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(!>b!028  ,d`p* d @ d,d` ( >f 2'  (!>b!02   ,d`p* d @ d,d` ,d [esp_msgin(curmsglen:%d)] %s: msgin: no msg byte available gotmsg(%x)cmdcomplete %s: %d extra bytes from %d:%d %s: our msg rejected by target noop disconnect save datapointer restore datapointer extended(%x) SDTR period %d, offset %d %s:%d: async max sync rate %d.%02dMb/s %s: unrecognized MESSAGE EXTENDED; sending REJECT ident %s: unrecognized MESSAGE; sending REJECT %s: reselect without IDENTIFY; sending DEVICE RESET %s: unexpected MESSAGE IN; sending DEVICE RESET 㿘#>`( >g$1s ` p  2$>g 1j 0? " p$&$ .$ p `( >g 1Y$*$$ `(!>b!01L  .$ p* >g$ d1B 0$  `( >f 16 `(!>b!01/  .$ p* $ @$.$`.$$ #.$  &$$ `  ('>`2$>$`$ ` >$ >$ @>> (!>b!00  .$ p* 0> (">g$0 $ p x>g $ *`" * #>>h!`*@  p 8 8 L> (""$>g0 $`6 $` >g   0 &$$$("`( t.$!> (">g!0 $ P @g>$ .$ ` ,`> ("Z>g0!8W>> (">g0!@` $` .$  E>> (">g0v!P$$$$8$(> (">g0j!h$&$(,&$+>`(">g$0]!$ >g`(">g$$0Q!$ !>$,`$ `,` ,`$Ѐ "  ` " `| ` >g `!>`02cH$  `,` ,`!> ( >f 0# @L (\ @<!@7$ - **@" @* , "* $@"* & , "* $@* ,`z >g!/$ 2( ` `$Ѐ &,` `  ,` ` ,``( >f /ؒ @`(!>b!0/ђ  .$ p* $ @$.$`@.$ ,`$ .$ `  p `*  `$@>@Ԓ ,`"* $@̑* &` p*`m> p*  p* g> !> (">g/">g" / !> ( >f /  (!>b!0/  .$ p* $ @$.$?`$`>g"P7>"/l !> ( >f /d  (!>b!0/]  .$ p* $ @$.$` ( >f /L  (!>b!0/E  .$ p* $ @$.$` .$> (!>b!0/3  .$ p*` $ .$&$[esp_msgout(priq:%x, prevphase:%x)]esp at line %d: unexpected MESSAGE OUT phase esp at line %d: no nexus 㿐!> ( >j$$/ $ @$ "4$> (!>b!0.  .$ p* : .$"&$ >j ( >f$.  (!>b!0.ْ  .$ p* $$ @$.$@ .$ 0.ʒ%w$ 2$ $&$ @$.$$ $.$$*@ ?`?.$>j!*`@  ` h  ` *`" * # .$ .$.$ $.$ `.$ d&$   *  p*  $@Ӓ@i ,`"* $@a* &` p*`G$ p*  p* A$$ " >j `.,% ` 1  $.$  .$` *`" * #   * $ .$ .$  > (!>b!0-  .$ p* $ .$ .$$&$$$Ԁ 8 '$$ t  t@ p* p2 *` y @ p* 8!> (!>b!0-Ғ  .$ p*`  (!>b!0-ǒ  .$ p*  t x@[espintr]%s: SCSI bus reset %s: nexus in reset state%s: illegal command: 0x%x (state %d, phase %x, prevphase %x) %s: !TC [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] prevphase %x, resid %x %s: SCSI bus parity error sync nego not completed! %s: unexpected disconnect; resetting sending REQUEST SENSE %s: waiting for SCSI Bus Reset to happen %s: target didn't identify <>[[esp: BUMMER]]backoff selector %s: RESELECT: %d bytes in FIFO! selid=0x%2x %s: identify failed esp: not nexus at sc->sc_nexus%s: select timeout/no disconnect %s: step 1 & !NEG %s: !MSGOUT (%s:%d:%d): selection failed; %d left in FIFO [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] %s: unexpected status after select: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: stray interrupt %s: ICCS: : [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: STATUS_PHASE: msg %d %s: invalid state: %desp no nexusMESSAGE_OUT_PHASE MESSAGE_IN_PHASE %s: MSGIN: unexpected FC bit: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: MSGIN: weird bits: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] COMMAND_PHASE 0x%02x (%d) DATA_OUT_PHASE [%d] DATA_IN_PHASE STATUS_PHASE %s: unexpected bus phase; resetting esp: should not get here..