INSTALL(8) NetBSD System Manager's Manual INSTALL(8) NNAAMMEE IINNSSTTAALLLL - Installation procedure for NetBSD/sparc DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN AAbboouutt tthhiiss DDooccuummeenntt This document describes the installation procedure for NetBSD 1.4 on the _s_p_a_r_c platform. It is available in four different formats titled _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._e_x_t, where _e_x_t is one of _._p_s, _._h_t_m_l, _._m_o_r_e, or _._t_x_t. _._p_s PostScript. _._h_t_m_l Standard internet HTML. _._m_o_r_e The enhanced text format used on Unix-like systems by the more(1) and less(1) pager utility programs. This is the format in which the on-line _m_a_n pages are generally pre- sented. _._t_x_t Plain old ASCII. You are reading the _m_o_r_e version. WWhhaatt iiss NNeettBBSSDD?? The NetBSD Operating System is a fully functional Open Source UN*X-like operating system derived from the Berkeley Networking Release 2 (Net/2), 4.4BSD-Lite, and 4.4BSD-Lite2 sources. NetBSD runs on twenty different system architectures featuring eight distinct families of CPUs, and is being ported to more. The NetBSD 1.4 release contains complete binary re- leases for fourteen different machine types. (The six remaining are not fully supported at this time and are thus not part of the binary distri- bution. For information on them, please see the NetBSD web site at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneettbbssdd..oorrgg//) NetBSD is a completely integrated system. In addition to its highly portable, high performance kernel, NetBSD features a complete set of user utilities, compilers for several languages, The X Window System, and nu- merous other tools, all accompanied by full source code. NetBSD is a creation of the members of the Internet community. Without the unique cooperation and coordination the net makes possible, it's likely that NetBSD wouldn't exist. CChhaannggeess SSiinnccee TThhee LLaasstt RReelleeaassee The NetBSD 1.4 release is a substantial improvement over its predeces- sors. We have provided numerous significant functional enhancements, in- cluding support for many new devices, integration of hundreds of bug fix- es, new and updated kernel subsystems, and many userland enhancements. The results of these improvements is a stable operating system fit for production use that rivals most commercially available systems. It is impossible to completely summarize the nearly two years of develop- ment that went into the NetBSD 1.4 release. Some highlights include: ++oo Substantial improvements in the TCP/IP implementation, including nu- merous performance enhancements and bug fixes by Jason Thorpe and others. ++oo A new, high efficiency kernel memory pool allocator by Paul Kranen- burg. This has been integrated into most kernel subsystems. ++oo A new, totally rewritten virtual memory subsystem, UVM, created by Chuck Cranor, which is substantially cleaner and better performing than the old Mach derived VM subsystem. ++oo Improved POSIX and XPG standards compliance. ++oo Completion of the integration of all remaining 4.4BSD Lite-2 kernel improvements and bug fixes that had not been previously integrated. (Integration of all userland components was completed before NetBSD 1.3) ++oo Several new ports, including macppc, bebox, sparc64, next68k, and others, have been integrated into the source tree. ++oo The system compilers have been upgraded to egcs 1.1.1, and the system compiler toolchain now (mostly) uses the latest versions of GNU binu- tils instead of the obsolete versions left over from 4.4BSD Lite. ++oo Everyone's favorite ftp(1) client has been improved even further. See the man page for details. ++oo A new architecture independent console driver, wscons(4), has been integrated into many ports. ++oo Numerous improvements have been made to the audio subsystem support, including support for MIDI device drivers. ++oo Linux compatibility support has been improved. ++oo A number of scheduler enhancements have yielded dramatic improvements in interactive performance and better control of background tasks. ++oo Several network tunneling protocols, including GRE and IP in IP, have been implemented. ++oo Kernel support for the CODA distributed file system has been added. ++oo Manuel Bouyer completed major changes to the IDE support. It is now architecture independent. Major changes have been made to the IDE code for better error handling, improved ATAPI support, 32 bit data I/O support and bus-master DMA support on PCI IDE controllers. ++oo Lennart Augustsson has added full USB support, permitting the use of a wide variety of Universal Serial Bus peripherals. The drivers should easily port to any future platforms that support the PCI bus. See usb(4) for an overview. ++oo RAIDframe, version 1.1, from the Parallel Data Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University, has been integrated. Supports RAID levels 0, 1, 4, 5, and more. ++oo Luke Mewburn added nsswitch.conf(5) functionality to the system to specify the search order for system databases. ++oo syslogd(8) now supports listening on multiple sockets, to make the chrooting of servers easier. ++oo Most third party packages have been updated to the latest stable re- lease. As has been noted, there have also been innumerable bug fixes. Kernel interfaces have continued to be refined, and more subsystems and device drivers are shared among the different ports. You can look for this trend to continue. NetBSD 1.4 is the fourth release for the sparc. Many more sparc models and devices are now supported. TThhee FFuuttuurree ooff NNeettBBSSDD The NetBSD Foundation has been incorporated as a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to encourage, foster and promote the free exchange of com- puter software, namely the NetBSD Operating System. The foundation will allow for many things to be handled more smoothly than could be done with our previous informal organization. In particular, it provides the framework to deal with other parties that wish to become involved in the NetBSD Project. The NetBSD Foundation will help improve the quality of NetBSD by: ++oo providing better organization to keep track of development efforts, including co-ordination with groups working in related fields. ++oo providing a framework to receive donations of goods and services and to own the resources necessary to run the NetBSD Project. ++oo providing a better position from which to undertake promotional ac- tivities. ++oo periodically organizing workshops for developers and other interested people to discuss ongoing work. We intend to begin narrowing the time delay between releases. Our ambi- tion is to provide a full release every six to eight months. We hope to support even _m_o_r_e hardware in the future, and we have a rather large number of other ideas about what can be done to improve NetBSD. We intend to continue our current practice of making the NetBSD-current development source available on a daily basis. In addition, we intend to provide Anonymous CVS access to the NetBSD source tree in the near fu- ture, so that anyone on the internet can examine the full NetBSD source code repository. We intend to integrate free, positive changes from whatever sources sub- mit them, providing that they are well thought-out and increase the us- ability of the system. Above all, we hope to create a stable and accessible system, and to be responsive to the needs and desires of NetBSD users, because it is for and because of them that NetBSD exists. SSoouurrcceess ooff NNeettBBSSDD _N_e_t_B_S_D _M_i_r_r_o_r _S_i_t_e _L_i_s_t The following sites mirror NetBSD as of April 03, 1999. If you wish to become a distribution site for NetBSD, contact _m_i_r_r_o_r_s_@_n_e_t_b_s_d_._o_r_g. FTP mirrors Australia RMIT University, Melbourne University of Queensland, Brisbane Austria University of Technology, Vienna Brazil Cidade Universitaria Denmark Aalborg University Finland The Finnish University and Research Network, Espoo France Paris University Germany University of Trier University of Erlangen-Nuremberg University of Regensburg Japan Internet Research Institute Inc., Tokyo Electrotechnical Laboratory Dream Train Internet Inc., Tokyo Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Tohoku University, Sendai ASAHI Net Netherlands University of Amsterdam Norway Bergen IT Consult AS Norwegian University of Science and Technology Russia Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka Sweden Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Swedish University NETwork, Uppsala UK Domino, London USA Silicon Valley, California University of Minnesota University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Iowa State University AFS mirrors Sweden Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm AFS path: /afs/ USA Iowa State University AFS path: /afs/ NFS mirrors UK Instructions: mount -o ro sd /mnt SUP mirrors Australia RMIT University, Melbourne Instructions: France Paris University Instructions: Similar to Germany University of Trier Instructions: file.example Japan Internet Research Institute Inc., Tokyo Instructions: Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Instructions: See /usr/src/share/examples/supfiles/ UK Domino, London Instructions: See SD/sup/README.sup USA Silicon Valley, California Instructions: See SD/sup/README.sup University of Minnesota Instructions: