/* cvsclone.l */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Backes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * BUILDING * * flex cvsclone.l && gcc -Wall -O2 lex.yy.c -o cvsclone * * EXAMPLE * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Applying this tool to sourceforge.net or savannah.gnu.org is | * | neither necessary nor recommended: With $1 being the project, you | * | can simply | * | rsync -av rsync://$1.cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/$1/ $1 | * | or | * | rsync -av rsync://cvs.sv.gnu.org/sources/$1 $1 | * | respectively (try also 'web' instead of 'sources'). | * *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * * cvsclone -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.example.org:/var/lib/cvs module * * DESCRIPTION * * Utility to clone cvs repositories over the cvspserver interface. Works * for anonymous access. * * FEATURES * * - reads $HOME/.cvspass * * - can clone corrupt repositories: writes ,v files directly, does not * need rcs. (For example, ccvs module has archives that go backwards * in time.) * * PROBLEMS * * - can't enable compression. * * - reading cvs password from $HOME/.cvspass uses CVSROOT in a * case sensitive way. * * - rlog format is ambiguous. If the separators it uses are found inside * log messages, possibly followed by lines similar to what rlog * outputs, things can go wrong horribly. * * - rcs 5.x rlog format does not contain the comment leader. It is * guessed according to the extension as rcs and CVS do. * * - uses normal diff format since this is the easiest one that works. * diff --rcs is problematic, since files without newline at the * last line are not output correctly. The major drawback about this * is that deleted lines are transfered while they don't need to be. * even rdiff has major problems with lines that contain \0, because * of a bug in cvs. * * - does not work incrementally. That would be much more work if * updating the trunk since the most recent revision had to be * reconstructed. Also, the whole history probably had to be transfered * again, with all log messages. * * - Horrible complexity. A file with n deltas takes O(n^2) to transfer. * * - Makes the cvs server really work hard, taking up all processor time. * It should really not be used on public cvs servers, especially * not on a regular basis. Perhaps it is useful for salvaging * archive files from projects where only access to anonymous cvs * is available. * * * Patches and comments are welcome. * */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _IO_getc_unlocked #undef getc #define getc _IO_getc_unlocked #endif %} %s HDR0 HDR1 DESC ACCL0 TAGL0 TAGL1 LCKL0 LCKL1 REV0 REV1 REV2 ATR0 ATR1 %s REV3 REV4 RLST XREV FEND SRV0 SRVA SRVB SRV1 SRV2 SRV3 SRV4 SRV5 SRV6 PWF0 %option noyywrap nounput num [0-9.]+ special [$,.:;@] idchar [^$,.:;@ \b\t\v\f\r\n] ws [ \b\t\v\f\r] id {num}?{idchar}({idchar}|{num})* sym [0-9]?