㿈!> ( >k,d!   )>b!0 t l@ x L } & L p   (!".$!0,D .$ p*  $ >k  >k!+I  |0@D  ~ @!@ p  (! !0,  .$ p* f $  2° ` ", >k$$$"$,  p  (! !0+  .$ p* >    t@ "" ~p@  t @ 2 $ 2 ~ ~2 ~`>k }"@  $ `(?#\+Ȑ ~ 3>k"+ $ ( >f + (!!0+ .$ p* $ @$.$` >f + (!!0+ .$ p* $ @$.$`.$ }` p( >k ~"+  p  (! !0+}  .$ p* Đ (!!0+q D D.$ p*` $?`I>m# *`@ d L 4 $ `">k` >k+R"` *`" * #$ `.$  , $ 2`>k"+< ` >k+6#I  "`, $@ " & &  $`& $?`l>n P*`@ p>k#0+   $ >k>k+#V$$ ".$>k*#.$.$.$ }>.$$  ( >k*#  "@  "` &   &  "`&  $`r.$ p `  o>k `.$( >k*Đ#H$ ;>k#* Q e   2>l `2`>l)   *`" * #x>n"@*@ T t >l 0* ` "`,  >l$  >l$,  , $ .$( >f *x @(!!0*r .$ p* $ @$.$`@?.$ p ` ";`   `>l }  ~ #\  *V#`(!!0*P  .$ p*` ( >f *E (!!0*? .$ p* $ @$.$` .$(!!0*/  .$ p* `  $`  -@4 !&$`$&$`(&$`   `>@a0@1#>q`% _.$  ~ * (!!0)  .$ p* F ?$ H  }.$>l!0 ~ )  p   " p  ?" p  p ,`, p ( @>l!`)̔  >l$`$`("`( .$!p) (!!0)  .$ p* 0>l!$(Ò $ 2>l`2$>l(! 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(   .$    p*  t x@ 0I @>l("$ .$(!!0(  .$ p* &$ʐ"$@᠐ 2" t p X>k(v#>q  @ !(f v#`>k#` `# (Z  .$( 㿘'` &``@&`  @$ .3>`( >f (< `(!>b!0(5  .$ p* $ @$.$` .$ &@ " & &  &`$ %s: timed out [ecb %p (flags 0x%x, dleft %x, stat %x)], DMA active AGAIN x  l   ( $ ,#\ #`$#d$#h$#l $#p $#t t @  >q X>q >q #x 'ƔH /* % @  >q' N 0 >q'  $,]H 0bwtwo㿘>#䀢 V` 26 `@  2/ ` &` 2 &  ? >#䀢 2  2 @E  E"`4 @" `4  ?䀢  `@ &` bwtwo/p4model: %s, %d x %d (console) cgfourcgeightunknown%s: %s overlay plane 㿘  >  `4` &`X&`\ &`8`@@ &``0  @hݖ &`d &`Ȑ0 @hԖ &`&`d &`   6. >30,/0#䀢 %@  ,@  0>q2  Ec(2   E @ E &` &`&` &`ܪ >q" >q@\c80&`4 &`8$&`#&`ؘ $ @C  @V$ $ >q #@ &ǒ>#䀢 >>!0 , *    >#@ >#?  >!h >#@   $ 0`ܒ @hI$ @ْ ">q>q&#P ,@@`  `@D[`&#```(  ,@@>`   >q>q>q#h#p#x>q#&b`>#䀢 >!h ,@@`  @B> *    㿘 >. `|"@@@"@ 0 "@" 8&<&@&D& H&L &@9 &@P   㿘@G bwtwommap㿘> | > . @@>s% L@?>#܀`А@* >ؒa*   㿘>#䀢 2  ؀ 2  `@@@D 4@6  6  㿘>#䀢 ` ؀ ` `@@ 4@C0`Њ@ Ъ@0 Њ@ ?Ъ@0  ` @ ` *`cgtwo㿘` &`  `@   >#䀢 V` >4 !  8@ cgtwoattach: impossible bustype: %s, %d x %d (console) 㿘> &`L&`P ` &`,`&`T  >s"P>s$_" &`8`( $#@BN!&`<> A` !@V@㼒&`@>s`4#`0%.>#䀢 20>!0 ">   >#@ 0&`4&`8&`&`  &`D`0  @f &`D0  $@f &`̐  @@f#` &`>s$# @BȐ`(>>s$#0>!h>#䀢 `(@AL>Đ *    㿘 >. `"@/@@ "@H"@",P  "@"9  "@"<C  "@( < &0&4&8& <&@/&,&&,&0& 4&8&<&@&& ,?&$&(,&H&L@@l   &  `  *   (㼘@` !G   Б,  @@  *  ,  А" @@  *~  ,  А$ @@  *} ` `  " `ݔ  㼘@` a$`G @” 2@` @ 28`@ . 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L "!"%s: fatal error 0x%02x: %s %s: soft reset failed! xdc_remove_iorq: controller DEAD㿘 L ` @ ` #>`x@z  ? > ْ> `  *`    h` Ɛ @Õ-  l @ !?.! 2  ` $`$` @  " `  ` @ ` Q2P`? 