hostbase=/ftp/ftp/packages/NetBSD, collections are the same as on sup.NetBSD.ORG WWW mirrors Australia RMIT University, Melbourne Austria University of Technology, Vienna Finland Global Wire Oy, Lappeenranta France Paris University Germany Japan Internet Research Institute Inc., Tokyo Norway Bergen IT Consult AS USA Western Washington State University New York NNeettBBSSDD 11..44 RReelleeaassee CCoonntteennttss The root directory of the NetBSD 1.4 release is organized as follows: _._._._/_N_e_t_B_S_D_-_1_._4_/ BUGS Known bugs list (somewhat incomplete and out of date). CHANGES Changes since earlier NetBSD releases. LAST_MINUTE Last minute changes. MIRRORS A list of sites that mirror the NetBSD 1.4 distribution. README.files README describing the distribution's contents. TODO NetBSD's todo list (also somewhat incomplete and out of date). patches/ Post-release source code patches. source/ Source distribution sets; see below. In addition to the files and directories listed above, there is one di- rectory per architecture, for each of the architectures for which NetBSD 1.4 has a binary distribution. There are also 'README.export-con- trol' files sprinkled liberally throughout the distribution tree, which point out that there are some portions of the distribution (i.e. the `do- mestic' portion) that may be subject to export regulations of the United States. It is your responsibility to determine whether or not it is le- gal for you to export these portions and to act accordingly. The source distribution sets can be found in subdirectories of the "source" subdirectory of the distribution tree. They contain the complete sources to the system. The source distribution sets are as follows: secrsrc.tgz: This set contains the "domestic" sources. These sources may be subject to United States export regulations. _4_2_1_K _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _2_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d gnusrc.tgz: This set contains the "gnu" sources, including the source for the compiler, assembler, groff, and the other GNU utilities in the binary distribution sets. _1_9_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _8_4_._2_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d syssrc.tgz: This set contains the sources to the NetBSD 1.4 kernel, config(8), and dbsym(8). _1_3_._5_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _6_6_._7_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d sharesrc.tgz: This set contains the "share" sources, which include the sources for the man pages not associated with any par- ticular program, the sources for the typesettable docu- ment set, the dictionaries, and more. _3_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_1_._9_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d src.tgz: This set contains all of the NetBSD 1.4 sources which are not mentioned above. _1_6_._1_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _7_3_._6_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d Most of the above source sets are located in the _s_o_u_r_c_e_/_s_e_t_s subdirectory of the distribution tree. The secrsrc.tgz set is contained in the _s_o_u_r_c_e_/_s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y subdirectory. This set, which is available only to users in the United States and Canada, contains the sources normally found in _/_u_s_r_/_s_r_c_/_d_o_m_e_s_t_i_c - primarily kerberos and other cryptographic security related software. (Remember, because of United States law, it may not be legal to distribute this set to locations outside of the United States and Canada.) The source sets are distributed as compressed tar files. They may be un- packed into _/_u_s_r_/_s_r_c with the command: ccaatt sseett__nnaammee..ttggzz || gguunnzziipp || ((ccdd //;; ttaarr xxppff -- )) The _s_e_t_s_/_S_p_l_i_t_/ and _s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y_/_S_p_l_i_t_/ subdirectories contain split versions of the source sets for those users who need to load the source sets from floppy or otherwise need a split distribution. The split sets are are named "set_name.xx" where "set_name" is the distribution set name, and "xx" is the sequence number of the file, starting with "aa" for the first file in the distribution set, then "ab" for the next, and so on. All of these files except the last one of each set should be exactly 240,640 bytes long. (The last file is just long enough to contain the remainder of the data for that distribution set.) The split distributions may be reassembled and extracted with ccaatt as follows: ccaatt sseett__nnaammee..???? || gguunnzziipp || ((ccdd //;; ttaarr xxppff -- )) In each of the source distribution set directories, there is a file named _C_K_S_U_M_S which contains the checksums of the files in that directory, as generated by the cksum(1) utility. You can use cksum to check the in- tegrity of the archives, if you suspect that one of the files is corrupt and have access to a cksum binary. Checksums based on other algorithms may also be present - see the release(7) man page for details. _N_e_t_B_S_D_/_s_p_a_r_c _S_u_b_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _S_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e The sparc-specific portion of the NetBSD 1.4 release is found in the _s_p_a_r_c subdirectory of the distribution: _._._._/_N_e_t_B_S_D_-_1_._4_/_s_p_a_r_c_/ _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._h_t_m_l _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._p_s _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._t_x_t _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._m_o_r_e Installation notes; this file. The _._m_o_r_e file contains underlined text using the more(1) conventions for indicat- ing italic and bold display. _b_i_n_a_r_y_/ _s_e_t_s_/ sparc binary distribution sets; see below. _k_e_r_n_e_l_/ Base GENERIC kernels. _s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y_/ sparc security distribution; see below. _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n_/ _m_i_n_i_r_o_o_t_/ Sparc miniroot boot-image. _n_e_t_b_o_o_t_/ Server boot-file image for diskless machines. _m_i_s_c_/ Statically-linked versions of gzip (GNU gzip) and gtar (GNU tar). _B_i_n_a_r_y _D_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _S_e_t_s The NetBSD sparc binary distribution sets contain the binaries which com- prise the NetBSD 1.4 release for the sparc. There are eight binary dis- tribution sets and the _s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y distribution set. The binary distribu- tion sets can be found in the _s_p_a_r_c_/_b_i_n_a_r_y_/_s_e_t_s subdirectory of the NetBSD 1.4 distribution tree, and are as follows: bbaassee The NetBSD 1.4 sparc bbaassee binary distribution. You _m_u_s_t in- stall this distribution set. It contains the base NetBSD utilities that are necessary for the system to run and be minimally functional. It includes shared library support, and excludes everything described below. _1_1_._9_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _3_3_._4_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d ccoommpp Things needed for compiling programs. This set includes the system include files (_/_u_s_r_/_i_n_c_l_u_d_e) and the various system libraries (except the shared libraries, which are included as part of the bbaassee set). This set also includes the manual pages for all of the utilities it contains, as well as the system call and library manual pages. _9_._6_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _3_1_._8_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d eettcc This distribution set contains the system configuration files that reside in _/_e_t_c and in several other places. This set _m_u_s_t be installed if you are installing the system from scratch, but should _n_o_t be used if you are upgrading. (If you are upgrading, it's recommended that you get a copy of this set and _c_a_r_e_f_u_l_l_y upgrade your configuration files by hand.) _6_0_K _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _3_5_0_K _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d ggaammeess This set includes the games and their manual pages. _2_._9_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _7_._3_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d kkeerrnn This set contains a NetBSD/sparc 1.4 GENERIC kernel, named _/_n_e_t_b_s_d. You _m_u_s_t install this distribution set. _2_._9_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _6_._7_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d mmaann This set includes all of the manual pages for the binaries and other software contained in the bbaassee set. Note that it does not include any of the manual pages that are included in the other sets. _4_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_6_._0_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d mmiisscc This set includes the (rather large) system dictionaries, the typesettable document set, and other files from _/_u_s_r_/_s_h_a_r_e. _2_._2_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _8_._4_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d tteexxtt This set includes NetBSD's text processing tools, including groff(1), all related programs, and their manual pages. _1_._4_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _4_._8_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d The sparc security distribution set is