{idchar}({idchar}|[0-9])* xid ({idchar}|{special}|{ws})+ yid ({idchar}|{special})+ nws (ws|\n) date1 [0-9]+(-[0-9]{2}){2}\ [0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2}){2}\ [-+][0-9]{4} date2 [0-9]+(\/[0-9]{2}){2}\ [0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2}){2} /* RCS file: x,v Working file: x head: 1.2 branch: 1.1 locks: [strict] rtc: 1.1 rtc: access list: root rtc symbolic names: test: 1.1 keyword substitution: kv total revisions: ; selected\ revisions: description: file() : trunk(Head) tree(Head) ; trunk(p) : | adelta(p) trunk(p->next) ; tree(root) : | tree(root->next) forest(root->branches) ; forest(broot) : | forest(broot->nextbranch) abranch(broot) tree(broot) ; abranch(root) : | abranch(root->next) adelta(root) ; adelta : "----------------------------\n" "revision %s" [ "\tlocked by: %s;" ] "\n" "date: %s; author: %s; state: %s; lines: +%ld -%ld" [ "; kopt: %s" ] [ "; commitid: %s" ] [ "; filename: %s" ] [ "; mergepoint:" (" %s;")+ ] "\n" [ "branches:" (" %s;")+ "\n" ] [ "included:" (" %s;")+ ] [ "excluded:" (" %s;")+ ] [ "ignored:" (" %s;")+ ] "\n" // '\n' if one of them is there [ "source: %s" [ "\t%s" ] "\n" ] *"\n" */ %{ char *getstr(unsigned long n, char *s) { s[n] = '\0'; return s; } union revref; struct rev { char *num; time_t date; char *author, *state, *comment, *commitid, *kopt; int ladd, ldel; /* mergepoint */ /* branches */ /* included */ /* excluded */ /* ignored */ char *server, /* originating server */ *onum; /* original number */ char *log; struct rev *next, *branch, *sub; }; union revref { char *num; struct rev *r; }; struct rpair { char *item; union revref rev; }; struct rcsfile { char *source, *workfile; union revref head, branch; int strict; char *ksub, *leader; int tot, sel; char *descr; struct rpair *lckl, *lckt, *tagl, *tagt; char **accl, **acct; /* access list, access top */ struct rev *revl, *revt; } rfile; void rcsinit(void) { rfile.source = rfile.workfile = rfile.head.num = rfile.branch.num = rfile.ksub = rfile.leader = rfile.descr = NULL; rfile.strict = rfile.tot = rfile.sel = 0; rfile.lckl = rfile.lckt = rfile.tagl = rfile.tagt = NULL; rfile.revl = rfile.revt = NULL; rfile.accl = rfile.acct = NULL; } void addaccl(char *s) { if (!rfile.accl) rfile.acct = rfile.accl = malloc(16 * sizeof *rfile.accl); else if (!((rfile.acct - rfile.accl) % 16)) { unsigned long n = rfile.acct - rfile.accl; rfile.accl = realloc(rfile.accl, (n+16) * sizeof *rfile.accl); rfile.acct = rfile.accl + n; } *rfile.acct++ = s; } void addtag(char *s) { if (!rfile.tagl) rfile.tagt = rfile.tagl = malloc(16 * sizeof *rfile.tagl); else if (!((rfile.tagt - rfile.tagl) % 16)) { unsigned long n = rfile.tagt - rfile.tagl; rfile.tagl = realloc(rfile.tagl, (n+16) * sizeof *rfile.tagl); rfile.tagt = rfile.tagl + n; } rfile.tagt++->item = s; } void addlck(char *s) { if (!rfile.lckl) rfile.lckt = rfile.lckl = malloc(16 * sizeof *rfile.lckl); else if (!((rfile.lckt - rfile.lckl) % 16)) { unsigned long n = rfile.lckt - rfile.lckl; rfile.lckl = realloc(rfile.lckl, (n+16) * sizeof *rfile.lckl); rfile.lckt = rfile.lckl + n; } rfile.lckt++->item = s; } void setdate(unsigned long n, char *s, char *t) { char d; struct tm tm; sscanf(s, "%d%c%d%c%d %d:%d:%d", &tm.tm_year, &d, &tm.tm_mon, &d, &tm.tm_mday, &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec); tm.tm_year -= 1900; tm.tm_mon--; if (t) { int z = atoi(t); if (z < 0) tm.tm_sec += -z / 100 * 3600 + -z % 100 * 60; else tm.tm_sec -= z / 100 * 3600 + z % 100 * 60; } rfile.revt->date = timegm(&tm); #if 0 printf("setdate: %.