to-date.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) above those at that changelist number.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) after that date.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) above those on client.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) above those in label.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) above that revision.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) at that changelist number.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) as of that date.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) at that revision.[%argc% - no|No] file(s) with that action.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) below those at that changelist number.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) before that date.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) below those on client.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) below those in label.[%argc% - no|No] revision(s) below that revision.%depotFile% - warning: %action% of purged file%id% [%prog% ][%host%][%runstate%|T] %user% [%client% ]%elapsed% %function% %args%** process '%id%' record cleared **** process '%id%' marked for termination **** process '%id%' can't terminate, runtime < 10 seconds **Path '%path%' is not under client's root '%root%'.Path '%path%' is not under client '%client%'.Command terminated because client closed connection.Request too large (over %maxResults%); see 'p4 help maxresults'.Too many rows scanned (over %maxScanRows%); see 'p4 help maxscanrows'.Invalid %type% '%arg%'.Empty identifier not allowed.%key% description missing!%change% unknown.No such counter '%counter%'.Job '%job%' doesn't exist.No such fix.Can't find %change%!Job template unusable!Presets in jobspec unusable!Missing job name field!Unknown spec type %type%.RelateMap has empty maps!%reason%.%key% spec template unusable!%change% deleted.Depot %depotName% saved.Depot %depotName% deleted.%depotFile%%how% %fromFile%%fromRev%%job% fixed by %change%.Group %group% created.Group %group% not created.Group %group% deleted.Group %group% not updated.Group %group% updated.%group%%depotFile%%haveRev% - %lp%Job %job% saved.Job %job% not changed.Job %job% deleted.%depotFile%%haveRev% - added%depotFile% - locking%depotFile% - already locked%depotFile% - unlocking%sequence% %key% %attribute%Protections saved.Protections not changed.No records to delete.%user% <%email%> (%fullname%)Spec %type% saved.Spec %type% not changed.Spec %type% deleted.Spec %type% not defined.Triggers saved.Triggers not changed.User %user% saved.User %user% not changed.User %user% doesn't exist.User %user% deleted.Unsupported librarian file type %lbrType%!Old revision %lbrRev% of tempobj %lbrFile% purged; try using head revision.RCS checkin %file%#%rev% failed!RCS can't commit changes to %file%!RCS editLineNumber past currLineNumber!RCS editLineCount bogus in RcsPieceDelete!RCS checkin author/state empty!RCS expected %token%, got %token2%!RCS expected optional revision!RCS loop in revision tree at %name%!RCS can't make directory for %file%!RCS no branch to revision %rev%!RCS expected revision %rev% missing!RCS non-existant revision %rev% to delete!RCS parse error at line %line%!RCS log without matching revision!Result RCS file '%file%' is too big; change type to compressed text.RCS no revision after %name%!RCS checkout %file% failed!RCS diff %file% failed!RCS editLine '%line%' bogus!RCS EOF in @ block!RCS expected desc!RCS expected EOF!RCS expected ;!RCS lock on %file% failed!RCS delta mangled: %text%!RCS no such branch %branch%!RCS no such revision %rev%!RCS token too big!Partner exited unexpectedly.Listen %address% failed.TCP connection accept failed.TCP connect to %host% failed.%host%: host unknown.TCP receive failed.TCP send failed.%service%: service unknown.Rpc buffer too big to send!Required positional parameter missing.RpcTransport: partner is not a Perforce client/server.Operation '%operation%' failed.RpcTransport: partial message readCan't connect an existing connection!Can't make outbound connection via stdio!TCP listen on %service% failed.Internal function '%function%' unregistered!Connection attempt on unopened rpc!TCP receive interrupted by client.Librarian checkout %lbrFile% failed.Librarian diff %lbrFile% failed.Librarian digest %lbrFile% failed.Librarian filesize %lbrFile% failed.Librarian checkin %lbrFile% failed.Root directory (set with $P4ROOT or -r flag) invalid.Licensing error -- invalid server IP address.%depotFile% missing integration record!%depotFile% - can't %action% file!Must specify checkpoint/journal files.Unknown journaling flag. Try 'c', 'd', 'j' or 'r'.Unknown -x operation. Try 'f', 'i', 'u', 'v', or 'x'.You need a 98.2 or newer client to access as a password-protected user.Perforce password (P4PASSWD) invalid or unset.Password must be set before access can be granted.The security level of this server requires the password to be reset.Password not allowed at this server security level, use 'p4 login'.Unicode server permits only unicode enabled clients.Unicode clients require a unicode enabled server.Unknown command. Try 'p4 help' for info.Illegal command usage. Try 'p4 help' for info.Connection from %peerAddress% broken.Client side operation(s) failed. Command aborted.Client doesn't have necessary support for diff -s.Must upgrade to 98.2 p4win to access jobs.Must upgrade past 97.3 p4win for this operation.'jobs -s %status%' no longer supported; use 'jobs -e status=%status%.Can't add (-a) and delete (-d) at the same time.Only 99.1 or later clients support 'p4 passwd'.Only 2003.2 or later clients support 'p4 passwd' at this server security level.This operation is not permitted at this server security level.Your session has expired, please login again.'login' not necessary, no password set for this user.User %user% ticket expires in %hours% hours %minutes% minutes.User %user% was authenticated by password not ticket.Your session was logged out, please login again.Only 2003.2 or later clients support 'p4 login' at this server security level.Only 2004.2 or later clients support 'p4 login' for external authentication.Command unavailable: external authentication '%triggerType%' trigger not found.Cannot change password for another user with external authentication.Password should be at least 8 characters in length.Password should be mixed case or contain non alphabetic characters.Your client doesn't support the -as flag.Your client doesn't support the -v flag.Submit failed -- fix problems above then use 'p4 submit -c %change%'.Merges still pending -- use 'resolve' to merge files.Out of date files must be resolved or reverted.'%trigger%' validation failed: %result%Submit validation failed -- fix problems then use 'p4 submit -c %change%'.Submit aborted -- fix problems then use 'p4 submit -c %change%'.No files to submit from the default changelist.Some file(s) could not be transferred from client.Files newly opened or reverted during submission.Wildcard ... not allowed by 'p4 dirs'. Use * instead.See 'p4 help rename' for instructions on renaming files.This was report mode. Use -y to remove files.Warning: could not undo lazy copy link '%target%' -> '%source%Unlicensed server cannot start while over user/client quota.Perforce Server starting %date% pid %pid% %ver%[ %mode% mode].Perforce Server shutdown %date% pid %pid%.Perforce db files in '%root%' will be created if missing...Counter %counterName% deleted.File argument(s) require filepath(s), see 'p4 help diff2'.Client name: %client% (illegal)Server date: %serverDate% %serverTimeZone%Server version: %id% (%idDate%)Proxy version: %id% (%idDate%)Authorization server: %authServer%Specification not corrected -- giving up.Error in %domain% specification.Warning: couldn't archive to spec depot (%lbrFile%)Locking %unlockedCount% files ...%change% renamed %newChange% and submitted.Monitor not currently enabled.Invalid session identifier: %id%Usage: admin { checkpoint | journal | stop }Usage: admin checkpoint [ -z ] [ arg ] Usage: admin journal [ -z ] [ arg ] Usage: annotate [ -aciq -d ] files...Usage: branch [ -d -f -i -o ] branchnameUsage: branch -d [ -f ] branchnameUsage: change [ -d -f -i -o -s ] [ changelist# ]Usage: change -o [ -s ] [ changelist# ]Usage: change -d [ -f ] changelist#Usage: changes [-i -t -l -L -c client -m count -s status -u user] [files...]Usage: client [ -d -f -i -o -t template ] [ clientname ]Usage: client -o [ -t template ] clientnameUsage: client -d [ -f ] clientnameUsage: counter [ -df ] counter_name [ value ]Usage: depot [ -d -i -o ] depotnameUsage: describe [-d -s] [changelist#...]Usage: diff [ -d -f -m max -sd -se -sr -t ] [files...]Usage: diff2 [ -d -q -t ] [ -b branchName ] file file2Usage: diff2 [ -d -q -t ] -b branchName [ [ file ] file2 ]Usage: diff2 [ -d -q -t ] file file2Usage: dirs [-C -D -H] dirs...Usage: branches/clients/labels [ -m max ]Usage: filelog [ -i -l -L -t -m maxRevs ] files...Usage: files/print [-o localFile -q] files...Usage: fix [ -d ] [ -s status ] -c changelist# jobName ...Usage: fixes [ -i -m max -c changelist# -j jobName ] [files...] Usage: fstat [ -m max ] [ -c | -e changelist# ] [ -Ox -Rx ] file[rev]...Usage: group [ -d -i -o ] groupnameUsage: groups [ -m max ] [ [ -i ] user | group ]Usage: index [ -a attrib ] [ -d ] nameUsage: integrate [ -c changelist# -d -D -f -h -i -o -n -r -s from -t -v ] [ -b branch to... | from to ]Usage: integrate [ -c changelist# -d -D -f -h -i -o -n -r -s from -t -v ] -b branch [ to... ] Usage: integrated [ -r ] [ -b branch ] [ files... ]Usage: interchanges -f -l -r [ -b branch to... | from to ]Usage: interchanges -f -l -r [ -b branch to... ]Usage: job [ -d -f -i -o ] [ jobName ]Usage: jobs [-e query -i -l -m count -r] [files...]Usage: label [ -d -f -i -o -t template ] labelnameUsage: label -o [ -t template ] labelnameUsage: label -d [ -f ] labelnameUsage: labelsync [-a -d -n] -l label [files...]Usage: lock [-c changelist#] [files...]Usage: login [ -a -p ] [ -s ] [ username ]Usage: logger [ -c sequence# ] [ -t counter_name ]Usage: monitor { show | terminate | clear }Usage: monitor terminate [arg]Usage: monitor show [ -a -l -e ]Usage: add/edit/delete [-c changelist#] [ -f -n ] [-t type] files...Usage: opened [ -a -c changelist# -C client -m max ] [ files... ]Usage: passwd [ -O oldPasswd -P newPasswd ] [ username ]Usage: protects [ -a | -u user ] [ file ... ]Usage: obliterate [-y -z] files...Usage: revert [ -a -n -k -c changelist# ] files...Usage: reopen [-c changelist#] [-t type] files...Usage: resolve [ -af -am -as -at -ay -f -n -o -t -v ] [ files... ]Usage: resolved [ -o ] [files...]Usage: review [ -c start_changelist# ] [ -t counter_name ]Usage: reviews [ -c changelist# ] [ files... ]Usage: submit [ -i -s -r ] [ -c changelist# ] [file] Usage: submit [ -r ] -c changelist#Usage: sync [-f -n -k] [files...]Usage: tag [-d -n] -l label files...Usage: attribute [-e -f] -n name [-v value] files...Usage: unlock [ -f ] [-c changelist#] [files...]Usage: user [ -f -d -i -o ] [ username ]Usage: user -d [ -f ] usernameUsage: verify [ -m maxRevs -q -u -v ] files...Usage: changes [-i -l -c client -m count -s pending -u user]Server is too old for use with ProxyProxy servers may not be chained togetherFile %path% delivered from proxy serverProxy Cache directory (set with $P4PCACHE or -r flag) invalid.Proxy Does not support cacheing remote server access.Proxy could not update its cache. File is %file%User 'remote' is not allowed direct access to commands.Must upgrade to 2004.2 p4 to access tickets.Command terminated by 'p4 monitor stop'.Librarian merge failed.%toFile% got unresolved!Must specify dump file.%file%: metadata dump failedOperation: %command%Date %date%:Handshake failed.Usage: %usage%%ticket%User %user% logged in.User %user% logged out.Password invalid.Passwords don't match.File(s) couldn't be locked.No files to submit.%command% %text%Counter %counterName% set.%counterValue%Jobs fixed ... Affected files ... Differences ...(... files differ ...)%value% words added/deleted.User name: %user%User name: %user% (illegal)Client name: %client%Client host: %host%Current directory: %dirName%Client address: %clientAddr%Server address: %serverAddr%Server root: %serverRoot%Server license: %license%Client unknown.Client root: %root%Password updated.Password deleted.Password not changed.%change% submitted.Submitting change %change%.%toFile% - %how% %fromFile%%toFile% - resolve skipped.%job% ...%word%%status% %path%%lower%: %data%%lower%-%upper%: %data%Usage: branch -o branchnameUsage: branch -iUsage: change -i [ -f -s ]Usage: client -i [ -f ]Usage: countersUsage: depot -o depotnameUsage: depot -d depotnameUsage: depot -iUsage: depotsUsage: group -o groupnameUsage: group -d usernameUsage: group -iUsage: have [files...]Usage: help [command ...]Usage: infoUsage: job -o [ jobName ]Usage: job -d jobNameUsage: job -i [ -f ]Usage: jobspec [ -i -o ]Usage: label -i [ -f ]Usage: logout [ -a ]Usage: p4d -h for usage.Usage: monitor clear [arg]Usage: protect [ -i -o ]Usage: search words ...Usage: spec [ -d -i -o ] typeUsage: triggers [ -i -o ]Usage: typemap [ -i -o ]Usage: user -o usernameUsage: user -i [ -f ]Usage: users [ -m max ]Usage: where [files...]Usage: p4p -h for usage.No Translation for parameter '%arg%' value '%value%'!Option: -%option% needs argument.Missing/wrong number of arguments.Required parameter '%arg%' not set!Warning: environment variable hides registry definition of %name%.Can't save in config if P4CONFIG not set.Partial character in translationTranslation of file content failed near line %arg%Bad parameters passed to mangler!Don't know how to translate paths for OS '%arg%'!Invalid date '%date%'.Too many options on command!Invalid option: -%option%.Unexpected arguments.Usage: %text%Can't set registry on UNIX.Deflate failed!DeflateEnd failed!DeflateInit failed!Inflate failed!InflateInit failed!Gzip magic header wrong!No help for %command%. Perforce -- the Fast Software Configuration Management System. p4 is Perforce's client tool for the command line. Try: p4 help simple list most common commands p4 help commands list all commands p4 help command help on a specific command p4 help charset help on character set translation p4 help environment list environment and registry variables p4 help filetypes list supported file types p4 help jobview help on jobview syntax p4 help revisions help on specifying file revisions p4 help usage generic command line arguments p4 help views help on view syntax The full user manual is available at http://www.perforce.com/manual. Server %release_id%/%patch_id%. Perforce client usage: p4 [ options ] command [ arg ... ] p4 -V options: -c client -C charset -d dir -H host -G -L language -p port -P pass -s -Q charset -u user -x file The -c flag specifies the client name, overriding the value of $P4CLIENT in the environment and the default (the hostname). The -C flag specifies the client's character set, overriding the value of $P4CHARSET in the environment. See 'p4 help charset' for more information. The -d flag specifies the current directory, overriding the value of $PWD in the environment and the default (the current directory). The -G flag causes all output (and batch input for form commands with -i) to be formatted as marshalled Python dictionary objects. The -H flag specifies the host name, overriding the value of $P4HOST in the environment and the default (the hostname). The -L flag specifies the language for text messages from the server, overriding the value of $P4LANGUAGE in the environment. Setting this only works if the administrator has loaded support for non-English messages into the server database. The -p flag specifies the server's listen address, overriding the value of $P4PORT in the environment and the default (perforce:1666). The -P flag specifies the password, overriding the value of $P4PASSWD in the environment. The -Q flag specifies the client's command character set, overriding the value of $P4COMMANDCHARSET in the environment. See 'p4 help charset' for more information. The -s flag causes the p4 client program to prefix each line of output with a tag (error, warning, info, text, exit) so as to make it amenable to scripting. The -u flag specifies the user name, overriding the value of $P4USER, $USER, and $USERNAME in the environment. The -x flag instructs p4 to read arguments, one per line, from the named file. If the file is named '-', then standard input is read. The -V flag displays the version of the p4 client command and exits. Most common Perforce client commands: client Create or edit a client specification and its view sync Synchronize the client with its view of the depot add Open a new file to add it to the depot edit Open an existing file for edit delete Open an existing file to delete it from the depot resolve Merge open files with other revisions or files revert Discard changes from an opened file submit Submit open files to the depot Perforce client commands: add Open a new file to add it to the depot admin Perform administrative operations on the server annotate Print file lines along with their revisions branch Create or edit a branch specification branches Display list of branches change Create or edit a changelist description changes Display list of pending and submitted changelists changelist Create or edit a changelist description changelists Display list of pending and submitted changelists client Create or edit a client specification and its view clients Display list of known clients counter Display, set, or delete a counter counters Display list of known counters delete Open an existing file to delete it from the depot depot Create or edit a depot specification depots Display list of depots describe Display a changelist description diff Display diff of client file with depot file diff2 Display diff of two depot files dirs List subdirectories of a given depot directory edit Open an existing file for edit filelog List revision history of files files List files in the depot fix Mark jobs as being fixed by named changelists fixes List what changelists fix what job flush Fake a 'p4 sync' by not moving files fstat Dump file info group Change members of a user group groups List groups (of users) have List revisions last synced help Print this help message info Print out client/server information integrate Schedule integration from one file to another integrated Show integrations that have been submitted job Create or edit a job (defect) specification jobs Display list of jobs jobspec Edit the job template label Create or edit a label specification and its view labels Display list of labels labelsync Synchronize label with the current client