named sseeccrr and can be found in the _s_p_a_r_c_/_b_i_n_a_r_y_/_s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y subdirectory of the NetBSD 1.4 distribution tree. It contains security- related binaries which depend on cryptographic source code. You do not need this distribution set to use encrypted passwords in your password file; the bbaassee distribution includes a crypt library which can perform only the one-way encryption function. The security distribution includes a version of the Kerberos IV network security system, and a Kerberized version of telnet(1) program. The sseeccrr distribution set can be found only on those sites which carry the complete NetBSD distribution and which can legally obtain it. Because of United States law, it may not be legal to distribute this set to locations outside of the United States and Canada. NetBSD maintains its own set of sources for the X Window System in order to assure tight integration and compatibility. These sources are based on XFree86, and tightly track XFree86 releases. They are currently equivalent to XFree86 Binary sets for the X Window system are distributed with NetBSD. The sets are: xxbbaassee The basic files needed for a complete X client environment. This does not include the X servers. _2_._7_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _8_._6_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxccoommpp The extra libraries and include files needed to compile X source code. _1_._7_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _7_._4_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxccoonnttrriibb Programs that were contributed to X. _2_0_5_k _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _7_5_0_k _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxffoonntt Fonts needed by X. _5_._7_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _7_._0_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxsseerrvveerr The Xsun, Xsun24, XsunMono and Xprt servers with man pages. _3_._3_M _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _8_._4_M _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d The sparc binary distribution sets are distributed as gzipped tar files named with the extension ..ttggzz, e.g. _b_a_s_e_._t_g_z. The instructions given for extracting the source sets work equally well for the binary sets, but it is worth noting that if you use that method, the files are /-relative and therefore are extracted _b_e_l_o_w the current directory. That is, if you want to extract the binaries into your system, i.e. replace the system binaries with them, you have to run the ttaarr xxffpp command from /. _N_o_t_e The distribution cannot be extracted using the SunOS _t_a_r program so statically-linked SunOS versions of gzip (GNU gzip) and gtar (GNU tar) are provided in _s_p_a_r_c_/_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n_/_m_i_s_c. _N_o_t_e Each directory in the sparc binary distribution also has its own checksum files, just as the source distribution does: All BSDSUM files are historic BSD checksums for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cckkssuumm --oo 11 _f_i_l_e All CKSUM files are POSIX checksums for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cckkssuumm _f_i_l_e. All MD5 files are MD5 digests for the various files in that direc- tory, in the format produced by the command: cckkssuumm --mm _f_i_l_e. All SYSVSUM files are historic AT&T System V UNIX checksums for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cckkssuumm --oo --22 _f_i_l_e. The MD5 digest is the safest checksum, followed by the POSIX checksum. The other two checksums are provided only to ensure that the widest possible range of system can check the integrity of the release files. NNeettBBSSDD//ssppaarrcc SSyysstteemm RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss aanndd SSuuppppoorrtteedd DDeevviicceess NetBSD/sparc 1.4 runs on the following classes of machines: ++oo sun4c (e.g. the SS1, SS1+, SS2, IPC, ELC, IPX, and SLC) ++oo sun4 (e.g. the 4/100, 4/200, and 4/300 - note that support for the 4/400 processor is incomplete) ++oo sun4m (e.g. Classic, LX, SS4, SS5, SS10, and SS20) NetBSD/sparc 1.4 does _n_o_t run on these machines (yet): ++oo sun-4/400 (lacking support for the I/O cache, and has ethernet prob- lems) ++oo sun4d (e.g. sparc center 2000) ++oo sun4u (e.g. Ultrasparcs) The minimal configuration requires 4M of RAM and ~60M of disk space. To install the entire system requires much more disk space, and to run X or compile the system, more RAM is recommended. (NetBSD with 4M of RAM feels like Solaris with 4M of RAM.) Note that until you have around 16M of RAM, getting more RAM is more important than getting a faster CPU.) Supported devices include: _s_u_n_4_c_/_s_u_n_4_m _s_b_u_s _v_i_d_e_o_: cgsix, cgthree, and bwtwo frame buffers cgfourteen and tcx frame buffers (limited ``emulation'' mode) _s_u_n_4 _v_i_d_e_o _(_n_o_t _t_h_o_r_o_u_g_h_l_y _t_e_s_t_e_d_?_)_: P4 on-board bwtwo, and VME cgtwo card _s_e_r_i_a_l _p_o_r_t_s_: ttya and ttyb (can be used as console if needed) _e_t_h_e_r_n_e_t_: on-board AMD Lance ethernet ("le0"), Sbus AMD Lance ethernet cards, on-board Intel 82586 ethernet (ie0 on 4/100's and 4/200's), VME Intel 82586 ethernet cards _S_C_S_I_: on-board "esp" SCSI controller (sun4c, sun4m and the 4/300), sbus "esp" SCSI controller, Sun "SUN-3"/"si" VME SCSI controller (polled mode only, slow), Sun "SCSI Weird"/"sw" on-board controller (4/110 only, polled) _V_M_E _d_i_s_k_s_: Xylogics 7053 VME/SMD disk controller ("xd"), Xylogics 450/451 VME disk controller ("xy") [note: VME/IPI disks are not supported] _s_u_n _f_l_o_p_p_y _d_i_s_k _d_r_i_v_e _s_u_n _k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d _a_n_d _m_o_u_s_e _s_u_n_4_c _a_u_d_i_o _s_u_n_4_m _a_u_d_i_o _o_n _S_p_a_r_c_s_t_a_t_i_o_n _C_l_a_s_s_i_c Hardware the we do NOT currently support, but get many questions about: ++oo multiprocessor sun4m machines ++oo audio drivers for sun4m machines (other than the Sparcstation Clas- sic) ++oo interrupt driven SCSI driver for sun-4/100's and sun-4/200's GGeettttiinngg tthhee NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm oonn ttoo UUsseeffuull MMeeddiiaa Installation is supported from several media types, including: ++oo CDROM ++oo DOS Floppy ++oo Tape ++oo Remote NFS partition ++oo FTP Note that, if you are installing or upgrading from a writable media, the media can be write-protected if you wish. These systems mount a root im- age from inside the kernel, and will not need to write to the media. The distribution sets for installation or upgrade depend on which instal- lation medium you choose. The steps for the various media are outlined below. ++oo To install or upgrade NetBSD using CDROM, you need to do the follow- ing: Find out where the distribution set files are on the CDROM. Proceed to the instruction on installation. ++oo To install or upgrade NetBSD using DOS floppies, you need to do the following: Count the number of "set_name.xx" files that make up the distribution sets you want to install or upgrade. You will need that number of 1.44M floppies. Format all of the floppies with DOS. DO NOT make any of them bootable DOS floppies. (If the floppies are bootable, then the DOS system files that make them bootable will take up some space, and you won't be able to fit the distribution set parts on the disks.) If you're using floppies that are formatted for DOS by their manufactur- ers, they probably aren't bootable, and you can use them out of the box. Place all of the "set_name.xx" files on the DOS disks. Once you have the files on DOS disks, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the section on upgrading. ++oo To install or upgrade NetBSD using a tape, you need to do the follow- ing: To install NetBSD from a tape, you need to make a tape that contains the distribution set files, in "tar" format. If you're making the tape on a UN*X-like system, the easiest way to do so is probably something like: tar cf _t_a_p_e___d_e_v_i_c_e _d_i_s_t___d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s where _t_a_p_e___d_e_v_i_c_e is the name of the tape device that describes the tape drive you're using (possibly _/_d_e_v_/_r_s_t_0, or something similar, but it will vary from system to system. (If you can't figure it out, ask your system administrator.) In the above example, _d_i_s_t___d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s are the dis- tribution sets' directories, for the distribution sets you wish to place on the tape. For instance, to put the mmiisscc,, bbaassee,, and eettcc dis- tributions on tape (in order to do the absolute minimum installation to a new disk), you would do the following: ccdd ......