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Got unexpected trap: format=%x vector=%x sr=%x pc=%x dregs: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x aregs: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x Halting. stk %x: pc %x: sdentpxe%c: no such device - Configured devices are: %s(%d,%d,%d): %d = %s bad label sectorsize (%d) or device blocksize (%d). sdstrategy: write not implemented. scsierror: %s. getbyte: no data! scsiicmd: timed out. target disconnectedbad phasedata out phase not implementedselection failedparity errorsoftware errorscsi bus resetscsiiscmd: bad statenot function complete. unexpected msg: 0x%x. unrequested DMADMA too longWARNING: unexpected %d characters remain in DMA DMA transfer incompleteen: tx not ready en_put: timed out en_get: ending DMA sequence Unexpected received packet location DEBUG: rxstat=%x. DEBUG: gotpkt = 0x%lx, rlen = %d, len = %d DEBUG: rxdma->dd_csr = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_saved_next = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_saved_limit = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_saved_start = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_saved_stop = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_next = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_limit = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_start = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_stop = 0x%lx DEBUG: rxdma->dd_next_initbuf = 0x%lx 1.5NetBSD/next68knet_open: NFS mount error=%d net_open: netif_open() failed net_open: client addr: %s net_open: client name: %s gatewaynfs_open: gateway bootparam missing rootnet_open: server addr: %s net_open: server path: %s net_open: bootparam/getfile RPC failed net_open: net gateway: %s net_open: subnet mask: %s net_open: bootparam/whoami RPC failed net_open: RARP failed @` nfsread: short packet, %lu < %ld nfs_open: must mount first. bp_whoami: short reply, %d < %d bootparamd: 'whoami' call failed No response for RARP request rarp: bad socket. %d next68kNetBSD:%s:libsanet_open: file name: %s DHCPREQUEST failed bootp: no reply bootp: bad socket. %d bootprecv: unknown vendor 0x%lx callrpc: error = %d recvrpc: reject, astat=%d, errno=%d getport: %sopen %sELFread headersendudp: bad write (%d != %d)readudp: huge packet, udp len %d arpwhohas: overflowed arp_list! arp: no response for %sread program headersread section headers [+%s%ldread symbolslseek symbolslseek section headers%s%lu+%luread textlseek textlseek phdr+%ldread data+[%ldread string tableread stringsseek stringssymbol table too short+%d]seek data/%d|/-\]8kP^8kc_8ky`8ka8kb8k8k8k8kF8lO8l8l88lJ8l]8lnc8l~ 8lbad adaptor numberbad controller numberbad drive numberbad partitioncan't read disk labelunlabeledDevice not configuredOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryStale NFS file handleInappropriate file type or formatExec format errorInput/output errorInvalid argumentNot a directoryinvalid file offsetPermission deniedUnknown error: code %dfree: %lx before start of heap. free %u bytes @%lx, should be <=%u sendrecv: short write! (%d < %d)netboot: couldn't probe %s%d netboot: no interfaces left untried0123456789abcdef-h8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8~8a8 8 8 8=:8a8j8488`8a8j8488`8a8j8488`8 @8"8#B8#8#8$F8(8*x8*8+(8+28+8r08s8,8a8d8n8x88V88rcSc8