*s, %.5s --> %s", (int)n, s, t, ctime(&rfile.revt->date)); #endif } void addrev(char *s) { if (!rfile.revt) rfile.revt = rfile.revl; else rfile.revt++; assert(rfile.revl && rfile.revt < rfile.revl + rfile.sel); /* assert(rfile.revt - rfile.revl < rfile.n) */ rfile.revt->num = s; rfile.revt->author = rfile.revt->state = rfile.revt->comment = rfile.revt->commitid = rfile.revt->kopt = rfile.revt->server = rfile.revt->onum = rfile.revt->log = NULL; rfile.revt->next = rfile.revt->branch = rfile.revt->sub = NULL; rfile.revt->ladd = rfile.revt->ldel = 0; } void addrl(char *s) { } void initrev(int n) { if ((rfile.sel = n)) rfile.revl = malloc(n * sizeof *rfile.revl); } char *cvsroot, *cvspass, *cvsuser, *cvshost, *cvsdir; int chkroot(char *s, size_t le, int s1) { size_t l = strlen(cvsroot); if (s1) { char *x, *y; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "cvsroot=%s, s=%s, s1=%d\n", cvsroot, s, s1); #endif if (*s != ':' || !(x = strchr(s + 1, ':')) || !(x = strchr(x + 1, ':')) || strncmp(cvsroot, s, x - s + 1) || !isdigit(*(x + 1))) return 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "survived\n"); #endif y = cvsroot + (x - s) + 1; while (isdigit(*++x)) continue; if (strncmp(y, x, l - (y - cvsroot)) || x[l - (y - cvsroot)] != ' ') return 0; l += x - s - (y - cvsroot); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "l=%u(%d, %u), s=%s, cvsroot=%s, x=%s, y=%s\n", l, x - s - (y - cvsroot), le, s, cvsroot, x, y); #endif } else if (strncmp(cvsroot, s, l) || s[l] != ' ') return 0; cvsroot = strncpy(realloc(cvsroot, le + 1), s, le); cvsroot[l] = cvsroot[le+1] = '\0'; cvspass = cvsroot + l + 1; return 1; } FILE *rcsfiop; void rcsfwrite(char *s, size_t l, FILE *stream) { for (; l--; putc(*s++, stream)) if (*s == '@') putc(*s, stream); } void rcsrang(int d0, int d1, int a0, int a1) { fprintf(rcsfiop, "d%d %d\na%d %d\n", d0, d1-d0+1, d1, a1-a0+1); } void rcsrang2(int d0, int d1, int a) { fprintf(rcsfiop, "d%d %d\n", d0, d1-d0+1); } void rcsrang3(int d, int a0, int a1) { fprintf(rcsfiop, "a%d %d\n", d, a1-a0+1); } char *queue, *que; size_t queuel; char *getq(size_t l) { if (!queue) return queue = malloc(queuel = l); queuel += l; queue = realloc(queue, queuel); return queue + queuel - l; } void begin(char *s, size_t l) { char *p = s + 10, *fi, *fi2; size_t l0 = strlen(cvsdir); s[l-1] = '\0'; if (strncmp(cvsdir, p, l0) || p[l0] != '/') { fprintf(stderr, "path mismatch.\n"); return; } fi = p + l0 + 1; while ((fi2 = strchr(fi, '/'))) { *fi2 = '\0'; mkdir(p + l0 + 1, 0777); *fi2 = '/'; fi = fi2 + 1; } strcpy(getq(strlen(p + l0 + 1) + 1), p + l0 + 1); if (!(rcsfiop = fopen(p + l0 + 1, "w"))) return; s[l-1] = '\n'; fputs("\n", rcsfiop); fwrite(s, 1, l, rcsfiop); } %} %% RCS\ file:\ {xid}\n rfile.source = getstr(yyleng-11, yytext+10); Working\ file:\ {xid}\n rfile.workfile = getstr(yyleng-15, yytext+14); head:\ {num}\n rfile.head.num = getstr(yyleng-7, yytext+6); head:\n rfile.head.num = NULL; branch:\n rfile.branch.num = NULL; branch:\ {num}\n rfile.branch.num = getstr(yyleng-9, yytext+8); locks:\ strict\n BEGIN LCKL0; rfile.strict = 1; locks:\n BEGIN LCKL0; rfile.strict = 0; access\ list:\n BEGIN ACCL0; symbolic\ names:\n BEGIN TAGL0; keyword\ substitution:\ .*\n rfile.ksub = getstr(yyleng-23, yytext+22); comment\ leader:\ \".