//NNeettBBSSDD--11..44 ## tthhee ttoopp ooff tthhee ttrreeee ccdd ssppaarrcc//bbiinnaarryy And then: tar cf _t_a_p_e___d_e_v_i_c_e mmiisscc eettcc kkeerrnn _N_o_t_e You still need to fill in _t_a_p_e___d_e_v_i_c_e in the example. Once you have the files on the tape, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the sec- tion on upgrading. ++oo To install or upgrade NetBSD using a remote partition, mounted via NFS, you must do the following: _N_o_t_e This method of installation is recommended only for those al- ready familiar with using BSD network configuration and man- agement commands. If you aren't, this documentation should help, but is not intended to be all-encompassing. Place the NetBSD distribution sets you wish to install into a direc- tory on an NFS server, and make that directory mountable by the ma- chine on which you are installing or upgrading NetBSD. This will probably require modifying the /etc/exports file on of the NFS server and resetting its mount daemon (mountd). (Both of these actions will probably require superuser privileges on the server.) You need to know the the numeric IP address of the NFS server, and, if the server is not on a network directly connected to the machine on which you're installing or upgrading NetBSD, you need to know the numeric IP address of the router closest to the NetBSD machine. Fi- nally, you need to know the numeric IP address of the NetBSD machine itself. Once the NFS server is set up properly and you have the information mentioned above, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the section on upgrading. ++oo To install or upgrade NetBSD by using FTP to get the installation sets, you must do the following: _N_o_t_e This method of installation is recommended only for those al- ready familiar with using BSD network configuration and man- agement commands. If you aren't, this documentation should help, but is not intended to be all-encompassing. The preparations for this installation/upgrade method are easy; all you make sure that there's some FTP site from which you can retrieve the NetBSD distribution when you're about to install or upgrade. You need to know the numeric IP address of that site, and, if it's not on a network directly connected to the machine on which you're in- stalling or upgrading NetBSD, you need to know the numeric IP address of the router closest to the NetBSD machine. Finally, you need to know the numeric IP address of the NetBSD machine itself. Once you have this information, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the sec- tion on upgrading. ++oo If you are upgrading NetBSD, you also have the option of installing NetBSD by putting the new distribution sets somewhere in your exist- ing file system, and using them from there. To do that, you must do the following: Place the distribution sets you wish to upgrade somewhere in your current file system tree. Please note that the /dev on the floppy used for upgrades only knows about wd0, wd1, sd0, sd1 and sd2. If you have more than two IDE drives or more than three SCSI drives, you should take care not to place the sets on the high numbered drives. At a bare minimum, you must upgrade the "base" binary distribution, and so must put the "base" set somewhere in your file system. If you wish, you can do the other sets, as well, but you should NOT upgrade the "etc" distribution; the "etc" distribution contains system con- figuration files that you should review and update by hand. Once you have done this, you can proceed to the next step in the up- grade process, actually upgrading your system. PPrreeppaarriinngg yyoouurr SSyysstteemm ffoorr NNeettBBSSDD IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before you start you might need to consider your disk configuration to sort out a quirk in SCSI-ID to SD-UNIT mapping that exists on Sun Sparc- stations. Upon leaving the factory, SunOS and the OpenBOOT ROM map according to this table: _S_C_S_I_-_I_D _S_u_n_O_S _S_D_-_U_n_i_t 0 sd3 1 sd1 2 sd2 3 sd0 4 sd4 5 sd5 6 sd6 Unlike SunOS and the OpenBOOT ROM, a generic NetBSD kernel numbers scsi drives sequentially as it finds them. The drive with the lowest scsi-id will be called sd0, the next one sd1, etc. To ease the installation process, the default NetBSD kernel in the dis- tribution is setup to match the Sun mapping above by hard-wiring scsi- id#3 to sd0 and scsi-id#0 to sd3. The remaining drives will be dynamical- ly mapped to other sd* numbers. A truely generic NetBSD kernel is also provided as `/netbsd.GENERIC', which will do the standard NetBSD probe ordering. If your configuration differs from the default Sun setup, you can try to use this kernel to complete the installation. _N_o_t_e This is also a concern when you start building your own customised kernels. Your OpenBOOT ROM may need some setup. make sure you boot from `new com- mand mode'. If your machine comes up and gives you a `>' prompt instead of `ok', type: > nn ok sseetteennvv ssuunnmmoonn--ccoommppaatt?? ffaallssee ok This is needed because the NetBSD kernel relies on functionality provided by OpenBOOT ROMs -- the ability to pass down Forth commands and have them executed in the ROM -- that appears to go away when the OpenBOOT ROM op- erates in `old monitor compatibility' mode. Also, you cannot use the security modes of the sparc OpenBOOT ROM. ok sseetteennvv sseeccuurriittyy--mmooddee nnoonnee If you're installing NetBSD/sparc for the first time it's a good idea to look at the partition sizes of disk you intend installing NetBSD on. Asumming a classic partition scheme with root (`/') and /usr filesystems, a comfortable size for the NetBSD root filesystem partition is about 20MB; a good initial size for the swap partition is twice the amount of physical memory in your machine (though, unlike SunOS 4.x, there are no restrictions on the size of the swap partition that would render part of your memory unusable). A full binary installation takes about 60MB in `/usr'. Some network devices (i.e. the built-in `le' interface on sun4m machines) allow a choice between operating on a UTP or a AUI port. The `le' driver supports automatic detection of the port which is actually connected to the wire. If automatic detection is not available or not working properly in your environment, you may have to specify the type connection using the `me- dia' parameter of ifconfig(8). During installation, you'll get the oppor- tunity to specify the appropriate medium. Use ``10base5/AUI'' to select the AUI connector, or ``10baseT/UTP'' to select the UTP connector. IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm Installing NetBSD is a relatively complex process, but if you have this document in hand it shouldn't be too much trouble. There are several ways to install NetBSD onto a disk. The easiest way in terms of preliminary setup is to use the NetBSD miniroot that can be booted off your local disk's swap partition. Alternatively, if your Sparcstation is hooked up in a network you can find a server and arrange for a diskless setup which is a convenient way to install on a machine whose disk does not currently hold a usable operating system (see the section `Installing NetBSD by using a diskless setup' below). There is also a bootable 1.4MB floppy available that contains a slightly less fea- tureful miniroot environment. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _N_e_t_B_S_D _b_y _u_s_i_n_g _t_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _m_i_n_i_r_o_o_t_. The miniroot is a self-contained NetBSD filesystem holding all utilities necessary to install NetBSD on a local disk. It is distributed as a plain file designed to be transferred to a raw disk partition from which it can be booted using the appropriate PROM command. Usually, the miniroot will be loaded into the swap partition of a disk. If needed, you can use any other unused partition, but remember that the partition will then not available during the installation process. Loading the miniroot onto your raw partition is simple. On NetBSD as well as SunOS you use a command like: # dddd iiff==mmiinniirroooott--11..44..ffss ooff==//ddeevv//rrssdd00bb bbss==2200bb ccoonnvv==ssyynncc (Here, `/dev/rsd0b' is assumed to be your swap partition.) There's a po- tential problem here if /dev/rsd0b is actually in use as a swap partition by your currently running system. If you don't have another disk or par- tition to spare, you can usually get away with running this command any- way after first booting into single-user mode to ensure a quiet system. After transferring the miniroot to disk, bring the system down by: # hhaalltt Then boot the miniroot by typing the appropriate command at the PROM: > bb ssdd((,,,,11))nneettbbssdd --ss ## ffoorr ssuunn44 mmoonniittoorrss ok bboooott ssdd((,,,,11))nneettbbssdd --ss ## ffoorr vveerrssiioonn 11 OOppeennBBOOOOTT RROOMMss ok bboooott ddiisskk::bb nneettbbssdd --ss ## ffoorr vveerrssiioonn 22 OOppeennBBOOOOTT RROOMMss If you've loaded the miniroot onto some other disk than `sd0' adapt the boot specifier accordingly, e.g.: ok bboooott ddiisskk11::bb nneettbbssdd --ss to boot from SCSI disk target 1 from a version 2 OpenBOOT ROM. If you have to use the old-style ssdd((_c_,_u_,_p)) syntax to boot from a SCSI disk, you can calculate the parameters as follows: _c specifies the controller number _u the hexadecimal number obtained from evaluating the expression `(8 * TARGET) + LUN' _p the partition number from which to boot (0=`a', 1=`b', etc). The monitor boot command will cause the NetBSD kernel contained in the miniroot image to be booted. After the initial probe messages you'll be asked to start the install or upgrade procedure. Proceed to the section _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _t_h_e _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _s_c_r_i_p_t_s below. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _N_e_t_B_S_D _b_y _u_s_i_n_g _t_h_e _b_o_o_t_a_b_l_e _f_l_o_p_p_y_. The NetBSD install floppy works only on the sun4c and sun4m class ma- chines. From the OpenBOOT prompt, the following should boot the floppy. ok bboooott ffdd((,,,,11)) ## ffoorr vveerrssiioonn 11 OOppeennBBOOOOTT RROOMMss ok bboooott //ffdd ## eeiitthheerr ooff tthheessee ffoorr vveerrssiioonn ok bboooott ffllooppppyy ## 22 OOppeennBBOOOOTT RROOMMss After the initial probe messages you'll be asked to start the install or upgrade procedure. Proceed to the section _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _t_h_e _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _s_c_r_i_p_t_s below. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _N_e_t_B_S_D _b_y _u_s_i_n_g _a _d_i_s_k_l_e_s_s _s_e_t_u_p_. First, you must setup a diskless client configuration on a server. If you are using a NetBSD system as the boot-server, have a look at the diskless(8) manual page for guidelines on how to proceed with this. If the server runs another operating system, you'll have to consult documen- tation that came with it. (On SunOS systems, add_client(8) is a good start.) Your Sparcstation expects to be able to download a second stage bootstrap program via TFTP after having acquired its IP address through RevARP when instructed to boot "over the net". It will look for a filename composed of the machine's IP address followed by the machine's architecture, sepa- rated by a period. For example, a sun4c machine which has been assigned IP address, will make an TFTP request for `8273900B.SUN4C'. Normally, this file is a symbolic link to an appropri- ate second-stage boot program, which should be located in a place where the TFTP daemon can find it (remember, many TFTP daemons run in a ch- root'ed environment). You can find the boot program in _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_b_o_o_t_._n_e_t in the NetBSD/sparc distribution. _N_o_t_e The only difference between _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_b_o_o_t_._n_e_t and _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_b_o_o_t is in the a.out header, which has been magically transformed in a way that makes it usable on all versions of Sparc PROMs. After the boot program has been loaded into memory and given control by the PROM, it starts locating the machine's remote root directory through the BOOTPARAM protocol. First a BOOTPARAM WHOAMI request is broadcast on the local net. The answer to this request (if it comes in) contains the client's name. This name is used in next step, a BOOTPARAM GETFILE re- quest -- sent to the server that responded to the WHOAMI request -- re- questing the name and address of the machine that will serve the client's root directory, as well as the path of the client's root on that server. Finally, this information (if it comes in) is used to issue a REMOTE MOUNT request to the client's root filesystem server, asking for an NFS file handle corresponding to the root filesystem. If successful, the boot program starts reading from the remote root filesystem in search of the kernel which is then read into memory. As noted above in the section _P_r_e_p_a_r_i_n_g _y_o_u_r _S_y_s_t_e_m _f_o_r _N_e_t_B_S_D _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n you have several options when choosing a location to store the installation filesets. However, the easiest way is to put the _*_._t_a_r_._g_z files you want to install into the root directory for your client on the server. Next, unpack `base.tar.gz' and `etc.tar.gz' on the server in the root di- rectory for your machine. If you elect to use a separately NFS-mounted filesystem for `/usr' with your diskless setup, make sure the "./usr" base files in base.tar.gz end up in the correct location. One way to do this is to temporarily use a loopback mount on the server, re-routing _r_o_o_t_/_u_s_r to your server's exported NetBSD _/_u_s_r directory. Also put the kernel and the install/upgrade scripts into the root directory. A few configuration files need to be edited: _r_o_o_t_/_e_t_c_/_h_o_s_t_s Add the IP addresses of both server and client. _r_o_o_t_/_e_t_c_/_m_y_n_a_m_e This files contains the client's hostname; use the same name as in /etc/hosts. _r_o_o_t_/_e_t_c_/_f_s_t_a_b Enter the entries for the remotely mounted filesystems. For ex- ample: server:/export/root/client / nfs rw 0 0 server:/export/exec/sun4.netbsd /usr nfs rw 0 0 Now you must populate the the `/dev' directory for your client. If yoarserver runs SunOS 4.x, you can simply change your working directory to _r_o_o_t_/_d_e_v and run the MAKEDEV script: sshh MMAAKKEEDDEEVV aallll. On SunOS 5.x systems, MAKEDEV can also be used, but there'll be error messages about unknown user and groups. These errors are inconsequential for the purpose of installing NetBSD. However, you may want to correct them if you plan to use the diskless setup regularly. In that case, you may re-run MAKEDEV on your NetBSD machine once it has booted. Boot your workstation from the server by entering the appropriate `boot' command at the monitor prompt. Depending on the PROM version in your ma- chine, this command takes one of the following forms: > b le()netbsd -s # for sun4 monitors ok boot le()netbsd -s # for version 1 OpenBOOT ROMs ok boot net netbsd -s # for version 2 OpenBOOT ROMs This will boot the NetBSD kernel in single-user mode. _N_o_t_e The latter two examples assume you operate the OpenBOOT ROM in "new command mode". If your machine comes up and gives you a `>' prompt instead of `ok', type: >n # enter native OpenBOOT mode ok setenv sunmon-compat? false # make it permanent ok If you use a diskless setup with a separately NFS-mounted /usr filesys- tem, mount _/_u_s_r by hand now: netbsd# mmoouunntt //uussrr At this point, it's worth checking the disk label and partition sizes on the disk you want to install NetBSD onto. NetBSD understands SunOS-style disklabels, so if your disk was previously used by SunOS there will be a usable label on it. Use `disklabel -e ' (where is the device name assigned by the NetBSD kernel, e.g. `sd0') to view and modify the partition sizes. See the section _P_r_e_p_a_r_i_n_g _y_o_u_r _S_y_s_t_e_m _f_o_r _N_e_t_B_S_D _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n above for suggestions about disk partition sizes. If you are installing on a SCSI disk that does _n_o_t have a SunOS or NetBSD label on it, you may still be able to use disklabel(8) but you'll have to create all partitions from scratch. If your disk is listed in `/etc/disk- tab', you may use the entry (which in most cases only defines a `c' par- tition to describe the whole disk) to put an initial label on the disk. Then proceed with `disklabel -e ' to create a partition layout that suits your needs. _N_o_t_e Because of the built-in compatibility with SunOS-style labels, _A_l_w_a_y_s _m_a_k_e _s_u_r_e _a_l_l _y_o_u_r _p_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n_s _s_t_a_r_t _a_n_d _e_n_d _o_n _c_y_l_i_n_d_e_r _b_o_u_n_d_a_r_i_e_s_. Here follows an example of what you'll see while in the dislabel editor. Do not touch any of the parameters except for the `label: ' entry and the actual partition size information at the bottom (the lines starting with `a:', `b:', ...). The size and offset fields are given in sector units. Be sure to make these numbers multiples of the of the number of sectors per cylinder: the kernel might be picky about these things, but aside from this you'll have the least chance of wasting disk space. Partitions on which you intend to have a mountable filesystem, should be given fstype `4.2BSD'. Remem- ber, the `c' partition should describe the whole disk. The `(Cyl. x - y)' info that appears after the hash (`#') character is treated as a com- ment and need not be filled in when altering partitions. _N_o_t_e The line containing `8 partitions:' is best left alone, even if you define less then eight partitions. If this line displays a different number and the program complains about it (after you leave the editor), then try setting it to `8 partitions:'. _S_a_m_p_l_e _D_i_s_k_l_a_b_e_l _S_c_r_e_e_n netbsd# disklabel sd2 # /dev/rsd2c: type: SCSI disk: SCSI disk label: Hold Your Breath flags: bytes/sector: 512 sectors/track: 64 tracks/cylinder: 7 sectors/cylinder: 448 cylinders: 1429 rpm: 3600 interleave: 1 trackskew: 0 cylinderskew: 0 headswitch: 0 # milliseconds track-to-track seek: 0 # milliseconds drivedata: 0 8 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsz bsz cpg] a: 50176 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 111) b: 64512 50176 swap # (Cyl. 112 - 255) c: 640192 0 unknown # (Cyl. 0 - 1428) d: 525504 114688 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 256 - 1428) If you are upgrading a NetBSD installation, start the upgrade script: netbsd# sshh uuppggrraaddee..sshh else, start the installation script: netbsd# sshh iinnssttaallll..sshh _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _t_h_e _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _s_c_r_i_p_t_s_. The installation scripts will do most of the work of transferring the system from the distribution sets onto your disk. You will frequently be asked for confirmation before the script proceeds with each phase of the installation process. Occasionally, you will have to provide a piece of information such as the name of the disk you want to install on or IP addresses and domain names you want to assign. If your system has more than one disk, you may want to look at the output of the dmesg(8) command to see how your disks have been identified by the kernel. The installation script goes through the following phases: ++oo determination of the disk to install NetBSD on ++oo checking of the partition information on the disk ++oo creating and mounting the NetBSD filesystems ++oo setup of IP configuration ++oo extraction of the distribution tar files ++oo installation of boot programs Now try a reboot. Initially I'd suggest you "boot sd()netbsd -bs", then try multiuser after that. If you boot single-user the NetBSD incantation to make the root filesystem writable is netbsd# mmoouunntt --uu //ddeevv//ssdd00aa // The Sun monitor might have been setup to instruct the boot program to load a file called "vmunix". On OpenBOOT ROM systems you can change it to load "netbsd" instead using the following commands: On version 1 OpenBOOT ROMs: >n ok sseetteennvv bboooott--ffrroomm ssdd((00,,00,,00))nneettbbssdd ok On version 2 OpenBOOT ROMs: ok sseetteennvv bboooott--ffiillee nneettbbssdd ok sseetteennvv bboooott--ddeevviiccee //ssbbuuss//eesspp//ssdd@@00,,00 _C_o_n_g_r_a_t_u_l_a_t_i_o_n_s, you have successfully installed NetBSD 1.4. PPoosstt iinnssttaallllaattiioonn sstteeppss Once you've got the operating system running, there are a few things you need to do in order to bring the system into a propperly configured state, with the most important ones described below. 