Offline Validator README ===================================== For help on the Offline Validator, run "validate --help". For updates, go to <>. Please send bug reports, suggestions, patches, or strong praise to Liam Quinn <>. License ======= This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Using Custom DTDs ================= The Offline Validator comes with most W3C standard and draft DTDs for HTML. You can also add your own DTDs to support non-standard HTML features such as the EMBED element or the LEFTMARGIN attribute on BODY. See <> for a tutorial on extending the HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD to support some non-standard features. Once you have your DTD, you can add support for it to the Offline Validator through these steps: 1. Add the DTD to the directory specified by the $sgmlDir variable in the "validate" Perl script (by default this directory is "/usr/local/share/wdg/sgml-lib"). 2. Edit the file named "catalog" in the $sgmlDir directory, adding a public identifier for your DTD followed by the filename. I recommend modeling your public identifier after those already in the catalog. For example, you might copy PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" and change "W3C" to a string identifying you or your organization, and change "HTML 4.01" to a description of your version of HTML. 3. Edit the "validate" script, adding your public identifier and a description of it to %HTMLversion, and mapping your description to an SGML declaration in %sgmlDecl. This step is optional, and is only useful when using the --verbose option or when you want to specify an SGML declaration other than "custom.dcl". If this step is not performed, "validate --verbose" will report that the level of HTML is "Unknown" rather than giving a more descriptive label for your custom DTD. 4. At the beginning of your HTML documents, before any tags, include a DOCTYPE with your public identifier and a URL at which your DTD is available. For example: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//Foo//DTD FooHTML 0.9//EN" ""> Note that you may skip steps 1-3 if you don't mind fetching the DTD over the network (at the specified URL) each time a document is validated.