*\"\n rfile.leader = getstr(yyleng-19, yytext+17); total\ revisions:\ [0-9]+;\t BEGIN HDR1; rfile.tot = atoi(yytext+17); selected\ revisions:\ [0-9]+\n BEGIN HDR0; initrev(atoi(yytext+20)); description:\n BEGIN DESC; \n /* EMPTY */ ={77}\n BEGIN FEND; *yytext = '\0'; if (!rfile.descr) rfile.descr = yytext; -{28}\n BEGIN REV0; *yytext = '\0'; if (!rfile.descr) rfile.descr = yytext; .*\n if (!rfile.descr) rfile.descr = yytext; \t{id}\n addaccl(getstr(yyleng-2, yytext+1)); ""/[^\t] BEGIN HDR0; \t{sym}:\ BEGIN TAGL1; addtag(getstr(yyleng-3, yytext+1)); ""/[^\t] BEGIN HDR0; {num}\n BEGIN TAGL0; rfile.tagt[-1].rev.num = getstr(yyleng-1, yytext); \t{id}:\ BEGIN LCKL1; addlck(getstr(yyleng-3, yytext+1)); ""/[^\t] BEGIN HDR0; {num}\n BEGIN LCKL0; rfile.lckt[-1].rev.num = getstr(yyleng-1, yytext); revision\ {num}\n BEGIN REV2; addrev(getstr(yyleng-10, yytext+9)); revision\ {num}\t BEGIN REV1; addrev(getstr(yyleng-10, yytext+9)); locked\ by:\ {id};\n BEGIN REV2; /* getstr(yyleng-13, yytext+11); */ date:\ {date1};\ \ BEGIN ATR0; setdate(yyleng-15, yytext+6, yytext+yyleng-8); date:\ {date2};\ \ BEGIN ATR0; setdate(yyleng-9, yytext+6, NULL); author:\ {id};\ \ rfile.revt->author = getstr(yyleng-11, yytext+8); state:\ {id};\ \ rfile.revt->state = getstr(yyleng-10, yytext+7); state:\ {id};\n BEGIN REV3; rfile.revt->state = getstr(yyleng-9, yytext+7); lines:\ \+[0-9]+\ BEGIN ATR1; rfile.revt->ladd = atoi(yytext+8); -[0-9]+\n BEGIN REV3; rfile.revt->ldel = atoi(yytext+1); -[0-9]+;\ \ BEGIN ATR0; rfile.revt->ldel = atoi(yytext+1); kopt:\ [^;\n]+;\n BEGIN REV3; rfile.revt->kopt = getstr(yyleng-8, yytext+6); kopt:\ [^;\n]+;\ \ rfile.revt->kopt = getstr(yyleng-9, yytext+6); commitid:\ [0-9a-f]{16};\ \ rfile.revt->commitid = getstr(16, yytext+10); commitid:\ [0-9a-f]{16};\n BEGIN REV3; rfile.revt->commitid = getstr(16, yytext+10); mergepoint:\ {num};\n BEGIN REV3; /* getstr(yyleng-14, yytext+12); */ branches:/.*\n BEGIN RLST; ={77}\n BEGIN FEND; *yytext = '\0'; if (!rfile.revt->log) rfile.revt->log = yytext; if (rfile.revt) rfile.revt++; -{28}\n BEGIN REV0; *yytext = '\0'; if (!rfile.revt->log) rfile.revt->log = yytext; .*\n BEGIN REV4; assert(!rfile.revt->log); rfile.revt->log = yytext; \ \ {num}; addrl(getstr(yyleng-3, yytext+2)); \n BEGIN REV3; .*\n if (!rfile.revt->log) rfile.revt->log = yytext; <> return EOF; M\ \n BEGIN SRVA; M\ RCS\ file:\ {xid}\n BEGIN SRVB; begin(yytext+2, yyleng-2); M\ ={77}\n BEGIN SRV0; fwrite(yytext+2, 1, yyleng-2, rcsfiop); fclose(rcsfiop); M\ .*\n fwrite(yytext+2, 1, yyleng-2, rcsfiop); E\ .*\n fwrite(yytext+2, 1, yyleng-2, stderr); I\ LOVE\ YOU\n fprintf(stderr, "%s", yytext); error\ [^ \n]*\ .*\n return 1; ok\n return 0; <> return EOF; M\ <\ .*\n BEGIN SRV2; rcsfwrite(yytext+4, yyleng-5, rcsfiop); M\ <\ .*\n yytext[3] = '\n'; rcsfwrite(yytext+3, yyleng-4, rcsfiop); M\ \\\ .*\n BEGIN SRV3; ok\n putc('\n', rcsfiop); return 0; error\ [^ \n]*\ .*\n putc('\n', rcsfiop); return 1; ok\n return 0; error\ [^ \n]*\ .