#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2007,2011 Eric F Crist # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or # without modification, are permitted provided that the following # conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Id: check_printer 363 2014-07-23 14:37:59Z ecrist $ # $HeadURL: trunk/nagios/check_printer $ use strict; use warnings; my $OS = `uname`; if ($OS =~ m/^\wBSD/){ use lib "/usr/local/libexec/nagios"; } elsif ($OS =~ m/Linux/){ use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec"; } use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; '$Revision: 363 $' =~ m/Revision: (\d+)/; my $revision = $1; '$HeadURL: trunk/nagios/check_printer $' =~ m/HeadURL: ([\w\:\/\-\.\_]+) /; my $src_url = $1; my $debug = 0; my ($host, $warning, $critical, @ignore); my $community = "public"; our %getopts; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); GetOptions( "h|host=s" => \$host, "C|community=s" => \$community, "w|warn=i" => \$warning, "c|crit=i" => \$critical, "i=i" => \@ignore, 'V|version' => sub { print '$Id: check_printer 363 2014-07-23 14:37:59Z ecrist $' ."\n"; exit 0 }, "d|debug" => \$debug, "man" => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2); exit 0 } ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(2) unless (defined($host)); my $base_oid = "."; my $type_oid = "3.1"; my $name_oid = "6.1"; my $uom_oid = "7.1"; my $max_oid = "8.1"; my $curr_oid = "9.1"; my $loop; my $comm = $ARGV[1]; my @vars = ("snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $community $host $base_oid.$name_oid", "snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $community $host $base_oid.$uom_oid", "snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $community $host $base_oid.$max_oid", "snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $community $host $base_oid.$curr_oid"); my(@values, @names, @max, @min); our %uom = ( "4" => "µm", "7" => "impressions", "8" => "pages", "11" => "hrs", "12" => "oz/1000", "13" => "gr/10", "14" => "gr/100", "15" => "mL", "16" => "feet", "17" => "meters", "18" => "items", "19" => "%"); foreach(@vars){ @values = (@values, split /\n/, `$_`); if ($? != 0){ print "Printer Supplies UNKNOWN"; exit 3; } } if ($debug){ print Dumper(\@values); } my %finvalues; my $ignore = join('|', @ignore); foreach(@values){ # matching the following line # $1 $2 $3 # . = STRING: "Black Cartridge" $_ =~ m/^([\.\d]+) = ([\w-]+):[\s\"]+([\(\)\-\d\w\s,\/:]+)\"*$/ or next; my $loid = $1; my $ltype = $2; my $string = $3; if ($loid =~ m/\.(${ignore})$/){ next; } if ($ltype =~ m/HEX/i){ # hex string, convert to ascii $string = join "", map {chr hex $_ } split m/ /, $string; } $finvalues{"$loid"} = $string; } my %status; # get OID field numbers for matching later while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ ## sort this array into an associative in the following format: # $status['name'] : Supply Name # $status['curr'] : Supply Status # $status['max'] : Supply Level When New my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$name_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## we'll assume a name $status{$value}{"sub"} = $1; } else { } } # get maximum values, matching on OID field number while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$max_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## assign it to the other variable ## search the existing keys, find the one we want foreach my $subvalue (values %status){ if ($subvalue->{"sub"} eq $1){ $subvalue->{"max"} = $value; } } } } # get current value, matching on OID field number while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$curr_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## assign it to the other variable ## search the existing keys, find the one we want foreach my $subvalue (values %status){ if ($subvalue->{"sub"} eq $1){ $subvalue->{"curr"} = $value; } } } } # get uom, add it to data while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$uom_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## assign it to the other variable ## search the existing keys, find the one we want foreach my $subvalue (values %status){ if ($subvalue->{"sub"} eq $1){ $subvalue->{"uom"} = $uom{$value}; } } } } ## Assemble performance data and error string. my $perf_str = ""; my $is_warn = 0; my $is_crit = 0; my $err_str = ""; while (my($key, $value) = each(%status)){ my ($maximum, $current); if (!exists($value->{"curr"}) || $value->{"curr"} == -3){ ## we can process as yes/no $current = 100; ## Override the critical/warning, since they're moot $critical = 0; $warning = 0; } elsif (($value->{"max"} == -2) and ($value->{"uom"} ne '%')){ ## we don't know (-2 == unknown) the max and can't compute next; } else { $maximum = $value->{"max"}; } if (!exists($value->{"curr"}) || $value->{"curr"} < 0){ ## weird value, set to 0 for math reasons $current = 0; } else { $current = round(($value->{"curr"} / $maximum) * 100); } my $lcurrent; if (($key =~ m/waste/i) or ($key =~ m/Toneruppsamlare/i) or ($key =~ m/Restonner/i)){ # invert the $current as waste is calculated in reverse if ($value->{"curr"} == -3){ $lcurrent = 0; } else { $lcurrent = $maximum - $current; } } else { $lcurrent = $current; } if ($lcurrent < $critical){ $is_crit = $is_crit + 1; if ($err_str eq ""){ $err_str = "$key"; } else { $err_str = "$err_str, $key"; } } elsif ($lcurrent < $warning){ $is_warn = $is_warn + 1; if ($err_str eq ""){ $err_str = "$key"; } else { $err_str = "$err_str, $key"; } } if ($debug){ print "Key: $key\nCur: $current\nWarn: $warning\nCrit: $critical\n"; } $perf_str = "$perf_str '$key'=$current%;$warning;$critical;0;100 "; } if ($debug){ print Dumper(\%status); print "\n\n############ ATTENTION ############\n"; print "You have debug enabled. If asked to enable debug by the developer,\n"; print "please send all of the output, including your command line to\n"; print "ecrist\@secure-computing.net with the subject line 'check_printer DEBUG' along\n"; print "with a description of the problem you're experiencing.\n###################################\n"; print '$Id: check_printer 363 2014-07-23 14:37:59Z ecrist $'."\n\n"; } if ($is_crit){ print "$err_str CRITICAL. See http://$ARGV[0] | $perf_str\n"; exit 2; } elsif ($is_warn){ print "$err_str WARNING. See http://$ARGV[0] | $perf_str\n"; exit 1; } else { print "Printer Supplies OK | $perf_str\n"; exit 0; } ### ### subroutines here ### sub round { my($number) = shift; return int($number + .5 * ($number <=> 0)); } __END__ =head1 check_printer check_printer - Gather supply metrics from a printer via SNMP query =head1 SYNOPSIS check_printer [options] Options: -h, --host Printer hostname or IP address. -C, --community SNMP community string, defaults to "public" -w, --warn Warning threshold -c, --crit Critical threshold -i, --ignore Supply ignore. See man page for more information (--man) -V, --version Prints version string and exits -d, --debug Prints debug output, useful when reporting a problem to the developer, or getting index numbers for --ignore --man Prints man page =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a Perl script that retrieves supply metrics from printers using the snmpwalk command. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -h, --host Defines the host or IP address passed to snmpwalk. =item -C, --community Identifies the SNMP community string. Requires read access only. =item -w, --warn Value at which a warning is generated. For example, if -w 10 is set, when supply levels fall to 10% or below, a warning will be sent as part of the performance data. =item -c, --crit Value at which a critical alert is generated. This number should be lower than --warn is set, but this is not enforced. =item -i, --ignore Supply index that should be ignore from the output. Multiple values are accepted, separately: =over check_printer -i 1 -i 2 =back Will exclude supply indexes 1 and 2. To get the supply index list, run the check_printer utility with --debug defined and the top of the output will list available supply metrics as follows: =over $VAR1 = [ '. = STRING: "Black Toner"', '. = STRING: "Drum Unit"', '. = INTEGER: 13', '. = INTEGER: 7', '. = INTEGER: -2', '. = INTEGER: -2', '. = INTEGER: -3', '. = INTEGER: 0' ]; =back In the above example, we are looking for the OID string starting with B<.> and the index is the last number. To exclude the Drum Unit, pass I<-i 2> to check_printer =item -V, --version Print the check_printer version string and exits. =item -d, --debug Outputs debug information. If you are having problems with a printer or device, send the debug output to B and identify your printer model and manufacturer. =item --man Prints this man page. :)