contents lock Lock an opened file against changelist submission logger Report what jobs and changelists have changed login Login to Perforce by obtaining a session ticket logout Logout of Perforce by removing or invalidating a ticket. monitor Display current running perforce process information obliterate Remove files and their history from the depot opened Display list of files opened for pending changelist passwd Set the user's password on the server (and Windows client) print Retrieve a depot file to the standard output protect Modify protections in the server namespace protects Display protections in place for a given user/path rename Explains how to rename files reopen Change the type or changelist number of an opened file resolve Merge open files with other revisions or files resolved Show files that have been merged but not submitted revert Discard changes from an opened file review List and track changelists (for the review daemon) reviews Show what users are subscribed to review files set Set variables in the registry (Windows only) submit Submit open files to the depot sync Synchronize the client with its view of the depot tag Tag files with a label tickets Display list of session tickets for this user triggers Modify list of pre-submit and form-validating triggers typemap Modify the file name-to-type mapping table unlock Release a locked file but leave it open user Create or edit a user specification users Display list of known users verify Verify that the server archives are intact workspace Create or edit a client specification and its view workspaces Display list of known clients where Show how file names map through the client view Unsupported or obsolete Perforce commands and options: p4 attribute [ -e -f -p ] -n name [ -v value ] files... Sets a user-managed attribute 'name' to 'value' on opened files. If -v isn't given the attribute is cleared (if set). The -e flag indicates the 'value' is in hex. The -f flag sets the attribute on submitted files. The -p flag creates an attribute whose value will be propagated when the file is opened with 'p4 add', 'p4 edit', or 'p4 delete'. Attributes can only be viewed with 'p4 fstat'. p4 diff/diff2/describe -dh The -dh compares files on a word by word basis (using whitespace as a separator rather than just newline), and marks differences with HTML tags to switch the font to red or blue for words only in the first or second file, respectively. p4 get Obsolete command: equivalent to 'p4 sync'. p4 fstat [ -Oaedhi ] [ -A pattern ] The -Oa flag shows attributes set by 'p4 attribute'. The -Oe flag encodes the attribute values as hex. The -Od flag outputs the digest of the attribute. The -Oh flag outputs the attributes of the synced revision rather than the head revision. The -Oi flag outputs extra (debugging) information about the attributes. The -A pattern flag restricts attributes to those matching 'pattern'. p4 help credits Lists server contributors. p4 index [ -a attrib ] [ -d ] name Index is a hook into the search engine used by 'p4 jobs -e expr'. It reads its standard input for text, breaks the text into words, and adds those words into the search engine's index with the key 'name' and the optional attribute 'attrib'. (Job fields are entered with the name of the job as the name and the field name as the attribute.) The -d option deletes entries from the index. p4 interchanges [ -f -l ] fromFile[revRange] toFile p4 interchanges [ -f -l -r ] -b branch [ toFile[revRange] ... ] p4 interchanges [ -f -l ] -b branch -s fromFile[revRange] [ toFile ... ] This command reports which changes have not yet been integrated from a set of source files to a set of target files. The -f option will show the individual files that would require integration. Note that for partially integrated changes, files may be listed even if they have already been integrated individually. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the changelist descriptions. A branch view may be given directly on the command line by stating the source (from) and target (to) files, or indirectly by naming a stored branch view with -b branch. A stored branch view may have many mappings, while a view on the command line can only have one. If a stored branch view is given, the target files and source files and revisions may be further limited on the command. The -r flag reverses the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place. The -b branch flag is required. The -s fromFile[revRange] flag causes the branch view to work bidirectionally, where the scope of the command is limited to integrations whose 'from' files match fromFile[revRange]. If any toFiles are given, the scope is further limited to integrations whose 'to' files match them. When the -s fromFile[revRange] flag is used, -r is ignored, as are any revisions on toFile. [The -s flag is not meant for end users. It exists to support graphical client programs.] p4 integrate -1 -I The flag '-1' can be supplied to the 'p4 integrate' command to force consideration of direct integration history only. The -I flag used to turn on indirect integration, but that is now default and only implies -i now. p4 jobspec presets Preset values for job non-optional fields undergo variable expansion in addition to the simple $now, $blank, and $user substitution. The variables supported include: %%old%% (previous contents of field), %%action%% (what caused the update of the form), %%n%% (a newline), %%date%% (date and time), %%day%% (date only), and %%user%%. p4 label Revision: field Automatic labels are supported through a Revision: field in the label spec. This can be turned on by adding the line '312 Revision word 32 optional' to the Fields: entry in 'p4 spec label'. Once a Revision: field is available, the 'p4 label' command help becomes: A label is a shorthand for referring to a collection of revisions. See 'p4 help revisions' for information on using labels. A label is either automatic or static. An automatic label refers to the revisions given in the View: and Revision: fields. A static label refers to the revisions associated with the label by the 'p4 tag' or 'p4 labelsync' commands. A static label cannot have a Revision: field. p4 merge3 [ -db -dw -r -t -v ] base leg1 leg2 Performs a 3-way merge of the named files and writes the results on standard output. This is the only command besides 'p4 set' that is implemented on the client, and thus the file names are strictly local. The intent of merge3 is to drive graphical merge tools. -db, -dw, -t, and -v are the same as in 'p4 resolve'. -r changes the output from a special one to one more like 'p4 resolve'. p4 refresh files... Obsolete command: equivalent to 'p4 sync -f #have'. p4 reresolve Obsolete command: superceded by 'p4 resolve -f'. p4 search words Search is a hook into the search engine used by 'p4 jobs -e expr'. It searches the index for the given words and dumps out any keys with those words as values. p4 spec [ -d -i -o ] type Spec edits any of the spec definitions: branch, change, client, depot, group, job, label, spec, trigger, typemap, user. Very little can be changed: only the comments and the formatting hints. Adding fields is possible, but there is no storage to hold them, and so their contents disappear when saved. 'p4 jobspec' is equivalent to 'p4 spec job', and any custom spec (include the job spec) can be deleted with 'p4 spec -d type'. p4 submit -R The flag -R changes the behaviour of submit so that it only submits files that have content or type changes. Files that have not changed are reverted, unless the -r option is used, in which case they are moved to the default changelist. p4 trigger 'form-commit' The trigger type 'form-commit' operates on the form after it has been committed, allowing access to automatically generated fields such as job name, modification dates, etc. It cannot modify the form. The 'form-commit' trigger for job forms is run by 'p4 job' as well as by 'p4 fix' (after the status is updated), 'p4 change' (if the job is added or deleted) and 'p4 submit' (if the job is associated with the change). The 'form-commit' trigger has access to the new job name created with 'p4 job', while the 'form-in' and 'form-save' triggers are run before the job name is created. The special variable %%action%% is available for expansion on the job 'form-commit' trigger command line. p4 where -T The flag '-T' causes the where command to output text in the same 'tagged' format as that generated by 'p4 fstat'. Relative revisions @<, @<=, @>, @>=, @= and #<, #<=, #>, #>=, #= Anywhere a revision range can be given, the revisions can be modified with relative operators. Relative operators on #head (other than = and <=) aren't yet allowed. Further, up to 4 revision specifications (separated by ,s) are allow: the implied operator on the first is >=; thereafter <=. Note that you will need to quote < and > for the command line shell. See 'p4 help revisions' for a description of revision specifications. Revision actions #add, #edit, #delete, #branch, #integrate, #import Anywhere a revision can be given, it can be given as #action to select all those revisions with that action. It isn't relative, however: #action cannot be used effectively in a revision range. Note that for many commands, when multiple revisions of the same file are selected, the highest revision is used. FileType modifier +T The +T modifier stores the revisions in the server in a database file called tiny.db, which can be useful for lots of very small files. There is currently no special support for backing up or recovering this file. The types ttext and tbinary are equivalent to text+T and binary+T. Jobspec format The 'p4 jobspec' form can have an additional field 'Formats:' to suggest to p4win the form formatting. Each row of the Format field consists of a three words: field, order, and format. The order is an integer (starting at 1) indicating the display order; the display order is undefined without this. The format is: normal, L, R, or I; for full line, left half, right half, indented. If a right field follows a left, they go on the same line. Protections =read, =branch, =open, =write In addition to the normal protection levels (list, read, write, open, super, and review) there are four protection rights available in the 'p4 protect' table. Unlike the levels, these '=rights' only include the specific right and not all the lesser rights. This makes it possible to deny individual rights without having to then re-grant lesser rights. Additionally, there is a new right =branch (normally included by level 'read' and above) that permits the files to be used as the source for 'p4 integrate'. You can prevent files from being branched by denying the =branch right. JobStatus field on 'p4 change', 'p4 submit' 'p4 change' and 'p4 submit' forms have a 'JobStatus' field not normally displayed. This field sets the fix status for all jobs, rather than using the default 'closed'. The fix status can be set per-job with undoc 'p4 change -s' and 'p4 submit -s' (q.v.). p4 -zmaxResults=n command Overrides the user's maxResults for the command. p4 -zmaxScanRows=n command Overrides the user's maxScanRows for the command. p4 -ztag command Causes output of many reporting commands to be in the same 'tagged' format as that generated by 'p4 fstat'. p4 -R causes all output (and batch input for form commands with -i) to be formatted as marshalled Ruby hash objects. p4d -Cn Forces the server to operate in case-sensitive (n=0) on Windows or case-insensitive (n=1) mode on Unix. -Cn2 is an experimental 'hybrid' order: case folding but uniqueness preserving. Changing modes will corrupt anything other than an empty database. p4d -jds dumpfile Dumps the server metadata to the given file like p4d -jd but may be faster as the database tables are read in file system order rather than data order. This may be useful for faster backup and for recovery should the btree index structure become corrupt. Such dumps when restored do not compact the btrees as well as regular checkpoints and such restores take longer to complete. p4d -xf bugno Updates the server data to fix problems due to bugno. Current values of bugno are: 925 (working and locks table out of sync); 3104 (early 99.2 resolve bug); and 4164 (early 2000.1 submit bug); 18362 (2005.2 replace 'check' trigger command). p4d -xx [ table1 [ table2 ] ] Performs a consistency check between table pairs, producing a file jnl.fix with '@dv@' and '@pv@' records which, when read in with p4d -jr, would eliminate the inconsistencies. If table names are given, only those are checked. The jnl.fix file should be checked for accuracy before attempting any updates. p4d -xv Does a low-level db verify. p4d -xr Does a low-level db verify and repair. Use only as a last resort if checkpoint and journal are not available. p4d -f -jr files... The -f flag to -jr causes it to ignore failures to delete records (due to corrupted tables or using the wrong journal). Normally, p4d -jr bails if it can't delete a record as indicated by the journal. p4d -b bunchLen -jr files... The -b bunchLen causes the server to read bunchLen journal records at a time, sorting them and removing duplicates before updating the database. The default is 5000, and it can be set to 1 to force serial processing as with before release 2005.1. p4d -m rcsfiles... Dumps RCS metadata from files, in a format suitable for the CVS to Perforce conversion script. p4p -k ... Start the Perforce Proxy without cache timestamp checking The Perforce Proxy normally uses a timestamp on cached revisions to check that the right revision is delivered if an obliterate deletes a revision which is then replaced with an identical revision numbered revision. Using this option will cause problems if head revisions are obliterated. However, the proxies cache can be pre-loaded by copying the servers librarian files if this flag is given to start the proxy. p4p -w ... Start the Perforce Proxy with a read-only cache. This flag starts the proxy where it will never update its cache. This might be useful if the cache is updated through other ways such as a WAN NFS or other system level remote filesystem method. P4AUTH=central-server-address P4AUTH directs the server to refer to a central Perforce server for user authentication, so as to share user, group, protection, and licensing information. The outer server will use the central server's data for licensing (counting) and authenticating users; it will append the central server's protection table to its own (given the central server's protections precedence); and it will forward wholesale the commands 'p4 group', 'p4 groups', 'p4 passwd', 'p4 user', 'p4 users', 'p4 login' and 'p4 logout' to the central server for processing. P4AUTH is set in the outer server's environment to the address of the central server. It may also be passed to the outer server with the -a flag. Both servers must be 2002.2 or greater. There are a number of limitations: setting P4AUTH immediately masks any local user/group information (unsetting it unmasks it); 'p4 review' and 'p4 reviews' do not yet properly access the central server's user/review data; and protections carried out in the central server based on the client IP address for forwarded commands must be granted using the IP address prefixed by the string 'proxy-' to distinguish them from trusted, non-forwarded clients. Protections for non-forwarded commands are enforced by the outer server and use the plain client IP address, even if they come from the central server. P4LOG=syslog Uses syslog instead of the named error log file for server error logging. Must be set in server's environment. P4DEBUG=server=1 Logs to P4LOG server commands. server=2 logs command completion. Must be set in server's environment. Environment variables used by Perforce: Variable Defines For more information see -------- ------- ------------------------ P4AUDIT name of server audit file p4d -h P4CHARSET client's local character set p4 help charset P4COMMANDCHARSET client's local character set for command line operations p4 help charset P4CLIENT name of client workspace p4 help client p4 help usage P4CONFIG name of configuration file Command Reference Manual P4DIFF diff program to use on client p4 help diff P4DIFFUNICODE diff program to use on client p4 help diff P4EDITOR editor invoked by p4 commands p4 help change, etc P4HOST name of host computer p4 help client p4 help usage P4JOURNAL name of server journal file p4d -h P4LANGUAGE language for text messages p4 help usage P4LOG name of server log file p4d -h P4MERGE merge program to use on client p4 help resolve P4MERGEUNICODE merge program to use on client p4 help resolve P4PAGER pager for 'p4 resolve' output p4 help resolve P4PASSWD user password passwd to server p4 help passwd P4PORT port client connects to p4 help info or server listens on p4d -h P4ROOT server root directory p4d -h P4USER user name p4 help usage PWD current working directory p4 help usage TMP, TEMP directory for temporary files Command Reference Manual See 'p4 help set' for details specific to Windows. The syntax for setting an environment variable depends on the OS/shell. Note that many shells allow the setting of shell variables separate from environment variables - Perforce cannot see the shell variable, only the environment variable. If you are a typical user then the only variables of interest are $P4CLIENT, $P4PORT and $P4PASSWD. File types supported by Perforce: Perforce understands a variety of files, indicated by a file's filetype, which determines how the file is handled on both the client and the server. A filetype can be given either alone as 'type' or with specific modifiers 'type+mods'. A partial filetype, used to modify other filetypes, is just the modifiers '+mods'. The following are the base filetypes: Type Client Use Server Storage ---- ---------- -------------- text newlines translated deltas in RCS format binary raw bytes compressed binary symlink symbolic link deltas in RCS format apple Mac resource + data compressed AppleSingle resource Mac resource fork compressed binary unicode newlines translated deltas in RCS format stored as UTF-8 The following are the modifiers: Modifier Meaning -------- ------- +m always set modtime on client (overrides client's nomodtime) +w always writable on client +x exec bit set on client +k $Keyword$ expansion of Id, Header, Author Date, DateTime, Change, File, Revision +ko $Keyword$ expansion of Id, Header only +l exclusive open: disallow multiple opens +C server stores compressed file per revision +D server stores deltas in RCS format +F server stores full file per revision +S server stores only single head revision The following type aliases exist for backwards compatibility: Type Is Base Type Plus Modifiers -------- ------------ -------------- ctext text +C cxtext text +Cx ktext text +k kxtext text +kx ltext text +F tempobj binary +Sw ubinary binary +F uresource resource +F uxbinary binary +Fx xbinary binary +x xltext text +Fx xtempobj binary +Swx xtext text +x xunicode unicode +x 'p4 add', 'p4 edit', and 'p4 reopen' can take a '-t filetype' to specify the filetype. Without -t 'p4 add' also looks for a filetype using the name-to-type mapping table managed by 'p4 typemap'. For a default 'p4 edit' and 'p4 reopen' reuse the current file filetype, and 'p4 add' senses the filetype by examining the file's contents and execute permission bits. If a filetype is given as a partial filetype, with '+mods' only, then that filetype is combined with, rather than replaces, the default. Most modifiers are simply added to the default type, but the storage modifiers +C, +D, and +F replace the storage method. It is not possible to remove a modifier with a partial filetype, for example to remove +x if the file was sensed to be executable. For that, the whole filetype must be given. Perforce job views: A job view is an expression that selects jobs according to word and date matches. Job views are used by the 'p4 jobs' -e flag to select which jobs to display. Also, the 'p4 user' form contains a JobView field which selects which jobs are to be presented during changelist creation for automatic closing upon changelist submission. 