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supported%s: bootstrap removal is not supported%s: bootstrap installation is not supportedSupported file system types are: , %s%sValid options are:=number=word=stringSupported machines are:usage: %s [-fnv] [-B s2bno] [-b s1bno] [-m machine] [-o options] [-t fstype] filesystem primary [secondary] usage: %s -c [-fnv] [-m machine] [-o options] [-t fstype] filesystem usage: %s -e [-fnv] [-m machine] [-o options] bootstrap param != NULLmach != NULLprovider != NULLInvalid machine `%s' from %sMACHINE$MACHINEInvalid block number `%s'-moption != NULL, =,Unknown option `-o %.*s',Option `%s' must not have a valueOption `%s' must have a valuestrdupInternal error: option `%s' has invalid type %dInvalid option value `%s=%.*s'Invalid file system type `%s' from %s-tb:B:cefm:no:t:vDetermine unameuname()`-o %s' is not supported for %s`-b bno' is not supported for %s`-B bno' is not supported for %sUnknown unsupported flag %#x (coding error!)Can't use `-b bno' with `-o append'Can't use `-b bno', `-B bno' or `-o append' with `-c'onlywriteOpening file system `%s' read-%sExamining file system `%s'File system `%s' is not of type %sFile system `%s' is of an unknown typeOpening primary bootstrap `%s'Examining primary bootstrap `%s'`%s' must be a regular fileparams->machine != NULLFile system: %s File system type: %s (blocksize %u, needswap %d) (to be cleared)(none)Primary bootstrap: %s Secondary bootstrap: %s EditClearPlease specify the primary bootstrap fileSet%s bootstrap operation failedSynchronising file system `%s'Closing file system `%s'Closing primary bootstrap `%s'alphasumappendcommandconsoleioaddrkeymappasswordresetvideospeedsunsumtimeout `htx @0p8@no_editbootno_clearbootno_setbootmainparseoptionsgetfstypegetmachine/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/sum.cbb16 != NULLOld Sun checksum: 0x%04x Recalculated Sun checksum: 0x%04x set_sunsumcompute_sunsum/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/fstypes.cparams->fstype != NULLparams->stage2 != NULLmaxblk != NULLblocks != NULL(params->flags & IB_STAGE2START) != 0params->fstype->blocksize != 0Examining `%s'Secondary bootstrap `%s' has too many blocks (calculated %u, maximum %u)Need `-B bno' for raw file systemsffsraidrawraw_findstage2raw_matchhardcode_stage2alpha checksum now %016llx %s sparc %s 0x%04x invalid, expected 0x%04xchecksummagic numberNon-zero bits %04x in bytes %d..%dtarget sun checksum is %04x target adjustment %04x was odd, correcting /home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/alpha.cbb16[BB_ADJUST_OFFSET + 6] == 0bb16[BB_ADJUST_OFFSET + 012] == 0final harmonized checksum: %016llx Finalparams->fsfd != -1params->filesystem != NULLCan't use `-b bno' or `-o append' with `-c'Reading `%s'Reading `%s': short readOld boot block checksum invalid (was %#llx, calculated %#llx)Boot block invalidOld bootstrap start sector: %llu Old bootstrap size: %llu Old bootstrap checksum: %#llx New bootstrap start sector: %llu New bootstrap size: %llu New bootstrap checksum: %#llx Not cC%slearing boot block Writing `%s'Writing `%s': short writeparams->s1fd != -1params->stage1 != NULLAllocating %lu bytesInitial`%s' must be a regular file to append a bootstrapBootstrap start sector: %llu Bootstrap sector count: %llu New boot block checksum: %#llx Not wW%sriting bootstrap Writing boot blockalphaalpha_clearbootsun_bootstrap alpha_setboot%s: wrong checksumeek - both sums are the samenetbsd -ASn2Old bootblock version? Can't change command line.amigaReading `%s' : short readews4800mipsNetBSD/ews4800mips 20040611/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/hp300.creading disklabelInvalid disklabel in %sNo BOOT partitionBOOT partition too small (%llu < %llu)mmaping `%s'LIF entry %d larger (%d %d) than LIF fileWriting boot filesystem of `%s'Writing boot filesystem of `%s': short writehp300hp300_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/hp700.c%slearing bootstrap No disklabel in `%s'Partition `a' doesn't exist in %sWARNING: Partition `a' of `%s' exceeds 2GB boundary.WARNING: It won't boot since hp700 PDC can handle only 2GB.Bootstrap start sector: %#x Bootstrap byte count: %#zx hp700hp700_clearboothp700_setbootinvalid console name, valid names are: %s, %sBoot options: timeout %d, flags %x, speed %d, ioaddr %x, console %d console %s keymap %s Patch area in stage1 bootstrap is too small/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/i386.cWriting `%s': short write, %ld bytes (should be %ld)Invalid magic in existing bootstrapstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is larger than 8192 bytesstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is too smallReading `%s': short read, %ld bytes (should be %ld)Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Data in mbr partition table of new bootstrapData in label part of new bootstrapInvalid magic in stage1 bootstrap %x != %xNo BPB in new bootstrap %02x:%02x:%02x, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Insufficient reserved space before FAT (%u bytes available), use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Old BPB too big, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Cannot enable writes to the label sectorWriting `%s': short write, %u bytesi386amd64pccom0com1com2com3com0kbdcom1kbdcom2kbdcom3kbdautoi386_editbooti386_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/landisk.cstage1 bootstrap `%s' is larger than 8192 bytesIgnoring MBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Allocating %u bytesInvalid magic in stage1 boostrap %x != %xPartition table has non-zero byte at offset %d in `%s'landisklandisk_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/macppc.cbb_params != NULLbb != NULLCan't read sector 0 of `%s'Can't write sector 0 of `%s'AppleApple_partition_mapCan't write Apple Partition Map into sector 1 of `%s'NetBSDNetBSD/macppcPowerPCCan't write Apple Partition Map into sector 2 of `%s'macppcNetBSD/macppc bootxx 20020515macppc_clearbootmacppc_setbootwriteapplepartmap/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/news.cbbparams != NULLReading label sector from `%s'news68knewsmipsNetBSD/newsmips bootxx 20020518NetBSD/news68k bootxx 20020518newsmips_clearbootnews_copydisklabelnewsmips_setbootnews68k_clearbootnews68k_setbootBoot programm locations%s: %d %d Writing updated labelWriting boot program at %d Writing `%s' at %dWriting `%s' at %d: short write/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/next68k.cDisklabel checksum invalid on `%s'Boot program is larger than front porch space updatednext68knext68k_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/pmax.cOld boot block magic number invalid; boot block invalidELFNo ELF header in `%s'Bootstrap start sector: %u Bootstrap sector count: %u Bootstrap load address: %#x Bootstrap exec address: %#x pmaxpmax_clearbootpmax_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sparc.csparcNetBSD/sparc bootxx 20020515sparc_clearbootsparc_clearheadersparc_setbootsparc_setheader/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sparc64.c`-b bno' and `-B bno' are not supported for %sBootstrap byte count: %u sparc64sparc64_clearbootsparc64_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sun68k.csun2sun3NetBSD/sun68k bootxx 20020515sun68k_clearbootsun68k_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/vax.c`%s': too largevaxvax_clearbootvax_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/x68k.cBootstrap byte count: %#x x68kNetBSD/x68k bootxx 20020601x68k_clearbootx68k_clearheaderx68k_setboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/bbinfo.c(strlen(bbparams->magic) + 1) == 32Allocating %lu bytes for bbinfoName of secondary bootstrap not provided`%s' cannot be larger than %lu bytesELF`%s' is an ELF executable; need raw binary%s bbinfo structure in `%s' has preposterous size `%u'Secondary bootstrap `%s' is emptySecondary bootstrap `%s' blocks do not have a uniform sizeBootstrap block table: %u entries of %u bytes available, %u used: %llu %sriting bootstrap %s bbinfo structure not found in `%s'shared_bbinfo_setbootshared_bbinfo_clearboot/home/source/ab/netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE/src/usr.sbin/installboot/ffs.c_state != NULLSecondary bootstrap `%s' has too many blocks (max %d)size > 0blk != NULLReading block %llu in `%s'Reading block %llu in `%s': short readcallback != NULLstate != NULLBad inopb %d in superblock in `%s'Inode %llu in `%s' ran out of blocks?The secondary bootstrap `%s' must be in /(Path must be relative to the file system in `%s')Could not find secondary bootstrap `%s' in `%s'_ino != NULLffs_findstage2ffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs2ffs_read_disk_blockffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs1ffs_findstage2_blocksffs_findstage2_ino ffs_match_commonl   @      pp (  P 0 0o0o0o0o0o 0o@0o`0o0o0o0o0o0o 0o@0ow`0oo0og0o_0oW0oO0oG 0o?@0o7`0o/0o'0o0o0o0o 0o@0o`0o0o0o0o0o0o 0o@0o`0o0o0o0o0o0o 0o@0ow`0oo0og0o_0oW0oO0oG  0 X @ h h (``@`)`,X4@1@`9 `8@;`P<`8C`A``N`KN`KU``ŐZ`Z`Řƀ`^`ƈ` ^ `Ƙ Ƹ Șa `ig`Pqp``X `t r`wv`wv`̘yw``0~`8 GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb3 20111107)$NetBSD: crt0.c,v 1.24 2005/12/24 21:38:40 perry Exp $$NetBSD: installboot.c,v 1.30 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: sum.c,v 1.4 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: machines.c,v 1.35 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: fstypes.c,v 1.11 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: alpha.c,v 1.18 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: amiga.c,v 1.6 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: ews4800mips.c,v 1.2 2006/02/18 10:08:07 dsl Exp $$NetBSD: hp300.c,v 1.10 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: hp700.c,v 1.4 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.30 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: landisk.c,v 1.3 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: macppc.c,v 1.11 2008/05/24 19:15:21 tsutsui Exp $$NetBSD: news.c,v 1.7 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: next68k.c,v 1.5 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: pmax.c,v 1.13 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: sparc.c,v 1.11 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: sparc64.c,v 1.17 2008/05/29 14:51:27 mrg Exp $$NetBSD: sun68k.c,v 1.21 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: vax.c,v 1.12 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: x68k.c,v 1.4 2008/04/28 20:24:16 martin Exp $$NetBSD: bbinfo.c,v 1.13 2008/05/09 10:53:55 tsutsui Exp $$NetBSD: ffs.c,v 1.26 2008/10/12 16:03:27 apb Exp $$NetBSD: ffs_bswap.c,v 1.32 2005/12/11 12:25:25 christos Exp $.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.netbsd.ident.note.netbsd.pax.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment#6G0M @@U  ] g qw }+H    (( pl    P ppp/8]  D@            (    p   . < I PX 0_ `u   `       "0 h I x b  {  0  P `   X     ,2 K x doy (  8  -  .  .X   p" 1@2 `K 4@Y rz 9 L ; 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E L pS i n 8w H     X( @ ` , (     ((  `h *  ? __data_startcrti.ccrtbegin.c__CTOR_LIST____DTOR_LIST____JCR_LIST__completed.3499p.3497__do_global_dtors_auxcall___do_global_dtors_auxframe_dummycall_frame_dummycrtend.c__CTOR_END____DTOR_END____FRAME_END____JCR_END____do_global_ctors_auxcall___do_global_ctors_auxcrtn.cinstallboot.c__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3883__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3876__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3869fstype_usageoptions_usagemachine_usageusagegetmachine__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3893installboot_params__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3795__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3933__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3698sum.c__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2696__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2711machines.cfstypes.c__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2754__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2724__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2762alpha.cresumlastsum.3970check_sparcsun_bootstrapour_int16s.3990__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3996alpha_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3751alpha_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3846amiga.camiga_setbootews4800mips.cews4800mips_setboothp300.chp300_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3981hp700.chp700_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3853hp700_setbooti386.cis_zeroupdate_i386_boot_paramsconsolesi386_editboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4168pwrite_validatei386_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4060landisk.clandisk_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3771macppc.cmacppc_clearbootbbparams__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3433macppc_setbootwriteapplepartmap__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3439__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3450news.cnewsmips_clearbootnewsmips_bbparamsnews_copydisklabel__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3761news68k_clearbootnews68k_bbparams__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3748__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3777newsmips_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3767news68k_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3754next68k.cnextstep_checksumnext68k_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3790pmax.cpmax_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3950pmax_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3995sparc.csparc_setheader__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3770sparc_clearbootsparc_clearheader__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3747sparc_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3753sparc64.csparc64_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3740sparc64_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3760sun68k.csun68k_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2884sun68k_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2890vax.cvax_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3606vax_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3640x68k.cx68k_clearboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3743x68k_clearheader__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3755x68k_setboot__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3766bbinfo.c__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3820ffs.cffs_findstage2_blocks__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4781ffs_read_disk_block__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4435ffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs2__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4600ffs_match_commonsblock_tryis_ufs2__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4811ffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs1__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4467__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4857ffs_findstage2_ino__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4727ffs_bswap.cffs_csum_swap__syscallwarnxib_mach_sparc64bswap16ioctlsetprognameno_editbootprintfshared_bbinfo_clearbootbswap64ib_mach_sun3ib_mach_pmaxmemmovemunmap_DYNAMIC__errnoib_mach_next68kgetenvib_mach_alpharaid_match__fstat30memcpyno_clearbootputserrxmallocoptargffs_csumtotal_swapstrtoul__dso_handlegetprognameffs_dinode1_swaphardcode_stage2ib_mach_hp300mmap_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_MD5Finalib_mach_newsmips_initunameoptionsib_mach_macppcib_mach_landiskenvironfprintfshared_bbinfo_setbootraw_matchffs_match__start__stat30bswap32optindffs_dinode2_swap__progname_startreadib_mach_vaxstrlcpystrncpysyncset_sunsumffs_findstage2memcmpcompute_sunsum__sFib_mach_news68kstrdup__bss_startgetoptmemseterrmainffs_sb_swapib_mach_sparcib_mach_ews4800mipsstrcmpib_mach_sun2_finiMD5Initatexitstrcspnib_mach_amigaib_mach_amd64MD5Updatechksumfsyncfputc___startffs_cg_swappreadfwrite_edata_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__endmachines__ps_stringsexit_rtld_setupstrspnstrlenib_mach_hp700openstrchrraw_findstage2ib_mach_i386warn_Jv_RegisterClassesfstypespwriteib_mach_x68kcloseno_setboot__assert13ews4800mips_bbparamsfree