#A very quick script to check a hotmail account for new mail #could be coded better, but it works. # is the default IP (duh) #Coded by Justin Gentry, 9/8/98 - 9/11/98 #Feel free to hack at this all you want, credit would be cool #but I don't really care. #Also, this script can be modified to use any existing web-based email #system with a couple of minor changes changes. &tell("Sirc hotmail script by JGentry"); &tell("Usage: hotmail username password"); sub cmd_hotmail { my $HM_IP = ""; $_[0] =~ /\w+\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/i; my $hm_user = $1; my $hm_pass = $2; my @hm_sender = (); if ($hm_user && $hm_pass) { if(&connect($HOTMAIL, $HM_IP, 80)) { my $hm_line; my $hm_mail; &tell("Connected to $HM_IP"); &tell("Checking $hm_user\'s mail"); #Create the magic line :) $hm_mail = 'GET /cgi-bin/start?login='.$hm_user.'&passwd='.$hm_pass.'&enter=Enter&frames=auto&curmbox=ACTIVE&js=yes'."\n"; #Send the magic info print $HOTMAIL $hm_mail; #Get the magic info while($hm_line = <$HOTMAIL>) { # &tell($hm_line); Use this if you want to view the webpage if ($hm_line =~ /\">([0-9]+.+messages.+[0-9]+.+new)/i) { &tell($1); #Should probably store this and output it at the end.. #oh well } elsif($hm_line =~ /bgcolor=\"\#eeeecc\">