'p4 job' indexes all whitespace-separated words, and then any punctuation-separated words within those words. So 'sub-par' is entered into the index as 'sub', 'par', and 'sub-par'. Case is not considered. 'p4 job' separately indexes all date fields in a way that allows searching for a range of dates. In its simplest form, a job view can contain a list of words, separated by spaces, that must appear in a job for it to be selected. For a match to occur all words must appear somewhere in the job, not including date fields: JobView: GUI redrawing bug p4 jobs -e 'GUI redrawing bug' To select a particular field, the 'field=word' syntax may be used: JobView: GUI redrawing status=open Logical operators & (and), | (or), ^ (not), and () (grouping) may also be used; spaces remain a low-precedence 'and' operator: JobView: redrawing (type=bug|type=sir) status=open The ^ (not) operator cannot be used alone or with | (or), only in conjuction with & (and) or space (and): JobView: type=bug & ^status=closed Comparative operators >, >=, <, <=, and = are permitted. Because they succeed if any word in the field matches, only the = operator is useful against fields containing blocks of text: JobView: priority<=b description=gui Text searches may embed the wildcard *, which matches anything: JobView: redraw* type=bug To match operator characters, you can escape them with \. Date fields may be searched using comparative operators. Dates are of the form yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mm:ss. If a specific time is not given, the equality operators (=, <=, >=) match the whole day: JobView: reported_date>=1998/01/01 status=closed Text field comparisons are done alphabetically. Date field comparisons are done chronologically. Specifying file revisions and revision ranges: Some file-related Perforce client commands can limit their actions to specific file revisions. A revision specification is tacked onto the end of the filename, and is one of the following: #rev - A revision number. @change - A change number: the revision as of that change. @client - A client name: the revision on the client. @label - A label name: the revision in the label. @date - A date or date/time: the revision as of that time. Either yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mm:ss Note that yyyy/mm/dd means yyyy/mm/dd:00:00:00, so if you want to include all events on that day refer to the next day. #rev has special variants, to be used literally: #none - A nonexistent revision (also #0). #head - The current head revision. #have - The revision on the current client. In all cases, if a file doesn't exist at the given revision number it appears as if the file doesn't exist at all. Thus using a label to refer to a file that isn't in the label is indistinguishable from referring to file that doesn't exist at all. If no revision specification is given, the default is usually #head. A revision specification can be given without a filename. This limits the command's action to the specified revision of all files in the depot or in the client's workspace. Thus #head refers to the head revision of all files in the depot, and @label refers to the revisions of all files in the named label. Some commands can limit their actions to a range of revision numbers, rather than just a single revision. A revision range is two revision specifications, separated by a comma (,). If a single revision is given where a revision range is expected, then the named revision specifies the end of the range and the beginning is left at #1. 'p4 obliterate' is an exception: a single revision means exactly that revision. If no revision number or range is given where a revision range is expected, the default is all revisions. Perforce views: A Perforce view maps file names from the depot into the client workspace (for a client view) or into another part of the depot (for a branch view). A view is one or more mappings, and each mapping is a pair of file names on a line. The left side always refers to the depot namespace; the right side refers to the client or depot namespace. Each name is in Perforce syntax, meaning it begins with // and the client or depot name, and is followed by the actual file name within the client or depot. Perforce syntax uses /'s as directory separators. e.g. //depot/dir/file.c Mappings can contain wildcards, as long as the wildcards are matched between the left and right sides. The wildcards are: * matches any characters except / ... matches any characters, including / %%%%1 to %%%%9 like *, but used to reorder the path If more than one mapping line refers to the same files, then the later mapping line overrides the earlier one, excluding any files from the earlier mapping. A mapping line that begins with a + overlays the later mapping on the earlier one: if files match both the earlier and later mappings, then the file matching the later mapping is used. Overlay mappings are only allowed on client views, and make it possible to map multiple server directories to the same client directory. A mapping line that begins with a - specifically excludes those files that match that mapping. Dealing with super-user imposed limits on data access: The Perforce super-user can limit the amount of data the server will handle on behalf of client operations, so as to avoid swamping servers with inadvertent requests against large datasets. There are two limits: MaxScanRows and MaxResults. MaxScanRows limits the rows of data considered and prevents the server from making large-scale scans. MaxResults limits the rows of resulting data buffered and prevents the server from using excessive memory. Both MaxResults and MaxScanRows are set for groups of users by the 'p4 group' command. If an operation exceeds either of these limits, the whole operation fails. For naive users, MaxResults should be larger than the number of files anticipated in any one of their individual client workspaces, and MaxScanRows should be MaxResults multiplied by the average number of revisions per file in the repository. As a rule, neither need to be smaller than 10000 or 50000 (respectively), and values of 50000 and 250000 are probably sufficient to prevent accidental misuse while not interfering with normal use. The following table describes what commands are subjected to these limits, what entity is counted, and how to adjust the operation to run within the limit. Command Counting Reduce output with: ------- -------- ------------------- p4 add files * see (2) p4 changes changes -m maxChanges p4 changes files revisions see (1) p4 delete files * see (2) p4 diff files * see (2) p4 diff2 files see (2) p4 dirs files * see (2) p4 edit files * see (2) p4 filelog revisions see (1) p4 files files see (2) p4 fixes fixes + -j job, -c change p4 fixes files revisions see (1) p4 fstat files see (2) p4 integrate files + see (2) p4 integrated revisions + see (1) p4 jobs jobs + -e query p4 jobs files revisions see (1) p4 labelsync files + see (3) p4 print files see (2) p4 verify revisions -m maxRevs p4 sync files in view see (2) * These commands are subject to MaxScanRows and not MaxResults. + These commands are subject to MaxResults and not MaxScanRows. (1) These commands limit individual revisions of each file, which can be several times over the number of actual files. Restrict the operation by using more restrictive wildcards on the command line, so as to include fewer files. (2) These commands limit files. Use more restrictive wildcards. (3) 'labelsync' limits files. Use more restrictive wildcards and 'p4 labelsync -a' to build up the label in pieces. The Perforce clients and server have an optional mode of operation where all metadata and some file content are stored in the server in the UTF8 Unicode character set and are translated into another character set on the client. The environment variable P4CHARSET controls the client character set. Supported values are: eucjp iso8859-1 iso8859-5 iso8859-15 macosroman shiftjis koi8-r utf8 (UTF-8) utf8-bom (UTF-8 with Byte-Order-Mark) utf16 (UTF-16 with client's byte ordering and Byte-OrderMark) utf16-nobom (UTF-16 client's byte ordering without Byte-Order-Mark) utf16le (UTF-16 with little endian byte ordering) utf16le-bom (UTF-16 with little endian Byte-Order-Mark) utf16be (UTF-16 with big endian byte ordering) utf16be-bom (UTF-16 with big endian Byte-Order-Mark) utf32 (UTF-32 with client's byte ordering and Byte-OrderMark) utf32-nobom (UTF-32 client's byte ordering without Byte-Order-Mark) utf32le (UTF-32 with little endian byte ordering) utf32le-bom (UTF-32 with little endian Byte-Order-Mark) utf32be (UTF-32 with big endian byte ordering) utf32be-bom (UTF-32 with big endian Byte-Order-Mark) cp1251 (Windows code page 1251) winansi (Windows code page 1252) If (and only if) P4CHARSET is set for the client, the server must also be operating in Unicode mode. This mode is switched on (and never off) by invoking 'p4d -xi' on the server. This operation verifies that all existing metadata is valid UTF8, and then sets the protected counter 'unicode' to indicate Unicode mode. In Unicode mode, all non-file data (identifiers, descriptions, etc) and the content of files of type 'unicode' are translated between the P4CHARSET character set on the client and UTF8 in the server. P4CHARSET is supported by 2001.2 and later clients. When P4CHARSET is set to one of the UTF-16 values, use of the command line 'p4' will require setting P4COMMANDCHARSET to a non-utf-16 value. This allows P4CHARSET to control the translation of file revision contents while using a command line system which is not utf-16 based as most commands lines are not utf-16 compatible. All UTF-16 values will honor a file's Byte-Order-Mark when a file is being read, but when a file is being written the specified UTF-16 format will be followed. Perforce, The Fast Software Configuration Management System, from the fleet fingers of Christopher Seiwald, with notable contributions from Jeff Anton, Michael Bishop, Peter Kreps, Mark Mears, Michael Alyn Miller, Mike Schonberg, Andy Shebanow, David Sielaff, and James Strickland. add -- Open a new file to add it to the depot p4 add [ -c changelist# ] [ -f -n ] [ -t filetype ] file ... Open a new file for adding to the depot. If the file exists on the client it is read to determine if it is text or binary. If it does not exist it is assumed to be text. The file must either not exist in the depot, or it must be deleted at the current head revision. Files may be deleted and re-added. If the -c flag is given the open files are associated with the specified pending changelist number; otherwise the open files are associated with the default changelist. If file is already open it is moved into the specified pending changelist. It is not permissible to reopen a file for add unless it was already open for add. If -t filetype is given, the file is added as that filetype. Without -t 'p4 add' looks for a filetype using the name-to-type mapping table managed by 'p4 typemap'. For a default 'p4 add' senses the filetype by examining the file's contents and execute permission bit. If the filetype given by -t or in the typemap table is a partial filetype, that partial filetype will modify the filetype sensed by 'p4 add'. See 'p4 help filetypes'. If the -f flag is given then filenames that contain wildcards are permitted. Filenames added to the repository that contain these special wildcard characters '@', '#', '%' or '*' will have those characters formatted into ascii hexadecimal representation. The only way of referring to those files once added will be to use the formatted version, the local filesystem name will not be recognized. The -n flag displays what would be opened for add without actually changing any files or metadata. admin -- Perform administrative operations on the server p4 admin checkpoint [ -z ] [ prefix ] p4 admin journal [ -z ] [ prefix ] p4 admin stop 'p4 admin checkpoint' causes the server to take a checkpoint and to copy the journal to a numbered journal file. It is equivalent to 'p4d -jc'. 'p4 admin journal' causes the server to save the journal to a numbered journal file and then truncate it. It is equivalent to 'p4d -jj'. The -z flag causes the checkpoint and saved journal to be saved in compressed (gzip) format, with the '.gz' suffix on the file names. If a prefix is specified, the files will be named prefix.ckp.n and prefix.jnl.n respectively, where n is a sequence number. Without prefix, the default filenames checkpoint.n and journal.n will be used. 'p4 admin stop' stops the server, terminating any requests currently running. It first locks the database to ensure that no updates are taking place, but otherwise is brutal as it does not wait for users to finish what they are doing. (For NT users, this will work whether you are running Perforce as a server or a service.) branch -- Create or edit a branch specification and its view p4 branch [ -f ] name p4 branch -d [ -f ] name p4 branch -o name p4 branch -i [ -f ] Create a new branch specification or edit an existing branch specification. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked. The branch specification form contains the following fields: Branch: The branch name (read only.) Owner: The user who created this branch. Can be changed. Update: The date specification was last modified. Access: The date of the last 'integrate' using this branch. Description: A short description of the branch (optional). Options: Flags to change the branch behavior. The defaults are marked with *. locked Allows only the branch owner to change its unlocked * specification. Prevents the branch from being deleted. View: A mapping from the source files of the branch to the target files of the branch. Both the left and right hand sides of the mappings refer to the depot namespace. See 'p4 help views' for more on views. New branches are created with a default view that maps all depot files back into themselves. This view must be changed before the branch view is usable. A branch definition is used only by the 'p4 integrate' command. The -d flag deletes the named branch. The -o flag causes the named branch specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a branch specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -f flag can force the deletion of any branch; normally branches can only be deleted by their owner. -f also allows the last modified date to be set. The -f flag requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. annotate -- Print file lines along with their revisions p4 annotate [ -aciq -d ] file[revRange] ... Prints all lines of the named files, indicating what revision introduced each line into the file. If the file argument has a revision, then only revisions up to that revision are displayed. If the file argument has a revision range, then only revisions within that range are displayed. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -a flag includes both deleted files and lines no longer present at the head revision; in this case, both the starting and ending revision for each line is indicated. The -c flag tells annotate to output change numbers rather than revision numbers with each line. The -d changes the way whitespace is treated: -db (ignore whitespace changes), -dw (ignore whitespace). The -i flag follows branches. If a file was created by branching 'p4 annotate' includes the revisions of the source file up to the branch point, just as 'p4 filelog -i' does. If a file has history prior to being created by branching (i.e. a file branched on top of a deleted file), -i ignores those prior revisions and instead follows the source. -i implies -c. The -q flag suppresses the one-line header for each file. branches -- Display list of defined branches p4 branches [ -m max ] Reports the list of all branches currently known to the system. Branches takes no arguments. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of branches. change -- Create or edit a changelist description changelist -- synonym for 'change' p4 change [ -f -s ] [ changelist# ] p4 change -d [ -f -s ] changelist# p4 change -o [ -s ] [ changelist# ] p4 change -i [ -f -s ] 'p4 change' creates and edits changelists and their descriptions. With no argument, 'p4 change' creates a new changelist. If a changelist number is given, 'p4 change' edits an existing, pending changelist. In both cases the changelist specification is placed into a form and the user's editor is invoked. The -d flag discards a pending changelist, but only if it has no opened files and no pending fixes associated with it. Use 'p4 opened -a' to report on opened files and 'p4 reopen' to move them to another changelist. Use 'p4 fixes -c changelist#' to report on pending fixes and 'p4 fix -d -c changelist# jobs...' to delete pending fixes. The changelist can only be deleted by the user and client who created it, or by using the -f flag. The -o flag causes the changelist specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a changelist specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -f flag can force the update or deletion of other users' pending changelists. -f can also force the deletion of submitted changelists once they have been emptied of files via 'p4 obliterate'. Normally, submitted changelists are immutable. The -f flag requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. The -s flag extends the list of jobs to include the fix status for each job. On new changelists, the fix status begins as the special status 'ignore', which if left unchanged simply excludes the job from those being fixed. Otherwise, the fix status, like that applied with 'p4 fix -s', becomes the job's status when the changelist is committed. Note that this option is not meant for end-users. It exists to support propagating information from an external defect tracking system. changes -- Display list of pending and submitted changelists changelists -- synonym for 'changes' p4 changes [ options ] [ file[revRange] ... ] options: -i -t -l -L -c client -m max -s status -u user Reports the list of all pending and submitted changelists currently known to the system. If files are specified, 'p4 changes' limits its report to changelists that affect those files. If the file specification includes a revision range, 'p4 changes' limits its report to submitted changelists that affect those particular revisions. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specify revisions. The -i flag also includes any changelists integrated into the specified files. The -t flag displays the time as well as the date. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the changelist descriptions. The -L flag produces long output with the full text of the changelist descriptions truncated to 250 characters. The -c client flag limits changes to those on the named client. The -m max flag limits changes to the 'max' most recent. The -s status flag limits the output to pending or submitted changelists. Note that a 'pending' status request is not allowed when a file argument is supplied. The -u user flag limits changes to those owned by the named user. client -- Create or edit a client specification and its view workspace -- synonym for 'client' p4 client [ -f -t template ] [ name ] p4 client -d [ -f ] name p4 client -o [ -t template ] [ name ] p4 client -i [ -f ] With no argument 'p4 client' creates a new client view specification or edits an existing client specification. The client name is taken from the environment variable $P4CLIENT if set, or else from the current host name. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked. If a name is given, the specification of the named client is used. The specification form contains the following fields: Client: The client name (read only.) Host: If set, restricts access to the named host. If unset, access is allowed from any host. Owner: The user who created this client. Can be changed. Update: The date this specification was last modified. Access: The date this client was last used in any way. Description: A short description of the client (optional). Root: The root directory of the client file workspace (given in local file system syntax), under which all client files will be placed. If you change this, you must physically relocate any files as well. The name "null" may be used to allow files to be mapped to multiple drives on Windows clients. AltRoots: Up to two optional alternate client workspace roots. The first of the main and alternate roots to match the client program's current working directory is used; if none matches the main root is used anyway. 'p4 info' reports the applicable root. Options: Flags to change the client behavior. The defaults are marked with *. allwrite Leaves all files writable on the client; noallwrite * else only checked out files are writable. clobber Allows 'p4 sync' to overwrite writable noclobber * files on the client. compress Compresses data sent between the client nocompress * and server to speed up slow connections. locked Allows only the client owner to use the unlocked * client or change its specification. Prevents the client from being deleted. modtime Causes 'p4 sync' to preserve file nomodtime * modification time from submitting client, as with files with +m type modifier. Otherwise modification time is left as when the file was fetched. rmdir Makes 'p4 sync' attempt to delete a client normdir * directory when all files are removed. LineEnd: Set line ending character(s) for client text files. local Use mode native to the client (default). unix linefeed: UNIX style. mac carriage return: Macintosh style. win carriage return-linefeed: Windows style. share hybrid: writes UNIX style but reads UNIX, Mac or Windows style. View: A mapping from the files in the depot to files in the client workspace. This is the mechanism by which you select what files you want on your client and where you want them to be. The default view maps all depot files onto the client. See 'p4 help views' for view syntax. A new view takes effect on the next 'p4 sync'. Note: changing the client root does not actually move the client files; you must relocate them yourself. Similarly, changing the 'LineEnd' option does not actually update the client files; you can refresh them with 'p4 sync -f'. The -d flag causes the named client to be deleted, as long as it has no opened files. The -f forces the delete. The -o flag causes the named client specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a client specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -t flag constructs the client's view by copying the named template client's view, instead of using the existing view or creating a new default view. It also copies the client options from the template client. The -f flag can force the updating of locked clients; normally locked clients can only be modified by their owner. -f also allows the last modified date to be set. The -f flag requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. clients -- Display list of clients workspaces -- synonym for 'clients' p4 clients [ -m max ] Reports the list of all clients currently known to the system. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of clients. counter -- Display, set, or delete a counter p4 counter name p4 counter [ -f ] name value p4 counter -d name The first form displays the value of the named counter. The second form sets the counter to the given value. The -f flag sets even those used by Perforce, as listed in 'p4 help counters'. Moving the 'change' counter backwards can have very bad results. The third form deletes the counter. This usually has the same effect as setting the counter to 0. 'p4 counter' requires 'review' access granted by 'p4 protect'. The -f flag require 'super' access. counters -- Display list of known counters p4 counters Reports the list of all counters in use by the server. There are seven counters the server uses directly: change the current change number job the current job number journal the current journal number monitor indicates the server has process monitoring enabled unicode indicates the server metadata is Unicode (UTF8) upgrade the server database upgrade level security the server security level Other counters can be created by the 'p4 counter' or 'p4 review' commands. depot -- Create or edit a depot specification p4 depot name p4 depot -d name p4 depot -o name p4 depot -i Create a new depot specification or edit an existing depot specification. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked. The depot specification form contains the following fields: Depot: The name of the depot. This cannot conflict with any branch, client, or label name. Owner: The user who created this depot. Date: The date this specification was last modified. Description: A short description of the depot (optional). Type: 'local', 'remote', or 'spec'. A 'local' depot (the default) is locally managed by the server and occupies space in the server's root directory. A 'remote' depot is a reference to files in another Perforce server. A 'spec' depot automatically archives all edited forms (branch, change, client, depot, group, job, jobspec, protect, triggers, typemap, and user) into special, read-only files. The files are named //depotname/formtype/name[suffix]. Updates to jobs made by the 'p4 change', 'p4 fix', and 'p4 submit' commands are also saved, but not other automatic updates such as access times or opened files (for changes). There can be only one 'spec' depot. Address: For remote depots, the $P4PORT (connection address) of the remote server. Suffix: For spec depots, the optional suffix (default '.p4s') for the generated paths. Map: Path translation information, in the form of a file pattern with a single ... in it. For local depots, this path is relative to the server's root directory (e.g. depot/...). For remote depots, this path refers to the remote server's namespace (e.g. //depot/...). The -d flag deletes the named depot. If any files exist in the depot they must be removed first with 'p4 obliterate'. The -o flag causes the named depot specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a depot specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. depots -- Display list of defined depots p4 depots Reports the list of all depots created via the depot command. Depots takes no arguments. delete -- Open an existing file to delete it from the depot p4 delete [ -c changelist# ] [ -n ] file ... Opens a file that currently exists in the depot for deletion. If the file is present on the client it is removed. If a pending changelist number is given with the -c flag the opened file is associated with that changelist, otherwise it is associated with the 'default' pending changelist. Files that are deleted generally do not appear on the have list. The -n flag displays what would be opened for delete without actually changing any files or metadata. describe -- Display a changelist description p4 describe [ -d -s ] changelist# Display a changelist description, including the changelist number, user, client, date of submission, textual description, list of affected files and diffs of files updated. Pending changelists are flagged as 'pending' and file diffs are not displayed. The -d passes a flag to the built-in diff routine to modify the output: -dn (RCS), -dc (context), -ds (summary), -du (unified), -db (ignore whitespace changes), -dw (ignore whitespace). The -s flag requests a shortened form of describe that doesn't include the diffs of files updated. diff -- Display diff of client file with depot file p4 diff [ -d -f -m max -sa -sd -se -sl -sr -t ] [ file[rev] ... ] Run diff (on the client) of a client file against the corresponding revision in the depot. The file is only compared if the file is opened for edit or the revision provided with the file argument is not the same as the revision had by the client. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. If no file argument is given, diff all open files. This can be used to view pending changelists. The -d passes a flag to the built-in diff routine to modify the output: -dn (RCS), -dc (context), -ds (summary), -du (unified), -db (ignore whitespace changes), -dw (ignore whitespace), -dl (ignore line endings). The -f flag forces a diff for every file, regardless of whether they are opened or if the client has the named revision. This can be used to verify the client contents. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of files, unless the -s flag is used, in which case it is ignored. The -s flag reduces the output of diff to the names of files satisfying one of the following criteria: -sa Opened files that are different from the revision in the depot, or missing. -sd Unopened files that are missing on the client. -se Unopened files that are different from the revision in the depot. -sl Every unopened file, along with the status of 'same, 'diff', or 'missing' as compared to its revision in the depot. -sr Opened files that are the same as the revision in the depot. The -t flag forces 'p4 diff' to diff even files with non-text (binary) types. If the environment variable $P4DIFF is set then the named program is used rather than the implementation of diff included in the client. The -dcommand can be used to pass arguments to the external program. The -s flag is only implemented internally. The environment variable $P4DIFFUNICODE is used instead of $P4DIFF if the file being diffed is of a unicode type and the character set is passed as the first argument to that command. diff2 -- Display diff of two depot files p4 diff2 [ -d -q -t -u ] file1 file2 p4 diff2 [ -d -q -t -u ] -b branch [ [ file1 ] file2 ] Run diff (on the server) of two files in the depot. Both files may optionally include a revision specification; the default is to compare the head revision. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. Wildcards may be used, but they must match between file1 and file2. Note if using clients or labels as file arguments they must be preceeded with a file path e.g. //...@mylabel //...@yourlabel Diff2 introduces each diff with a header line of the form ==== file1 (type1) - file2 (type2) ==== summary file1 or file2 may be '', meaning that only one of the matched files actually exists at the given revision. The summary is one of: 'identical' - file contents are identical and types are the same, 'types' - file contents are identical but the types are different, and 'content' - file contents are different. The -b flag causes diff2 to use the branch view to specify the pairs of files to compare. If file arguments are also present, they can further limit the files and specify the revisions for comparison. Note that if only one file is given, it restricts the right-hand side of the branch view. The -d passes a flag to the built-in diff routine to modify the output: -dn (RCS), -dc (context), -ds (summary), -du (unified), -db (ignore whitespace changes), -dw (ignore whitespace). The -q suppresses the display of the header lines of files whose content and types are identical and suppresses the actual diff for all files. The -t flag forces 'p4 diff2' to diff even files with non-text (binary) types. The -u flag comes one step closer to patch-friendly output: it uses the GNU diff -u format and displays only files that differ. The file names and dates are in Perforce syntax, but the output seems digestible by the ubiquitous patch program. dirs -- List subdirectories of a given depot directory p4 dirs [ -C -D -H ] dir[revRange] ... List any directories matching the file pattern dir. Because of implementation details, 'p4 dirs' does not allow the ... wildcard. Use the * wildcard instead. Perforce does not track directories per se, but instead considers a path a directory if there are any undeleted files with that path as a prefix. If the dir argument includes a revision range, then only directories with files of those revisions are listed. Normally directories with any files are listed. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -C flag limits the output to directories that are mapped on the current client. The -D includes directories with only deleted files. The -H flag lists directories of files on the 'have' list. edit -- Open an existing file for edit p4 edit [ -c changelist# ] [ -n ] [ -t filetype ] file ... Open an existing file for edit. The server notes that the current user on the current client has the file opened, and then changes the file permission from read-only to read/write. If -c changelist# is given, the file is put into the pending changelist; the changelist must have been previously created by 'p4 change'. Otherwise the file is opened in the 'default' (unnumbered) changelist. If -t filetype is given, the file is opened as that filetype. Otherwise, the filetype of the previous revision is reused. If the filetype given by -t is a partial filetype, that partial filetype is combined with the previous revision's filetype. See 'p4 help filetypes'. The -n flag displays what would be opened for edit without actually changing any files or metadata. files -- List files in the depot p4 files [ -a ] file[revRange] ... List files named or matching wild card specification. Display shows depot file name, revision, file type, change action and changelist number of the current head revision. If client file names are given as arguments the view mapping is used to list the corresponding depot files. If the file argument has a revision, then all files as of that revision are listed. If the file argument has a revision range, then only files selected by that revision range are listed, and the highest revision in the range is used for each file. Normally, the head revision is listed. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -a flag displays all revisions within the specific range, rather than just the highest revision in the range. filelog -- List revision history of files p4 filelog [ -i -l -L -t -m maxRevs ] file[rev] ... List the revision history of the files named, working backwards from the latest revision to the first. If the file specification includes a revision, the command limits its output to revisions at or previous to the given revision The -i flag follows branches. If a file was created by branching, 'p4 filelog' also lists the revisions of the source file, but only those revisions leading up to the branch point. The -t flag displays the time as well as the date. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the changelist descriptions. The -L flag produces long output with the full text of the changelist descriptions truncated to 250 characters. The -m maxRevs displays at most 'maxRevs' revisions per file. fix -- Mark jobs as being fixed by a changelist number p4 fix [ -d ] [ -s status ] -c changelist# jobName ... 'p4 fix' marks each named job as being fixed by the changelist number given with -c. The changelist may be either pending or, submitted and the jobs may be still be opened or already closed (fixed by another changelist). If the changelist has already been submitted and the job is still open then 'p4 fix' marks the job closed. If the changelist has not been submitted and the job is still open, the job will be marked closed when the changelist is submitted. If the job is already closed, it is left alone. The -d flag causes the specified fixes to be deleted. This does not otherwise affect the named changelist or jobs. The -s uses the given status instead of the default 'closed'. This status is reported by 'p4 fixes' and also reflected in the job's status (immediately if the changelist is committed; on submission if the changelist is pending). fixes -- List what changelists fix what jobs p4 fixes [ -i -m max -c changelist# -j jobName ] [ file[revRange] ... ] 'p4 fixes' shows all jobs with fix records associated with them, along with the changelist number of the fix. Fix records are created either directly with the 'p4 fix' command or via changelist creation with the 'p4 change' and 'p4 submit' commands. The 'p4 fixes' command shows fixes regardless of whether the changelists are submitted or still pending. By default, 'p4 fixes' lists all fixes. This list can be limited in any of three ways. If -j jobName is given, only fixes for the named job are listed. If -c changelist# is given, only fixes from the numbered changelist are listed. If a file (pattern) is given, only fixes for submitted changelists affecting that file (or set of files) are listed. The file pattern may include wildcards and/or a revision number range. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -i flag also includes any fixes made by changelists integrated into the specified files. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of job fixes. fstat -- Dump file info p4 fstat [ -m max ] [ -c | -e changelist# ] [ -Ox -Rx ] file[rev] ... Fstat is intended for programmatic interfaces into Perforce. It dumps information about each file, with each item of information on a separate line. Fstat is best used within a Perforce API application where the items can be accessed as variables, but its output is also suitable for parsing from the client command output. The fields that fstat displays are: clientFile -- local path (host or Perforce syntax) depotFile -- name in depot path -- local path (host syntax) isMapped -- set if mapped client file is synced headAction -- action at head rev, if in depot headChange -- head rev changelist#, if in depot headRev -- head rev #, if in depot headType -- head rev type, if in depot headTime -- head rev changelist time, if in depot headModTime -- head rev mod time, if in depot haveRev -- rev had on client, if on client desc -- change description digest -- MD5 digest (fingerprint) fileSize -- file size action -- open action, if opened type -- open type, if opened actionOwner -- user who opened file, if opened change -- open changelist#, if opened resolved -- resolved integration records unresolved -- unresolved integration records otherOpen -- set if someone else has it open otherOpen# -- list of user@client with file opened otherLock -- set if someone else has it locked otherLock# -- user@client with file locked otherAction# -- open action, if opened by someone else otherChange# -- changelist, if opened by someone else ourLock -- set if this user/client has it locked resolveAction# -- pending integration record action resolveBaseFile# -- pending integration base file resolveBaseRev# -- pending integration base rev resolveFromFile# -- pending integration from file resolveStartFromRev# -- pending integration from start rev resolveEndFromRev# -- pending integration from end rev The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of files. The -c changelist# flag instructs fstat to display only files affected since the given changelist number. This operation is much faster than using a revision range on the affected files. The -e changelist# flag instructs fstat to display only files affected by the given changelist number. When used with the -W flag only pending changes will be considered, this is so that files opened for add will also be included. This option will also display the change description. The -O option generates ancilliary output: -Of output all revisions for the given files (this option suppresses other* and resolve* fields) -Ol output a fileSize and digest field for each revision (this may be expensive to compute) -Op output the local file path in both Perforce syntax (//client/) as 'clientFile' and host form as 'path' -Or output pending integration record information for files opened on the current client -Os exclude the local path output in host form The -R option limits output to specific files: -Rc files mapped through the client view -Rh files synced to the client -Rn files opened not at the head revision -Ro files opened -Rr files opened that have been resolved -Ru files opened that need resolving For compatibility the following are also supported: -C (-Rc) -H (-Rh) -W (-Ro) -P (-Op) -l (-Ol) -s (-Os). group -- Change members of user group p4 group name p4 group -d name p4 group -o name p4 group -i Create a new user group or add/delete members from an existing group. A group's members can be users and/or other groups (subgroups). The group specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked. A group exists when it has any users or other groups in it, and ceases to exist if all users and groups in it are removed. Each group has MaxResults and MaxScanRows fields, which limit the data size for operations that the users in that group can perform. For either field, 'unlimited' means no limit for that group. An individual user's limit is the highest of any group with a limit to which he belongs, or unlimited if he belongs to no group with a limit. See 'p4 help maxresults' for more information on MaxResults and MaxScanRows. Each group also has a Timeout field which represents the time (in seconds) of how long a 'p4 login' ticket remains valid. Note a value of zero is equivalent to no timeout. See 'p4 help login' for more information. The -d flag deletes all users and groups from the named group, thus deleting the whole group. The -o flag causes the named group specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a group specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The new group specification entirely replaces the previous. All commands that require access granted by 'p4 protect' consider a user's groups when calculating access levels. 'p4 group' requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. groups -- List groups (of users) p4 groups [ -m max ] [ [ -i ] user | group ] Displays the list of all user groups defined in the system. If a user argument is given, only groups containing that user are displayed. If a group argument is given, only groups containing the named group are displayed. The -i flag also displays groups that the user or group belongs to indirectly via subgroups. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of groups. have -- List revisions last synced p4 have [ file ... ] List revisions of named files that were last synced from the depot. If no file name is given list all files synced on this client. The format is depot-file#revision - client-file help -- Print help message p4 help [ command ... ] Print a help message about command. If no command name is given print a general help message about Perforce and give a list of available client commands. info -- Print out client/server information p4 info Info dumps out what the server knows about the client (the user name, the client name, the applicable client root, the client current directory, and the client IP address) and some server information (the server IP address, server root, date, version, and license data). integrate -- schedule integrations from one file to another p4 integrate [ options ] fromFile[revRange] toFile p4 integrate [ options ] -b branch [ toFile[revRange] ... ] p4 integrate [ options ] -b branch -s fromFile[revRange] [ toFile ... ] options: -c changelist# -d -D -f -h -i -o -n -r -t -v 'p4 integrate' stages change propagation from source files to target files, opening the target files in the client workspace. 'p4 resolve' then merges content from the source files into the opened target files, and 'p4 submit' commits the opened files to the depot. Integrations can be abandoned with 'p4 revert'. When 'p4 integrate' opens a target file in the client workspace, it chooses an appropriate action: 'branch' for new files, 'integrate' when the source file has changed, and 'delete' when the source file was deleted. Open target files are left read-only in the client workspace. 'p4 edit' can downgrade a 'branch' to an 'add' or an 'integrate' to an 'edit', making the file read-write. 'p4 integrate' maintains integration history between files. This eliminates duplicate integrations and minimizes file merges by telling 'p4 resolve' what to use as the merge base: generally the highest revision already integrated. Integration history also prevents integrating back a pure, integration-only change. Such a change is one that resulted from 'p4 resolve' without manually editing the file. The search for integration history will include integrations indirectly through intermediate file branches The commands 'p4 integrated' and 'p4 filelog' display integration history. A branch view may be given directly on the command line by stating the source (from) and target (to) files, or indirectly by naming a stored branch view with -b branch. A stored branch view may have many mappings, while a view on the command line can only have one. If a stored branch view is given, the target files and source files and revisions may be further limited on the command. If no file specification is given then the entire branch view is examined for needed integrations. If a file specification is given, the integration is limited to only those target files. In both cases, the integration is also limited to those target files that are also in the client view. If no revision specification is given then all revisions of the source file are considered for integration. If a single revision is given, then only revisions up to the given revision are included. If a pair of revisions is given (separated by a comma (,)) then only those revisions, inclusively, are integrated. Note that the revision specification concerns the fromFile, but is attached to the toFile. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -f flag forces integrate to act without regard for previous integration history. Normally, integrate skips any file revisions already integrated. Note: unless revRange is given as well, the -f flag will force 'p4 resolve' perform merges without a common base. To avoid this, use -f only to force integration of specific changes. If -c changelist# is given, the files are opened in the numbered pending changelist instead of the 'default' changelist. The -d and -Dx flags enable integrations around deleted revisions. Normally 'p4 integrate' avoids mixing outstanding edits with a deleted file. -d sets -Dt -Ds -Di. -Dt If the target file has been deleted and the source file has changed, will re-branch the source file on top of the target file. -Ds If the source file has been deleted and the target file has changed, will delete the target file. -Di If the source file has been deleted and re-added, will attempt to integrate all outstanding revisions of the file, including those revisions prior to the delete. Normally 'p4 integrate' only considers revisions since the last add. The -h flag causes the target files to be left at the revision currently on the client (the '#have' revision). Normally, target files are automatically synced to the head revision by 'p4 integrate'. [Note that prior to 2002.1 files were never automatically synced by 'p4 integrate'.] The -i flag enables integration between files that have no integration history. Normally, 'p4 integrate' refuses to integrate changes if there is no prior integration history between the source and target, because it has no way of identifying the base for its merges. The -i flag forces baseless merges and tells 'p4 resolve' just to use the first, added revision as the base. The -o flag displays the base file name and revision which will be used in subsequent resolves if a resolve is needed. The -n flag displays what integrations would be necessary but does not schedule them. The -r flag reverses the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place. The -b branch flag is required. The -s fromFile[revRange] flag causes the branch view to work bidirectionally, where the scope of the command is limited to integrations whose 'from' files match fromFile[revRange]. If any toFiles are given, the scope is further limited to integrations whose 'to' files match them. When the -s fromFile[revRange] flag is used, -r is ignored, as are any revisions on toFile. [The -s flag is not meant for end users. It exists to support graphical client programs.] The -t flag makes the source file's filetype propagate to the target file. Normally, the target file retain its previous filetype. Newly branched files always use the source file's filetype. The filetype can still be changed before 'p4 submit' with 'p4 reopen'. The -v flag makes 'p4 integrate' work faster by not copying newly branched files to the client. In this case, the files can be fetched with 'p4 sync' after they are submitted with 'submit'. [Note that this was the default behavior for newly branched files in release 97.2 and earlier.] Note: the syntax 'p4 integrate -b branch toFile[revRange]' is provided for backwards compatibility, but is confusing because it mixes the target file with the source revisions. integrated -- Show integrations that have been submitted p4 integrated [ -r ] [ -b branch ] [ file ... ] Integrated shows integrations that have already been submitted. Use 'p4 resolve -n' to see unresolved integrations and 'p4 resolved' to see resolved but unsubmitted integrations. If the -b branch flag is given, only files integrated from the source to target files in the branch view are shown. Qualified files are displayed even if they were integrated without using the branch view itself. The -r flag reverses the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place. The -b branch flag is required. job -- Create or edit a job (defect) specification p4 job [ -f ] [ jobName ] p4 job -d jobName p4 job -o [ jobName ] p4 job -i [ -f ] 'p4 job' creates and edits job specifications using an ASCII form. A job is a defect, enhancement, or other unit of intended work. The 'p4 fix' command can associate changelists with jobs. With no arguments, 'p4 job' creates a blank job specification form and invokes the user's editor. When the form is saved, a job name of the form jobNNNNNN is created. If a jobName is given on the command line either that named job will be created or, if the job already exists, the job can be modified. As jobs are entered or updated, all fields are indexed for searching by 'p4 jobs'. Text fields are broken into individual alphanumeric words (punctuation and whitespace are ignored) and each word is entered, case folded, into the word index. Date fields are converted to an internal representation (seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00) and entered into the date index. The fields of a job are defined by the 'p4 jobspec' command. There is a simple default jobspec that is used if no explicit one has been defined. The -d flag deletes the named job and any associated fixes. The -o flag causes the named job specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a job specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -f flag allows otherwise read-only fields to be set. The -f flag requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. jobs -- Display list of jobs p4 jobs [ -e jobview -i -l -m max -r ] [ file[revRange] ... ] p4 jobs -R Reports the list of all jobs currently known to the system. If a file (pattern) is given, only fixes for submitted changelists affecting that file (or set of files) are listed. The file pattern may include wildcards and/or a revision number range. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -e jobview limits the output to jobs satisfying the expression given as 'jobview'. See 'p4 help jobview' for a description of jobview syntax. The -i flag also includes any fixes made by changelists integrated into the specified files. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the job descriptions. The -m max flag limits the output to the first 'max' jobs, ordered by their job name. The -r flag sorts the jobs in reverse order (by job name). The -R flag rebuilds the jobs table and reindexes each job; this is necessary after upgrading to 98.2. 'p4 jobs -R' requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. jobspec -- Edit the job template p4 jobspec p4 jobspec -o p4 jobspec -i Jobspec edits the template that specifies the format of jobs. This format is used by 'p4 job' when jobs are entered or updated, and by 'p4 jobs' and 'p4 describe' when jobs are displayed. Jobspec brings up a form with the following fields: Fields: A list of the fields maintained for each job, one line per field. Each line has five words: code, name, data-type, len, and field-type. 'code' is a unique integer identifier for storing the data of the field. Job codes must be between 101 and 199. 'name' is the name of the field for the job. 'data-type' indicates the format of the field: word: a single word (any value) date: a date/time field select: one of a set of words line: a one-liner text: a block of text 'len' is the recommended character length of a display box for the field. If 0, a text box is assumed. 'field-type' indicates how to handle the setting of the field: optional: no default, and not required to be present default: default provided, still not required required: default provided, value must be present once: set once to the default and never changed always: always set to the default when saving the form, adding or deleting fixes with 'p4 fix' or 'p4 changelist', or submitting a change associated with the job with 'p4 submit'. Values: A list of 'select' fields and the values those fields can have. Each line has two words: the field name and the values list, with individual values separated by '/' (no spaces). Presets: A list of fields and their default values, for fields whose 'setting' flag is other than 'optional'. Each line has two words: the field name and the default value. If the value has spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotes. The following special defaults are recognized: $user: the user entering the job $now: the current date $blank: the words '' Comments: textual comments to be included at the top of each job specification, to help the user fill out the form. Each line must begin with the comment character '#'. Certain field codes have special significance: code 101, required: the job name code 102, optional: the job status code 103, optional: the user who created the job code 104, optional: the date the job was created code 105, optional: the description If there is a job status field (102), 'p4 submit' and 'p4 fix' will set it to 'closed' for any jobs being fixed by the change. Fields 102-105 are used by 'p4 describe' and 'p4 jobs' to display a job summary. Any missing fields simply will not appear in the summary line. If field 105 is present, it is assumed to be a description, which is used by 'p4 change' and 'p4 submit' to annotate the list of jobs to be fixed by the change being created. When updating the jobspec after jobs have been entered, certain limitations apply: Data is stored according to its code. Fields can be renamed by keeping the same code. Removing a code can abandon the associated data stored for the code. Changing the definition of a code (e.g. from 'text' to 'word') can require users to bring jobs into the new format as they are edited. The -o flag causes the job template to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a job template to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. 