INSTALL(8) NetBSD System Manager's Manual INSTALL(8) NNAAMMEE IINNSSTTAALLLL -- Installation procedure for NetBSD/mac68k. CCOONNTTEENNTTSS About this Document............................................2 What is NetBSD?................................................2 Dedication.....................................................3 Changes Between the NetBSD 5.0 and 5.1 Releases................3 Security Advisory Fixes.....................................3 Other Security Fixes........................................4 Kernel......................................................5 File Systems................................................5 Networking..................................................6 Miscellaneous Drivers.......................................8 Audio.......................................................8 Security....................................................8 Storage.....................................................9 Platform specific...........................................9 Miscellaneous..............................................13 Known Problems.............................................16 Features to be removed in a later release.....................16 The NetBSD Foundation.........................................17 Sources of NetBSD.............................................17 NetBSD 5.1 Release Contents...................................17 NetBSD/mac68k subdirectory structure.......................18 Binary distribution sets...................................19 NetBSD/mac68k System Requirements and Supported Devices.......20 Supported models...........................................21 Supported devices..........................................21 Unsupported models.........................................21 Known hardware issues with this release....................22 Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media..................22 Preparing your System for NetBSD installation.................23 Installing the NetBSD System (Sysinst Method).................24 Running the sysinst installation program...................24 Introduction............................................24 Possible hardware-specific issues.......................25 General.................................................25 Quick install...........................................25 Booting NetBSD..........................................27 Preparing your hard disk................................28 Getting the distribution sets...........................28 Installation from CD-ROM................................28 Installation using ftp..................................28 Installation using NFS..................................29 Installation from Mac OS file systems...................29 Installation from an unmounted file system..............29 Installation from a local directory.....................29 Extracting the distribution sets........................29 Finalizing your installation............................30 Installing the NetBSD System (Traditional Method).............30 Preparing the file system(s)...............................30 Installing the files.......................................30 Installation of base files.................................31 Booting the system.........................................32 Post installation steps.......................................32 Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System................35 Compatibility Issues With Previous NetBSD Releases............36 Issues when running older binaries on NetBSD 5.1...........36 Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 3.x releases.......37 Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 4.x releases.......38 Using online NetBSD documentation.............................38 Administrivia.................................................39 Thanks go to..................................................39 We are........................................................40 Legal Mumbo-Jumbo.............................................46 The End.......................................................52 DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN AAbboouutt tthhiiss DDooccuummeenntt This document describes the installation procedure for NetBSD 5.1 on the _m_a_c_6_8_k platform. It is available in four different formats titled _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._e_x_t, where _._e_x_t is one of _._p_s, _._h_t_m_l, _._m_o_r_e, or _._t_x_t: _._p_s PostScript. _._h_t_m_l Standard Internet HTML. _._m_o_r_e The enhanced text format used on UNIX-like systems by the more(1) and less(1) pager utility programs. This is the format in which the on-line _m_a_n pages are generally pre- sented. _._t_x_t Plain old ASCII. You are reading the _m_o_r_e version. WWhhaatt iiss NNeettBBSSDD?? The NetBSD Operating System is a fully functional Open Source UNIX-like operating system derived from the University of California, Berkeley Net- working Release 2 (Net/2), 4.4BSD-Lite, and 4.4BSD-Lite2 sources. NetBSD runs on 57 different system architectures (ports) across 15 distinct CPU families, and is being ported to more. The NetBSD 5.1 release contains complete binary releases for many different system architectures. (A few ports are not fully supported at this time and are thus not part of the binary distribution. Please see the NetBSD web site at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg// for information on them.) NetBSD is a completely integrated system. In addition to its highly por- table, high performance kernel, NetBSD features a complete set of user utilities, compilers for several languages, the X Window System, firewall software and numerous other tools, all accompanied by full source code. NetBSD is a creation of the members of the Internet community. Without the unique cooperation and coordination the net makes possible, it's likely that NetBSD wouldn't exist. DDeeddiiccaattiioonn NetBSD 5.1 is dedicated to the memory of Martti Kuparinen, who was the victim of a traffic accident in June 2010. Martti's technical contributions are too many to list here in full. He created and maintained numerous packages in pkgsrc, updated two packet filter solutions distributed with NetBSD and improved several hardware drivers. Beyond that he was always helpful and friendly. His example encouraged users to contribute to the project and share their work with the community. Some of these users later became NetBSD developers them- selves thanks to Martti's efforts. CChhaannggeess BBeettwweeeenn tthhee NNeettBBSSDD 55..00 aanndd 55..11 RReelleeaasseess The NetBSD 5.1 release is the first feature update of the NetBSD 5.0 release branch. It represents a selected subset of fixes deemed critical for security or stability reasons, as well as new features and enhance- ments. Please note that all fixes in security/critical updates (i.e., NetBSD 5.0.1, 5.0.2, etc.) are cumulative, so the latest update contains all such fixes since the corresponding minor release. These fixes also appear in minor releases (i.e., NetBSD 5.1, 5.2, etc.). The complete list of changes can be found in the CHANGES-5.1: hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//NNeettBBSSDD--55..11//CCHHAANNGGEESS--55..11 file in the top level directory of the NetBSD 5.1 release tree. An abbreviated list is as follows: _S_e_c_u_r_i_t_y _A_d_v_i_s_o_r_y _F_i_x_e_s ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-004 (NetBSD OpenPAM passwd(1) changing weakness): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--000044..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-005 (Plaintext Recovery Attack Against SSH): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--000055..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-006 (Buffer overflows in ntp): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--000066..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-007 (Buffer overflows in hack(6) ): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--000077..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-008 (OpenSSL ASN1 parsing denial of service and CMS signature verification weakness): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--000088..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-009 (OpenSSL DTLS Memory Exhaustion and DSA signature verification vulnerabilities): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--000099..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-010 (ISC dhclient subnet-mask flag stack overflow): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--001100..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-011 (ISC DHCP server Denial of Service vulnerability): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--001111..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-012 (SHA2 implementation potential buffer overflow): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--001122..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2009-013 (BIND named dynamic update Denial of Service vul- nerability): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22000099--001133..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-002 (OpenSSL TLS renegotiation man in the middle vul- nerability): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000022..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-003 (azalia(4)/hdaudio(4) negative mixer index panic): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000033..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-004 (amd64 per-page No-execute (NX) bit disabled): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000044..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-005 (NTP server Denial of Service vulnerability): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000055..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-006 (Buffer length checking errors in CODA): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000066..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-007 (Integer overflow in libbz2 decompression code): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000077..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-008 (sftp(1)/ftp(1)/glob(3) related resource exhaus- tion): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--000088..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-010 (Buffer Length Handling Errors in netsmb): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--001100..ttxxtt..aasscc ++oo NetBSD-SA2010-011 (OpenSSL Double Free Arbitrary Code Execution): hhttttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//sseeccuurriittyy//aaddvviissoorriieess//NNeettBBSSDD--SSAA22001100--001111..ttxxtt..aasscc Advisories prior to NetBSD-SA2009-004 do not affect NetBSD 5.0: _._: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ssuuppppoorrtt//sseeccuurriittyy//ppaattcchheess--55..00..hhttmmll _O_t_h_e_r _S_e_c_u_r_i_t_y _F_i_x_e_s ++oo openssl: Fix CVE-2009-4355 and CVE-2010-0740. ++oo Fix crash in openssl: handshake_dgst[] may be used without being allocated, causing NULL pointer dereference. ++oo Update BIND server and tools to 9.5.2-P2, fixing CVE-2009-0025, CVE-2009-4022, and CVE-2010-0097. ++oo ntpd(8): Fix CVE-2009-3563. ++oo expat: Fix SA36425 and CVE-2009-3560. ++oo fts(3): Avoid possible integer overflow on really deep dirs, and sub- sequent collateral damage. Received from OpenBSD via US-CERT as VU #590371. ++oo Fix a couple issues with POSIX message queues: -- An invalid signal number passed to mq_notify() could crash the kernel on delivery -- add a boundary check. -- A user could set mq_maxmsg (the maximal number of messages in a queue) to a huge value on mq_open(O_CREAT) and later use up all kernel memory by mq_send() -- add a sysctl'able limit which defaults to 16*mq_def_maxmsg. ++oo arc4random(3): Keep arc4_i and arc4_j synchronised after a rekeying. This prevents accidentally ending up in a short ARC4 cycle. ++oo freetype: Fix CVE-2009-0946. ++oo ftpd(8): Fix a remote crash. PR 43023. ++oo openldap: Fix CVE-2009-3767. ++oo Fix an NX regression observed on amd64 kernels, where per-page execu- tion right was disabled (therefore leading to the inability of the kernel to detect fraudulent use of memory mappings marked as not being executable). _K_e_r_n_e_l ++oo Fix random "filesystem full" messages on large FFS file systems. ++oo Fix a regression in the 4.4BSD scheduler, improving interactive per- formance under load. ++oo Remove a race where physio_done() may use memory already freed. PR 39536. ++oo Fix a crash observed when trying to load a corrupted ELF kernel mod- ule. ++oo Fix PR 41566, where writes on the controlling tty were not being awo- ken from blocks. ++oo Various fixes for POSIX message queues. ++oo Fix a couple deadlocks in the VFS subsystem. PR 41374. ++oo Fix an issue on some architectures where a softint could fire on the wrong CPU. ++oo Fixes for POSIX advisory locks. ++oo A number of other stability fixes. ++oo Fix a case where setpriority(2) returned EACCES instead of EPERM. PR 41489. ++oo lockf(3) passes its arguments through to fcntl(2) but is supposed to support -ve lengths (lock area before current offset). Nothing in libc or the kernel allowed for this, so some random part of the file would get locked. PR 41620. ++oo Fix ktrace of data from iovec based system calls. PR 41819. ++oo Fix stack size enforcement. _F_i_l_e _S_y_s_t_e_m_s ++oo fsck_ext2fs(8): Ignore the "-P" option as intended, to make this work with, e.g., "fsck_flags=-pP" in _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f. PR 41490. ++oo UFS quotas: Add missing mutex_destroy() before pool_cache_put(). Prevents a "Mutex error: lockdebug_alloc: already initialized" panic. ++oo tunefs(8): Allow tunefs to clear any type of WAPBL log, not only in- filesystem ones. ++oo fsck_ffs(8): Do some basic checks of the WAPBL journal, and fail if the kernel would refuse to mount the filesystem read/write. Add code to clear the bogus journal when not run in preen (-p) mode. ++oo wapbl(4): If the WAPBL journal can't be read (ffs_wapbl_replay_start() fails), mount the filesystem anyway if MNT_FORCE is present. This allows to still boot single-user a system with a corrupted WAPBL on /, and so get a chance to run fsck to fix it. ++oo smbfs: -- Fix some panics while trying to umount a smbfs share. -- Fix detection of SMB capabilities according to the CIFS spec: ++oo SMB_CAP_LARGE_FILES advertises support for 64-bit file off- sets. ++oo SMB_CAP_LARGE_READX and SMB_CAP_LARGE_WRITEX advertise sup- port for large reads and writes (larger than 64KB). PR 42175. -- Add support for file sizes greater than 4GB. -- Prevent malicious local program from causing a kernel crash. ++oo A number of fixes for ext2fs. PR 28712. ++oo procfs: Fix memory leak. PR 42053. ++oo Fix cp(1) from NTFS. PR 38531. ++oo cd9660: Change cd9660_mount, in MNT_UPDATE case, to check dev_t's for equality instead of just vnode pointers. Fixes erroneous "Invalid argument" errors from mount(8) with -u against cd9660 root in the presence of mfs or tmpfs _/_d_e_v prepared after initial mountroot. ++oo A number of fixes to ffs snapshots. ++oo sysctlfs: Fix a crash while trying to read nodes on amd64. PR 41494. ++oo Various improvements to UDF. ++oo xattr: Fix system crash which could be triggered by a malicious com- mand. ++oo coda: Fix incomplete ioctl parameter verification. ++oo ffs: Fix a race condition which could lead to data corruption. ++oo wapbl(4): Fix replay problems which could corrupt the fs. PR 43336. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k_i_n_g ++oo ath(4): Remove the binary HAL and update to the open source HAL. ++oo Add the age(4) driver for Attansic L1. ++oo Add the ale(4) driver for Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114. ++oo brgphy(4): Add support for BCM5462, BCM54K2 and BCM5722. ++oo arp(4): Don't require the gateway address to have room for both an interface name and address. Fixes a regression in 'arp -s ...' on interfaces such as xennet0 with unusually long names. PR 41878. ++oo Make tcp msl (max segment life) tunable via sysctl net.inet.tcp.msl. ++oo Fixed a number of bge(4) bugs. ++oo ifpci(4): Fix endianness issues when accessing the B-channel fifos. ++oo wm(4): -- Numerous fixes for various chips. -- Add SIOCSIFADDR support for setting the AF_LINK address, neces- sary for agr to be able to set the mac addresses of each port to the agr address (i.e., so it can receive all intended traffic at the hardware level). -- Enable hardware VLAN support. ++oo re(4): -- Detect RTL8169CP, RTL8168D/8111D, and RTL8103E variants. -- Add hardware checksum support for newer 8168/8111/8102 chips. -- Fix RX hardware checksum for DESCV2 chips. PR 40605. ++oo le(4): Don't immediately switch UTP/AUI ports on lost carrier. ++oo agr(4): Add vlan support and hardware offload capabilities. Add sup- port for disabling the LACP protocol by setting LINK1 on the agr interface. ++oo bnx(4): -- Protect against spurious "bnx0: Double mbuf allocation failure!" panics. -- Add support for BCM5709 and BCM5716. ++oo Follow exactly the recommendation of draft-ietf-tcpm-tcpse- cure-11.txt: Don't check against the last ack received, but the expected sequence number. This makes RST handling independent of delayed ACK. ++oo vr(4): Add suspend/resume support. ++oo carp(4): Improve logging. PR 38260. ++oo Give 100BASE-TX full duplex higher priority than 100BASE-T4. ++oo Fix wpa with ral(4). ++oo vlan(4): Inherit the parent's TCP segmentation offload capability. ++oo dhcpcd: -- Update to 5.1.3. -- Add an rc.d script. -- Only start dhcpcd per interface if not running the full dhcpcd daemon. Only stop dhcpcd per interface if it's running for the interface. PR 40320. ++oo Fix a panic when trying to disable IPFilter before enabling it. PR 41364. ++oo ping(8): Deal with source route and record route specially giving a meaningful error message when remote side doesn't support record route. PR 41111. ++oo ifconfig(8): Don't require a "vlan" argument with "-vlanif". "ifcon- fig vlan0 -vlanif" now works as one would expect. ++oo tap(4): Fix a potential leak on device close. bpf(4): Prevent mali- cious bytecode from crashing the kernel with a divide-by-zero trap. ++oo UDPv6: Prevent local crash by malicious user program. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s _D_r_i_v_e_r_s ++oo ehci(4): Add a workaround for ATI SB600 and SB700 revisions A12 and A13 to avoid a USB subsystem hang when the system has multiple USB devices connected to it or one device is re-connected often. ++oo uftdi(4): Add support for multiple channel cards, specifically quad channel FT4232H. ++oo ums(4): Add quirks to make MS Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 work. PR 41737. Add support for USB HID devices that report absolute coordi- nates instead of relative movement data, e.g. touchpanels. Add sup- port for the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Desktop 7000 mouse. ++oo apm(4): Fix suspend/resume. _A_u_d_i_o ++oo Add hdaudio(4), a standards-compliant driver for Intel High Defini- tion Audio. It will replace azalia(4) eventually. ++oo Add gcscaudio(4), an AMD Geode CS5536 audio driver. ++oo Add support for playback- or capture-only devices. PR 42050. ++oo pad(4): Catch up to audio(4) device_t/softc split to prevent pad from corrupting its child device's softc. ++oo audio(4): OSS audio allows mixer operations on the dsp device. NetBSD would previously return EINVAL in these circumstances. This can break audio in apps running under Linux emulation. Select whether to call mixer_ioctl() or audio_ioctl() based on whether the command smells like a mixer ioctl or not. _S_e_c_u_r_i_t_y ++oo pam(3): Restore the good old UNIX behavior of root password changing: only root may change the root password. ++oo racoon(8): Fix a bug where racoon used a wrong IPsec-SA handle that was for another peer if it received an ISAKMP message for IPsec-SA that has the same message-id as the message-id that was received before. ++oo ipsec(4): Add a missing splx() call. PR 41701. ++oo opencrypto(9): -- Extend the API to allow the destination buffer size to be speci- fied when it is not the same size as the input buffer. -- Add user-space access to compression features. -- Add software gzip support (CRYPTO_GZIP_COMP). -- Add the fast version of crc32 from zlib to libkern. -- Fix PRs 41069 and 41070. _S_t_o_r_a_g_e ++oo Add support for RAIDframe parity maps. Drastically reduces the amount of time spent checking parity after an unclean shutdown by keeping better track of which regions might have had outstanding writes. Enabled by default; can be disabled on a per-set basis, or tuned, with the new raidctl(8) commands. ++oo Add sdmmc framework. ++oo Add sdhc(4), a driver for SD controllers following the SD Host Con- troller Standard Simplified Specification. ++oo Add wb(4), a driver for Winbond W83L518D SD/MMC readers. ++oo siisata(4): Sync with HEAD, fixing a number of bugs. PR 41579. ++oo mfi(4): Fix command list corruption seen on heavy I/O load. Add sup- port for MFI gen2 devices. ++oo twa(4): Disable completely bogus DIAGNOSTIC check. ++oo wdc(4): use 8bits access to legacy IDE registers through the SATA interface (except data registers). Stops errors such as the follow- ing when probing SATA drives through controllers that offer the legacy pciide interface: viaide1 channel 0: reset failed for drive 0 ++oo piixide(4): Add Intel 3400 support. _P_l_a_t_f_o_r_m _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_c ++oo x86 (amd64 and i386) -- Add a workaround for a bug with some Opteron revisions where locked operations sometimes do not serve as memory barriers, allowing memory references to bleed outside of critical sections. -- ichlpcib(4): Fix watchdog code: ++oo The timer bound constants are in tick, so convert period to tick before checking it against the bounds. ++oo For ICH5 or older, fix code that would have always written a 0 period to the register. -- Add CPU topology detection support for AMD processors. -- asus(4): ++oo Add experimental cpu fan/voltage switching support (sysctl hw.asus0.