*\n return 1; M\ [0-9]+,[0-9]+c[0-9]+,[0-9]+\n rcsrang(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, ',')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'c')+1), atoi(strrchr(yytext, ',')+1)); M\ [0-9]+c[0-9]+,[0-9]+\n rcsrang(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'c')+1), atoi(strrchr(yytext, ',')+1)); M\ [0-9]+,[0-9]+c[0-9]+\n rcsrang(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, ',')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'c')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'c')+1)); M\ [0-9]+c[0-9]+\n rcsrang(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'c')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'c')+1)); M\ [0-9]+,[0-9]+d[0-9]+\n rcsrang2(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, ',')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'd')+1)); M\ [0-9]+d[0-9]+\n rcsrang2(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'd')+1)); M\ [0-9]+a[0-9]+,[0-9]+\n rcsrang3(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'a')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, ',')+1)); M\ [0-9]+a[0-9]+\n rcsrang3(atoi(yytext+2), atoi(strrchr(yytext, 'a')+1), atoi(strchr(yytext, 'a')+1)); M\ >\ .*\n BEGIN SRV5; rcsfwrite(yytext+4, yyleng-5, rcsfiop); M\ >\ .*\n yytext[3] = '\n'; rcsfwrite(yytext+3, yyleng-4, rcsfiop); ""/M\ [0-9] BEGIN SRV4; putc('\n', rcsfiop); M\ \\\ .*\n BEGIN SRV6; M\ RCS\ file:.*\n | M\ ========.*\n | M\ retrieving.*\n | M\ diff.*\n | M\ Index:.*\n | M\ [0-9]+(,[0-9]+)?d[0-9]+\n | M\ \\\ .*\n | M\ (<\ .*|---)\n /* ignore */ ([^M\n]|M([^ \n]|\ [^0-9\n])).*\n? | M\ ?\n? | .*\n? fwrite(yytext, 1, yyleng, stderr); \/1\ [^ \n]+\ .*\n if (chkroot(yytext+3, yyleng-4, 1)) return 0; [^ \n]+\ .*\n if (chkroot(yytext, yyleng-1, 0)) return 0; .*\n? /* ignore unknown lines */ <> return EOF; [^t\n].*\n? | t[^\t\n]* | \t[^:\n]*:?\n? | \t[^:\n]*:[^ ].*\n? | \t[^:\n]*:\ | \t.*\n? | [^\t\n]*[\t\n]? | [^;\n]*(""|;\ ?) | [^l\n][^;\n]* | [^l\n][^;\n]*;\ ? | (\n|l[^ \n]*) | lines:\ [^ \n]* | [^;\n]* | [^;\n]*;\ ? | .*\n? | .*\n? | .*\n? | .*\n? | (.|\n) printf("Unmached: <%.*s>\n", yyleng, yytext); %% static YY_BUFFER_STATE yybuf; /* Read rlog to buffer */ size_t rlread(char *ptr, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { char *top = ptr; static int state; while (nmemb--) { register int c = getc(stream); if (c == EOF) { state = 0; return ptr - top; } *ptr++ = c; if (c == '\n') { if (state == 77) { state = 0; return ptr - top; } state = 0; } else if (state < 78) { if (c == '=') state++; else state = 78; } } return ptr - top; } void *ftobuf(FILE *stream, unsigned long *s) { unsigned long siz = 0; void *buf = NULL; do { buf = realloc(buf, siz + BUFSIZ + 2); siz += fread(buf + siz, 1, BUFSIZ, stream); /*siz += rlread(buf + siz, BUFSIZ, stream);*/ } while (siz && !(siz % BUFSIZ)); *s = siz += 2; if (*s == 2) { free(buf); return NULL; } return realloc(buf, siz); } char *strfix(char *s) { unsigned long l = strlen(s); if (!l) return s; if (s[l-1] == '\n') s[l-1] = '\0'; return s; } FILE *srv; FILE *srvopen(void) { #ifndef XTEST struct hostent *host; struct servent *serv; struct sockaddr_in sin; int fd; #endif char *cvsport = NULL; if (strncmp(cvsroot, ":pserver:", 9) || !(cvsdir = strchr(cvsuser = cvsroot + 9, ':')) || !(cvshost = strchr(cvsuser, '@')) || cvshost > cvsdir) return NULL; *cvshost++ = *cvsdir++ = '\0'; if (isdigit(*cvsdir)) { cvsport = cvsdir; while (isdigit(*++cvsdir)) continue; } #ifndef XTEST memset(&sin, '\0', sizeof sin); if (cvsport) sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(cvsport)); else if (!