Offline Validator README

For help on the Offline Validator, run "validate --help".

For updates, go to <>.

Please send bug reports, suggestions, patches, or strong praise to Liam Quinn

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

Using Custom DTDs
The Offline Validator comes with most W3C standard and draft DTDs
for HTML.  You can also add your own DTDs to support non-standard HTML features
such as the EMBED element or the LEFTMARGIN attribute on BODY.

See <> for a tutorial on
extending the HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD to support some non-standard features.

Once you have your DTD, you can add support for it to the Offline
Validator through these steps:

1. Add the DTD to the directory specified by the $sgmlDir variable in the
"validate" Perl script (by default this directory is

2. Edit the file named "catalog" in the $sgmlDir directory, adding a public
identifier for your DTD followed by the filename.  I recommend modeling your
public identifier after those already in the catalog.  For example, you might

PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"

and change "W3C" to a string identifying you or your organization, and change
"HTML 4.01" to a description of your version of HTML.

3. Edit the "validate" script, adding your public identifier and a description
of it to %HTMLversion, and mapping your description to an SGML declaration in
%sgmlDecl.  This step is optional, and is only useful when using the --verbose
option or when you want to specify an SGML declaration other than "custom.dcl".
If this step is not performed, "validate --verbose" will report that the level
of HTML is "Unknown" rather than giving a more descriptive label for your
custom DTD.

4. At the beginning of your HTML documents, before any tags, include a DOCTYPE
with your public identifier and a URL at which your DTD is available. For

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//Foo//DTD FooHTML 0.9//EN"

Note that you may skip steps 1-3 if you don't mind fetching the DTD over the
network (at the specified URL) each time a document is validated.