*). ++oo Add fan sensor. -- Add hw.wake.* sysctl subtree for toggling which devices are allowed to restore the system from sleep. By default, the fol- lowing devices are enabled for wake: sleep/power buttons, lid switch, pc kbd controller. -- agp(4): Add support for Intel G35, G45, and Q45. -- Cut down on the number of lines used in acpi autoconf messages. -- Extend CPU probe of Intel processors to handle extended-models: new Intel 45nm processors, Core i7, Atom, and the 45nm Xeon MP. Properly decode several new Intel cache descriptors, as listed in the most recent (March 2009) edition of Intel's Application Note 485. PRs 41289 and 41290. -- cpuctl(8): Add newer VIA C7 core and VIA Nano. When printing an unknown VIA CPU, default to 'Unknown IDT/VIA' instead of 'C3'. -- Fix NetBSD under qemu with ACPI enabled. PR 38729. -- acpi(4): If the firmware describes duplicate keyboard controller nodes, don't panic when the driver fails to map registers. PR 39671. -- Fix a bug where mapping the very end of iomem accidentally returns an address in the ISA hole. Fixes ohci on VirtualPC 7 for Mac, which places OHCI at base address 0xfffff000 size 0x1000. -- int 15h/AH=86h (WAIT) doesn't work properly on all hardware and emulators, so for the countdown use the more coarsely grained sleep implementation based on int 1ah/AH=00h (GET SYSTEM TIME). -- Use the TSC and current multiplier to calculate bus clock on VIA C7 Esther. -- Add support for VIA C7 temperature sensors (options VIA_C7TEMP) and enable in i386 GENERIC kernel. -- Fix a regression in the boot loader where pressing a letter not bound to a menu item would select a numeric item. -- Enable cgd(4) support on all amd64 and i386 XEN kernels. ++oo amd64 -- Handle protection faults properly, returning SIGSEGV instead of SIGBUS. -- Ensure FP state is reset, if FP is used in a signal handler. PR 39299. -- Build kernel modules with -mno-red-zone like the kernel is built. -- On amd64, add a third free list distinct from the default free list, holding RAM between 16Mb and 4Gb. This helps preventing bus_dma(9) memory allocation failures for 32bit DMA on large-mem- ory machines. ++oo i386 -- -- The FPU Tag word is a 16bit register, in FPU (387) mode it defines 2-bit tags for each FPU data register, in MMX mode it defines 1-bit tags for each data register. The single bit tags are stored in the lower 8 bits and thus in the first byte of the save frame. -- Fix a local user crash. ++oo ARM: Work-around a possible process exit corner case which can leave stale data in the cache after a context-switch. PR 41058. ++oo sgimips -- haltwo(4): Set delta value for the mixer's master channel. -- Add a driver for the Indy's front panel buttons. Power button presses are reported to sysmon, volume control buttons are reported to PMF. -- Fixes for newport video. ++oo alpha -- A number of multiprocessor fixes. PRs 41106 and 42174. -- Add support for booting off a couple of common RAID adapters found on several models of alpha systems: mlx [Mylex DAC060] and iop [I2O]. PR 25829. -- Change the kernel text to 0xfffffc0000430000 (which is where Tru64 has its kernel). -- The tsc(4) bus initialization was using a single statically allo- cated extent storage for each tsp(4), which caused a LOCKDEBUG kernel to fail because the extent storage contained a mutex which panics when the second mutex_init() is attempted. Put the extent storage into the tsp_config structure so each tsp(4) gets its own. PR 38358. ++oo amiga -- Switch amiga to the common m68k pmap. -- Fix a problem with the timecounter running backwards everytime the hardware counter wraps and the clock-interrupt is not yet serviced by hardclock(). -- Improve precision of small kernel delays. -- Fix keyboard handshaking problems on Amiga 1200. ++oo atari -- Rewrite the binpatch(8) utility to add support for ELF binaries, old src/usr.sbin/mdsetimage sources which support misc executable formats without LGPL'ed libbfd. -- Add a workaround for annoying "WARNING: negative runtime; mono- tonic clock has gone backwards" message. -- fd(4): Correctly detect the default density. ++oo hp300: Make probe cd(4) devices properly. ++oo hpcmips: Fix pcic kthread creation timing. PRs 41791 and 41164. ++oo m68k: Ensure functions like mmap(2), mremap(2), shmat(2) or sbrk(2) return -1 in case of an error. A side benefit of this is to fix a segfault caused by jemalloc when mmap(2) failed. ++oo macppc: pbms(4): Avoid an immediate crash during attach, and fix the aspect ratio of the trackpad on the geyser2 model. ++oo pmax: Make ksyms(4) actually work. ++oo sh3: Fix logic error in copyinstr() when deciding whether to return EFAULT or ENAMETOOLONG. ++oo sparc64: -- Fix long double support in 32bit libc. PR 41406. -- When preparing the initial trap frame for a new forked lwp, explicitly clear condition code. Otherwise we might catch a sig- nal before we ever return to userland. PR 41302. -- Fix a disk I/O regression under heavy load. -- Build the sunleo X driver. -- Add lom(4), a driver for LOMlite lights out management hardware monitor and watchdog timer. -- sab(4): Allow the RSC to be the console on an E250, by checking for RSC-specific properties, and by not changing the port baud rate. ++oo vax -- binutils: Allocate relocation section using bfd_zalloc() to ensure no garbage relocations when not all the entries are used. PR 39182. -- Keep track of the previous ICR value and hardclock_ticks to ensure the 32 bit counter doesn't go backwards. Also, the ICR runs from -10000 to -1, so adjust the value when reading it. Now mfpr works quite nicely on a 4000/90. ++oo sparc -- Enable ddb(4) in GENERIC-like kernels. -- Fix a number of issues with floppies. -- Add apc(4), a driver for the Aurora Personality Chip (APC) found on SPARCstation-4/5, and emulated by qemu to idle the simulator when the CPU is idle. Only the CPU idle part implemented at this time. ++oo xen -- Now a XEN3_DOM0 kernel properly updates the CMOS time. -- Implement DIOCGDISKINFO for xbd disk driver. -- xbdback: implement and publish "feature-flush-cache". xbd: if feature-flush-cache is present, use it for DIOCCACHESYNC. Should improve WAPBL reliability of Xen guests on a NetBSD dom0. -- xennet: Write a "feature-rx-notify" to the xenstore, which is used by recent linux dom0 kernels. This reduces packet loss when using a NetBSD domU on such linux dom0. -- xennetback: Announce feature-rx-copy and feature-rx-flip. Add support for request-rx-copy. PR 40650. -- Add i368PAE support to Xen3 dom0. -- Add Xen3 PCI pass-through support. -- Fix stalled xbdback detach that would stall the whole xenbus thread, preventing new domUs from being created. -- Make it possible to use netbsd-5 domUs running on a Xen2 hypervi- sor. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s ++oo sh(1): Make the cd builtin accept and ignore -P. PR 42557. ++oo fdisk(8): Fix issues with large disks. ++oo savecore(8): Instead of exiting with an obscure error message if -N /kernelname isn't specified, blithely assume the kernel will consume around 20 megs. ++oo newfs(8): Issue a better error message if attempting to create a file system on a block device. Inspired by PR 41127. ++oo newfs_msdos(8): Make fs size detection get proper size rather than disk size. ++oo termcap(3): Only add the ZZ capability for termcap entries that are larger than 1023 bytes. ++oo dkctl(8): List the partition types addwedge understands. PR 37252. Make dkctl conform to its man page and print the device name on addwedge when the addition was successful (as well as indicating suc- cess). ++oo If the current locale doesn't define the 'thousands' grouping info then use sane defaults (',' every 3 digits). PR 40714. ++oo pthread(3): -- Make nanosleep cancelable again. -- Improve the algorithm used in pthread creation so that it does a better job of reusing dead threads. -- Make sure thread id is set correctly in case a threaded program forks from a thread other than the main thread. Fixes issues with, e.g., ruby. ++oo newsyslog(8): Reset ziptype on each line. Failure to do this caused any log file to be compressed if it was listed after a line using Z or J flag. ++oo nvi(1): -- Fix a problem where the pattern / didn't match a dollar sign. PR 41781. -- Make :ESC, #+ and #- work again. -- Rename "expandtabs" to "expandtab" to match documentation. -- Implement the "et" abbreviation for expandtab. -- Fix regexp on LP64 systems. PR 41924. -- Fix format string bug: filenames may contain % characters. -- Fix ~ on big-endian architecturs. ++oo pstat(8): Distinguish between UFS1 and UFS2 inodes by reading the ufsmount structure, the previous heuristic of comparing the size fields of inode and dinode failed. ++oo btpin(1): Add a -P flag to attempt immediate pairing. ++oo ksh(1): Support 0xnn for hexadecimal constants, as well as 16#nn. PR 40512. ++oo Add support for fr_*.UTF-8 locale. Setting LANG to fr_*.UTF-8 won't get the message catalog right (they're encoded in iso-8859-1), but other locale functions should work properly. ++oo Add Solaris-like dlinfo() interface to the ELF dynamic linker. Implement RTLD_DI_LINKMAP which returns a pointer to the linkmap chain at the given object. ++oo kill(1): Make sure that numerical signals and pids are in range for their types. PR 42143. ++oo pcap(3): pcap_lookupnet(): reset ifr before SIOCGIFNETMASK. Without it we get back a bogus netmask. PR 41367. ++oo man(1): Accept a pathname to a man file, e.g., "man ./man.1" ++oo setlocale(3): Handle nonexistent locales properly. PR 42124. ++oo amldb(8): Check validity of parent to avoid a potential segfault. ++oo sort(1): Fix a ton of bugs including but not limited to PR 18614 PR 27257 PR 25551 PR 221 82 PR 31095 PR 30504 PR 36816 PR 37860 PR 39308 PR 42094. ++oo user(8): Fix -p flag: rm_eo is the first character *after* the match, so no need for a +1. Blowfish hashes are only 53 chars long, not 54. ++oo Update libevent to 1.4.11-stable. ++oo hunt(6): Fix possible remote DoS of a running hunt game, and prevent a possible theoretical attack involving >= 1 billion ammo. ++oo systat(1): Fix problems with SIGWINCH. PR 42161. ++oo gzip(1): -- Fix support for multi-section bzip2 files, as created by pbzip2. -- Add "pack" uncompression support. -- Avoid an overflow in suffix handling. ++oo audio{ctl,play,record}: Add extended WAVE header support, attempt to play a bunch more WAV files. ++oo Update Postfix to 2.6.5. ++oo df(1): Block numbers are measured in f_frsize units. Make -P option use this instead of f_bsize. Also account for reserved blocks like normal non-P output. PR 41541. ++oo Update libfetch to 2.30. ++oo window(1): Fix a SEGV with certain terminal types. PR 41581. ++oo Update pkg_install to 20100204: -- audit-packages.conf(5) has been superseded by pkg_install.conf(5). The default configuration is the same. -- Support for pkg_view(1) has been retired. -- The functionality of audit-packages(1) and download-vulnerabil- ity-list(1) has moved into pkg_admin(1). Wrapper scripts that handle the common use cases are provided. ++oo racoonctl(8): Adjust ADMINPORTDIR to match that of racoon ( _/_v_a_r_/_r_u_n ). PR 41376. ++oo schedctl(8): Skip LSIDL and LSZOMB threads when retrieving info. ++oo postinstall(8) now knows about _/_e_t_c_/_d_h_c_p_c_d_._c_o_n_f. ++oo drvctl(8): Allow querying for root devices in the tree by specifying an empty device name. Ensure that l_devname is NUL-terminated and fail otherwise. If drvctl -l is used without argument, print the root device nodes. ++oo paste(1): Null-terminate the delimiter list string after processing escapes (which can shorten it) because the code that issues delim- iters depends on it being null-terminated. This caused e.g. paste -d ' ' a b to print a '0' at the beginning of each line. PR 41159. ++oo Don't attempt to read or write ~/.lesshst if it's not a regular file or a symlink to a regular file. Previously, symlinking to _/_d_e_v_/_n_u_l_l would cause less to trash _/_d_e_v_/_n_u_l_l if run with sufficient privi- leges. PR 42237. ++oo Make rtsold_flags default to -a. PR 39657. ++oo libevent: Add -fno-strict-aliasing to work around problems with GCC 4 and strict-aliasing. ++oo Renamed a number of internal getline() functions to get_line() so as to compile under -current. ++oo Install the Xvidtune app-defaults file. PR 41577. ++oo Fixes to Linux compat: -- In sendmsg(2), copy the msghdr structure before trying to use it. -- In linux_sys_sched_getaffinity(), do not leak memory on error. ++oo Various METALOG fixes, including sorting entries. PRs 24457 and 41155. ++oo Update DRM code. ++oo cdce(4): Add support for the Openmoko Freerunner. PR 40049. ++oo pms(4): Add elantech multi-touch support. ++oo Big X.Org update. ++oo ugen(4): ugen_get_cdesc() can return NULL. When this happens, return EINVAL error instead of crashing. ++oo Fix a race between nfsd and local rm. PR 41147. ++oo puc(4): Add support for Oxford Semiconductor OXmPCI952 2 port UARTs. Add support for the IBM 481033H SCC. ++oo sysinst(8): Try ATA/SCSI identify commands and when successful, use the model information along with the disk size when creating the 'Available disks' menu. PR 41925. ++oo Fix PR kern/41659: add missing splx() in FAST_IPSEC code. ++oo Add hungarian keyboard layout. ++oo Add Swiss German keyboard layout. ++oo Introduce MKSUBPIXEL, which allows enabling subpixel rendering code in FreeType. ++oo Support drives over 1TB in size in sysinst. Error if drive is over 2TB in in size (and thus over the disklabel limit). ++oo Update and add some TNF ssh keys to _/_e_t_c_/_s_s_h_/_s_s_h___k_n_o_w_n___h_o_s_t_s. ++oo Prevent makefs(8) from creating invalid ISO format on rockridge sup- port which causes fatal errors in ARC BIOS firmware on MIPS Magnum R4000. PR 42410. ++oo sysinst(8): When creating /etc/fstab: for the first swap partition use type "sw,dp" instead of "sw", so dump device gets configured cor- rectly if swap is not on the second partition. PR 42148. ++oo sys/atomic.h: Make atomics usable from C++. ++oo wc(1): Add support for "-L" option (longest line) as present in the GNU and FreeBSD versions of "wc". ++oo libm: Add f{min,max,dim}{,l,f}. ++oo jemalloc: Fix race condition on reallocation of huge category. PR 42876. ++oo sys/null.h: Enclose (void *)0 in an extra set of parenthese to make the result usable in arbitrary expressions. PR 41890. _K_n_o_w_n _P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s Using block device nodes (e.g., wd0a) directly for I/O may cause a kernel crash when the file system containing _/_d_e_v is FFS and is mounted with -o log. Workaround: use raw disk devices (e.g., rwd0a), or remount the file system without -o log. Occassionally, gdb may cause a process that is being debugged to hang when ``single stepped''. Workaround: kill and restart the affected process. gdb cannot debug running threaded programs correctly. Workaround: gener- ate a core file from the program using gcore(1) and pass the core to gdb, instead of debugging the running program. The sparc port does not have functional SMP support in this release. FFeeaattuurreess ttoo bbee rreemmoovveedd iinn aa llaatteerr rreelleeaassee The following features are to be removed from NetBSD in the future: ++oo Support for soft dependencies, also knows as soft updates (see ``softdep'' in mount(8)) will be removed in the next major release. NetBSD 5.1 includes a preview of WAPBL (Write Ahead Physical Block Logging), which will replace soft dependencies in the next major release. See wapbl(4) and hhttttpp::////mmaaiill--iinnddeexx..nneettbbssdd..oorrgg//nneettbbssdd--aannnnoouunnccee//22000088//1122//1144//mmssgg000000005511..hhttmmll for details. ++oo Support for Xen 2.0.x. The Xen-3 and hypervisor interface is diverg- ing from Xen-2 as development is ongoing, increasing the maintenance cost for NetBSD. It should be considered as deprecated. Users are expected to not rely on it any more beyond this major release. Further, at least version 3.1 of Xen will be required to run NetBSD as Dom0 or DomU. TThhee NNeettBBSSDD FFoouunnddaattiioonn The NetBSD Foundation is a tax exempt, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corpora- tion that devotes itself to the traditional goals and Spirit of the NetBSD Project and owns the trademark of the word ``NetBSD''. It sup- ports the design, development, and adoption of NetBSD worldwide. More information on the NetBSD Foundation, its composition, aims, and work can be found at: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ffoouunnddaattiioonn// SSoouurrcceess ooff NNeettBBSSDD Refer to hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//mmiirrrroorrss// NNeettBBSSDD 55..11 RReelleeaassee CCoonntteennttss The root directory of the NetBSD 5.1 release is organized as follows: _._._._/_N_e_t_B_S_D_-_5_._1_/ CHANGES Changes between the 4.0 and 5.0 releases. CHANGES-5.0 Changes between the initial 5.0 branch and final release of 5.0. CHANGES-5.1 Changes between the 5.0 and 5.1 releases. CHANGES.prev Changes in previous NetBSD releases. LAST_MINUTE Last minute changes and notes about the release. README.files README describing the distribution's contents. _s_o_u_r_c_e_/ Source distribution sets; see below. In addition to the files and directories listed above, there is one directory per architecture, for each of the architectures for which NetBSD 5.1 has a binary distribution. The source distribution sets can be found in subdirectories of the _s_o_u_r_c_e subdirectory of the distribution tree. They contain the complete sources to the system. The source distribution sets are as follows: ggnnuussrrcc This set contains the ``gnu'' sources, including the source for the compiler, assembler, groff, and the other GNU utilities in the binary distribution sets. _7_9 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _4_5_0 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d sshhaarreessrrcc This set contains the ``share'' sources, which include the sources for the man pages not associated with any particular program; the sources for the typesettable document set; the dictionaries; and more. _7 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _3_2 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d ssrrcc This set contains all of the base NetBSD 5.1 sources which are not in ggnnuussrrcc, sshhaarreessrrcc, or ssyyssssrrcc. _5_9 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _3_5_0 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d ssyyssssrrcc This set contains the sources to the NetBSD 5.1 kernel for all architectures as well as the config(1) utility. _3_4 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_9_7 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxssrrcc This set contains the sources to the X Window System. _1_2_7 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _6_9_4 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d All the above source sets are located in the _s_o_u_r_c_e_/_s_e_t_s subdirectory of the distribution tree. The source sets are distributed as compressed tar files. Except for the ppkkggssrrcc set, which is traditionally unpacked into _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c, all sets may be unpacked into _/_u_s_r_/_s_r_c with the command: # ccdd // ;; ttaarr --zzxxppff sseett__nnaammee..ttggzz In each of the source distribution set directories, there are files which contain the checksums of the files in the directory: MD5 MD5 digests in the format produced by the command: cckkssuumm --aa MMDD55 _f_i_l_e. SHA512 SHA512 digests in the format produced by the command: cckkssuumm --aa SSHHAA551122 _f_i_l_e. The SHA512 digest is safer, but MD5 checksums are provided so that a wider range of operating systems can check the integrity of the release files. _N_e_t_B_S_D_/_m_a_c_6_8_k _s_u_b_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e The mac68k-specific portion of the NetBSD 5.1 release is found in the _m_a_c_6_8_k subdirectory of the distribution: _._._._/_N_e_t_B_S_D_-_5_._1_/_m_a_c_6_8_k_/. It con- tains the following files and directories: _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._h_t_m_l _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._p_s _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._t_x_t _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._m_o_r_e Installation notes in various file formats, including this file. The _._m_o_r_e file contains underlined text using the more(1) conventions for indicating italic and bold display. _b_i_n_a_r_y_/ _k_e_r_n_e_l_/ _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_._g_z A kernel containing code for everything supported in this release using the standard SCSI driver. _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_S_B_C_._g_z A kernel containing code for everything supported in this release using the SBC variant of the SCSI driver. _s_e_t_s_/ mac68k binary distribution sets; see below. _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n_/ _i_n_s_t_k_e_r_n_e_l_/ mac68k boot and installation kernels; see installation section (Sysinst Method), below. _m_i_s_c_/ Miscellaneous mac68k installation utilities; see the Traditional method installation section below. _B_i_n_a_r_y _d_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _s_e_t_s The NetBSD mac68k binary distribution sets contain the binaries which comprise the NetBSD 5.1 release for mac68k. The binary distribution sets can be found in the _m_a_c_6_8_k_/_b_i_n_a_r_y_/_s_e_t_s subdirectory of the NetBSD 5.1 distribution tree, and are as follows: bbaassee The NetBSD 5.1 mac68k bbaassee binary distribution. You _m_u_s_t install this distribution set. It contains the base NetBSD utilities that are necessary for the system to run and be mini- mally functional. _2_6 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _7_5 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d ccoommpp Things needed for compiling programs. This set includes the system include files (_/_u_s_r_/_i_n_c_l_u_d_e) and the various system libraries (except the shared libraries, which are included as part of the bbaassee set). This set also includes the manual pages for all of the utilities it contains, as well as the system call and library manual pages. _3_6 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_3_0 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d eettcc This distribution set contains the system configuration files that reside in _/_e_t_c and in several other places. This set _m_u_s_t be installed if you are installing the system from scratch, but should _n_o_t be used if you are upgrading. _1 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d ggaammeess This set includes the games and their manual pages. _4 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _8 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d kkeerrnn--GGEENNEERRIICC This set contains a NetBSD/mac68k 5.1 GENERIC kernel, named _/_n_e_t_b_s_d. You _m_u_s_t install either this distribution set or kern- GENERICSBC. _2 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _4 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d kkeerrnn--GGEENNEERRIICCSSBBCC This set contains a NetBSD/mac68k 5.1 GENERICSBC kernel, named _/_n_e_t_b_s_d. You _m_u_s_t install either this distribution set or kern- GENERIC. _2 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _4 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d mmaann This set includes all of the manual pages for the binaries and other software contained in the bbaassee set. Note that it does not include any of the manual pages that are included in the other sets. _1_2 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _5_0 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d mmiisscc This set includes the system dictionaries, the typesettable doc- ument set, and other files from _/_u_s_r_/_s_h_a_r_e. _4 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_3 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d tteexxtt This set includes NetBSD's text processing tools, including groff(1), all related programs, and their manual pages. _3 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_0 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d NetBSD maintains its own set of sources for the X Window System in order to assure tight integration and compatibility. These sources are based on XFree86 4.5.0. Binary sets for the X Window System are distributed with NetBSD. The sets are: xxbbaassee The basic files needed for a complete X client environment. This does not include the X servers. _6 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_9 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxccoommpp The extra libraries and include files needed to compile X source code. _1_1 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _4_3 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxffoonntt Fonts needed by the X server and by X clients. _3_1 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _3_9 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxeettcc Configuration files for X which could be locally modified. _1 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d xxsseerrvveerr The X server. This includes the Xmac68k _m_o_n_o_c_h_r_o_m_e server with man pages. _5 _M_B _g_z_i_p_p_e_d_, _1_3 _M_B _u_n_c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d The mac68k binary distribution sets are distributed as gzipped tar files named with the extension ..ttggzz, e.g. _b_a_s_e_._t_g_z. The instructions given for extracting the source sets work equally well for the binary sets, but it is worth noting that if you use that method, the filenames stored in the sets are relative and therefore the files are extracted _b_e_l_o_w _t_h_e _c_u_r_r_e_n_t _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y. Therefore, if you want to extract the binaries into your system, i.e. replace the system binaries with them, you have to run the ttaarr --xxzzppff command from the root directory ( _/ ) of your system. Kernels suitable for booting from an AppleShare server may be found in the _m_a_c_6_8_k_/_b_i_n_a_r_y_/_k_e_r_n_e_l_s subdirectory of the NetBSD 5.1 distribution tree. These kernels are generally named something like _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_._g_z and can be booted as-is by the NetBSD/mac68k Booter utility, if desired. Please note that these kernels are simply gzipped and are not in tar ar- chives. The Mac OS based utilities necessary for installing and running NetBSD can be found in the _m_a_c_6_8_k_/_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n_/_m_i_s_c subdirectory of the NetBSD 5.1 distribution tree. The important files in this directory are as fol- lows: _B_o_o_t_e_r_._s_e_a_._h_q_x The NetBSD/mac68k Booter utility. This program is used to boot the NetBSD kernel from within Mac OS. _1_4_1 _K_B _a_r_c_h_i_v_e_d _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_r_._s_e_a_._h_q_x The NetBSD/mac68k Installer utility. This program is used to install the distribution sets onto your NetBSD partition(s). This utility is used only in a Tradi- tional method installation; it is not used or required for an installation using the ssyyssiinnsstt method. _1_4_7 _K_B _a_r_c_h_i_v_e_d _M_k_f_s_._s_e_a_._h_q_x The Mkfs utility. This program is used to format your chosen partitions so that they can be used with NetBSD. This utility is used only in a Traditional method installation; it is not used or required for an installation using the ssyyssiinnsstt method. _7_6 _K_B _a_r_c_h_i_v_e_d These files are all BinHexed, self-extracting archives. If you need them, the sources for these utilities are in the _s_r_c subdirectory. _N_o_t_e_: Each directory in the mac68k binary distribution also has its own checksum files, just as the source distribution does. NNeettBBSSDD//mmaacc6688kk SSyysstteemm RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss aanndd SSuuppppoorrtteedd DDeevviicceess NetBSD/mac68k 5.1 runs on several of the older Macintosh computers. About 4 MB of RAM is sufficient to boot a stripped-down custom kernel, and a subset of the system can be squeezed onto a 40 MB hard disk with considerable creativity and persistence. However, 100 MB of disk should be considered a practical minimum, and to do anything more interesting than booting at least 8 MB of RAM and more disk space is recommended. Please note that to install NetBSD/mac68k 5.1 using the ssyyssiinnsstt method, your system must have a minimum of 6 MB of RAM and 60 MB of available disk space (i.e. not part of an in-use HFS partition). _S_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d _m_o_d_e_l_s ++oo Mac II, IIx, IIcx, SE/30, IIci, IIsi, IIvx, IIvi ++oo Performa 400/405/410/430, Performa 450, Performa 460/466/467 ++oo Performa 520, Performa 550/560, Performa 600/600CD ++oo LC II, LC III, LC III+, LC 520, LC 550 ++oo MacTV ++oo Classic II, Color Classic ++oo Centris 650 ++oo Quadra 610, Quadra 630, Quadra 650, Quadra 700, Quadra 800 ++oo Quadra/Centris 660AV, Quadra 840AV ++oo PowerBook 140, PowerBook 145/145B, PowerBook 170 ++oo PowerBook 160, PowerBook 165, PowerBook 180 ++oo PowerBook 165c, PowerBook 180c, PowerBook 550c _S_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d _d_e_v_i_c_e_s ++oo Onboard SCSI bus and most SCSI tapes, hard drives, and CD-ROMs ++oo Internal sound -- enough to beep on some machines, anyway ++oo Most basic NuBus video cards (there have been some problems with some 24-bit color cards and with most QuickDraw accelera- tors) ++oo Both internal serial ports ++oo ADB keyboards and mice (both Apple and a number of third party multi-button mice and trackballs are supported) ++oo Ethernet cards based on the National Semiconductor 8390 and the SONIC (DP83932) chips (Asante, Apple, and a few others -- prob- lems still with Ethernet and many NuBus video cards) ++oo Ethernet cards based on the SMC 91c92 and 91c100 (FEAST) chips. This includes the AsanteFAST 10/100 cards ++oo Onboard Ethernet based on the SONIC chip for Quadra-series Macs ++oo Onboard Ethernet based on the MACE (Am79C940) chip for the Quadra AV-series Macs ++oo Ethernet port on Asante NetDock and Newer Ether MicroDock, for PowerBook Duo series ++oo Comm-slot Ethernet should be working for most machines/cards If your 68030 system is not listed above, it may be because of a problem with accessing onboard video, and it may still work with a serial con- sole. Some of the known ones in this category: ++oo Mac Classic series ++oo PowerBook Duo series If your 68LC040 system is not listed above, it is due to a problem with floating point emulation (FPE) for this type of processor. Machines in this category include: ++oo Newer LC-series machines (47x, 57x) ++oo Newer Performa-series machines (47x, 57x, 58x, 63x, 640) ++oo Some PowerBook 500-series Macs _U_n_s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d _m_o_d_e_l_s ++oo Macintosh IIfx This machine has unusual custom chips for the ADB and serial interfaces which make support for it difficult. Work is in progress on this, though. ++oo Quadra 900/950 These machines have I/O processor chips for their ADB inter- faces similar to those used in the IIfx and thus face similar support problems. Note that you can use a serial console on these systems. ++oo PowerPC-based Macs This is a separate effort from the mac68k port. PowerMacs use hardware that is quite different from that of the mac68k port. See the NetBSD/macppc port webpage at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppoorrttss//mmaaccppppcc// for more information. _K_n_o_w_n _h_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _i_s_s_u_e_s _w_i_t_h _t_h_i_s _r_e_l_e_a_s_e ++oo Real Time Clock Due to oddities of the Macintosh hardware interrupt priority scheme, NetBSD/mac68k keeps very poor time. Under a high inter- rupt load (e.g. SCSI or serial port activity), a machine can lose several minutes per hour. A consequence of this problem is that attempting to run nnttppdd is generally rather pointless. ++oo SCSI difficulties The NetBSD/mac68k SCSI drivers are not quite as robust as their Mac OS counterparts. Symptoms of these problems are that some SCSI disks will not work under NetBSD that work fine under Mac OS. Other problems include occasional file system corruption with some types of drives and the general unreliability of removable SCSI media. Keep in mind that there are no clear patterns with these problems, and they do not appear to affect the majority of users. GGeettttiinngg tthhee NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm oonn ttoo UUsseeffuull MMeeddiiaa There are currently two installation methods available for initial installation of NetBSD on Apple Macintosh 68000-based systems. Neither supports all installation media types at this time, so the one you select must be compatible with the media you have available on your system. ++oo The ssyyssiinnsstt method of installation uses an Installation Kernel which is a minimal NetBSD system with a memory resident set of utilities that are capable of partitioning the disk, initializing the file sys- tems, and loading them from the archive files. Since the installa- tion kernel does not currently support access to Mac OS HFS file sys- tems this method requires that the Binary Distribution Sets be acces- sible from CD-ROM, remote NFS partition, or via FTP access. ++oo The Traditional method of installation uses Mac OS hosted utilities to partition your disk, initialize the partitions for use by NetBSD, and load the file systems from archive files stored on the Mac OS HFS file system. This method requires that the Binary Distribution Sets reside on a local Macintosh hard drive, a CD-ROM, or an AppleShare volume. The Traditional method of installation is currently supported from the local Macintosh hard drive, from a CD-ROM, or from an AppleShare volume (however, you may upgrade a system from within NetBSD; see the _U_p_g_r_a_d_i_n_g _a _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s_l_y_-_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _N_e_t_B_S_D _S_y_s_t_e_m section for more details). If you are installing from a local hard drive, this means that you'll need at least enough room for the largest file that you will have to install. If the install is being done from an AppleShare-mounted volume, the NetBSD/mac68k Installer must be in the same folder as the binary distri- bution sets. Each distribution file is in _r_a_w archive format. ++oo Distribution files must be downloaded in binary mode. Common web browsers may not be suitable for this task; FTP clients such as Fetch and Anarchie work fine, but be sure to specify a binary file trans- fer. ++oo The files should not be unpacked. If you have the Internet Config extension installed, you can disable this in the ``Helpers'' dialog by removing the entry associated with ``.tgz'' files. Other FTP clients may require separate changes; consult your package's documen- tation. ++oo If you are installing from a CD-ROM, the distribution sets are already in the proper format. No special handling is required. You will also need to collect the Mac OS installation tools from the _m_a_c_6_8_k_/_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n_/_m_i_s_c subdirectory of the NetBSD 5.1 distribution: Mkfs, NetBSD/mac68k Installer, and NetBSD/mac68k Booter. These three are in BinHexed, self-extracting archives as Mkfs.sea.hqx, Installer.sea.hqx, and Booter.sea.hqx, respectively. Extract them as you would any other Macintosh application. _N_o_t_e_: The Booter is the only Mac OS application needed if the ssyyssiinnsstt method of installation is used. The Traditional method of instal- lation is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, and the Mkfs and Installer tools will be retired. PPrreeppaarriinngg yyoouurr SSyysstteemm ffoorr NNeettBBSSDD iinnssttaallllaattiioonn No matter which installation method you use, there is some planning and preparation that is required beforehand. First and foremost, before beginning the installation process, make sure you have a reliable backup of any data on your hard disk that you wish to keep. _M_i_s_t_a_k_e_s _i_n _p_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n_i_n_g _y_o_u_r _h_a_r_d _d_i_s_k _m_a_y _l_e_a_d _t_o _d_a_t_a _l_o_s_s_. NetBSD/mac68k uses the same disk mapping scheme as Mac OS: the Apple Disk Partition Map. This permits both systems to reside on the same disk, but introduces some installation problems unique to the Macintosh. There are very few, if any, reliable ways to reduce the size of an existing Mac OS disk partition, so partitioning a disk that currently contains Mac OS will almost always require a backup and reload step under Mac OS. If you are using the ssyyssiinnsstt method of installation you will be able to do most, if not all, of your disk partitioning during the install process. Partitioning the disk with ssyyssiinnsstt will destroy any partition that is resized, deleted, converted, or designated for use by NetBSD. All space not planned to be used for Mac OS HFS partitions may be used by NetBSD and can be sub-divided by the ssyyssiinnsstt process. This space may be defined within one or more existing disk partitions of any type, includ- ing HFS partitions that are no longer needed for Mac OS. However it is best if this space is physically contiguous on the disk as ssyyssiinnsstt is not capable of merging non-contiguous disk partitions. If you are using the ssyyssiinnsstt method and have sufficient disk space in one or more disk parti- tions you should skip forward to the section labeled _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _t_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _S_y_s_t_e_m _(_S_y_s_i_n_s_t _M_e_t_h_o_d_) in this document. If you are using the Traditional method of installation you must use a disk partitioning utility to designate the different partitions you will want in your final NetBSD configuration. It is not necessary to create NetBSD (or AU/X) type partitions at this stage; the Mkfs utility can con- vert a partition of any type to one usable for NetBSD. If disk partitioning is required because you've selected the Traditional method of installation, or because disk space needs to be freed up for use for the ssyyssiinnsstt method of installation, follow the directions in the remainder of this section. Find your favorite disk partitioning utility. Any formatter capable of partitioning a SCSI disk should work. Some of the ones that have been tried and seem to work are: ++oo Apple HD SC Setup ++oo Hard Disk ToolKit from FWB ++oo SCSI Director Lite ++oo Disk Manager Mac from OnTrack ++oo Silverlining from LaCie ++oo APS Disk Tools Apple's HD SC Setup is probably the easiest to use and the most commonly available. Instructions for patching HD SC Setup so that it will recog- nize non-Apple drives is available at: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..eeuurroonneett..nnll//uusseerrss//eerrnnssttoouudd//ppaattcchh..hhttmmll First, you need to choose a drive on which to install NetBSD. Try to pick a drive with a low SCSI target number (or "SCSI ID"), especially if you are likely to add or remove drives to your SCSI chain in the future. _N_o_t_e_: Be certain you have a reliable backup of any data that you may want to keep. Repartitioning your hard drive is an excellent way to destroy important data. Second, decide how you want to set up your partitions. At minimum, you need