1. Configuring _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f If you haven't done any configuration of _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f, the system will drop you into single user mode on first reboot with the message /etc/rc.conf is not configured. Multiuser boot aborted. and with the root filesystem mounted read-write. When the system asks you to choose a shell, simply hit return to get to a prompt. If you are asked for a terminal type, respond with vvtt222200 (or whatever is appropriate for your terminal type) and hit return. At this point, you need to configure at least one file in the _/_e_t_c directory. Change to the _/_e_t_c directory and take a look at the _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f file. Modify it to your tastes, making sure that you set rc_configured=YES so that your changes will be enabled and a multi-user boot can proceed. If your _/_u_s_r directory is on a separate partition and you do not know how to use 'ed' or 'ex', you will have to mount your _/_u_s_r partition to gain access to 'vi'. Do the follow- ing: mmoouunntt //uussrr eexxppoorrtt TTEERRMM==vvtt222200 If you have _/_v_a_r on a seperate partition, you need to repeat that step for it. After that, you can edit _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f with vi(1). When you have finished, type eexxiitt at the prompt to leave the single-user shell and continue with the multi-user boot. Other values that need to be set in _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f for a networked en- vironment are _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e and possibly _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_r_o_u_t_e, furthermore add an _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g___i_n_t for your interface , along the lines of ifconfig_de0="inet netmask" or, if you have _m_y_n_a_m_e_._m_y_._d_o_m in _/_e_t_c_/_h_o_s_t_s: ifconfig_de0="inet netmask" To enable proper hostname resolution, you will also want to add an _/_e_t_c_/_r_e_s_o_l_v_._c_o_n_f file or (if you are feeling a little more adventur- ous) run named(8). See resolv.conf(5) or named(8) for more informa- tion. Other files in _/_e_t_c that are new to NetBSD 1.4 and may require modi- fication or setting up include _/_e_t_c_/_m_a_i_l_e_r_._c_o_n_f, _/_e_t_c_/_n_s_s_w_i_t_c_h_._c_o_n_f and _/_e_t_c_/_w_s_c_o_n_s_._c_o_n_f. 2. Logging in After reboot, you can log in as root at the login prompt. There is no initial password, but if you're using the machine in a networked environment, you should create an account for yourself (see below) and protect it and the "root" account with good passwords. 3. Adding accounts Use the vipw(8) command to add accounts to your system, _d_o _n_o_t edit _/_e_t_c_/_p_a_s_s_w_d directly. See adduser(8) for more information on the process of how to add a new user to the system. 4. The X Window System If you have installed the X window system, look at the files in _/_u_s_r_/_X_1_1_R_6_/_l_i_b_/_X_1_1_/_d_o_c for information. Don't forget to add _/_u_s_r_/_X_1_1_R_6_/_b_i_n to your path in your shell's dot file so that you have access to the X binaries. 5. Installing 3rd party packages There is a lot of software freely available for Unix-based systems, almost all of which can run on NetBSD. Modifications are usually needed to when transferring programs between different Unix-like systems, so the NetBSD packages collection incorporates any such changes necessary to make that software run on NetBSD, and makes the installation (and deinstallation) of the software packages easy. There's also the option of building a package from source, in case there's no precompiled binary available. Precompiled binaries can be found at ffttpp::////ffttpp..nneettbbssdd..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//ppaacckkaaggeess// Package sources for compiling packages can be obtained by retrieving the file ffttpp::////ffttpp..nneettbbssdd..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//NNeettBBSSDD-- ccuurrrreenntt//ttaarr__ffiilleess//ppkkggssrrcc..ttaarr..ggzz and extracting it into _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c. See _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_/_R_E_A_D_M_E then for more information. 6. Misc ++oo To adjust the system to your local timezone, point the _/_e_t_c_/_l_o_c_a_l_t_i_m_e symlink to the appropriate file under _/_u_s_r_/_s_h_a_r_e_/_z_o_n_e_i_n_f_o. ++oo Edit _/_e_t_c_/_a_l_i_a_s_e_s to forward root mail to the right place (run newaliases(1) afterwards.) ++oo The _/_e_t_c_/_s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l_._c_f file will almost definitely need to be ad- justed; files aiding in this can be found in _/_u_s_r_/_s_h_a_r_e_/_s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l. See the README file there for more infor- mation. ++oo Edit _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._l_o_c_a_l to run any local daemons you use. ++oo Many of the _/_e_t_c files are documented in section 5 of the manu- al; so just invoking mmaann _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e is likely to give you more information on these files. UUppggrraaddiinngg aa pprreevviioouussllyy--iinnssttaalllleedd NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm To upgrade to NetBSD _VER from a previous version follow the instructions in the section _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _N_e_t_B_S_D, but run the script _u_p_g_r_a_d_e_._s_h instead of _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_._s_h. The upgrade script will use the existing disk partitions to install the new system in, and also preserves the files in _/_e_t_c. CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy IIssssuueess WWiitthh PPrreevviioouuss NNeettBBSSDD RReelleeaasseess Users upgrading from previous versions of NetBSD may wish to bear the following problems and compatibility issues in mind when upgrading to NetBSD 1.4 _N_o_t_e Only issues effecting an upgrade from NetBSD 1.3 or NetBSD 1.3.x are decribed here. ++oo "machine" directory/link in "/usr/include" Description Some architecture may fail to install the ccoommpp set because the /usr/include/machine directory changed to a symbolic link in NetBSD 1.4. Fix If this happens, you can use the command # rrmm --rr //uussrr//iinncclluuddee//mmaacchhiinnee to remove the old directory and it contents and reinstall the ccoommpp set. UUssiinngg oonnlliinnee NNeettBBSSDD ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn Documentation is available if you first install the manual distribution set. Traditionally, the ``man pages'' (documentation) are denoted by ``name(section)''. Some examples of this are ++oo intro(1), ++oo man(1), ++oo apropros(1), ++oo passwd(1), and ++oo passwd(5). The section numbers group the topics into several categories, but three are of primary interest: user commands are in section 1, file formats are in section 5, and administrative information is in section 8. The _m_a_n command is used to view the documentation on a topic, and is started by entering mmaann [_s_e_c_t_i_o_n] _t_o_p_i_c. The brackets [] around the sec- tion should not be entered, but rather indicate that the section is op- tional. If you don't ask for a particular section, the topic with the lowest numbered section name will be displayed. For instance, after log- ging in, enter mmaann ppaasssswwdd to read the documentation for passwd(1). To view the documentation for passwd(5)m enter mmaann 55 ppaasssswwdd instead. If you are unsure of what man page you are looking for, enter aapprrooppooss _s_u_b_j_e_c_t_-_w_o_r_d where _s_u_b_j_e_c_t_-_w_o_r_d is your topic of interest; a list of possibly related man pages will be displayed. AAddmmiinniissttrriivviiaa If you've got something to say, do so! We'd like your input. There are various mailing lists available via the mailing list server at _m_a_j_o_r_d_o_m_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G. To get help on using the mailing list server, send mail to that address with an empty body, and it will reply with instruc- tions. There are various mailing