'p4 jobspec' requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. label -- Create or edit a label specification and its view p4 label [ -f -t template ] name p4 label -d [ -f ] name p4 label -o [ -t template ] name p4 label -i [ -f ] Create a new label specification or edit an existing label specification. A name is required. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked. The label specification form contains the following fields: Label: The label name (read only.) Owner: The user who created this label. Can be changed. Update: The date this specification was last modified. Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' or use of '@label' on this label. Description: A short description of the label (optional). Options: Flags to change the label behavior. locked Allows only the label owner to change its specification. Prevents the label from being deleted. Prohibits 'p4 labelsync'. View: A mapping to select files from the depot. The default view selects all depot files. See 'p4 help views', but note that only the left hand side of a mapping is used for labels. A label definition is used only by the 'p4 labelsync' command. Only the owner of a label may run labelsync on that label. A label that has its Options: set to 'locked' cannot be updated. Flag -d causes the named label to be deleted, as long as it is not locked. The -f flag forces the delete. The -o flag causes the named label specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a label specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -t flag constructs the label's view by copying the named template label's view, instead of using the existing view or creating a new default view. It also copies the label options from the template label. The -f flag can force the deletion of a label; normally locked labels can only be deleted by their owner. -f also allows the last modified date to be set. The -f flag requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. labels -- Display list of defined labels p4 labels [ -m max ] [ file[revrange] ] Reports the list of all labels currently known to the system. If files are specified, 'p4 labels' limits its report to labels that contain those files. If the file specification includes a revision range, 'p4 labels' limits its report to labels that contain those particular revisions. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of labels. labelsync -- Synchronize label with the current client contents p4 labelsync [ -a -d -n ] -l label [ file[revRange] ... ] Labelsync causes the named label to reflect the current contents of the client. It records the last revision of each file taken onto the client. The label's name can subsequently be used in a revision specification as @label to refer to the revision of a file as stored in the label. Without a file argument, labelsync causes the label to reflect the contents of the whole client, by adding, deleting, and updating the label. If a file is given, labelsync updates only that named file. If the file argument includes a revision specification, then that revision is used instead of the revision taken by the client. If the revision specified is a deleted revision, then the label will include that deleted revision. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. If the file argument includes a revision range specification, then only files selected by the revision range are updated, and the highest revision in the range is used. The -a flag causes labelsync to add the named file to the label; no files will be deleted from the label. The -d deletes the named file from the label, regardless of revision. The -n flag lists how the label would be affected, but doesn't actually update the label. Only the owner of a label may run labelsync on that label. A label that has its Options: set to 'locked' cannot be updated. lock -- Lock an opened file against changelist submission p4 lock [ -c changelist# ] [ file ... ] The open files named are locked in the depot, preventing any user other than the current user on the current client from submitting changes to the files. If a file is already locked then the lock request is rejected. If no file names are given then lock all files currently open in the changelist number given or in the 'default' changelist if no changelist number is given. logger -- Report what jobs and changelists have changed p4 logger [ -c sequence# ] [ -t counter ] Dumps the event log, which notes updates to changes and jobs, for use with defect tracking integration. The event log is enabled by setting the counter 'logger' (to 0) with 'p4 counter'. Each event has a sequence number. The presence of an entry in the log doesn't guarantee that the named entity has changed. If a sequence# is given with -c, only events since that number are listed. If a counter is given with -t, only events since the number of that counter are listed. If both are given, then the counter is updated to the sequence number and nothing is output. If the update brings the counter to the highest sequence number in the log, the log is cleared. This generally means that only one user can really make use of this option. 'p4 logger' is not meant as an end-user command. It exists to support propagating information to an external defect tracking system. 'p4 logger -c' requires 'review' access granted by 'p4 protect'. login -- Login to Perforce by obtaining a session ticket p4 login [ -a -p ] [ user ] p4 login [ -s ] The login command allows a user to access Perforce until either the session expires or the user issues a 'logout' command. When a user "logs in" to Perforce they are prompted for the users password, if they supply this correctly then they are issued with a ticket. The ticket issued will expire after the default timeout value has been reached and is only good for the host machine that the 'login' command was executed from (see below for exception). The ticket can be used anywhere that a password can be used. e.g. p4 -P changes -m1 The -a flag causes the server to issue a ticket which is valid on all host machines. The -p flag just displays the ticket rather than storing it on the client machine. The -s flag shows the status of the current ticket (if there is one). Requesting a login of someone other than the current user requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. In this case 'p4 login' does not prompt for the users password. logout -- Logout of Perforce by removing or invalidating a ticket. p4 logout [-a] The logout command will remove the ticket on the client, the user will have to issue another 'p4 login' to continue use. The -a flag causes the ticket on the server to be invalidated, this will logout all users of that ticket from Perforce. monitor -- Display Perforce process information p4 monitor show [ -a -l -e ] p4 monitor terminate [ id ] p4 monitor clear [ id | all ] Monitor is an admin utility that allows the user to see what current p4 processes are running. Monitor tracks the Perforce processes in a special table, this table is constantly being updated so there is a potential minor performance impact. To make use of this command it is required that 'monitoring' be enabled through the monitor counter. 'p4 monitor show' displays current process information; for each process the process-id, status (Running/Terminate), owner, command are listed per line of output. The following flags require 'admin' access: The -a flag includes the command args. The -e flag includes the command environment; for each process client application (if known), host address and client name are shown. The -l flag produces long output with the full username and full argument list. 'p4 monitor terminate [id]' marks the command specified by its 'id' for termination. This command requires 'admin' access. 'p4 monitor clear [id|all]' removes the process record specified by its 'id' from the monitor table. All of the records are removed if the option 'all' is supplied instead of an 'id'. This may be required if for some reason commands are ending prematurely. This command requires 'admin' access. obliterate -- Remove files and their history from the depot p4 obliterate [ -y -z ] file[revRange] ... Obliterate removes files and their history from the server in a way that they won't come back. (See 'p4 delete' for the non- destructive way to delete a file.) It retrieves space used by those files in the archive and then clears the files from all lists maintained by the server. Files in client workspaces are not affected, except that Perforce will no longer recognize them as being under its control. Obliterate carefully undoes the lazy copies made when 'p4 integrate' creates a branch. Because of this, it is possible that obliterating files will not recover any space. If the file argument has a revision, then only that revision is obliterated. If the file argument has a revision range, then only the revisions in that range are obliterated. See 'p4 help revisions' for help. The -y flag instruct obliterate to do its work. Otherwise, it just displays what it would do. The -z flag restricts obliterate to undoing lazy copies. It does not actually remove any files or metadata, but creates physical copies of previously lazy copies, and as such, is likely to increase space use on the server. Use this on the source files to ensure that in the database no other files refer to the named files. 'p4 obliterate' requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. opened -- Display list of files opened for pending changelist p4 opened [ -a -c changelist# -C client -m max ] [ file ... ] Lists files currently opened in pending changelists, or indicates for the specified files whether they are currently opened and/or locked. If no file names are given, all files open in the current client workspace are listed. The -a flag lists opened files in all clients. Normally only files opened by the current client are listed. The -c changelist# flag restricts the list to files opened under the given changelist#. Normally files in any changelist (include the 'default') are listed. The -C client flag restricts the list of files to those opened on the named client. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of files. passwd -- Set the user's password on the server (and Windows client) p4 passwd [ -O oldPassword -P newPassword ] [ user ] 'p4 passwd' sets the user's password on the server. Once a password is set for a user on the server, then in order for that user to invoke any Perforce client commands the same password must be set on the client in the environment variable $P4PASSWD. (On Windows, 'p4 passwd' sets this as well.) 'p4 passwd' prompts for both the old password and the new password with character echoing turned off. Setting the password to an empty string deletes the password. The -O flag provides the old password, avoiding prompting. The -P flag provides the new password, avoiding prompting. Setting the password of someone other than the current user requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. In this case 'p4 passwd' does not prompt for the old password. print -- Retrieve a depot file to the standard output p4 print [ -a -o localFile -q ] file[revRange] ... Retrieve the contents of a depot file to the client's standard output. The client's have list is not affected. If file is specified as a client file name, the client view is used to find the corresponding depot file. If the file argument has a revision, then all files as of that revision are printed. If the file argument has a revision range, then only files selected by that revision range are printed, and the highest revision in the range is used for each file. Normally, the head revision is printed. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. The -a flag prints all revisions within the specific range, rather than just the highest revision in the range. The -o localFile flag redirects the output to the named file on the client filesystem. In this case, at most one file is written. The -q flag suppresses the initial line that displays the file name and revision. protect -- Modify protections in the server namespace p4 protect p4 protect -o p4 protect -i 'p4 protect' edits the protections table in a text form. Each line contains a protection mode, a group/user indicator, the group/user name, client host id and a depot file path pattern. A user gets the highest privilege granted on any line. Note: remote depot accesses are made using the pseudo-user 'remote'; access by other servers can be controlled by granting appropriate permissions to the 'remote' user. Mode: The permission being granted. Each permission includes all the permissions above it, except for 'review'. list - users can see names but not contents of files; users can see all non-file related metadata (clients, users, changelists, jobs, etc.) read - users can sync, diff, and print files open - users can open files (add, edit. delete, integrate) write - users can submit open files admin - permits those administrative commands and command options that don't affect the server's security. super - access to all commands and command options. review - allows access to the 'p4 review' command; implies read access Group/User indicator: either 'group' or 'user'. Name: A Perforce group or user name; may be wildcarded. Host: The IP address of a client host; may be wildcarded. Path: The part of the depot to which access is being granted or denied. To deny access to a depot path, preface the path with a "-" character. These exclusionary mappings apply to all access levels, even if only one access level is supplied in the first field. The -o flag causes the protection table to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes the protection table to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. Once protections are in place, 'p4 protect' requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. protects -- Display protections in place for a given user/path p4 protects [ -a | -u user ] [ file ... ] 'p4 protects' display the lines from the protections table that apply to the current user. The protections table is managed by 'p4 protect'. If the -a flag is given, protection lines for all users are displayed. If the -u user flag is given, protection lines for that user are displayed. The -u argument can also refer to a group. If the file argument is given, only those protection lines that apply to the named files are displayed. The -a and -u flags require 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. rename -- How to rename files p4 integrate from to p4 delete from p4 submit Perforce does not support a single 'rename' command, but files can be renamed by branching one file into another and then deleting the original file. The 'from' and 'to' file arguments may include wildcards as long as they are matched. Integrating from files require read access to the files, but deleting them requires write access. For further information, see the help for the individual commands. reopen -- Change the type or changelist number of an opened file p4 reopen [ -c changelist# ] [ -t filetype ] file ... Reopen takes an already opened file and reopens it for the current user, optionally changing its changelist or filetype. The changelist must have previously been created with 'p4 change' or may be the 'default' changelist. If -t filetype is given, the file is reopened as that filetype. If the filetype given by -t is a partial filetype, that partial filetype is combined with the current filetype. See 'p4 help filetypes'. resolve -- Merge open files with other revisions or files p4 resolve [ -af -am -as -at -ay -d -f -n -o -t -v ] [ file ... ] 'p4 resolve' merges the content of source files into target files open in the client workspace, using an interactive dialog. 'p4 resolve' only handles merges scheduled implicitly by 'p4 sync' or 'p4 submit' of a file opened at a revision other than the head or explicitly by 'p4 integrate'. Once scheduled, 'p4 resolve' must perform the merges before the file can be committed with 'p4 submit'. If no file is given, all files needing merging will be resolved. The merge process is a classic 3-way merge, with the participating files named (for better or for worse): 'yours' -- the target file open in the client workspace; 'theirs' -- the source file being merged from the depot; and 'base' -- the common ancestor, actually the highest revision of the source file not already merged into the target. For each file, 'p4 resolve' places a merge candidate into a temporary file in the client workspace and displays a summary line with the total number of sections of text changed from the base: yours change is only in your open revision theirs change is only in the source revision both same text added or changed in both conflicts conflicting changes between the yours and theirs If there are any conflicts, the merge candidate file will have conflict markers bracketing the alternative texts. You must edit the file to resolve the conflicts and remove the markers. 'p4 resolve' distinguishes among four potential merge results: entirely yours, entirely theirs, automated merge, or manually edited merge. All but the last result in a pure merge: one that never needs integrating back to the source file. 