a partition to hold the NetBSD installation (the root partition -- _/) and a partition to serve as swap space. You may choose to use more than one partition to hold the installation. This allows you to separate the more vital portions of the file system (such as the kernel and the _/_e_t_c directory) from the more volatile parts of the file system. Typical setups place the _/_u_s_r directory on a separate partition from the root partition (_/). Generally, _/ can be fairly small while the _/_u_s_r partition should be fairly large. If you plan to use this machine as a server, you may also want a separate _/_v_a_r partition. Once you have decided how to lay out your partitions, you need to calcu- late how much space to allocate to each partition. A minimal install of NetBSD (i.e. _b_a_s_e_._t_g_z, _e_t_c_._t_g_z_, and either _k_e_r_n_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_._t_g_z or _k_e_r_n_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_S_B_C_._t_g_z) requires about 100MB. A general rule of thumb for sizing the swap partition is to allocate twice as much swap space as you have real memory. Having your swap + real memory total at least 20 MB is also a good idea. Systems that will be heavily used or that are low on real memory should have more swap space allocated. Systems that will be only lightly used or have a very large amount of real memory can get away with less. Keep in mind that NetBSD currently requires Mac OS in order to boot, so it is likely that you will want to keep at least a minimal install of Mac OS around on an HFS partition for this purpose. The size of this parti- tion may vary depending on the size requirements for the version of Mac OS you are using. Of course, if you have Mac OS on another hard drive or can boot from a floppy, feel free to dedicate the entire drive to NetBSD. Next, use your favorite partitioning utility to make partitions of the necessary sizes. You can use any type of partition, but partitions of type Apple_Free might save you some confusion in the future. You are now set to install NetBSD on your hard drive. IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm ((SSyyssiinnsstt MMeetthhoodd)) _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _t_h_e _s_y_s_i_n_s_t _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _p_r_o_g_r_a_m 1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n Using ssyyssiinnsstt, installing NetBSD is a relatively easy process. Still, you should read this document and have it in hand when doing the installation process. This document tries to be a good guide to the installation, and as such, covers many details for the sake of completeness. Do not let this discourage you; the install program is not hard to use. 2. _P_o_s_s_i_b_l_e _h_a_r_d_w_a_r_e_-_s_p_e_c_i_f_i_c _i_s_s_u_e_s ++oo _S_C_S_I _d_r_i_v_e_r _p_r_o_b_l_e_m_s The SCSI driver used in the kernel on many older Macintosh sys- tems is, by default, the ncrscsi driver. It contains a recog- nized but as yet unfixed bug that affects some disk drive/con- troller combinations, usually Quantum disks. Under heavy load these systems may hang or corrupt the file system; or, you may experience frequent _S_e_g_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _f_a_u_l_t and _I_l_l_e_g_a_l _i_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n errors that may or may not be consistently repeatable. This latter condition is particularly prevalent on systems with mini- mal RAM installed. If either of these problems occur on your system you are advised to use the SBC variants of the Kernel and Installation Kernel. However, be aware that this issue does not affect e.g. Centris or Quadra systems. ++oo _T_h_e _6_8_L_C_0_4_0 _p_r_o_c_e_s_s_o_r NetBSD has known but unresolved problems running on the 68LC040 processor, the variant of the 68040 that does not contain the floating point unit (FPU). The kernel is thus forced to emulate the missing operations in software. Unfortunately the 68LC040 processor has a design problem that causes the emulation to fail intermittently. We hope to provide a solution for this issue in a future NetBSD release. Software emulation of floating point operations is not a problem on the 68020 and 68030 processors. 3. _G_e_n_e_r_a_l The following is a walk-through of the steps you will take while getting NetBSD installed on your hard disk. ssyyssiinnsstt is a menu driven installation system that allows for some freedom in doing the installation. Sometimes, questions will be asked and in many cases the default answer will be displayed in brackets (``[ ]'') after the question. If you wish to stop the installation, you may press CONTROL-C at any time, but if you do, you'll have to begin the installation process again from scratch by running the _/_s_y_s_i_n_s_t pro- gram from the command prompt. It is not necessary to reboot. 4. _Q_u_i_c_k _i_n_s_t_a_l_l First, let's describe a quick install. The other sections of this document go into the installation procedure in more detail, but you may find that you do not need this. If you want detailed instruc- tions, skip to the next section. This section describes a basic installation, using a CD-ROM install as an example. ++oo What you need. -- The distribution sets (in this example, they are on CD). -- The Mac OS Booter application and an Installation Kernel -- A Macintosh with a 68020 and MMU, 68030 or 68RC040 proces- sor. An FPU is not required but will be used if present (but see the note above regarding the 68LC040). -- A CD-ROM drive (SCSI), a hard disk and a minimum of 8 MB of memory installed. -- The hard disk should have at least 120 + _n megabytes of space free, where _n is the number of megabytes of main mem- ory in your system. If you wish to install the X Window System as well, you will need at least 215 MB more. ++oo The NetBSD Boot Tools folder. -- Create a Folder on your Mac OS disk for the NetBSD/mac68k components. -- Copy the Booter application into the newly created Folder. Expand the file if necessary to create the Mac OS exe- cutable. -- Copy the Installation Kernels into the newly created Folder. It is not necessary to gguunnzziipp compressed kernel files. -- Single-click on the Booter application icon then select the "Get Info" from the File Menu list. Increase the memory allocation for the Booter to as much as possible for your system. Having a large number of fonts, extensions or sounds installed on your system can cause memory exhaustion problems for the Booter if you don't do this. Also, the extra memory is needed by the Booter to expand compressed kernels while booting. ++oo The Quick Installation -- Double-click on the Booter application icon to start execut- ing it. From the OOppttiioonnss pull-down menu, select MMoonniittoorrss, then select CChhaannggee MMoonniittoorr DDeepptthh and make sure B&W is high- lighted. Close the window using the CClloossee button. -- From the OOppttiioonnss pull-down menu select BBoooott OOppttiioonnss. This will bring up an option panel. Set the AAuuttoo--sseett GGMMTT BBiiaass checkbox in the lower left and then select the BBoooott ffrroomm MMaacc OOSS option at the top of the window. The SSeett button on the right will become active. Use it to locate and select the Installation Kernel file appropriate for your hardware. This will be either _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_I_N_S_T_A_L_L_._g_z or _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_I_N_S_T_A_L_L_S_B_C_._g_z. Close the window using the CClloossee but- ton. -- From the OOppttiioonnss pull-down menu select the BBoooott NNooww, or use the Apple-B (Command-B) key combination to start the NetBSD boot process. Do not move the mouse while the boot opera- tion is in progress as this may leave the keyboard locked to NetBSD. The main menu will be displayed. Insert the first boot floppy you just created and boot the computer. After lan- guage selection, the main menu will be displayed. .***********************************************. * NetBSD-5.1 Install System * * * *>a: Install NetBSD to hard disk * * b: Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk * * c: Re-install sets or install additional sets * * d: Reboot the computer * * e: Utility menu * * x: Exit Install System * .***********************************************. -- If you wish, you can configure some network settings immedi- ately by choosing the UUttiilliittyy mmeennuu and then CCoonnffiigguurree nneettwwoorrkk. It isn't actually required at this point, but it may be more convenient. Go back to the main menu. -- Choose iinnssttaallll. -- You will be guided through some steps regarding the setup of your disk, and the selection of distributed components to install. When in doubt, refer to the rest of this document for details. -- After your disk has been prepared, choose CCDD--RROOMM as the medium. The default values for the path and device should be ok. -- After all the files have been unpacked, go back to the main menu and select rreebboooott.. -- NetBSD will now boot. If you haven't already done so in ssyyssiinnsstt, you should log in as root and set a password for that account. You are also advised to edit _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f to match your needs. -- Your installation is now complete. 5. _B_o_o_t_i_n_g _N_e_t_B_S_D Prior to attempting to boot NetBSD/mac68k verify that all the fol- lowing are done: ++oo Enable 32-bit addressing in the Memory Control Panel [1]. ++oo Disable all forms of virtual memory (the Memory Control Panel, RAM Doubler, or other software-based memory enhancement prod- ucts). ++oo Place the system in B&W Mode (1-bit color or grayscale) as shown in the Monitors Control Panel or in the Monitors options dialog of the Booter. You may choose to have the Booter do this for you automatically by selecting the appropriate check box and radio button in the MMoonniittoorrss dialog on the OOppttiioonnss menu. It is probably best to boot your machine with all extensions turned off [1]. You can do this by booting into Mac OS with the SHIFT key held down. You may have to restart your Macintosh for changes to take effect before proceeding. [1] If your version of the Memory control panel does not have a 32-bit addressing mode radio button, this means that your sys- tem is already 32-bit clean and is running in 32-bit addressing mode by default. If the Booter complains that your are not in 32-bit mode, it may be necessary for you to press the "Use Defaults" button in the Memory control panel to restore 32-bit addressing. You should probably reboot after doing so. If you have an older II-class system (including the II, IIx, IIcx, and SE/30), it is necessary to install Connectix's MODE32 to work around ROM issues which prevent you from enabling 32-bit addressing. Please see the NetBSD/mac68k FAQ at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppoorrttss//mmaacc6688kk//ffaaqq// for more information. Double-click on the NetBSD/mac68k Booter icon to start the applica- tion. Select BBoooottiinngg from the OOppttiioonnss menu. Select the Kernel Location to be from Mac OS with the filename corresponding to the name of the Installation Kernel you are using. Typically this will be netbsd-INSTALL.gz. If you haven't already put your Macintosh into B&W mode, select the MMoonniittoorr OOppttiioonnss from the OOppttiioonnss menu and check the box for B&W mode. Try booting NetBSD by selecting BBoooott NNooww from the OOppttiioonnss menu. If the system does not come up, send mail to _p_o_r_t_-_m_a_c_6_8_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g describing your software, your hardware, and as complete a descrip- tion of the problem as you can. As an alternative, try using the Traditional method of installation described in the next section. 6. _P_r_e_p_a_r_i_n_g _y_o_u_r _h_a_r_d _d_i_s_k _Y_o_u _a_r_e _n_o_w _a_t _t_h_e _p_o_i_n_t _o_f _n_o _r_e_t_u_r_n. Nothing has been written to your disk yet, but if you confirm that you want to install NetBSD, your hard drive will be modified. If you are sure you want to pro- ceed, select yyeess. The install program will now label your disk and make the file sys- tems you specified. The file systems will be initialized to contain NetBSD bootstrapping binaries and configuration files. You will see messages on your screen from the various NetBSD disk preparation tools that are running. There should be no errors in this section of the installation. If there are, restart from the beginning of the installation process. Otherwise, you can continue the installa- tion program after pressing the return key. 7. _G_e_t_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _d_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _s_e_t_s The NetBSD distribution consists of a number of _s_e_t_s that come in the form of gzipped tarfiles. At this point, you will be presented with a menu which enables you to choose from one of the following methods of installing the sets. Some of these methods will first load the sets on your hard disk, others will extract the sets directly. For all these methods, the first step is making the sets available for extraction, and then do the actual installation. The sets can be made available in a few different ways. The following sections describe each of those methods. After reading the one about the method you will be using, you can continue to the section labeled `Extracting the distribution sets'. 8. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _f_r_o_m _C_D_-_R_O_M When installing from a CD-ROM, you will be asked to specify the device name for your CD-ROM drive (usually cd0), and the directory name on the CD-ROM where the distribution files are. ssyyssiinnsstt will then check if the files are indeed available in the specified location, and proceed to the actual extraction of the sets. 9. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _u_s_i_n_g _f_t_p To be able to install using ftp, you first need to configure your network setup if you haven't already done so. ssyyssiinnsstt will do this for you, asking you if you want to use DHCP. If you do not use DHCP, you can enter network configuration details yourself. If you do not have DNS set up for the machine that you are installing on, you can just press RETURN in answer to this question, and DNS will not be used. You will also be asked to specify the host that you want to transfer the sets from, the directory on that host, the account name and password used to log into that host using ftp, and optionally a proxy server to use. If you did not set up DNS, you will need to specify an IP address instead of a hostname for the ftp server. ssyyssiinnsstt will proceed to transfer all the default set files from the remote site to your hard disk. 10. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _u_s_i_n_g _N_F_S To be able to install using NFS, you first need to configure your network setup if you haven't already done so. ssyyssiinnsstt will do this for you, asking you if you want to use DHCP. If you do not use DHCP, you can enter network configuration details yourself. If you do not have DNS set up for the machine that you are installing on, you can just press RETURN in answer to this question, and DNS will not be used. You will also be asked to specify the host that you want to transfer the sets from and the directory on that host that the files are in. This directory should be mountable by the machine you are installing on, i.e., correctly exported to your machine. If you did not set up DNS, you will need to specify an IP address instead of a hostname for the NFS server. 11. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _f_r_o_m _M_a_c _O_S _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m_s NetBSD/mac68k does not currently have in-kernel support for Mac OS HFS/HFS+ or AppleShare filesystems. ssyyssiinnsstt therefore can not access the file sets if they are on these filesystems. 12. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _f_r_o_m _a_n _u_n_m_o_u_n_t_e_d _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m In order to install from a local file system, you will need to spec- ify the device that the file system resides on (for example sd1e) the type of the file system, and the directory on the specified file system where the sets are located. ssyyssiinnsstt will then check if it can indeed access the sets at that location. 13. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _f_r_o_m _a _l_o_c_a_l _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y This option assumes that you have already done some preparation yourself. The sets should be located in a directory on a file sys- tem that is already accessible. ssyyssiinnsstt will ask you for the name of this directory. 14. _E_x_t_r_a_c_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _d_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _s_e_t_s Before extraction begins, you can elect to watch the files being extracted; the name of each file that is extracted will be shown. This can slow down the installation process considerably on machines with slow graphics consoles or serial consoles. Alternatively, you can choose to see a progress bar. This is the preferred option as it shows progress without significantly slowing down the installa- tion process. After all the files have been extracted, the device node files will be created. If you have already configured networking, you will be asked if you want to use this configuration for normal operation. If so, these values will be installed in the network configuration files. The next menu will allow you to select the time zone that you're in, to make sure your clock has the right offset from UTC. Finally you will be asked to select a password encryption algorithm and can then set a password for the "root" account, to prevent the machine from coming up without access restrictions. 15. _F_i_n_a_l_i_z_i_n_g _y_o_u_r _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n Congratulations, you have successfully installed NetBSD 5.1. You can now reboot the machine and boot NetBSD from hard disk. IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm ((TTrraaddiittiioonnaall MMeetthhoodd)) The Traditional method of installation can be broken down into three basic steps: ++oo Run Mkfs to build a file system or file systems. ++oo Run the Installer to load the files onto your file systems. ++oo Run the Booter to boot the system. _P_r_e_p_a_r_i_n_g _t_h_e _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m_(_s_) Double-click on the Mkfs application icon to start it up. It will ask you for the SCSI-ID (SCSI target number) of the drive that you are installing NetBSD on. Once this is selected, it will present a list of the parti- tions on that disk. You must first convert the partitions to a type which NetBSD can understand. Select each partition on which you wish to build a file system and click on the CChhaannggee button. If you are placing the entire installation on a single partition, select the NNeettBBSSDD RRoooott&&UUssrr radio but- ton. If you are using multiple partitions, select NNeettBBSSDD RRoooott for the root partition (_/) and NNeettBBSSDD UUssrr for all the other partitions. You should select NNeettBBSSDD SSwwaapp for the swap partition. When you have finished converting each partition, select each partition and click on the FFoorrmmaatt button. You will now be asked for a bunch of parameters for the hard drive and the file system. Usually, you can just take the defaults. If you are installing onto removable media (e.g. a Zip, Jaz, or Syquest), please see the FAQ. Note that although this dialog only has the OOKK button, you are not committed, yet. Once you get the val- ues you want, press the OOKK button. A dialog will be presented at this point with two options: FFoorrmmaatt and CCaanncceell. If you choose CCaanncceell, nothing will be written to your drive. If you choose FFoorrmmaatt, the program will proceed to make a file system. Mkfs is not a well-behaved Macintosh application. It will not allow any other tasks to run while it does (cooperative multitasking at its best). When it's finished, the program will put up a dialog to ask if you have scanned the output for any error messages. Usually there won't have been any errors, but do scan the output to make sure. Simply click on the II RReeaadd IItt button and the program will quit. Repeat as necessary for any extra partitions that you wish to make file systems on. Note that you do _n_o_t need a file system on your swap parti- tion. When you are finished, click on the DDoonnee button and choose QQuuiitt from the FFiillee menu to exit Mkfs. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _t_h_e _f_i_l_e_s Before using the Installer, it is probably a good idea to increase its memory allocation. Select the Installer icon by clicking on it and choose GGeett IInnffoo from the File menu. Increase both the Minimum and Preferred sizes to as much as you can spare. Double-click on the Installer icon to start it up. The Installer will present the same SCSI-ID menu that Mkfs did. Select the same SCSI-ID (SCSI target number) that you did for Mkfs - i.e., the one you are installing NetBSD on. If you are installing onto a single root partition (_/), proceed to the _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _b_a_s_e _f_i_l_e_s section, below. If you have not created file systems for _/ (root), _u_s_r, and any other file systems, go back to _P_r_e_p_a_r_i_n_g _t_h_e _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m_(_s_) above. When you started the Installer, it mounted your root partition (_/). Just before it printed Mounting partition 'A' as / it printed lines like: sd1 at scsi ID 5 This means that the device for SCSI target 5 ("SCSI ID 5") is sd1. The partitions are signified by a trailing letter. For instance, sd1a would be the root partition (_/) of the second SCSI disk in the chain, and sd0g would be the first Usr partition on the first SCSI disk. You will need to know the proper device to mount the remaining parti- tion(s) by hand: 1. Select BBuuiilldd DDeevviicceess from the FFiillee menu. 2. Select MMiinnii SShheellll from the FFiillee menu. 3. You can use the ddiisskkllaabbeell command to get a listing of the available partitions and their types and sizes. 4. Create the directory mount point(s) with the command: # mmkkddiirr ppaatthh E.g. for the _/_u_s_r partition type: # mmkkddiirr //uussrr 5. Mount the file systems you wish with the command: # mmoouunntt ddeevviiccee ppaatthh For example, if you wish to mount a _/_u_s_r partition from the first SCSI disk sd0, on _/_u_s_r, you would type: # mmoouunntt //ddeevv//ssdd00gg //uussrr 6. Type # ffssttaabb ffoorrccee to create a proper _/_e_t_c_/_f_s_t_a_b file. 7. Type qquuiitt after you have mounted all the file systems. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _b_a_s_e _f_i_l_e_s Select the IInnssttaallll menu item from the FFiillee menu and install _b_a_s_e_._t_g_z, _e_t_c_._t_g_z, _e_i_t_h_e_r _k_e_r_n_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_._t_g_z _o_r _k_e_r_n_-_G_E_N_E_R_I_C_S_B_C_._t_g_z, and any other sets you wish to install at this time (see the _N_e_t_B_S_D _5_._1 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _C_o_n_t_e_n_t_s for information about what's in each set). The Installer will print out the filename of each file as it is installed, and will take quite some time to install everything (the base package alone can take over two hours on a slow hard drive). As is the case with Mkfs, this is not a particularly well-behaved Macin- tosh application and the machine will be completely tied up while the installation takes place. At some point after installing the base set, select the BBuuiilldd DDeevviicceess option from the FFiillee menu if you have not already done so. This will cre- ate a bunch of device nodes for you and will create your initial _/_e_t_c_/_f_s_t_a_b. The Installer program also has an option to give you a mini- shell. Do not use this unless you are sure know what you are doing. When you are finished installing all of the sets you wish to install, exit the Installer by choosing QQuuiitt from the FFiillee menu. _B_o_o_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _s_y_s_t_e_m Prior to attempting to boot NetBSD/mac68k, please verify that all of the following are true: 1. 32-bit addressing is enabled [2] in the Memory control panel; 2. All forms of virtual memory are disabled (the Memory control panel, RAM Doubler, or other software-based memory enhancement products); and 3. Your system is in B&W mode (1-bit color or grayscale) as shown by the Monitors control panel. You may choose to have the Booter do this for you automatically by selecting the appropriate check box and radio button in the MMoonniittoorrss dialog on the OOppttiioonnss menu. It is probably best to boot your machine with all extensions turned off [2]. You can do this by booting into Mac OS with the SHIFT key held down. You may have to restart your Macintosh for changes to take effect before proceeding. [2] If your version of the Memory control panel does not have a 32-bit addressing mode radio button, this means that your system is already 32-bit clean and is running in 32-bit addressing mode by default. If the Booter complains that you are not in 32-bit mode, it may be necessary for you to press the UUssee DDeeffaauullttss button in the Memory control panel to restore 32-bit addressing. You should probably reboot after doing so. If you have an older II-class system (including the II, IIx, IIcx, and SE/30), it is necessary to install Connectix's MODE32 to work around ROM issues which prevent you from enabling 32-bit addressing. Please see the NetBSD/mac68k FAQ at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppoorrttss//mmaacc6688kk//ffaaqq// for more information. Double-click on the NetBSD/mac68k Booter icon to start the application. Select BBoooottiinngg from the OOppttiioonnss menu. Check that all of the items in the resulting dialog look sane - especially the SCSI target number. If not, correct them to your preference (the SCSI target number, or "SCSI ID", should be the only thing you need to change). When you are satisfied with your choices, try booting NetBSD by selecting BBoooott NNooww from the OOppttiioonnss menu. If you wish to save your preferences, choose SSaavvee OOppttiioonnss from the FFiillee menu before Booting (your preferences will not be saved if you forget to do this). If the system does not come up, send mail to _p_o_r_t_-_m_a_c_6_8_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g describing your software, your hardware, and as complete a description of the problem as you can. If the system does come up, congratulations, you have successfully installed NetBSD 5.1. PPoosstt iinnssttaallllaattiioonn sstteeppss Once you've got the operating system running, there are a few things you need to do in order to bring the system into a properly configured state. The most important steps are described below. 1. Configuring _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f If you or the installation software haven't done any configuration of _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f (ssyyssiinnsstt usually will), the system will drop you into single user mode on first reboot with the message /etc/rc.conf is not configured. Multiuser boot aborted. and with the root file system (_/) mounted read-only. When the sys- tem asks you to choose a shell, simply press RETURN to get to a _/_b_i_n_/_s_h prompt. If you are asked for a terminal type, respond with vvtt222200 (or whatever is appropriate for your terminal type) and press RETURN. You may need to type one of the following commands to get your delete key to work properly, depending on your keyboard: # ssttttyy eerraassee ''^^hh'' # ssttttyy eerraassee ''^^??'' At this point, you need to configure at least one file in the _/_e_t_c directory. You will need to mount your root file system read/write with: # //ssbbiinn//mmoouunntt --uu --ww // Change to the _/_e_t_c directory and take a look at the _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f file. Modify it to your tastes, making sure that you set rc_configured=YES so that your changes will be enabled and a multi- user boot can proceed. Default values for the various programs can be found in _/_e_t_c_/_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f, where some in-line documentation may be found. More complete documentation can be found in rc.conf(5). When you have finished editing _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f, type eexxiitt at the prompt to leave the single-user shell and continue with the multi-user boot. Other values that may need to be set in _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f for a networked environment are _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e and possibly _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_r_o_u_t_e. You may also need to add an _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g___i_n_t for your network interface, where your on-board, NuBus or PDS interface may be ae0, mc0 or sn0. For example: ifconfig_sn0="inet netmask" or, if you have _m_y_n_a_m_e_._m_y_._d_o_m in _/_e_t_c_/_h_o_s_t_s: ifconfig_sn0="inet netmask" To enable proper hostname resolution, you will also want to add an _/_e_t_c_/_r_e_s_o_l_v_._c_o_n_f file or (if you are feeling a little more adventur- ous) run named(8). See resolv.conf(5) or named(8) for more informa- tion. Instead of manually configuring network and naming service, DHCP can be used by setting dhclient=YES in _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._c_o_n_f. Other files in _/_e_t_c that may require modification or setting up include _/_e_t_c_/_m_a_i_l_e_r_._c_o_n_f, _/_e_t_c_/_n_s_s_w_i_t_c_h_._c_o_n_f, and _/_e_t_c_/_w_s_c_o_n_s_._c_o_n_f. 2. Logging in After reboot, you can log in as root at the login prompt. Unless you've set a password in ssyyssiinnsstt, there is no initial password. You should create an account for yourself (see below) and protect it and the ``root'' account with good passwords. By default, root login from the network is disabled (even via ssh(1)). One way to become root over the network is to log in as a different user that belongs to group ``wheel'' (see group(5)) and use su(1) to become root. 3. Adding accounts Use the useradd(8) command to add accounts to your system. Do not edit _/_e_t_c_/_p_a_s_s_w_d directly! See vipw(8) and pwd_mkdb(8) if you want to edit the password database. 4. The X Window System If you installed the X Window System, you may want to read the chap- ter about X in the NetBSD Guide: hhttttpp::////nneettbbssdd..oorrgg//ddooccss//gguuiiddee//eenn//cchhaapp--xx..hhttmmll [Color_X] Some systems are capable of supporting a color X Server in either thousands or millions of colors. The mac68k port does not support resolution switching at this time. If your system is capable of running the color X Server it can be installed at this point and the Booter options can be modified to match the resolution depth. 5. Installing third party packages If you wish to install any of the software freely available for UNIX-like systems you are strongly advised to first check the NetBSD package system, pkgsrc. pkgsrc automatically handles any changes necessary to make the software run on NetBSD. This includes the retrieval and installation of any other packages on which the soft- ware may depend. -- More information on the package system is available at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ddooccss//ssooffttwwaarree//ppaacckkaaggeess..hhttmmll -- A list of available packages suitable for browsing is at ffttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//ppaacckkaaggeess//ppkkggssrrcc//RREEAADDMMEE..hhttmmll -- Precompiled binaries can be found at ffttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//ppkkggssrrcc//ppaacckkaaggeess//NNeettBBSSDD// usually in the _m_a_c_6_8_k_/_5_._1_/_A_l_l subdir. You can install them with the following commands under sh(1): ## PPKKGG__PPAATTHH==ffttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//ppkkggssrrcc//ppaacckkaaggeess//NNeettBBSSDD//mmaacc6688kk//55..11//AAllll ## eexxppoorrtt PPKKGG__PPAATTHH ## ppkkgg__aadddd --vv ttccsshh ## ppkkgg__aadddd --vv bbaasshh ## ppkkgg__aadddd --vv ppeerrll ## ppkkgg__aadddd --vv aappaacchhee ## ppkkgg__aadddd --vv kkddee ## ppkkgg__aadddd --vv ffiirreeffooxx ... If you are using csh(1) then replace the first two lines with the following: ## sseetteennvv PPKKGG__PPAATTHH ffttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//ppkkggssrrcc//ppaacckkaaggeess//NNeettBBSSDD//mmaacc6688kk//55..11//AAllll _N_o_t_e_: Some mirror sites don't mirror the _/_p_u_b_/_p_k_g_s_r_c directory. If you would like to use such mirrors, you could also try the _/_p_u_b_/_N_e_t_B_S_D_/_p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s_/_c_u_r_r_e_n_t_-_p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s_/_N_e_t_B_S_D_/_m_a_c_6_8_k_/_5_._1_/_A_l_l directory, which may have the same contents. The above commands will install the Tenex-csh and Bourne Again shells, the Perl programming language, Apache web server, KDE desktop environment and the Firefox web browser as well as all the packages they depend on. _N_o_t_e_: In some cases the pkg_add(1) command will complain about a version mismatch of packages with a message like the following: Warning: package `foo' was built for a different version of the OS: NetBSD/i386 M.N (pkg) vs. NetBSD/i386 5.1 (this host), This warning is harmless if the formal major release num- bers are the same between the pkg and your host. Please refer to the NetBSD release glossary and graphs at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//rreelleeaasseess//rreelleeaassee--mmaapp..hhttmmll for more information about NetBSD's release numbering scheme. -- The framework for compiling packages can be obtained by retriev- ing the file ffttpp::////ffttpp..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ppuubb//NNeettBBSSDD//ppaacckkaaggeess//ppkkggssrrcc..ttaarr..ggzz It is typically extracted into _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c (though other loca- tions work fine) with the commands: # ccdd //uussrr # ttaarr --zzxxppff ppkkggssrrcc..ttaarr..ggzz After extracting, see the _d_o_c_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_._t_x_t file in the extraction directory (e.g., _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_/_d_o_c_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_._t_x_t) for more informa- tion. 6. Misc -- Edit _/_e_t_c_/_m_a_i_l_/_a_l_i_a_s_e_s to forward root mail to the right place. Don't forget to run newaliases(1) afterwards. -- The _/_e_t_c_/_p_o_s_t_f_i_x_/_m_a_i_n_._c_f file will almost definitely need to be adjusted. If you prefer a different MTA, then install it using pkgsrc or by hand and adjust _/_e_t_c_/_m_a_i_l_e_r_._c_o_n_f. -- Edit _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._l_o_c_a_l to run any local daemons you use. -- Many of the _/_e_t_c files are documented in section 5 of the man- ual; so just invoking # mmaann 55 _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e is likely to give you more information on these files. UUppggrraaddiinngg aa pprreevviioouussllyy--iinnssttaalllleedd NNeettBBSSDD SSyysstteemm The easiest way to upgrade to NetBSD 5.1 is with binaries, and that is the method documented here. To do the upgrade, you must boot the install kernel using one of the methods described above. You must also have at least the bbaassee and kkeerrnn binary distribution sets available. Finally, you must have sufficient disk space available to install the new binaries. Since files already installed on the system are overwritten in place, you only need addi- tional free space for files which weren't previously installed or to account for growth of the sets between releases. If you have a few megabytes free on each of your root (_/) and _/_u_s_r partitions, you should have enough space. Since upgrading involves replacing the kernel, boot blocks, and most of the system binaries, it has the potential to cause data loss. You are strongly advised to _b_a_c_k _u_p any important data on the NetBSD partition or on another operating system's partition on your disk before beginning the upgrade process. The upgrade procedure is similar to an installation, but without the hard disk partitioning. ssyyssiinnsstt will attempt to merge the settings stored in your _/_e_t_c directory with the new version of NetBSD. Also, file systems are checked before unpacking the sets. Fetching the binary sets is done in the same manner as the installation procedure; refer to the installa- tion part of the document for help. After a new kernel has been copied to your hard disk, your machine is a complete NetBSD 5.1 system. However, that doesn't mean that you're fin- ished with the upgrade process. You will probably want to update the set of device nodes you have in _/_d_e_v. If you've changed the contents of _/_d_e_v by hand, you will need to be careful about this, but if not, you can just cd into _/_d_e_v, and run the command: # sshh MMAAKKEEDDEEVV aallll Finally, you will want to delete old binaries that were part of the ver- sion of NetBSD that you upgraded from and have since been removed from the NetBSD distribution. CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy IIssssuueess WWiitthh PPrreevviioouuss NNeettBBSSDD RReelleeaasseess Users upgrading from previous versions of NetBSD may wish to bear the following problems and compatibility issues in mind when upgrading to NetBSD 5.1. If your port uses X.Org and you see messages from the X server indicating that no devices were found, you may need to run XX --ccoonnffiigguurree and update your existing xorg.conf to use the BusID line from the newly-generated config file. Dual-head support for PC systems has become broken for many configura- tions with the update to xorg-server 1.6.x, which has removed the user- land PCI configuration mechanism, and needs to rely upon the OS. We hope to correct this for future releases. Workaround: The only workaround is non-trivial and requires programming several PCI BAR registers as they previously were in NetBSD 5.0. If you are updating to NetBSD 5.1 without the aid of sysinst or postin- stall and your port uses X.Org, be sure to remove _/_u_s_r_/_X_1_1_R_7_/_l_i_b_/_X_1_1_/_x_k_b_/_s_y_m_b_o_l_s_/_p_c before extracting the xbase set. In the version of X.Org shipped with 5.0, this was a directory, but in more recent X.Org versions it is a file. pkg_install now depends on the pkgdb cache for automatic conflict detec- tion. It is recommended to rebuild the cache with # ppkkgg__aaddmmiinn rreebbuuiilldd audit-packages.conf(5) has been superseded by pkg_install.conf(5). The default configuration is the same. Support for pkg_view(1) has been retired. The functionality of audit-packages(1) and download-vulnerability-list(1) has moved into pkg_admin(1). However, wrapper scripts that handle the common use cases are provided. _I_s_s_u_e_s _w_h_e_n _r_u_n_n_i_n_g _o_l_d_e_r _b_i_n_a_r_i_e_s _o_n _N_e_t_B_S_D _5_._1 The pthread libraries from previous versions of NetBSD require that the sysctl(3) node kern.no_sa_support be set to 0. This affects the follow- ing environments: -- Running a 5.x kernel with an older userland. -- Running an older userland inside a chroot'ed environment on a 5.x system. -- Running older statically linked pthread applications. The 5.x kernel defaults to 0 for kern.no_sa_support, which covers the first case. However, please note that a full installation of 5.x (either from scratch or through an upgrade) will set kern.no_sa_support to 1 dur- ing the boot process. This means that for the last two cases, you will have to manually set kern.no_sa_support to 0, using either the sysctl(8) command or through sysctl.conf(5). Note that ssyyssiinnsstt will automatically invoke postinstall fix and thus all issues that are fixed by ppoossttiinnssttaallll by default (see below) will be handled. _I_s_s_u_e_s _a_f_f_e_c_t_i_n_g _a_n _u_p_g_r_a_d_e _f_r_o_m _N_e_t_B_S_D _3_._x _r_e_l_e_a_s_e_s See the section below on upgrading from NetBSD 4.x as well. The following issues can generally be resolved by running _p_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l with the eettcc set: postinstall -s /path/to/etc.tgz check postinstall -s /path/to/etc.tgz fix Issues fixed by _p_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l: -- Various files in _/_e_t_c need upgrading. These include: ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s_/_* ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_m_t_r_e_e_/_* ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_d_a_i_l_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_w_e_e_k_l_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_m_o_n_t_h_l_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._s_u_b_r ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._s_h_u_t_d_o_w_n ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._d_/_* ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_e_n_v_s_y_s_._c_o_n_f The following issues need to be resolved manually: -- The users `_proxy', `_rwhod', and `_sdpd' and the groups `_proxy', `_rwhod' and `_sdpd' need to be created and the user `uucp' needs to be updated. -- A number of things were removed in the NetBSD 4.0 release, including: the evbsh5 port, the Fortran 77 compiler (g77), NETCCITT, NETNS, Sendmail, Sushi, UUCP, and Vinum. If you were using any of these, please see the "Components removed from NetBSD" at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//rreelleeaasseess//ffoorrmmaall--44//NNeettBBSSDD--44..00..hhttmmll##rreemmoovvaallss -- The replacement of Sendmail by Postfix can be handled automati- cally by _p_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l but it is not done by default. If you want to transition to Postfix, the command postinstall -s /path/to/etc.tgz fix mailerconf will update your _/_e_t_c_/_m_a_i_l_e_r_._c_o_n_f file to use Postfix as the MTA. When using ssyyssiinnsstt to upgrade the system, it will ask if you want this to be done. Note that if you have a customized Sendmail setup, you need to set up Postfix in an equivalent way; there is no tool for auto- matic conversion of Sendmail configuration to a Postfix one. Postfix will be started automatically when the system boots. You may see messages like "$sendmail is not set properly" at boot. You can suppress them by removing _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._d_/_s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l and _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._d_/_s_m_m_s_p. Those files and other parts of sendmail con- figuration like files under _/_u_s_r_/_s_h_a_r_e_/_s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l are not removed by default while upgrading for those who want to continue using sendmail from outside the base system. If you want to delete them, _p_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l can be used: postinstall -s /path/to/etc.tgz fix sendmail _I_s_s_u_e_s _a_f_f_e_c_t_i_n_g _a_n _u_p_g_r_a_d_e _f_r_o_m _N_e_t_B_S_D _4_._x _r_e_l_e_a_s_e_s The following issues can generally be resolved by running _p_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l with the eettcc set: postinstall -s /path/to/etc.tgz check postinstall -s /path/to/etc.tgz fix Issues fixed by _p_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l: -- Various files in _/_e_t_c need upgrading. These include: ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s_/_* ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_m_t_r_e_e_/_* ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_d_a_i_l_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_w_e_e_k_l_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_m_o_n_t_h_l_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_s_e_c_u_r_i_t_y ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._s_u_b_r ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._s_h_u_t_d_o_w_n ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._d_/_* ++oo _/_e_t_c_/_e_n_v_s_y_s_._c_o_n_f The following issues need to be resolved manually: -- The users `_httpd' and `_timedc' and the groups `_httpd' and `_timedc' need to be created. -- Unprivileged use of the mount(8) command now requires the _n_o_s_u_i_d and _n_o_d_e_v options to be explicitly specified. Previ- ously, these options were automatically enforced even if they were not explicitly specified. -- A number of things have been removed from the NetBSD 5.1 release. See the "Components removed from NetBSD" section near the beginning of this document for a list. UUssiinngg oonnlliinnee NNeettBBSSDD ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn Documentation is available if you installed the manual distribution set. Traditionally, the ``man pages'' (documentation) are denoted by `name(section)'. Some examples of this are -- intro(1), -- man(1), -- apropos(1), -- passwd(1), and -- passwd(5). The section numbers group the topics into several categories, but three are of primary interest: user commands are in section 1, file formats are in section 5, and administrative information is in section 8. The _m_a_n command is used to view the documentation on a topic, and is started by entering mmaann [_s_e_c_t_i_o_n] _t_o_p_i_c. The brackets [] around the sec- tion should not be entered, but rather indicate that the section is optional. If you don't ask for a particular section, the topic with the lowest numbered section name will be displayed. For instance, after log- ging in, enter # mmaann ppaasssswwdd to read the documentation for passwd(1). To view the documentation for passwd(5), enter # mmaann 55 ppaasssswwdd instead. If you are unsure of what man page you are looking for, enter # aapprrooppooss _s_u_b_j_e_c_t_-_w_o_r_d where _s_u_b_j_e_c_t_-_w_o_r_d is your topic of interest; a list of possibly related man pages will be displayed. AAddmmiinniissttrriivviiaa If you've got something to say, do so! We'd like your input. There are various mailing lists available via the mailing list server at _m_a_j_o_r_d_o_m_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g. To get help on using the mailing list server, send mail to that address with an empty body, and it will reply with instruc- tions. See hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//mmaaiilliinngglliissttss// for a web interface. There are various mailing lists set up to deal with comments and ques- tions about this release. Please send comments to: _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_c_o_m_m_e_n_t_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g. To report bugs, use the send-pr(1) command shipped with NetBSD, and fill in as much information about the problem as you can. Good bug reports include lots of details. Bugs also can be submitted and queried with the web interface at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ssuuppppoorrtt//sseenndd--pprr..hhttmmll There are also port-specific mailing lists, to discuss aspects of each port of NetBSD. Use majordomo to find their addresses, or visit hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//mmaaiilliinngglliissttss// If you're interested in doing a serious amount of work on a specific port, you probably should contact the `owner' of that port (listed below). If you'd like to help with this effort, and have an idea as to how you could be useful, send us mail or subscribe to: _n_e_t_b_s_d_-_u_s_e_r_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g. As a favor, please avoid mailing huge documents or files to these mailing lists. Instead, put the material you would have sent up for FTP or WWW somewhere, then mail the appropriate list about it, or, if you'd rather not do that, mail the list saying you'll send the data to those who want it. TThhaannkkss ggoo ttoo -- The former members of UCB's Computer Systems Research Group, includ- ing (but not limited to): Keith Bostic Ralph Campbell Mike Karels Marshall Kirk McKusick for their work on BSD systems, support, and encouragement. -- The Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. for hosting the NetBSD FTP, CVS, AnonCVS, mail, mail archive, GNATS, SUP, Rsync and WWW servers. -- The Internet Research Institute in Japan for hosting the server which runs the CVSweb interface to the NetBSD source tree. -- The Luleoa Academic Computer Society for providing the backup services server. -- The Columbia University Computer Science Department for hosting the NYC build cluster. -- The Western Washington University Computer Science Department for running the WWU build cluster. -- The many organizations that provide NetBSD mirror sites. -- Without CVS, this project would be impossible to manage, so our hats go off to Brian Berliner, Jeff Polk, and the various other people who've had a hand in making CVS a useful tool. -- We list the individuals and organizations that have made donations or loans of hardware and/or money, to support NetBSD development, and deserve credit for it at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..NNeettBBSSDD..oorrgg//ddoonnaattiioonnss// (If you're not on that list and should be, tell us! We probably were not able to get in touch with you, to verify that you wanted to be listed.) -- Finally, we thank all of the people who've put sweat and tears into developing NetBSD since its inception in January, 1993. (Obviously, there are a lot more people who deserve thanks here. If you're one of them, and would like to be mentioned, tell us!) WWee aarree...... (in alphabetical order) _T_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _c_o_r_e _g_r_o_u_p_: Alistair Crooks _a_g_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Quentin Garnier _c_u_b_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matt Thomas _m_a_t_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g YAMAMOTO Takashi _y_a_m_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christos Zoulas _c_h_r_i_s_t_o_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g _T_h_e _p_o_r_t_m_a_s_t_e_r_s _(_a_n_d _t_h_e_i_r _p_o_r_t_s_)_: Erik Berls _c_y_b_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ccoobbaalltt Manuel Bouyer _b_o_u_y_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g xxeenn Simon Burge _s_i_m_o_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g eevvbbmmiippss Simon Burge _s_i_m_o_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ppmmaaxx Simon Burge _s_i_m_o_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssbbmmiippss Julian Coleman _j_d_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aattaarrii Marcus Comstedt _m_a_r_c_u_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ddrreeaammccaasstt Andrew Doran _a_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aammdd6644 Andrew Doran _a_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ii338866 Matthias Drochner _d_r_o_c_h_n_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g cceessffiicc Gavan Fantom _g_a_v_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g iiyyoonniixx Jaime A Fournier _o_b_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g zzaauurruuss Matt Fredette _f_r_e_d_e_t_t_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssuunn22 Ichiro FUKUHARA _i_c_h_i_r_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g hhppccaarrmm Chris Gilbert _c_h_r_i_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ccaattss Ben Harris _b_j_h_2_1_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aaccoorrnn2266 Ross Harvey _r_o_s_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aallpphhaa Nick Hudson _s_k_r_l_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g hhpp770000 Martin Husemann _m_a_r_t_i_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssppaarrcc6644 IWAMOTO Toshihiro _t_o_s_h_i_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g hhppccaarrmm Darrin Jewell _d_b_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g nneexxtt6688kk S/oren J/orvang _s_o_r_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssggiimmiippss Wayne Knowles _w_d_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g mmiippssccoo Takayoshi Kochi _k_o_c_h_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g iiaa6644 Paul Kranenburg _p_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssppaarrcc Michael Lorenz _m_a_c_a_l_l_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g mmaaccppppcc Anders Magnusson _r_a_g_g_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g vvaaxx Cherry G. Mathew _c_h_e_r_r_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g iiaa6644 NISHIMURA Takeshi _n_s_m_r_t_k_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g xx6688kk Tohru Nishimura _n_i_s_i_m_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g lluunnaa6688kk Tohru Nishimura _n_i_s_i_m_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssaannddppooiinntt Andrey Petrov _p_e_t_r_o_v_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssppaarrcc6644 Scott Reynolds _s_c_o_t_t_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g mmaacc6688kk Tim Rightnour _g_a_r_b_l_e_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ooffppppcc Tim Rightnour _g_a_r_b_l_e_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g pprreepp Tim Rightnour _g_a_r_b_l_e_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g rrss66000000 Noriyuki Soda _s_o_d_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aarrcc Ignatios Souvatzis _i_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aammiiggaa Jonathan Stone _j_o_n_a_t_h_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ppmmaaxx Shin Takemura _t_a_k_e_m_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g hhppccmmiippss Matt Thomas _m_a_t_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aallpphhaa Matt Thomas _m_a_t_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g nneettwwiinnddeerr Jason Thorpe _t_h_o_r_p_e_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aallggoorr Jason Thorpe _t_h_o_r_p_e_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g eevvbbaarrmm Jason Thorpe _t_h_o_r_p_e_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g sshhaarrkk Izumi Tsutsui _t_s_u_t_s_u_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g eewwss44880000mmiippss Izumi Tsutsui _t_s_u_t_s_u_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g hhpp330000 Izumi Tsutsui _t_s_u_t_s_u_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g nneewwss6688kk Valeriy E. Ushakov _u_w_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g llaannddiisskk Nathan Williams _n_a_t_h_a_n_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ssuunn33 Steve Woodford _s_c_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g eevvbbppppcc Steve Woodford _s_c_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g mmvvmmee6688kk Steve Woodford _s_c_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g mmvvmmeeppppcc Reinoud Zandijk _r_e_i_n_o_u_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g aaccoorrnn3322 _T_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _5_._1 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _E_n_g_i_n_e_e_r_i_n_g _t_e_a_m_: Manuel Bouyer _b_o_u_y_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David Brownlee _a_b_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g James Chacon _j_m_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Julian Coleman _j_d_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Hoavard Eidnes _h_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Liam J. Foy _l_i_a_m_j_f_o_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Heasley _h_e_a_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Geert Hendrickx _g_h_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Soren Jacobsen _s_n_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Phil Nelson _p_h_i_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jeff Rizzo _r_i_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g _N_e_t_B_S_D _D_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_r_s_: Nathan Ahlstrom _n_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Steve Allen _w_o_r_m_e_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jukka Andberg _j_a_n_d_b_e_r_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Julian Assange _p_r_o_f_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Lennart Augustsson _a_u_g_u_s_t_s_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christoph Badura _b_a_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bang Jun-Young _j_u_n_y_o_u_n_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Dieter Baron _d_i_l_l_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Robert V. Baron _r_v_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Alan Barrett _a_p_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Grant Beattie _g_r_a_n_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jason Beegan _j_t_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Erik Berls _c_y_b_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Hiroyuki Bessho _b_s_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Birrell _j_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mason Loring Bliss _m_a_s_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Charles Blundell _c_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Rafal Boni _r_a_f_a_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Stephen Borrill _s_b_o_r_r_i_l_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Sean Boudreau _s_e_a_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Manuel Bouyer _b_o_u_y_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Brezak _b_r_e_z_a_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Allen Briggs _b_r_i_g_g_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mark Brinicombe _m_a_r_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Aaron Brown _a_b_r_o_w_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Andrew Brown _a_t_a_t_a_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David Brownlee _a_b_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Frederick Bruckman _f_r_e_d_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jon Buller _j_o_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Simon Burge _s_i_m_o_n_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Robert Byrnes _b_y_r_n_e_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Pavel Cahyna _p_a_v_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g D'Arcy J.M. Cain _d_a_r_c_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Daniel Carosone _d_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Dave Carrel _c_a_r_r_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g James Chacon _j_m_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mihai Chelaru _k_e_f_r_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bill Coldwell _b_i_l_l_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Julian Coleman _j_d_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ben Collver _b_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Marcus Comstedt _m_a_r_c_u_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jeremy Cooper _j_e_r_e_m_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chuck Cranor _c_h_u_c_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Alistair Crooks _a_g_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Aidan Cully _a_i_d_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Garrett D'Amore _g_d_a_m_o_r_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Johan Danielsson _j_o_d_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Darrow _j_d_a_r_r_o_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jed Davis _j_l_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matt DeBergalis _d_e_b_e_r_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Arnaud Degroote _d_e_g_r_o_o_t_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Rob Deker _d_e_k_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chris G. Demetriou _c_g_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tracy Di Marco White _g_e_n_d_a_l_i_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jarom'ir Dolecek _j_d_o_l_e_c_e_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Andy Doran _a_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Roland Dowdeswell _e_l_r_i_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Emmanuel Dreyfus _m_a_n_u_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matthias Drochner _d_r_o_c_h_n_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jun Ebihara _j_u_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Hoavard Eidnes _h_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jaime A Fournier _o_b_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Stoned Elipot _s_e_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael van Elst _m_l_e_l_s_t_v_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Enami Tsugutomo _e_n_a_m_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bernd Ernesti _v_e_e_g_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Erik Fair _f_a_i_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Gavan Fantom _g_a_v_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Hauke Fath _h_a_u_k_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Hubert Feyrer _h_u_b_e_r_t_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jason R. Fink _j_r_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matt J. Fleming _m_j_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Marty Fouts _m_a_r_t_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Liam J. Foy _l_i_a_m_j_f_o_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matt Fredette _f_r_e_d_e_t_t_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Thorsten Frueauf _f_r_u_e_a_u_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Castor Fu _c_a_s_t_o_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ichiro Fukuhara _i_c_h_i_r_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Quentin Garnier _c_u_b_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Thomas Gerner _t_h_o_m_a_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Simon J. Gerraty _s_j_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Justin Gibbs _g_i_b_b_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chris Gilbert _c_h_r_i_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Eric Gillespie _e_p_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Brian Ginsbach _g_i_n_s_b_a_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Paul Goyette _p_g_o_y_e_t_t_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael Graff _e_x_p_l_o_r_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Brian C. Grayson _b_g_r_a_y_s_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matthew Green _m_r_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Andreas Gustafsson _g_s_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ulrich Habel _r_h_a_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino _i_t_o_j_u_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g HAMAJIMA Katsuomi _h_a_m_a_j_i_m_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Adam Hamsik _h_a_a_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Juergen Hannken-Illjes _h_a_n_n_k_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Charles M. Hannum _m_y_c_r_o_f_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ben Harris _b_j_h_2_1_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ross Harvey _r_o_s_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Eric Haszlakiewicz _e_r_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Hawkinson _j_h_a_w_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g HAYAKAWA Koichi _h_a_y_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Heasley _h_e_a_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Geert Hendrickx _g_h_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ren'e Hexel _r_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Iain Hibbert _p_l_u_n_k_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Kouichirou Hiratsuka _h_i_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael L. Hitch _m_h_i_t_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g 'Ad'am H'oka _a_h_o_k_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jachym Holecek _f_r_e_z_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David A. Holland _d_h_o_l_l_a_n_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christian E. Hopps _c_h_o_p_p_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ken Hornstein _k_e_n_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Marc Horowitz _m_a_r_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Eduardo Horvath _e_e_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Nick Hudson _s_k_r_l_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Shell Hung _s_h_e_l_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Martin Husemann _m_a_r_t_i_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Dean Huxley _d_e_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Love H"ornquist oAstrand _l_h_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Roland Illig _r_i_l_l_i_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bernardo Innocenti _b_e_r_n_i_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tetsuya Isaki _i_s_a_k_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g ITOH Yasufumi _i_t_o_h_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g IWAMOTO Toshihiro _t_o_s_h_i_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matthew Jacob _m_j_a_c_o_b_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Soren Jacobsen _s_n_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Lonhyn T. Jasinskyj _l_o_n_h_y_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Darrin Jewell _d_b_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Nicolas Joly _n_j_o_l_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chris Jones _c_j_o_n_e_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g S/oren J/orvang _s_o_r_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takahiro Kambe _t_a_c_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Masanori Kanaoka _k_a_n_a_o_k_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Antti Kantee _p_o_o_k_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Frank Kardel _k_a_r_d_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mattias Karlsson _k_e_i_h_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g KAWAMOTO Yosihisa _k_a_w_a_m_o_t_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mario Kemper _m_a_g_i_c_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Min Sik Kim _m_i_n_s_k_i_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Thomas Klausner _w_i_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Klaus Klein _k_l_e_i_n_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Klos _j_k_l_o_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Wayne Knowles _w_d_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takayoshi Kochi _k_o_c_h_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Kohl _j_t_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Daniel de Kok _d_a_n_i_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jonathan A. Kollasch _j_a_k_l_l_s_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Paul Kranenburg _p_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Lubomir Kundrak _l_k_u_n_d_r_a_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jochen Kunz _j_k_u_n_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Martti Kuparinen _m_a_r_t_t_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Kentaro A. Kurahone _k_u_r_a_h_o_n_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Arnaud Lacombe _a_l_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Kevin Lahey _k_m_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David Laight _d_s_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Johnny C. Lam _j_l_a_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Martin J. Laubach _m_j_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Greg Lehey _g_r_o_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ted Lemon _m_e_l_l_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christian Limpach _c_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Frank van der Linden _f_v_d_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Joel Lindholm _j_o_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tonnerre Lombard _t_o_n_n_e_r_r_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mike Long _m_i_k_e_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael Lorenz _m_a_c_a_l_l_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Warner Losh _i_m_p_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tomasz Luchowski _z_u_n_t_u_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Federico Lupi _f_e_d_e_r_i_c_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Brett Lymn _b_l_y_m_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Paul Mackerras _p_a_u_l_u_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g MAEKAWA Masahide _g_e_h_e_n_n_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Anders Magnusson _r_a_g_g_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Cherry G. Mathew _c_h_e_r_r_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David Maxwell _d_a_v_i_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Gregory McGarry _g_m_c_g_a_r_r_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Dan McMahill _d_m_c_m_a_h_i_l_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jared D. McNeill _j_m_c_n_e_i_l_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Neil J. McRae _n_e_i_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Julio M. Merino Vidal _j_m_m_v_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Perry Metzger _p_e_r_r_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Luke Mewburn _l_u_k_e_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jean-Yves Migeon _j_y_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Brook Milligan _b_r_o_o_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Minoura Makoto _m_i_n_o_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Simas Mockevicius _s_y_m_k_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g der Mouse _m_o_u_s_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Joseph Myers _j_s_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ken Nakata _k_e_n_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takeshi Nakayama _n_a_k_a_y_a_m_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Phil Nelson _p_h_i_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Nemeth _j_n_e_m_e_t_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bob Nestor _r_n_e_s_t_o_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g NISHIMURA Takeshi _n_s_m_r_t_k_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tohru Nishimura _n_i_s_i_m_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g NONAKA Kimihiro _n_o_n_a_k_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takehiko NOZAKI _t_n_o_z_a_k_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tobias Nygren _t_n_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g OBATA Akio _o_b_a_c_h_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jesse Off _j_o_f_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tatoku Ogaito _t_a_c_h_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g OKANO Takayoshi _k_a_n_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Masaru Oki _o_k_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Atsushi Onoe _o_n_o_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Greg Oster _o_s_t_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Rui Paulo _r_p_a_u_l_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jonathan Perkin _s_k_e_t_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Andrey Petrov _p_e_t_r_o_v_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Herb Peyerl _h_p_e_y_e_r_l_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matthias Pfaller _m_a_t_t_h_i_a_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chris Pinnock _c_j_e_p_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Adrian Portelli _a_d_r_i_a_n_p_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Peter Postma _p_e_t_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Dante Profeta _d_a_n_t_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chris Provenzano _p_r_o_v_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Niels Provos _p_r_o_v_o_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mindaugas Rasiukevicius _r_m_i_n_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael Rauch _m_r_a_u_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Marc Recht _r_e_c_h_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Darren Reed _d_a_r_r_e_n_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jeremy C. Reed _r_e_e_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Antoine Reilles _t_o_n_i_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tyler R. Retzlaff _r_t_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Scott Reynolds _s_c_o_t_t_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael Richardson _m_c_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tim Rightnour _g_a_r_b_l_e_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Alan Ritter _r_i_t_t_e_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jeff Rizzo _r_i_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Hans Rosenfeld _h_a_n_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Gordon Ross _g_w_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Steve Rumble _r_u_m_b_l_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ilpo Ruotsalainen _l_o_n_e_w_o_l_f_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Heiko W. Rupp _h_w_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Blair J. Sadewitz _b_j_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David Sainty _d_s_a_i_n_t_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g SAITOH Masanobu _m_s_a_i_t_o_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Kazuki Sakamoto _s_a_k_a_m_o_t_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Curt Sampson _c_j_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Wilfredo Sanchez _w_s_a_n_c_h_e_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ty Sarna _t_s_a_r_n_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g SATO Kazumi _s_a_t_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jan Schaumann _j_s_c_h_a_u_m_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matthias Scheler _t_r_o_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Silke Scheler _s_i_l_k_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Karl Schilke (rAT) _r_a_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Amitai Schlair _s_c_h_m_o_n_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Konrad Schroder _p_e_r_s_e_a_n_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Georg Schwarz _s_c_h_w_a_r_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Lubomir Sedlacik _s_a_l_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christopher SEKIYA _s_e_k_i_y_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Reed Shadgett _d_e_n_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g John Shannon _s_h_a_n_n_o_n_j_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tim Shepard _s_h_e_p_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takeshi Shibagaki _s_h_i_b_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Naoto Shimazaki _i_g_y_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takao Shinohara _s_h_i_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Takuya SHIOZAKI _t_s_h_i_o_z_a_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Daniel Sieger _d_s_i_e_g_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Chuck Silvers _c_h_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Thor Lancelot Simon _t_l_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jeff Smith _j_e_f_f_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Noriyuki Soda _s_o_d_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Wolfgang Solfrank _w_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g SOMEYA Yoshihiko _s_o_m_e_y_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bill Sommerfeld _s_o_m_m_e_r_f_e_l_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g J"org Sonnenberger _j_o_e_r_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ignatios Souvatzis _i_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g T K Spindler _d_o_g_c_o_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bill Squier _g_r_o_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jonathan Stone _j_o_n_a_t_h_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Bill Studenmund _w_r_s_t_u_d_e_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Kevin Sullivan _s_u_l_l_i_v_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g SUNAGAWA Keiki _k_e_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Kimmo Suominen _k_i_m_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Robert Swindells _r_j_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Shin Takemura _t_a_k_e_m_u_r_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g TAMURA Kent _k_e_n_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Shin'ichiro TAYA _t_a_y_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Ian Lance Taylor _i_a_n_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Matt Thomas _m_a_t_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jason Thorpe _t_h_o_r_p_e_j_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christoph Toshok _t_o_s_h_o_k_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Greg Troxel _g_d_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Tsubai Masanari _t_s_u_b_a_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Izumi Tsutsui _t_s_u_t_s_u_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g UCHIYAMA Yasushi _u_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Masao Uebayashi _u_e_b_a_y_a_s_i_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Shuichiro URATA _u_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Valeriy E. Ushakov _u_w_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Todd Vierling _t_v_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Aymeric Vincent _a_y_m_e_r_i_c_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Paul Vixie _v_i_x_i_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Mike M. Volokhov _m_i_s_h_k_a_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Krister Walfridsson _k_r_i_s_t_e_r_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Lex Wennmacher _w_e_n_n_m_a_c_h_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Leo Weppelman _l_e_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Assar Westerlund _a_s_s_a_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Todd Whitesel _t_o_d_d_p_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Frank Wille _p_h_x_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Nathan Williams _n_a_t_h_a_n_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Rob Windsor _w_i_n_d_s_o_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Dan Winship _d_a_n_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Jim Wise _j_w_i_s_e_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Michael Wolfson _m_b_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Colin Wood _e_n_d_e_r_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Steve Woodford _s_c_w_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g YAMAMOTO Takashi _y_a_m_t_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Yuji Yamano _y_y_a_m_a_n_o_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g David Young _d_y_o_u_n_g_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Reinoud Zandijk _r_e_i_n_o_u_d_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g S.P.Zeidler _s_p_z_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Maria Zevenhoven _m_a_r_i_a_7_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g Christos Zoulas _c_h_r_i_s_t_o_s_@_N_e_t_B_S_D_._o_r_g _O_t_h_e_r _c_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s_: Dave Burgess _b_u_r_g_e_s_s_@_c_y_n_j_u_t_._i_n_f_o_n_e_t_._n_e_t Brian R. Gaeke _b_r_g_@_d_g_a_t_e_._o_r_g Brad Grantham _g_r_a_n_t_h_a_m_@_t_e_n_o_n_._c_o_m Lawrence Kesteloot _k_e_s_t_e_l_o_o_@_c_s_._u_n_c_._e_d_u Waldi Ravens _w_a_l_d_i_@_m_o_a_c_s_._i_n_d_i_v_._n_l_._n_e_t LLeeggaall MMuummbboo--JJuummbboo All product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trade- marks of their respective owners. The following notices are required to satisfy the license terms of the software that we have mentioned in this document: NetBSD is a registered trademark of The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation. This product includes software developed by The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project. See for information about NetBSD. This product contains software developed by Ignatios Souvatzis for the NetBSD project. This product contains software written by Ignatios Souvatzis and Michael L. Hitch for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Intel Corporation and its contributors. This product contains software written by Michael L. Hitch for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Microsoft. This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes software designed by William Allen Simpson. This product includes software developed at Ludd, University of Lulea, Sweden and its contributors. This product includes software developed at Ludd, University of Lulea. This product includes software developed at the Information Technology Division, US Naval Research Laboratory. This product includes software developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc. This product includes software developed by David Jones and Gordon Ross This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross and Leo Wep- pelman. This product includes software developed by Hellmuth Michaelis and Joerg Wunsch This product includes software developed by Internet Research Institute, Inc. This product includes software developed by Leo Weppelman and Waldi Ravens. This product includes software developed by Mika Kortelainen This product includes software developed by Aaron Brown and Harvard Uni- versity. This product includes software developed by Adam Ciarcinski for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Adam Glass and Charles M. Hannum. This product includes software developed by Adam Glass. This product includes software developed by Adrian Portelli for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Advanced Risc Machines Ltd. This product includes software developed by Alex Zepeda, and Colin Wood for the NetBSD Projet. This product includes software developed by Alex Zepeda. This product includes software developed by Alistair G. Crooks. This product includes software developed by Alistair G. Crooks. for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Allen Briggs. This product includes software developed by Amancio Hasty and Roger Hardiman This product includes software developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc. This product includes software developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc. This product includes software developed by Bill Paul. This product includes software developed by Bodo Moeller. (If available, substitute umlauted o for oe) This product includes software developed by Boris Popov. This product includes software developed by Brad Pepers This product includes software developed by Bradley A. Grantham. This product includes software developed by Brini. This product includes software developed by Bruce M. Simpson. This product includes software developed by Causality Limited. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor and Seth Widoff. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor and Wash- ington University. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor, Washington University, and the University of California, Berkeley and its contribu- tors. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor, Washington University, the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor. This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum. This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum, by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum. This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps, Ezra Story, Kari Mettinen, Markus Wild, Lutz Vieweg and Michael Teske. This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps. This product includes software developed by Christian Limpach. This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou. This product includes software developed by Christos Zoulas. This product includes software developed by Chuck Silvers. This product includes software developed by Colin Wood for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Colin Wood. This product includes software developed by Daan Vreeken. This product includes software developed by Daishi Kato This product includes software developed by Dale Rahn. This product includes software developed by Daniel Widenfalk and Michael L. Hitch. This product includes software developed by Daniel Widenfalk for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Darrin B. Jewell This product includes software developed by David Miller. This product includes software developed by Dean Huxley. This product includes software developed by Eduardo Horvath. This product includes software developed by Eric S. Hvozda. This product includes software developed by Eric S. Raymond This product includes software developed by Eric Young (eay@@min- This product includes software developed by Eric Young (eay@crypt- This product includes software developed by Eric Young ( This product includes software developed by K. Kobayashi. This product includes software developed by K. Kobayashi and H. Shimokawa. This product includes software developed by Ezra Story and by Kari Met- tinen. This product includes software developed by Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen and by Bernd Ernesti. This product includes software developed by Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen, Michael Teske and by Bernd Ernesti. This product includes software developed by Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen, and Michael Teske. This product includes software developed by Ezra Story. This product includes software developed by Florian Stoehr. This product includes software developed by Frank van der Linden for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Gardner Buchanan. This product includes software developed by Garrett D'Amore. This product includes software developed by Gary Thomas. This product includes software developed by Gordon Ross This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross This product includes software developed by HAYAKAWA Koichi. This product includes software developed by Harvard University and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Harvard University. This product includes software developed by Henrik Vestergaard Draboel. This product includes software developed by Herb Peyerl. This product includes software developed by Hidetoshi Shimokawa. This product includes software developed by Hubert Feyrer for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Ian F. Darwin and others. This product includes software developed by Ian W. Dall. This product includes software developed by Ichiro FUKUHARA. This product includes software developed by Ignatios Souvatzis for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Internet Initiative Japan Inc. This product includes software developed by James R. Maynard III. This product includes software developed by Jared D. McNeill. This product includes software developed by Jason L. Wright This product includes software developed by Jason R. Thorpe for And Com- munications, This product includes software developed by Jeremy C. Reed for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Joachim Koenig-Baltes. This product includes software developed by Jochen Pohl for The NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Joerg Wunsch This product includes software developed by John Birrell. This product includes software developed by John P. Wittkoski. This product includes software developed by John Polstra. This product includes software developed by Jonathan R. Stone for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone and Jason R. Thorpe for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone. This product includes software developed by Jukka Marin. This product includes software developed by Julian Highfield. This product includes software developed by Kazuhisa Shimizu. This product includes software developed by Kazuki Sakamoto. This product includes software developed by Kenneth Stailey. This product includes software developed by Kiyoshi Ikehara. This product includes software developed by Klaus Burkert,by Bernd Ernesti, by Michael van Elst, and by the University of California, Berke- ley and its contributors. This product includes software developed by LAN Media Corporation and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Leo Weppelman for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Leo Weppelman. This product includes software developed by Lloyd Parkes. This product includes software developed by Lutz Vieweg. This product includes software developed by MINOURA Makoto, Takuya Harakawa. This product includes software developed by Manuel Bouyer. This product includes software developed by Marc Horowitz. This product includes software developed by Marcus Comstedt. This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe for the NetBSD project. This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe. This product includes software developed by Mark Tinguely and Jim Lowe This product includes software developed by Markus Wild. This product includes software developed by Masanobu Saitoh. This product includes software developed by Masaru Oki. This product includes software developed by Mats O Jansson and Charles D. Cranor. This product includes software developed by Mats O Jansson. This product includes software developed by Matt DeBergalis This product includes software developed by Matthew Fredette. This product includes software developed by Matthias Pfaller. This product includes software developed by Michael Graff for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Michael Graff. This product includes software developed by Michael L. Hitch. This product includes software developed by Michael Shalayeff. This product includes software developed by Michael Smith. This product includes software developed by Mike Pritchard. This product includes software developed by Mike Pritchard and contribu- tors. This product includes software developed by Minoura Makoto. This product includes software developed by Niels Provos. This product includes software developed by Niklas Hallqvist, Brandon Creighton and Job de Haas. This product includes software developed by Niklas Hallqvist. This product includes software developed by Onno van der Linden. This product includes software developed by Paul Kranenburg. This product includes software developed by Paul Mackerras. This product includes software developed by Per Fogelstrom This product includes software developed by Peter Galbavy. This product includes software developed by Phase One, Inc. This product includes software developed by Philip A. Nelson. This product includes software developed by RiscBSD. This product includes software developed by Roar Thronaes. This product includes software developed by Rodney W. Grimes. This product includes software developed by Roger Hardiman This product includes software developed by Roland C. Dowdeswell. This product includes software developed by Rolf Grossmann. This product includes software developed by Ross Harvey for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Ross Harvey. This product includes software developed by Scott Bartram. This product includes software developed by Scott Stevens. This product includes software developed by Shingo WATANABE. This product includes software developed by Softweyr LLC, the University of California, Berkeley, and its contributors. This product includes software developed by Soren S. Jorvang. This product includes software developed by Stephan Thesing. This product includes software developed by Steve Woodford. This product includes software developed by Steven M. Bellovin. This product includes software developed by Takashi Hamada. This product includes software developed by Takumi Nakamura. This product includes software developed by Tatoku Ogaito for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert. This product includes software developed by Tetsuya Isaki. This product includes software developed by Thomas Gerner This product includes software developed by Tobias Weingartner. This product includes software developed by Todd C. Miller. This product includes software developed by Tohru Nishimura and Reinoud Zandijk for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Tohru Nishimura for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Tohru Nishimura. for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. This product includes software developed by Trimble Navigation, Ltd. This product includes software developed by WIDE Project and its contrib- utors. This product includes software developed by Waldi Ravens. This product includes software developed by Wasabi Systems for Zembu Labs, Inc. This product includes software developed by Winning Strategies, Inc. This product includes software developed by Wolfgang Solfrank. This product includes software developed by Yasushi Yamasaki. This product includes software developed by Yen Yen Lim and North Dakota State University. This product includes software developed by Zembu Labs, Inc. This product includes software developed by the Alice Group. This product includes software developed by the Center for Software Sci- ence at the University of Utah. This product includes software developed by the Charles D. Cranor, Wash- ington University, University of California, Berkeley and its contribu- tors. This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems Engi- neering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. This product includes software developed by the David Muir Sharnoff. This product includes software developed by the Harvard University and its contributors. This product includes software developed by the Network Research Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ( This product includes software developed by the PocketBSD project and its contributors. This product includes software developed by the RiscBSD kernel team This product includes software developed by the RiscBSD team. This product includes software developed by the SMCC Technology Develop- ment Group at Sun Microsystems, Inc. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors, as well as the Trustees of Columbia Uni- versity. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and its contributors. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. This product includes software developed by the University of Illinois at Urbana and their contributors. This product includes software developed by the Urbana-Champaign Indepen- dent Media Center. This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman. This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Labora- tory, and its contributors. This product includes software developed for the FreeBSD project This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Bernd Ernesti. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Christopher G. Demetriou. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Chris- tos Zoulas This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Emmanuel Dreyfus. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Frank van der Linden This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Igna- tios Souvatzis. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jason R. Thorpe. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by John M. Vinopal. This product includes software developed by Kyma Systems. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Kyma Systems LLC. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Matthias Drochner. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Michael L. Hitch. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Perry E. Metzger. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Scott Bartram and Frank van der Linden This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Alle- gro Networks, Inc., and Wasabi Systems, Inc. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Genetec Corporation. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jonathan Stone. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Pier- mont Information Systems Inc. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by SUNET, Swedish University Computer Network. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Shigeyuki Fukushima. This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Wasabi Systems, Inc. This product includes software developed under OpenBSD by Per Fogelstrom Opsycon AB for RTMX Inc, North Carolina, USA. This product includes software developed under OpenBSD by Per Fogelstrom. This software is a component of "386BSD" developed by William F. Jolitz, TeleMuse. This software was developed by Holger Veit and Brian Moore for use with "386BSD" and similar operating systems. "Similar operating systems" includes mainly non-profit oriented systems for research and education, including but not restricted to "NetBSD", "FreeBSD", "Mach" (by CMU). This software includes software developed by the Computer Systems Labora- tory at the University of Utah. This product includes software developed by Computing Services at Carnegie Mellon University ( This product includes software developed by Marshall M. Midden. This product includes software developed or owned by Caldera Interna- tional, Inc. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and The Open Group, have given us permission to reprint portions of their documentation. In the following statement, the phrase ``this text'' refers to portions of the system documentation. Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form in NetBSD, from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between these versions and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at This notice shall appear on any product containing this material This product includes software developed by the Alice Group. This product includes software developed by Allen Briggs. This product includes software developed by Bradley A. Grantham. This product includes softwarre developed by Daishi Kato. This product includes software developed by Takashi Hamada. This product includes software developed by Scott Reynolds. This product includes software developed by John P. Wittkoski. This product includes software developed by Colin Wood. TThhee EEnndd CCoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss The following people have made contributions of various sorts specifi- cally for the Macintosh port (in alphabetical order): ++oo All of the users who have supplied us with good bug reports and moral support. ++oo The Alice Group (Allen K. Briggs, Chris P. Caputo, Michael L. Finch, Bradley A. Grantham, and Lawrence A. Kesteloot), without whom there would be no NetBSD port for the Macintosh. ++oo Steven R. Allen for keeping our snapshot distributions up-to-date. ++oo Stephen C. Brown for maintaining the Installer application. ++oo Denton Gentry and Yanagisawa Takeshi for their work on the SONIC Eth- ernet driver. ++oo Paul Goyette, Taras Ivanenko, Ken Nakata, and Michael R. Zucca for invaluable work towards supporting color X. ++oo Takashi Hamada and John Wittkoski beating the direct ADB hardware driver into submission. ++oo David Huang for getting MACE Ethernet and basic DMA working on the AV Macs. ++oo Scott Jann for acquiring a IIx and a IIci, used for building and testing release sets. ++oo Scott Kaplan for lending his IIci and Kensington Turbo Mouse for IIci/IIsi banked memory and internal video as well as non-Apple ADB devices. ++oo Noah M. Kieserman for lending a PowerBook 520C for tracking down sev- eral bugs on that platform. ++oo Markus Krummenacker for monetary donations. ++oo Glan Lalonde for an invaluable IIci page table dump. ++oo Dan McMahill for lending a PowerBook 165 to tweak ADB support on the PowerBook 160 and 180 family laptops. ++oo Bob Nestor for (unofficially) maintaining the Mkfs utility, and pro- viding a lot of useful information about the ROM vectors used by dif- ferent systems. ++oo Brad Parker for serial and Ethernet drivers/improvements. ++oo Brian R. Gaeke and Nigel Pearson for tweaking, polishing, and per- forming the occasional major refit on the Booter application. ++oo Scott Redman for lending Brad Grantham a PowerBook 160. ++oo Craig Ruff for assembling an '030 pmove ttx instruction. ++oo Brad Salai for lending an Ethernet card to help resolve interrupt conflicts. ++oo Larry Samuels for monetary donations. ++oo Peter Siebold for lending his IIvx in support of ADB and IIvx inter- nal video. ++oo Glen Stewart for lending a Carrera040 accelerator which, while still unsupported, helped to track down memory management bugs for '030-based machines. ++oo Bill Studenmund for providing a stable front end to the machine- independent serial driver. ++oo Schuyler Stultz for the loan of his Macintosh II when we desperately needed another machine on which to compile and test during the '93 Xmas vacation. ++oo Tenon Intersystems for monetary donations, MachTen, and Brad's access to several machines and documentation after hours. ++oo Virginia Tech English Department for loan of a IIci w/ NuBus video and 32 MB of RAM -- the first IIci to run NetBSD/mac68k. ++oo Rob Windsor for donating a variety of Macintosh II-family systems, a Centris 650, a Quadra 700, and several boxes full of miscellaneous peripherals and parts in the interest of ensuring adequate testing and working out minor (and not-so-minor) problems. ++oo Colin Wood for maintaining a host of NetBSD/mac68k documentation, including the FAQ, Meta-FAQ, and OS Info documents. NetBSD April 24, 2010 NetBSD