lists set up to deal with comments and ques- tions about this release. Please send comments to: _n_e_t_b_s_d_- _c_o_m_m_e_n_t_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G. To report bugs, use the send-pr(1) command shipped with NetBSD, and fill in as much information about the problem as you can. Good bug reports in- clude lots of details. Additionally, bug reports can be sent by mail to: _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_b_u_g_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G. Use of send-pr(1) is encouraged, however, because bugs reported with it are entered into the NetBSD bugs database, and thus can't slip through the cracks. There are also port-specific mailing lists, to discuss aspects of each port of NetBSD. Use majordomo to find their addresses. If you're inter- ested in doing a serious amount of work on a specific port, you probably should contact the "owner" of that port (listed below). If you'd like to help with this effort, and have an idea as to how you could be useful, send us mail or subscribe to: _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_h_e_l_p_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G. As a favor, please avoid mailing huge documents or files to these mailing lists. Instead, put the material you would have sent up for FTP some- where, then mail the appropriate list about it, or, if you'd rather not do that, mail the list saying you'll send the data to those who want it. TThhaannkkss ggoo ttoo ++oo The former members of UCB's Computer Systems Research Group, includ- ing (but not limited to): Keith Bostic Ralph Campbell Mike Karels Marshall Kirk McKusick for their ongoing work on BSD systems, support, and encouragement. ++oo Also, our thanks go to: Mike Hibler Rick Macklem Jan-Simon Pendry Chris Torek for answering lots of questions, fixing bugs, and doing the various work they've done. ++oo UC Berkeley's Experimental Computing Facility provided a home for sun-lamp in the past, people to look after it, and a sense of humor. Rob Robertson, too, has added his unique sense of humor to things, and for a long time provided the primary FTP site for NetBSD. ++oo Vixie Enterprises for hosting the NetBSD FTP and SUP server. ++oo Redback Networks, Inc. for hosting the NetBSD Mail server. ++oo Without CVS, this project would be impossible to manage, so our hats go off to Brian Berliner, Jeff Polk, and the various other people who've had a hand in making CVS a useful tool. ++oo Dave Burgess _b_u_r_g_e_s_s_@_c_y_n_j_u_t_._i_n_f_o_n_e_t_._n_e_t has been maintaining the 386BSD/NetBSD/FreeBSD FAQ for quite some time, and deserves to be recognized for it. ++oo The following individuals and organiztions (each in alphabetical or- der) have made donations or loans of hardware and/or money, to sup- port NetBSD development, and deserve credit for it: Jason Birnschein Jason Brazile David Brownlee Simon Burge Dave Burgess Ralph Campbell Brian Carlstrom James Chacon Bill Coldwell Charles Conn Tom Coulter Charles D. Cranor Christopher G. Demetriou Scott Ellis Hubert Feyrer Greg Gingerich Guenther Grau Ross Harvey Charles M. Hannum Michael L. Hitch Jordan K. Hubbard Scott Kaplan Noah M. Keiserman Chris Legrow Neil J. McRae Perry E. Metzger Herb Peyerl Mike Price Thor Lancelot Simon Bill Sommerfeld Paul Southworth Ted Spradley Kimmo Suominen Jason R. Thorpe Steve Wadlow Advanced System Products, Inc. Avalon Computer Systems Bay Area Internet Solutions Canada Connect Corporation Demon Internet, UK Digital Equipment Corporation Easynet, UK Free Hardware Foundation Innovation Development Enterprises of America Internet Software Consortium MS Macro System GmbH, Germany Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility, NASA Ames Research Center Piermont Information Systems Inc. VMC Harald Frank, Germany (If you're not on that list and should be, tell us! We probably were not able to get in touch with you, to verify that you wanted to be listed.) ++oo Finally, we thank all of the people who've put sweat and tears into developing NetBSD since its inception in January, 1993. (Obviously, there are a lot more people who deserve thanks here. If you're one of them, and would like to mentioned, tell us!) WWee aarree...... (in alphabetical order) _T_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _c_o_r_e _g_r_o_u_p_: Paul Kranenburg _p_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Scott Reynolds _s_c_o_t_t_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Christos Zoulas _c_h_r_i_s_t_o_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G _T_h_e _p_o_r_t_m_a_s_t_e_r_s _(_a_n_d _t_h_e_i_r _p_o_r_t_s_)_: Mark Brinicombe _m_a_r_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G aarrmm3322 Jeremy Cooper _j_e_r_e_m_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ssuunn33xx Ross Harvey _r_o_s_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G aallpphhaa Ignatios Souvatzis _i_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G aammiiggaa Eduardo Horvath _e_e_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ssppaarrcc6644 Paul Kranenburg _p_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ssppaarrcc Anders Magnusson _r_a_g_g_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G vvaaxx Tsubai Masanari _t_s_u_b_a_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G mmaaccppppcc Tsubai Masanari _t_s_u_b_a_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G nneewwssmmiippss Minoura Makoto _m_i_n_o_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G xx6688kk Phil Nelson _p_h_i_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ppcc553322 Scott Reynolds _s_c_o_t_t_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G mmaacc6688kk Darrin Jewell _d_b_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G nneexxtt6688kk Gordon Ross _g_w_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ssuunn33,, ssuunn33xx Kazuki Sakamoto _s_a_k_a_m_o_t_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G bbeebbooxx Wolfgang Solfrank _w_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ppoowweerrppcc Jonathan Stone _j_o_n_a_t_h_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ppmmaaxx Jason Thorpe _t_h_o_r_p_e_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G hhpp330000 Frank van der Linden _f_v_d_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ii338866 Leo Weppelman _l_e_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G aattaarrii Steve Woodford _s_c_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G mmvvmmee6688kk _T_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _1_._4 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _E_n_g_i_n_e_e_r_i_n_g _t_e_a_m_: Ted Lemon _m_e_l_l_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Perry Metzger _p_e_r_r_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Curt Sampson _c_j_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G _D_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_r_s _a_n_d _o_t_h_e_r _c_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s_: Steve Allen _w_o_r_m_e_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Lennart Augustsson _a_u_g_u_s_t_s_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Christoph Badura _b_a_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Manuel Bouyer _b_o_u_y_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Robert V. Baron _r_v_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G John Brezak _b_r_e_z_a_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Allen Briggs _b_r_i_g_g_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Aaron Brown _a_b_r_o_w_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G David Brownlee _a_b_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Simon Burge _s_i_m_o_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Dave Burgess _b_u_r_g_e_s_s_@_c_y_n_j_u_t_._i_n_f_o_n_e_t_._n_e_t Dave Carrel _c_a_r_r_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Bill Coldwell _b_i_l_l_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Chuck Cranor _c_h_u_c_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Alistair Crooks _a_g_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Aidan Cully _a_i_d_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Rob Deker _d_e_k_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Chris G. Demetriou _c_g_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Matthias Drochner _d_r_o_c_h_n_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Enami Tsugutomo _e_n_a_m_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Bernd Ernesti _v_e_e_g_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Erik Fair _f_a_i_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Hubert Feyrer _h_u_b_e_r_t_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Thorsten Frueauf _f_r_u_e_a_u_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Brian R. Gaeke _b_r_g_@_d_g_a_t_e_._o_r_g Thomas Gerner _t_h_o_m_a_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Justin Gibbs _g_i_b_b_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Adam Glass _g_l_a_s_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Michael Graff _e_x_p_l_o_r_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Brad Grantham _g_r_a_n_t_h_a_m_@_t_e_n_o_n_._c_o_m Matthew Green _m_r_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Juergen Hannken-Illjes _h_a_n_n_k_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Charles