'p4 resolve' includes a suggested merge result in []'s on its prompt line. After displaying the summary line, 'p4 resolve' prompts you for an action: Accept: at Keep only changes to their file. ay Keep only changes to your file. * am Keep merged file. * ae Keep merged and edited file. * a Keep autoselected file. Diff: * dt See their changes alone. * dy See your changes alone. * dm See merged changes. d Diff your file against merged file. Edit: et Edit their file (read only). ey Edit your file (read/write). * e Edit merged file (read/write). Misc: * m Run '$P4MERGE base theirs yours merged'. (Runs '$P4MERGEUNICODE charset base theirs yours merged' if set and the file is a unicode file.) s Skip this file. h Print this help message. ^C Quit the resolve operation. Options marked (*) appear only for textual resolution. The 'merge' option allows you to invoke your own integration and conflict resolution utility (named in the $P4MERGE environment variable). This utility is expected to replace the existing merged file with a new one. The -am flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode: if there are conflicts, the file is skipped; if there are no conflicts and yours hasn't changed it accepts theirs; if theirs hasn't changed it accepts yours; if both yours and theirs have changed it accepts the merge. Files that have no base for merging (e.g. binary files) are always skipped. The -af flag forces 'p4 resolve' in automatic mode to accept the merged file even if there are conflicts. The -as flag performs a 'safe' automatic resolve, accepting only files that have either your changes or their changes, but not both. Files with changes to both yours and theirs are skipped. The -at and -ay flags perform an automatic resolve that skips the merging. Instead it automatically accepts their (-at) or your (-ay) version of the file. The -at flag should be used with care, as it overwrites any changes made to the file in the client workspace. The -d can be used to handle whitespace and line endings when merging files. The -db flag ignores whitespace changes, the -dw flag ignores whitespace altogether, and the -dl flag ignores line endings when merging files. The flags are also passed to the diff options in the 'p4 resolve' dialog. Additional -d flags which modify the diff output but do not modify merge behavior include -dn (RCS), -dc (context), -ds (summary), and -du (unified). Note that 'p4 resolve' will use text from the client file where the files differ only in whitespace. The -f flag allows previously resolved files to be resolved again. Normally, once files have been resolved then 'p4 resolve' won't display them again. The -n flag lists the merges which would be performed without actually doing them. The -o flag displays the base file name and revision which will be used during the the merge. The -t flag forces 'p4 resolve' to attempt a textual merge, even for files with non-text (binary) types. The -v flag causes 'p4 resolve' to put in markers for all changes, not just those in conflict. The markers must be edited out before the merged file can be accepted. resolved -- Show files that have been merged but not submitted p4 resolved [ -o ] [ file ... ] Resolved shows integrations that have already been resolved but not yet submitted. Use 'p4 resolve -n' to see unresolved integrations and 'p4 integrated' to see already submitted integrations. The -o flag reports the revision used as the base during the resolve. revert -- Discard changes from an opened file p4 revert [ -a -n -k -c changelist# ] file ... Revert an open file back to the revision previously synced from the depot, discarding any pending changelists or integrations that have been made. This command requires naming files explicitly. After running revert the named files will no longer be locked or open. The -a flag tells 'p4 revert' to revert only those files which are opened for edit or integrate and are unchanged or missing. Files with pending integration records are left open. With the -a flag, the file arguments are optional. The -n flag displays what files would be affected but does not actually revert them. The -k flag bypasses the client file refresh. It can be used to make the server believe the file is no longer open, but keeps the file unchanged in the client workspace. The -c flag limits 'p4 revert' to files opened under the given, pending changelist. review -- List and track changelists (for the review daemon) p4 review [ -c changelist# ] [ -t counter ] 'p4 review' lists changelists that have not been reviewed before, as tracked by the named counter. If the counter is not given, 'p4 review' lists all changelists. (If a changelist# and counter are given, 'p4 review' sets the counter to that changelist# and produces no output. This functionality has been superceded by the 'p4 counter' command.) 'p4 review' is not meant as an end-user command. It exists to support an automated change review daemon. reviews -- Show what users are subscribed to review files p4 reviews [ -c changelist# ] [ file ... ] 'p4 reviews' lists all users who have subscribed to review the named files, the files in the numbered changelist, or all files by default. Users subscribe to review files via the 'p4 user' command. set -- Set variables in the registry (Windows only) p4 set [ -s -S service ] [ var=[value] ] 'p4 set' sets the registry variables used by Perforce on Windows platforms. Normally, the variable 'var' is set to 'value'. If 'value' is missing, the variable 'var' is unset. Without any arguments at all, 'p4 set' list variable settings. The -s flag causes 'p4 set' to set variables for the whole system rather than for the user. You must have NT administrator powers to use this. The -S service flag causes 'p4 set' to set variables for the named service. You must have NT administrator powers to use this. Currently, registry variable entries may be overridden by environment variables and (in some cases) flags on the command line. See 'p4 help environment' for a list of environment/registry variables. submit -- Submit open files to the depot p4 submit [ -r -s ] p4 submit [ -r -s ] files p4 submit [ -r ] -c changelist# p4 submit -i [ -r -s ] 'p4 submit' commits a pending changelist and its files to the depot. With no argument 'p4 submit' attempts to submit all files in the 'default' changelist. Submit provides the user with a dialog similar to 'p4 change' so the user can compose a changelist description. In this dialog the user is presented with the list of files open in changelist 'default'. Files may be deleted from this list but they cannot be added. (Use an open command (edit, add, delete) to add additional files to a changelist.) If a (single) file pattern is given, only those files in the 'default' changelist that match the pattern will be submitted. The -c flag submits the numbered pending changelist that has been previously created with 'p4 change' or a failed 'p4 submit'. The -i flag causes a changelist specification (including files to be submitted) to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -r flag allows submitted files to remain open (on the client's default changelist) after the submit has completed. The -s flag extends the list of jobs to include the fix status for each job, which becomes the job's status when the changelist is committed. See 'p4 help change' for more notes on this option. Before committing a changelist submit locks all associated files not already locked. If any file cannot be locked, or if the submit fails for any other reason the files are left open in a newly created pending changelist. Submit is guaranteed to be atomic. Either all files will be updated in the depot as a unit or none will be. sync -- Synchronize the client with its view of the depot flush -- synonym for 'sync -k' p4 sync [ -f -n -k ] [ file[revRange] ... ] Sync updates the client workspace to reflect its current view (if it has changed) and the current contents of the depot (if it has changed). The client view is used to map client file names to depot file names and vice versa. Sync adds files that are in the client view but which have not been retrieved before. Sync deletes previously retrieved files which are no longer in the client view or have been deleted from the depot. Sync updates files which are still in the client view and which have been updated in the depot. Normally, sync affects all files in the client workspace. If file arguments are given, sync limits its operation to those files. The file arguments may contain wildcards. If the file argument includes a revision specifier, then the given revision is retrieved. Normally, the head revision is retrieved. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. If the file argument includes a revision range specification, then only files selected by the revision range are updated, and the highest revision in the range is used. Normally, sync will not clobber files in the client workspace that the user has made writable. Setting the 'clobber' option in the client spec disables this safety check. The -f flag forces resynchronization even if the client already has the file, and clobbers writable files. This flag doesn't affect open files. The -n flag causes sync not to update the client workspace, but to display what normally would be updated. The -k flag bypasses the client file update. It can be used to make the server believe that a client workspace already has the file. Typically this flag is used to correct the Perforce server when it is wrong about what files are on the client, use of this option can confuse the server if you are wrong about the client's contents. tag -- Tag files with a label p4 tag [ -d -n ] -l label file[revRange] ... Tag associates the named label with the file revisions indicated by the file argument. Once file revisions are tagged with a label, revision specifications of the form '@label' can be used to refer to them. If the file argument does not include a revision specification, the head revisions will be tagged. See 'p4 help revisions' for revision specification options. If the file argument includes a revision range specification, only the files with revisions in that range will be tagged. Files with more than one revision in the range will be tagged at the highest revision. The -d deletes the association between the specified files and the label, regardless of revision. The -n flag lists the files that would be tagged, but doesn't actually do anything. Tag can be used with an existing label (see 'p4 help labels') or with a new one. An existing label may be used only by its owner, but only if it is unlocked. (See 'p4 help label'). To list the file revisions tagged with a label, use 'p4 files @label'. tickets -- Display list of session tickets for this user p4 tickets 'p4 tickets' lists all the tickets that have been granted to the user by 'p4 login'. trigger -- see 'p4 help triggers' triggers -- Modify list of pre-submit and form-validating triggers p4 triggers p4 triggers -o p4 triggers -i 'p4 triggers' edits the table of pre-submit, form-validating and external-authentication triggers. Triggers are administrator-defined commands that the server runs to perform the following: Validate changelist submissions. The server runs changelist triggers either before the file transfer, between file transfer and changelist commit, or after the commit. Manipulate and validate forms. The server runs form-validating triggers either between generating and outputting the form, between inputting and parsing the form, between parsing and saving the form, or when deleting the form. Authenticate or change a user password. The server runs authentication triggers to either validate a user password during login or when setting a new password. The trigger form has a single entry 'Triggers', followed by any number of trigger lines. Triggers are executed in the order listed and if a trigger fails subsequent triggers are not run. A trigger succeeds if the executed command exits 0 and fails otherwise. If the command fails, its standard output (not error output) is used as the text of the trigger failure error message. Normally the failure of a trigger prevents the operation from completing, except for the commit triggers which run after the operation is complete. Each trigger line contains a trigger name, a trigger type, a depot file path pattern or form type, and a command to run: Name: The name of the trigger. A run of the same trigger name on contiguous lines is treated as a single trigger, so that multiple paths may be specified. Only the command of the first such trigger line is used. Type: When the trigger is to execute: change-submit: Execute pre-submit trigger after changelist has been created and files locked but prior to file transfer. change-content: Execute mid-submit trigger after file transfer but prior to commit. Files can accessed by the 'p4 diff2', 'p4 files', 'p4 fstat', and 'p4 print' commands using the revision specification '@=change', where 'change' is the pending changelist number passed as %%changelist%%. change-commit: Execute post-submit trigger after changelist commit. form-out: Execute form trigger on generation of form. Trigger may modify form. form-in: Execute form trigger on input of form before its contents are parsed and validated. Trigger may modify form. form-save: Execute form trigger prior to save of form after its contents are parsed. form-delete: Execute form trigger prior to delete of form after its contents are parsed. auth-check: Execute an authentication check trigger to verify a user's password against an external password manager during login or when setting a new password. auth-set: Execute an authentication set trigger to send a new password to an external password manager. Path: For change triggers, a file pattern to match files in the changelist. This file pattern may be an exclusion mapping (-pattern) to exclude files. For form triggers, the name of form (branch, client, etc). Authentication triggers require (auth) as this value. Note that triggers on the 'p4 triggers' command are ignored. Command: The OS command to run for validation. If the command contains spaces, the whole command must be quoted. The following variables are expanded in the command string: %%client%% -- the client issuing the command %%clienthost%% -- the hostname of the client %%clientip%% -- the IP address of the client %%serverhost%% -- the hostname of the server %%serverip%% -- the IP address of the server %%serverport%% -- the IP address:port of the server %%serverroot%% -- the value of the server's $P4ROOT %%user%% -- the user issuing the command %%changelist%% -- the changelist being submitted %%formfile%% -- path to temp file containing form %%formname%% -- the form's name (branch name, etc) %%formtype%% -- the type of form (branch, etc) More information can be gathered about the changelist being submitted by running 'p4 describe %%changelist%%'. The -o flag causes the trigger table to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes the trigger table to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. 'p4 triggers' requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. typemap -- Modify the file name-to-type mapping table p4 typemap p4 typemap -o p4 typemap -i 'p4 typemap' edits a name-to-type mapping table for 'p4 add', which consults the table to select a file's filetype based on its name. The typemap form has a single entry 'TypeMap', followed by any number of typemap lines. Each typemap line contains a filetype and a depot file path pattern: Filetype: See 'p4 help filetypes' for a list of valid filetypes. Path: Names to be mapped to the filetype. This is a file pattern and may be an exclusion mapping (-pattern) to exclude files. Note to match all files anywhere in the depot hierarchy, the pattern must begin with //..., and to match any file with a given suffix you must either specify '//.../*.suffix' or '//....suffix' (four dots). As with all mappings, later entries override earlier entries. If no matching entry is found in the table, 'p4 add' senses the file's filetype by examining the file's contents and execution permission bits. The -o flag causes the typemap table to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes the typemap table to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. 'p4 typemap' requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. unlock -- Release a locked file but leave it open p4 unlock [ -c changelist# ] [ -f ] [ file ... ] 'p4 unlock' releases a lock on an open file in a pending changelist. If the file is open in a specific pending changelist other than 'default', then the -c flag is required to specify the pending changelist. If no file name is given then all files in the designated changelist are unlocked. The -f flag can unlock any file; normally files can only be unlocked by their owner. The -f flag requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. user -- Create or edit a user specification p4 user [ -f ] [ name ] p4 user -d [ -f ] name p4 user -o [ name ] p4 user -i [ -f ] Create a new user specification or edit an existing user specification. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked. Normally, a user specification is created automatically the first time the user invokes any client command that can update the depot. The 'p4 user' command is generally used to edit the user's reviewing subscription list for change review. The user specification form contains the following fields: User: The user name (read only). Email: The user's email address (user@client default). Update: The date the specification was last modified (read only). Access: The date the user last issued a client command. FullName: The user's real name. JobView: Selects jobs to be presented at changelist creation. These are the jobs that can be closed automatically upon changelist submission. See 'p4 help jobview' for a description of jobview syntax. Reviews: The subscription list for change review. You may use wildcards: ... matches any characters including / * matches any character except / There may be any number of review lines. Password: The user's password. See also 'p4 help passwd'. The -d flag deletes the named user, but only if the user has no opened files. The -o flag causes the named user specification to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked. The -i flag causes a user specification to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked. The -f flag can force the creation, update or deletion of any named user, or to change the last modified date. By default, users can only delete or modify their own user specifications. The -f flag requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'. users -- Display list of known users p4 users [ user ... ] [ -m max ] Reports the list of all users, or those users matching the argument, currently known to the system. The report includes the last time each user accessed the system. The -m max flag limits output to the first 'max' number of users. verify -- Verify that the server archives are intact p4 verify [ -m maxRevs -q -u -v ] file[revRange] ... 'p4 verify' reports for each revision of the named files the revision specific information and an MD5 digest (fingerprint) of the revision's contents. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions. By default, 'p4 verify' computes and displays the digest of each revision. If a revision cannot be reproduced (e.g. if the file is missing from the archive), the revision's output line ends with MISSING! If there is a saved digest, 'p4 verify' compares it with the computed one. If they differ the output line ends with BAD! The -m max flag limits verify to 'max' revisions. The -u flag causes 'p4 verify' to compute and save the digest for each revision that has no saved digest. Revisions already with saved digests are skipped. The -v flag forces 'p4 verify' to compute and save the digest for each revision, even if it already has a saved digest. This can be used to update the saved digest if the archive was changed deliberately. The -q flag instructs 'p4 verify' to operate quietly. The only output would be errors from mismatched digests or errors due to unreproducible revisions. The following commands will compute digests for revisions without saved digests and then verify the first and head revisions of all files. Verifying revision #1 is useful for text files because of their reverse delta storage format: corruption of any revision will be reflected in revision #1. p4 verify -qu //... p4 verify -q #1,#1 p4 verify -q #head,#head Saved digests are also used by 'p4 diff' to avoid having to compute them each time. 'p4 verify' requires 'admin' access granted by 'p4 protect'. where -- Show how file names map through the client view p4 where [ file ... ] Where shows how the named files map through the client view. For each argument, three names are produced: the name in the depot, the name on the client in Perforce syntax, and the name on the client in local syntax. If no file is given, the mapping for '...' (all files in the current directory and below) is shown. Note that 'p4 where' does not determine where any real files are. It only computes where they should be according to the client view. # A Perforce Branch Specification. # # Branch: The branch name. # Update: The date this specification was last modified. # Access: The date of the last 'integrate' using this branch. # Owner: The user who created this branch. # Description: A short description of the branch (optional). # Options: Branch update options: [un]locked. # View: Lines to map source depot files to target depot files. # # Use 'p4 help branch' to see more about branch views. # A Perforce Client Specification. # # Client: The client name. # Update: The date this specification was last modified. # Access: The date this client was last used in any way. # Owner: The user who created this client. # Host: If set, restricts access to the named host. # Description: A short description of the client (optional). # Root: The base directory of the client workspace. # AltRoots: Up to two alternate client workspace roots. # Options: Client options: # [no]allwrite [no]clobber [no]compress # [un]locked [no]modtime [no]rmdir # LineEnd: Text file line endings on client: local/unix/mac/win/share. # View: Lines to map depot files into the client workspace. # # Use 'p4 help client' to see more about client views and options. # A Perforce Label Specification. # # Label: The label name. # Update: The date this specification was last modified. # Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' on this label. # Owner: The user who created this label. # Description: A short description of the label (optional). # Options: Label update options: locked or unlocked. # View: Lines to select depot files for the label. # # Use 'p4 help label' to see more about label views. # A Perforce Change Specification. # # Change: The change number. 'new' on a new changelist. Read-only. # Date: The date this specification was last modified. Read-only. # Client: The client on which the changelist was created. Read-only. # User: The user who created the changelist. Read-only. # Status: Either 'pending' or 'submitted'. Read-only. # Description: Comments about the changelist. Required. # Jobs: What opened jobs are to be closed by this changelist. # You may delete jobs from this list. (New changelists only.) # Files: What opened files from the default changelist are to be added # to this changelist. You may delete files from this list. # (New changelists only.) # A Perforce Depot Specification. # # Depot: The name of the depot. # Owner: The user who created this depot. # Date: The date this specification was last modified. # Description: A short description of the depot (optional). # Type: Whether the depot is 'local', 'remote', or 'spec'. # Address: Connection address (remote depots only). # Suffix: Suffix for all saved specs (spec depot only). # Map: Path translation information (must have ... in it). # # Use 'p4 help depot' to see more about depot forms. # A Perforce Group Specification. # # Group: The name of the group. # MaxResults: A limit on the results of operations for users in # this group, or 'unlimited'. See 'p4 help maxresults'. # MaxScanRows: A limit on the data scanned during operations for users # in this group, or 'unlimited'. See 'p4 help maxresults'. # Timeout: A time (in seconds) which determines how long a 'p4 login' # session ticket remains valid (default is 12 hours). # Subgroups: Other groups automatically included in this group. # Users: The users in the group. One per line. # Perforce Protections Specification. # # Each line contains a protection mode, a group/user indicator, the # group/user name, client host id and a depot file path pattern. # A user gets the highest privilege granted on any line. # # Mode: The permission being granted. Each permission includes # all the permissions above it, except for 'review'. # # list - users can see names but not contents of files; # users can see all non-file related metadata # (clients, users, changelists, jobs, etc.) # # read - users can sync, diff, and print files # # open - users can add, edit, delete, and integrate files # # write - users can submit open files # # super - allows access to the 'p4 protect' command # # review - allows access to the 'p4 review' command; implies # read access # # Group/User indicator: either 'group' or 'user'. # # Name: A Perforce group or user name; may be wildcarded. # # Host: The IP address of a client host; may be wildcarded. # # Path: The part of the depot being granted access. # Perforce Submit and Form Validating Trigger Specifications. # # Triggers: a list of triggers; one per line. Each line has four # elements: # # Name: The name of the trigger. # # Type: 'change-submit' for pre-submit triggers. # 'change-content' for mid-submit triggers with # access to file content. # 'change-commit' for post-submit triggers. # 'form-in', 'form-out', 'form-save' or 'form-delete' # for form triggers. # 'auth-check', 'auth-set' for external authentication # triggers. # # Path: For submit triggers, a file pattern to match files # in the changelist. For form triggers, the type of # form ('branch', 'client', etc). For authentication # use 'auth'. # # Command: The OS command to run for validation. If the # command contains spaces, the whole command must # be quoted. See 'p4 help triggers' for a list of # variables that can be expanded in the command # string. # # For example, # # Triggers: # example submit //depot/... "runcommand %%changelist%%" # # See 'p4 help triggers' for more information about triggers. # Perforce File Type Mapping Specifications. # # TypeMap: a list of filetype mappings; one per line. # Each line has two elements: # # Filetype: The filetype to use on 'p4 add'. # # Path: File pattern which will use this filetype. # # See 'p4 help typemap' for more information. # A Perforce User Specification. # # User: The user's user name. # Email: The user's email address; for email review. # Update: The date this specification was last modified. # Access: The date this user was last active. Read only. # FullName: The user's real name. # JobView: Selects jobs for inclusion during changelist creation. # Password: If set, user must have matching $P4PASSWD on client. # Reviews: Listing of depot files to be reviewed by user. # A Perforce Job Specification. # # Job: The job name. 'new' generates a sequenced job number. # Status: Either 'open', 'closed', or 'suspended'. Can be changed. # User: The user who created the job. Can be changed. # Date: The date this specification was last modified. # Description: Comments about the job. Required. # A Perforce Job Spec Specification. # # Updating this form can be dangerous! # See 'p4 help jobspec' for proper directions. 5953214client-Ackclient-CheckFileclient-ChmodFileclient-CloseDiffclient-CloseFileclient-CloseMergeclient-Cryptoclient-DeleteFileclient-EditDataclient-ErrorPauseclient-FstatInfoclient-HandleErrorclient-InputDataclient-Messageclient-OpenDiffclient-OpenFileclient-OpenMerge2client-OpenMerge3client-OutputBinaryclient-OutputDataclient-OutputErrorclient-OutputInfoclient-OutputTextclient-Promptclient-ScanDirclient-SendFileclient-SetPasswordclient-WriteDiffclient-WriteFileclient-WriteMergecompress1compress2echoerrorHandlerexitflush1flush2funcHandlerprotocolreleaserelease2actionOwneractionapiappattrbaseNamebitschangeclientFileclientcmpfilecodecommitcompareconfirmcountercwddatadata2dbstatdeclinedescdiffFlagsdigestdirendFromRevendToReverevfatalfileSizefilefmtforceTypefromFilefseqfuncfunc2handlehaveRevheadActionheadChangeheadModTimeheadRevheadTimeheadTypehimarkhosthowisgroupjobjobstatkeylanguagelevellfmtlinelowermanglemaxResultsmaxScanRowsmergeAutomergeConfirmmergeDeclinemergeHowmergePermsmonitornoBasenocasenoclobbernoechoopenosotherActionotherChangeotherLockotherOpenourLockpathpermpermsprogproxyresolvedrevrev2rmdirrseqsecuritysendspecsequenceserver2servershowAllspecdefspecstringspecFormattedsrevstartFromRevstartToRevstatstatustagtheirNametimetoFiletokentracktranstruncatetypetype2unicodeunmapunresolvedupperuserversionwarningwinguiworkRevwritexfilesyourNamealtArgargasBinaryattribAuthorbaseDepotRecchangeNocheckSumdeletedepotFiledepotFile2depotNamedepotRecdofixStatusforcegetFlaghaveRecintegRecipaddrkeyVallbrFilelbrRevlbrTypeleaveOpenmessagenoretrypeerpropigaterevertUnchangedrevRecrevtimerevversavestatetabletzoffsetoutputvalueworkRecaddadminbranchbrancheschangechangesclientclientscountercountersdeletedepotdepotsdescribediffdiff2dirseditfilelogfilesfixfixesflushfstatgroupgroupshavehelpinfointegrateintegratedjobjobsjobspeclabellabelslabelsynclockobliterateopenedpasswdprintprotectrenamereopenresolveresolvedrevertreviewreviewssetsubmitsynctriggerstypemapunlockuserusersverifywhere%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d1970/01/01%04d/%02d/%02d%+05ddmcftphandlelbrnetrcsrecordsrpctrack vtqxq|qq4q4qqqwqemptywarninglfmtError %s %p Severity %d (%s) Generic %d Count %d %d: %s %s = %s %d: %d (sub %d sys %d gen %d args %d sev %d code %d) rd\l`tHIrz12ErrorPrivatefinish handle %s set handle %s get handle %s anyError handle %s = %d 8sLJ@s10LastChancePerforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System. Copyright 1995-2006 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. 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DpAB Ig. hqAB Il. sAB Fm.$zAB Fk.q.$x{AB Fk.q.0|TAB Dp. |AB FP. D(}AB FP. h}EAB Fn. AB I. 8AB GU. L.zPL|  $ P,AB DK.U.$H|AB F.$pAB FP.,AB FN.|.I.\.,xAB FQ.c.R.\. $&AB Fl.( AB FR. X.4LЎ5AB FN.o. O.n. V.O.4AB FW..K.\.I.zP|  $ AB F. H0AB FI. lL4AB F}. gAB DN.E. zPL|  $ CAB FY.$HtcAB FY.$pAB Fm.$ĜAB Fm.$AB FE.$ AB FG.$AB FG.$80WAB BG.$`WAB BG.$8AB FZ.$<AB F`.$T?AB BP.$4AB BJ.$(ȡCAB FG.$P AB FH.$xԢ5AB B[.,8AB c.$tSAB Fg.ȣ)AB \.(AB FE. @.,4nAB FC.j. O. $dXAB Fi.pAB N.AB N.,kAB Fa.]._.0AB F.6. k.$0ȨAB Bg.$XL$AB Bg.$Щs0AB Bk.$Ds<AB Bk.$AB Fl.$|}AB FK.$ eAB FN.$HdeAB FN.,pܬAB FQ.v. Q.$GAB FJ.$ЭgAB FP.$8gAB FP.$WAB Fi.$@AB FO.$hHAB FF.$YAB FF.$ `jAB FU.$`~AB FU.,AB F\.. y.48yAB Fn.K.K.O.. L.$p`AB F.,T&AB F.0.(|AB F. S.,lAB F. v.($HAB Bw.. (PDAB Bw.. ,|@CAB Fh..0j.$fAB Bd.K.$fAB Bd.K.@TAB F^._.l. D.Z. O.q.K. [.].$@ 8AB A_.K. Hh LAB FF. R.^. O.W.I.`. \.M.t.I.q. D =AB FX.J.I.}. O.`. O.v.M.c.K. 0 X0AB F}.y. Q.n.b.00 AB B`.^.Y. ].d. $d H|AB DS.].$ AB FR.$ AB FN.$ LAB Bb.$ AB Bb. , iAB Aj. P iAB Aj.$t \qAB Af.L.( AB B@. [.M.X dZAB FJ.A. O.X.I.l. c.a. a.M.x.n.B. O.X.T.K.zP|   LAB Bm. D TAB Ff.zPL|  $ `yAB Bm.$HyAB Bm.,pXAB FF.J.K.,(AB FF.J.K.$DAB Fo.$<VAB Fx.$ JAB Fu.$HgAB BQ.$pHgAB BQ.0AB FQ.I.Q.f.0AB FQ.I.Q.g.$RAB BT.$(RAB BT.(PhAB Fy.k.(|dAB Fz.n.$dcAB F[.(FAB FN.]. $AB Fy.,$AB F..I.(TdIAB Fd.K.,AB Fe.].O.$\DAB FP.$DAB FP.XAB IJ.?. N..N.I.[.N.R.B. N.. W..J.0\x*AB F[..K. U.$MAB FY.zP|   H<AB ADj. DcAB F`.zPL|  ,  AB F. _.l. $PAB F.x<AB o. (dKAB Fr..(KAB Fr..$;AB Ab.K.$8;AB Ab.K.$@tScAB BJ.$hSoAB BJ.$AB Ey.$AB F{.$PAB Fa.$AB FN.40{AB F_..I.B. O.$h$AAB FZ.$hhAB BV.$@`AB Fj.$cAB Fm.$cAB FZ.$0hcAB ED.$XcAB Ff.$0AB FC.$VAB Ff.$4FAB Fy.$|"AB FV.$ 3AB F_. HeAB Dg. l<eAB Dg.(ZAB BG.B.( ZAB BG.B.$\ AB Ff. $ AB DF.(4D nAB Fr.Q.$` AB FE.$ AB Fo.$, AB FB.$ KAB Fl.  MAB DH.$$ rAB Fd.$LL:AB FH.$tXAB FF.(JAB Fh. L.$,AB I^.$AB If.${AB Ec.$@AB Io.$hoAB FE.$AB F.$8AB BL. AB q.Q.$\AB B .$, AB B .$T\~AB F^.$|WAB B[.i.$4_AB E_.$^AB Ff.$LAB FJ., T 4/AB IE.. T.$L "YAB If.$t P%AB Iv. '3AB DT. '1AB H.$ 8(AB BS.$ $)AB FG.$0 )AB FD.$X @*AB FD.$ *AB BX.K.$ d+AB Fm.$ -YAB F.$ d/AB B^.$ D0AB FI.DH 81 AB Ik.. V.U. W.. Z.. k., ;AB FX.. s.$ ,@wAB BZ.K.4 AAB F.. z.H. v.4 hEGAB F.. z.H. v.(X @IAB BR.R.( 8JAB BR.R. 0K9AB ].T.$ lK`qAB FH.$ KUAB FQ. $ $NSAB DG.$H xNAB FJ.$p OAB BJ.$ O=AB FG.$ $QAB F`.$ QoAB F`.$\SAB FP.,8SAB FN.v.W.R. hT4AB A]. T-AB W.N.$U7AB AZ.T.$LUAB FR.$UAB FR.(V"AB W.HV"AB W. hV*AB A^.WAB K.$WBAB BM.$`WCAB BM.$W]AB BM.$$XAB Ih.<L \ DAB Ih.. J.. _..I., hAB Ih.. X.,l:AB IJ.. J.DttLAB FM.7. T.. S..R.. [. 4yAB D`. Xy,AB R.K. |z<AB [.K. ,PzAB EA.Q.K. ^.0{~*AB F`.I.K. |. |:AB `.K. 0(|8AB FC.].K. ^. \}:AB `.K. 0}FAB Fy..K. K. TPAB v.K. $xVAB FI.4zAB FD.3.M.y.I.zP|   hLAB Ej.D$AB W. `"AB DG.O. "AB DG.O. %AB DJ.O. 4"AB DG.O. ؈OAB Ef.44AB B..M.< . b.9. L̥AB J.hAB J.zPL|  $ x]GE De.,HئjAB FU.i.I.0xDAB F.X..d.,ة AB FN..^., AB F^..R.$ $dAB F~.4%AB S.$T̬6AB BV.V.(|AB FV..,حAB FQ.N.d.,hAB FQ.N.d.AB G. (7AB D^. LL7AB D^. p7AB D^. HAB Do.$AB O.(%AB S.$h2AB B_. ذ AB S.,@^AB BZ.T.I.]. $pfAB Bd. eAB Au. $AB AT.  -AB AZ.$<1AB DG.^.(,ppAB Bv.[. U.$X2AB BM.[. ,AB F`._. `.$ش4AB BV.T.$ AAB BV.a.$PIAB BL.s.4(AB F].a.I..Z.(`AB Fr.M.,"AB M.P AB S.p%AB S.$8AAB EV.$AB FQ.<%AB S.(\<jAB FP.L.(̽jAB FP.L.$|\AB FJ. p,AB DH.,AB IN.. I.,0AB F].i.I.U.$`AB BP.,lAB FQ.N.Y.$AB Fl.%AB S.D%AB S.( AB FC.u.$L@VAB FU.4tAB FL..R.J.R.,x$AB FL.I.R.$(FAB IL.4  pAB IL.). J.`. `.$< AB IL.$d AB IL.$ d#AB IL.@ H;LAB IL.. J.`. S.. J.`. S.$ 3AB IL.$ BAB IL.$H tAB IL.$p pGAB IL.$ AB IL.$ > AB Iz.4  yAB IL.R. J.i. _.$ kAB BH.$H  kAB BH.(p | nAB Bc.Q.K.( nAB Bc.Q.K.$ \  AB FL.0  1AB FL.^.Q.I.,$  QAB FL.|.Q.I.$T ` gAB FL.@| ` AB FP.].Q.I..Q.a.[.E.$ < AB FL.8  8AB FL..Q.I..E.$$ P AB FL.$L h 0AB FL.$t  AB FL.$  @4AB FO.,  [AB IL..I.4  ,AB FL..I..I.$, AB IO.DT% AB FO..e.[..f.[.Z.Q.R.`.$P( wAB IO.$, o4AB FL.,8- HAB Id..R.$43 AB FL.$D3 AB FL.$ll4 AB FO.$L6 ,AB IO.$x; AB FL.$< ?<AB IO.$ C 8gAB IL.$4 F oAB FL.$\|F oAB FL.,F ;AB IL.. L.$(K oAB FL.$K oAB FL.0L D"AB FL.. [.[. Z.$8LN o]AB FL.$`N xqAB IL.$4R _AB IO.,W /AB FO..I.$X AB FO.,Z 6AB FO.Y.I.$8[ MAB FI.$`\ $aAB FL.,(] }AB F`.r.I.$_ SAB F^.$8b AB FO., c sAB IL.^. d.(8g VAB FN.z. dg `AB DU. Lh IAB Du.$h AB FI.$Tj l2AB FL.,k YAB Fg. . L.4,q  AB FG.. d.. V.$ds AB IL.$y AB FL.$Lz 9AB FL.$| bAB II.$ AB FO.$,h AB IL.$Td oAB FL.$|Ԇ AB E]., 8 AB FL..R.$ :AB F\., WAB IL.. M.$,h AB FW.$T AB FI.<| ^AB Fy..I.W.I.U.R.I.~.$ AB FL., 3AB FQ.Q. U.$@ AB FL.0<ؗ !AB IL.. J.r. J.Lp pAB I.. q.i. M.a. J.]. M.Y. M.|. S.L RAB I.. q.i. M.a. J.]. M.Y. M.|. S.$d V4AB Fc.$8 VCAB Fc.` AB O.$0 RAB FV.8 gAB Fy..I..W.N.I.$ AB F`.$ | AB F`.(48 BAB A\.O.K.(`| BAB A\.O.K.(ܳ 9AB DR.I.R.8 AB Iv.i. h.]. W.}. P.8 AB Iv.i. h.]. W.}. P.(0 rAB Al.O.K.(\t rAB Al.O.K.$ \AB BV.D 'AB Y.<l AB BR.I.M.I.M.I.M.I.c.$ =AB DF.f. ,88 ?lAB Fg.. U.,hx ?AB Fg.. U.$ "AB BK.$ 1AB BK.$ @AB Id.L 6AB Fh.Q.R.M.I.M.I.~.k.R.M.I.M.I.$` ,AB BM.X@ TAB F.S. l.X. M.{. J.Z. a.Z. M.u. P.]. J.w. M.X IAB F.S. l.X. M.{. J.Z. a.Z. M.u. P.]. J.w. M.$@` J>AB F.$h JNAB F., ^AB I..I.$ AB BO.$x YAB BV.0 AB Fa.E.I.c.I.0D _AB BU.I.M.L.^.0xl _AB BU.I.M.L.^.8 AB Fl.I.M.I.O.I.U.M. h VAB D^.$  =AB DF.f. d4 AB Fu.f. Q.n. M.A. L.Y. V.X. P.. L.Y. P.X. t.Y. V.X. S.dd @AB Fu.f. Q.n. M.A. L.Y. V.X. P.. L.Y. P.X. t.Y. V.X. S.(  BAB A\.O.K.(0 X BAB A\.O.K.$\ AB I.4 X AB Fv.I.P.I.a.L.$ >AB DF.g. P s AB I~.F. T.. L._. J.p. L.[. M.. }.P8!t s vAB I~.F. T.. L._. J.p. L.[. M.. }.(! AB Bk.Q.K.(!p AB Bk.Q.K.H! ?AB FW.I.M.I.O.I.V.I.d.].I.i.I.00"T AB Fp.I.M.I.q.0d" AB FI.]. e.]. _.L" AB Fl._. Z.C. M.Y. R.. i.]. P.Z. e.L" kAB Fl._. Z.C. M.Y. R.. i.]. P.Z. e.(8# fAB Bc.Q.K.(d#H fAB Bc.Q.K.(# lAB FU.A.$#8 )AB DK.R.$#d =AB DF.f. 4 $  AB Iv.. M.. d.4D$&  DAB Iv.. M.. d.$|$D1 AB Fs.$$03 AB Fs.@$85 AB B[.Q.R.M.I.O.I.f.^.R.M.d%6 AB Ir.S. a.v. M.a. m.i. S.J. J.d. S.U. a.e .S.I.. U.dx%I AB Ir.S. a.v. M.a. m.i. S.J. J.d. S.U. a.e .S.I.. U.$%$\ +AB B].$&P] +AB B]. 0&|^ 6AB DL.$T&^ AB FZ.$|&_ )AB DK.R.@&_ AB Fp.|.p.m.X.I..p.d.,&b eAB BT.Q.R.d.$' c =AB DF.f. @'Lc AB Q.`'hc AB M.$'c %AB DJ.O.,'c AB Fb.l. O.,'d AB Fb.l. O.((e BAB A\.O.K.(4(e BAB A\.O.K.<`(8f AB BR.I.M.I.M.I.M.I.c.$(f =AB DF.f. $(g ZAB Ft.$(`h ZAB Ft.H)i AB FS. A.O. z.Y.I.K.I.e.I.K.z.8d)k AB FS. A.T. ^.I.K.I.<)`m .AB F.. O.. U.K. O.<)dq AB F.. O.. U.K. O.$ *hu Q>AB F_.$H*v QMAB F_.Lp*,x  AB FJ.i.I.M.I.M.I.k.a.I.M.I.M.I.*AB DF.g. H4 AB Fl.W. A.. j.~. V.. P.~. P.H`4 AB Fl.W. A.. j.~. V.. P.~. P.$4D AB FC.$48 AB FC.$4| AB F}.$$58 AB F}.$L5 AB B}.$t5 AB B}.(5T AB BA.k.K.(5 _AB FQ.@.$5p AB FW.$6h AB B_.pD6 AB I.T. \.E.I.. P._. j.D. J.x. J.`. j.5. P.D. Z.I..R.p6- AB I.T. \.E.I.. P._. j.D. J.x. J.`. j.5. P.D. Z.I..R.$,7< UAB FG.$T7= cAB FG.(|7> AB B|.I.a.7L? 1AB d. 47? qAB FR.. P.. P.48DE  AB FR.. P.. P.$88K <AB F.$`8DN <AB F.$8Q UAB I.,8T AB Bx.T.`.I.,8U AB Bx.T.`.I.$9\V =AB DF.f. 489V AB Fa.F. M..K.4p9X AB Fa.F. 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M.,(D 3 ^AB IH.. . XD AB Di.@|D  AB I.w. `.. P.W. P.`. h.@Dx  aAB I.w. `.. P.W. P.`. h.$E AB F.$,E AB F.DTE AB Fw.I.b.c.I.M.I..I.M.I.E\ 8AB k. ,E ,AB IM.?. Z.,E ~AB IM.?. Z.$F AB Be.$DF4 AB Be.(lF QAB BL.i.K.0F( AB F\.t. L.P. o.0F MAB F\.t. L.P. o.(G BAB A\.O.K.(,G$ BAB A\.O.K.$XGh AB I.4G(  AB Fj.I.P.I.l.S.$G4 =AB DF.f. LG K AB Ip.U. M.l. M.Y. g.]. M.}. M..I.L0H K NAB Ip.U. M.l. M.Y. g.]. M.}. M..I.$H4, rAB Bm.$H, rAB Bm.<H8- AB Fl.V.~.d.H.m.P.I.I. -AB `. $0I. BAB BQ.8XI,/ ?AB Fm.L. M.\. M.f. P.8Il1 ?:AB Fm.L. M.\. M.f. P.$I3 AB FO.$I4 AB FO.8 J5 AB Fr.U.[.e.n.[.P.I.$\J 7 =AB DF.f. 0JL7 `AB Fl.. J.p. P.0J8 `AB Fl.. J.p. P.(J : BAB A\.O.K.(KP: BAB A\.O.K.$DK: LAB IX.,lKH? cAB FT.Q.R.^.8K@ aAB FN.. J.B. R.v. Q.8K(D AB FN.. J.B. R.v. Q.$LG AB F{.$ AB FG.j. U.$ ? CAB BR.$P? CAB BR.(? KAB BR.Y.N.$,? AB FR.$T@ WAB FO.$|A EAB FO. XA 6AB DO. A 6AB DO. $A AB FN.@C AB FR.U. O._. P.G. \.U. O.0X\E FAB FU.O. V.W. 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