{ {N$@$/$/ "/ /#HyHy,///N8$Nuixemul.libraryContinueixemul.library warning: needed revision 29, current revision AbortNeed at least version 39 of ixemul.library.H "$H$,xCZp'N @#g h'f` hbXHyiB2(CArfSIABJAg0H H@0H ffHyN^POHy,Hy/9/9// NP$,x"yNb `J x$hHyHyN^POJf&,xN|t\Ԋ BN,x BN,x"@NpLDNuH8(/&/$/Hy HyHyHy$HyHyHxND# ///N(LNuNu$VER: LoadBSD 2.13 (2.5.96)graphics.librarycan't open graphics libraryexpansion.librarycan't open expansion libraryaAbc:DhI:km:n:ptsSVZ%s -n option must be 0, 1, 2, or 3openreading execunknown binarylseek for symbolsmem segment %d: start=%08lx size=%08lx attribute=%04lx pri=%d kernel size: %d failed malloc %d unable to read kernel image Autobooting...Askboot...Using %d%c FASTMEM at 0x%x, %dM CHIPMEM newer loadbsd required: %d **************************************************** *** Notice: this kernel has features which require *** a newer version of loadbsd. To allow the use of *** any newer features or capabilities, you should *** update to a newer version of loadbsd cpu not supported*** Loading from %08lx to Fastmem %08lx *** Kernel size %d exceeds Chip Memory of %d Insufficient Chip Memory for kernel*** Loading from %08lx to Chipmem *** NUH?:&-$m N2+|#z~ma D,y$CppN#fHyHxaPO,y$CpN#fHyHxaPOHy/ /N ~g~Ї~3eЀ0;N||||||L||||||||||||||l||||||t|||||x||h| |||~#`\~ʇ`T~`L~#`@~# `4/98NXO~ #`~`HyZHy y/(N8 `~#`~@`/98NXOH@B@#(`~4`/98NXO$~e Ѐ4`Hy`zHxB/98N #(`d~#0`Xaa >`L 9~ga #$B/9$NtPO,lHyHxaPOHx Hm/N ~ gHy HxaPO mgHyHxaPOxB,y DprN(gR`HmHmHma$ aaaN -@+@B 9,"ҁҀ -Э mAIJgzJgtHx m//E\N Jo,HxHm/N ~fBHx /N JlHy&HxaPO -V~ @IAHpNhXO+@J gZt,d@E0v ЀЂ6r / 62//2/2R/Hy8N,e/ HywNPOJf/ HyHxa /-/-/EN f/-.-&mHsx/N gHyHxaPOJg@Jg&yb+ygHyNXO -B@H@H//-"-pMJgpK/Jg -~ ` -B@H@H/HyN&-֭U&C S c &C SNsgB0/HyHxa &C ScDHyEN.LN.N.N.N.N.NXO9+fHyHxa POHxN.$-ԭ.ޭ/N POԭ,B&C SNsgb Sc\JgTJgN,/-//EN /-//N -V~ mA+H,$N,y DprN(gHxD/ /DN `# M,$pd&"<0"J XIA""" Re&C ScdJ0f\$-Ԍ <.<螀///N ,y$N+B/-/-Hy'NPO.N`>e$/-/ HyTNPO.~Hxa PO~#0HyNXOJ gBN,,yN"J0WH0@.D//9(/94/9/9(/-//-/-/-/-/ /-&mN4pL\N]Nuzkick memoryH?>(/@./Dz|3(DB(GB,y$N|,nB&VgK0/M.;. H; $.&. +(o.(.g"B+(Gc(`"<ā &Ɓ f&< (fHy /. NPOJf$< (o.(+ c0Jf(Db` /3. n(Dc(D((o<(n 3,K | ݯ.R&Sf#,,y$NvL| Numachine Amiga %d is not recognized A4000 BonusA4000 bonusA1000 BonusA3000 BonusA3000 bonuscard.resource// $y$B0*("(#( B@Jg B@H@"<ge&"<Xge g`0 g`$"< ge g` gB09(/Hy.NXO.N,,JCRNJfC^NJfCjNJg (`D,JCvNJfCNJg (`,JCNJg (Jy(f ($_,_Nu y$ h$c #8Nu y < (g < #NuNqNu&O,xKNF'O"k$+/+ k +"+.+(k *+$(+(&+,$k0,+40)gN{N{N{N{N{N{N{`,GT@GHLH0)g G4 3Jg*H,ݗ*Ydt|"F&F*F,FNuusage: %s [-abhkpstADSVZ] [-c machine] [-m mem] [-n mode] [-I sync-inhibit] kernel /9Hy y/(N8PO.N,XONq NAME %s - loads NetBSD from amiga dos. SYNOPSIS %s [-abhkpstADSVZ] [-c machine] [-m mem] [-n flags] [-I sync-inhibit] kernel OPTIONS -a Boot up to multiuser mode. -A Use AGA display mode, if available. -b Ask for which root device. Its possible to have multiple roots and choose between them. -c Set machine type. [e.g 3000] -D Enter debugger -h This help message. -I Inhibit sync negotiation. Option value is bit-encoded targets. -k Reserve the first 4M of fast mem [Some one else is going to have to answer what that it is used for]. -m Tweak amount of available memory, for finding minimum amount of memory required to run. Sets fastmem size to specified size in Kbytes. -n Enable multiple non-contiguous memory: value = 0 (disabled), 1 (two segments), 2 (all avail segments), 3 (same as 2?). -p Use highest priority fastmem segement instead of the largest segment. The higher priority segment is usually faster (i.e. 32 bit memory), but some people have smaller amounts of 32 bit memory. -s Boot up in singleuser mode (default). -S Include kernel symbol table. -t This is a *test* option. It prints out the memory list information being passed to the kernel and also exits without actually starting NetBSD. -V Version of loadbsd program. -Z Force kernel load to chipmem. HISTORY This version supports Kernel version 720 + /9/9Hyj y/(N8 .N,XONq%s: : %s%x NU/ /$-/9Hy& y/(E8N Jg,/-/ y/(NPO.+ y/(NPOJg`"9,lR/9,N.Hy. y/(N r,gJ,fHmN.Hy1NPOHy5 y/(N8POJg /- N,$-$mN]NuNUHm/- Hx/-HxaN]NuNUHm/- B/-HxaN]NuNUHm /-HxBBaN]NuNUHm /-BBBaN]NuNUH0 "9vfrJgAR Jf$gE  rNSfL N]NuNU/ E Jg ZNJfHyN$mN]NuNUJf p#aN]Nuintuition.libraryH82,xCLpN(fp`tB/,|-|.B4BJFRr ".:"bz  .:FR^jv D