M. Hannum _m_y_c_r_o_f_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Eric Haszlakiewicz _e_r_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Michael L. Hitch _o_s_y_m_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Ken Hornstein _k_e_n_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Marc Horowitz _m_a_r_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G ITOH Yasufumi _i_t_o_h_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Matthew Jacob _m_j_a_c_o_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Lonhyn T. Jasinskyj _l_o_n_h_y_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Darrin Jewell _d_b_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Lawrence Kesteloot _k_e_s_t_e_l_o_o_@_c_s_._u_n_c_._e_d_u Klaus Klein _k_l_e_i_n_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G John Kohl _j_t_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Kevin Lahey _k_m_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Ted Lemon _m_e_l_l_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Mike Long _m_i_k_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Paul Mackerras _p_a_u_l_u_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Neil J. McRae _n_e_i_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Perry Metzger _p_e_r_r_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Luke Mewburn _l_u_k_e_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G der Mouse _m_o_u_s_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Tohru Nishimura _n_i_s_i_m_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Masaru Oki _o_k_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Greg Oster _o_s_t_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Herb Peyerl _h_p_e_y_e_r_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Matthias Pfaller _m_a_t_t_h_i_a_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Dante Profeta _d_a_n_t_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Chris Provenzano _p_r_o_v_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Darren Reed _d_a_r_r_e_n_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Tim Rightnour _g_a_r_b_l_e_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Heiko W. Rupp _h_w_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G SAITOH Masanobu _m_s_a_i_t_o_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Kazuki Sakamoto _s_a_k_a_m_o_t_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Curt Sampson _c_j_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Wilfredo Sanchez _w_s_a_n_c_h_e_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Ty Sarna _t_s_a_r_n_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Matthias Scheler _t_r_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Karl Schilke (rAT) _r_a_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Tim Shepard _s_h_e_p_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Chuck Silvers _c_h_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Thor Lancelot Simon _t_l_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Noriyuki Soda _s_o_d_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Wolfgang Solfrank _w_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Bill Sommerfeld _s_o_m_m_e_r_f_e_l_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Ignatios Souvatzis _i_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Bill Studenmund _w_r_s_t_u_d_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Kevin Sullivan _s_u_l_l_i_v_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Kimmo Suominen _k_i_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Matt Thomas _m_a_t_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Jason Thorpe _t_h_o_r_p_e_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Christoph Toshok _t_o_s_h_o_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Todd Vierling _t_v_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Paul Vixie _v_i_x_i_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Krister Walfridsson _k_r_i_s_t_e_r_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Nathan Williams _n_a_t_h_a_n_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G Colin Wood _e_n_d_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._O_R_G LLeeggaall MMuummbboo--JJuummbboo The following notices are required to satisfy the license terms of the software that we have mentioned in this document: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems Engi- neering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Adam Glass and Charles Han- num. This product includes software developed by Adam Glass. This product includes software developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor and Wash- ington University. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor. This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum, by the Uni- versity of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum. This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum. This product includes software developed by Chris Provenzano. This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps. This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou. This product includes software developed by Christos Zoulas. This product includes software developed by David Jones and Gordon Ross. This product includes software developed by Dean Huxley. This product includes software developed by Eric S. Hvozda. This product includes software developed by Ezra Story. This product includes software developed by Gordon Ross. This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross and Leo Wep- pelman. This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross. This product includes software developed by Herb Peyerl. This product includes software developed by Ian W. Dall. This product includes software developed by Ignatios Souvatzis for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Jason R. Thorpe for And Com- munications, This product includes software developed by Joachim Koenig-Baltes. This product includes software developed by Jochen Pohl for The NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by John Polstra. This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone and Jason R. Thorpe for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone. This product includes software developed by Julian Highfield. This product includes software developed by Kenneth Stailey. This product includes software developed by Leo Weppelman. This product includes software developed by Lloyd Parkes. This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe. This product includes software developed by Markus Wild. This product includes software developed by Martin Husemann and Wolfgang Solfrank. This product includes software developed by Mats O Jansson and Charles D. Cranor. This product includes software developed by Mats O Jansson. This product includes software developed by Matthias Pfaller. This product includes software developed by Paul Kranenburg. This product includes software developed by Paul Mackerras. This product includes software developed by Peter Galbavy. This product includes software developed by Philip A. Nelson. This product includes software developed by Rodney W. Grimes. This product includes software developed by Scott Bartram. This product includes software developed by SigmaSoft, Th. Lockert. This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert. This product includes software developed by Theo de Raadt and John Brezak. This product includes software developed by Theo de Raadt. This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. This product includes software developed by Winning Strategies, Inc. This product includes software developed by the Center for Software Sci- ence at the University of Utah. This product includes software developed by the University of Calgary De- partment of Computer Science and its contributors. This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman. This product includes software developed for the FreeBSD project. This product includes software developed for the Internet Software Con- sortium by Ted Lemon. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Frank van der Linden. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jason R. Thorpe. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by John M. Vinopal. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Matthias Drochner. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Matthieu Herrb. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Perry E. Metzger. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Pier- mont Information Systems Inc. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Ted Lemon. This product includes software developed by LAN Media Corporation and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Michael Graff for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by the Alice Group. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor. This product includes software developed by Peter Galbavy. This product includes software developed by Rolf Grossmann. This product includes software developed by David Miller. This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross. This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum, by the Uni- versity of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Woll- man, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contributors. NetBSD 23 March 1999 29