8L``$` ?$`$``($` `"$`( `$ <$`,$`$` , *` `  ,`$$`4`` @`4 ` `` @@2, ` ` a >"@, `( $!" ? .!" * !  .! I ` ` "5 ?`0`= 5 ?9  `0  $$ (($ $`$* $ 4$ 4`, <@y  0` 0 4 (" !`.!@*` h" ! -!Tb  @$`!!`".!!  @$`!! .!!  4`4 %s%c: %s %d/%d/%d: readwrite [still trying, new error=%s] [recovered in %d tries] 㿘>  ` `  Ր  0` > `;   a" ǒ`a@  @  @  > > > ؐ ` ` ` !>@7 !> @.    2> >!>! 㿘` ``?`  ?@&`!!?.!!`&`!!?.!!? 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H 0 @u9Software fatal errorSuccessful completionIllegal cylinder addressIllegal head addressIllgal sector addressCount zeroUnimplemented commandIllegal field length 1Illegal field length 2Illegal field length 3Illegal field length 4Illegal field length 5Illegal field length 6Illegal field length 7Illegal scatter/gather lengthNot enough sectors per trackNext IOPB address alignment errorScatter/gather address alignment errorScatter/gather with auto-ECCSoft ECC correctedECC ignoredAuto-seek retry recoveredSoft retry recoveredHard data ECCHeader not foundDrive not readyOperation timeoutVMEDMA timeoutDisk sequencer errorHeader ECC errorRead verifyFatail VMEDMA errorVMEbus errorDrive faultedHeader error/cylinerHeader error/headDrive not on-cylinderSeek errorIllegal sector sizeSoft ECCWrite-protect errorIRAM self test failureMaintenance test 3 failure (DSKCEL RAM)Maintenance test 4 failure (header shift reg)Maintenance test 5 failure (VMEDMA regs)Maintenance test 6 failure (REGCEL chip)Maintenance test 7 failure (buffer parity)Maintenance test 8 failure (disk FIFO)IOPB checksum miscompareIOPB DMA fatalIOPB address alignment errorFirmware errorIllegal maintenance mode test numberACFAIL assertedUnknown error >* o qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqoo$o0o<oHoTo`oloxooooooooqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqooopqqqqqqqqqqqqpp p,p8pDpPqqp\phptpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpppppqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqpqqqq(q4qqqqqqqq@qLqXqdqqpq|qqqqqqqqo>!@>!X>!p>!>!>!>!>!>">">"0>"H>"`>|"x>y">v">s">p">m# >j#@>g#X>d#h>a#>^#>[#>X#>U#>R#>O >L >I 0>F @>C X>@ h>= x>: >7 >4 >1 >. >+ >(!>%!(>"!P>!>!>!>">"8>"X> "h> ">">">"Ёxycxyxydummystrat㿘 0"">>ː!  <0" $"& $ $ ?& $%s: %s %s: WARNING: no `pcyl' in disk label. %s: WARNING: guessing pcyl=%d (ncyl+acyl) 㿘>" `""`(`>`a`* @t, >"}`/ `6"@>4`"`m``4>`D"8 4`*b2` 4`4``D`4``0`,` ``,,`@ڒ `4` `""`(㿘`@   >#䀢    n?@b@    pri %d%s: can't alloc IOPB mem in 64K xyc malloc: %s: : doesn't identify as a 450/451 : Xylogics 450/451 [OLS disabled] %s: error: %s %s: 24 bit addressing turned off please set hardware jumpers JM1-JM2=in, JM3-JM4=out to enable 24 bit mode and this driver intrp0  @= & $`L>*` >$`X#$`\$``" P? 6" P Hܒ@p '?  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