(serv = getservbyname("cvspserver", "tcp"))) return NULL; else sin.sin_port = serv->s_port; if (!(host = gethostbyname(cvshost)) || (fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) return NULL; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&sin.sin_addr, host->h_addr, host->h_length); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof sin) == -1) { close(fd); return NULL; } return fdopen(fd, "w+"); #else return NULL; #endif } char *getpar(char *s) { char *p = NULL, *q = NULL; while (*s) if (*s == '.') p = q, q = s++; else s++; return p; } struct rev *range(struct rev *begin) { char *brb, *bre; if (begin >= rfile.revt) return NULL; brb = begin->num; bre = strrchr(brb, '.'); if (!bre || bre == strchr(brb, '.')) bre = brb; else bre++; /*fprintf(stderr, "brb: %s, n: %u\n", brb, bre - brb);*/ while (begin < rfile.revt && (bre - brb ? !strncmp(begin->num, brb, bre - brb) && !strchr(begin->num + (bre - brb), '.') : strchr(begin->num, '.') == strrchr(begin->num, '.'))) /* works fine even if no '.' present */ begin++; return begin; } /* : 1.4 | 1.3 | next | v 1.2 branch | ------> 1.1-- - - | | sub | v : next branch sub T v - /1.2 * | - |1.1* : : : F B * | | -> | / <* : : : : : * | | - | | | / ^ | -> - | - | | |* : : : : : : F B * | | | | | | / / ^ | | -> | | | \ \* : : : : : F B * | | | | | / / ^ | -> | \ \ \ \* : : B * | | / / ^ -> \ \ \* */ int prefix(const char *rev, const char *subrev) { size_t l = strlen(rev); return !strncmp(rev, subrev, l) && subrev[l] == '.'; } /* parse forest belonging to revision x */ struct rev *forest(struct rev *x, struct rev **b) { struct rev *z = NULL; do { struct rev *branch(struct rev **b); struct rev *y = branch(b); y->sub = z; z = y; } while (*b < rfile.revt && prefix(x->num, (*b)->num)); return z; } /* parse branch */ struct rev *branch(struct rev **b) { struct rev *e = range(*b), *x, *y = *b; (*b)->next = NULL; for (x = *b; x < e - 1; x++) x[1].next = x; /* As for the trunk, for each branch revision, a forest can follow. * However here the forests in decreasing order match the order * of the branch revisions. */ while (e < rfile.revt) { while (y <= x && !prefix(y->num, e->num)) y++->branch = NULL; if (y > x) break; y->branch = forest(y, &e); y++; } *b = e; return x; } /* parse trunk */ struct rev *trunk(struct rev *b) { struct rev *e = b ? range(b) : NULL, *x, *y = e; if (!e) return NULL; for (x = b; x < e - 1; x++) x->next = x + 1; x->next = NULL; /* For each trunk revision, a forest can follow. * The forests are in increasing order, in contrast to the * trunk revisions, which are in decreasing order. */ while (e < rfile.revt) { /* search the trunk revision this forest belongs to */ while (y > b && !prefix((--y)->num, e->num)) y->branch = NULL; assert(y > b || prefix(y->num, e->num)); /* parse the forest, set branch of the trunk revision */ y->branch = forest(y, &e); } return b; } struct { int ndeltas, nfiles, nbranches; } stats; void rcsfputs(const char *s, FILE *stream) { for (putc('@', stream); *s; putc(*s++, stream)) if (*s == '@') putc(*s, stream); putc('@', stream); } void puttree(struct rev *x, FILE *stream) { struct rev *y, *z; void putforest(struct rev *x, FILE *stream); for (y = x; y; y = y->next) { struct tm *tm; tm = gmtime(&y->date); fprintf(stream, "%s\n", y->num); fprintf(stream, "date\t%d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d;" "\tauthor %s;\tstate %s;\n", tm->tm_year > 99 ? tm->tm_year + 1900 : tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, y->author, y->state); fprintf(stream, "branches"); for (z = y->branch; z; z = z->sub) fprintf(stream, "\n\t%s", z->num); fprintf(stream, ";\n"); fprintf(stream, "next\t%s;\n", y->next ? y->next->num : ""); fprintf(stream, "\n"); } putforest(x, stream); } void putforest(struct rev *x, FILE *stream) { struct rev *z; if (!x) return; putforest(x->next, stream); for (z = x->branch; z; z = z->sub) puttree(z, stream); } void unqueue(void) { ssize_t s; if (que == queue + queuel) return; fcntl(fileno(srv), F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if ((s = write(fileno(srv), que, queue + queuel - que)) != -1) que += s; fcntl(fileno(srv), F_SETFL, 0L); } char *fi, *fi2; void puttree2(struct rev *z, struct rev *x) { struct rev *y; for (y = x; y; y = y->next) { void putfor2(struct rev *z, struct rev *x); if (!z) { for (z = y; z && !strcmp(z->state, "dead"); z = z->next) continue; if (z) { sprintf(getq(10*4+5+2+3+2+strlen(z->num) + (fi2 - strrchr(fi, '/')) - 1), "Argument -r%s\n" "Argument -aN\n" "Argument --\n" "Argument %.*s\n" "diff", z->num, fi2 - strrchr(fi, '/') - 1, strrchr(fi, '/') + 1); queue[queuel-1] = '\n'; } else /* file was initially added on branch */ z = y; } else if (strcmp(y->state, "dead") && z != y) { sprintf(getq(10*5+5+2+2+2+2+strlen(z->num) + strlen(y->num) + (fi2 - strrchr(fi, '/'))), "Argument -r%s\n" "Argument -r%s\n" "Argument -aN\n" "Argument --\n" "Argument %.*s\n" "diff", z->num, y->num, fi2 - strrchr(fi, '/') - 1, strrchr(fi, '/') + 1); queue[queuel-1] = '\n'; z = y; } putfor2(z, y->branch); } } void putfor2(struct rev *z, struct rev *x) { if (!x) return; putfor2(z, x->sub); puttree2(z, x); } void puttree3(struct rev *z, struct rev *x) { struct rev *y; for (y = x; y; y = y->next) { void putfor3(struct rev *z, struct rev *x); fprintf(stderr, "%s ", y->num); stats.ndeltas++; fprintf(rcsfiop, "\n\n%s\nlog\n", y->num); rcsfputs(y->log, rcsfiop); fprintf(rcsfiop, "\ntext\n@"); if (!z) { for (z = y; z && !strcmp(z->state, "dead"); z = z->next) continue; if (z) { unqueue(); BEGIN SRV1; yylex(); } else /* file was initially added on branch */ z = y; } else if (strcmp(y->state, "dead") && z != y) { unqueue(); BEGIN SRV4; yylex(); z = y; } fprintf(rcsfiop, "@\n"); putfor3(z, y->branch); } } void putfor3(struct rev *z, struct rev *x) { if (!x) return; stats.nbranches++; putfor3(z, x->sub); puttree3(z, x); } /* table of comment leader pairs, merged from RCS and CVS */ static const struct clpair { char *suffix, *comlead; } cltbl[] = { { "a" , "-- " }, /* Ada */ { "ada" , "-- " }, { "adb" , "-- " }, { "ads" , "-- " }, { "asm" , ";; " }, /* assembler (MS-DOS) */ { "bas" , "' " }, /* Visual Basic code */ { "bat" , ":: " }, /* batch (MS-DOS) */ { "body", "-- " }, /* Ada */ { "c" , " * " }, /* C */ { "c++" , "// " }, /* C++ in all its infinite guises */ { "cc" , "// " }, { "cpp" , "// " }, { "cxx" , "// " }, { "cl" , ";;; "}, /* Common Lisp */ { "cmd" , ":: " }, /* command (OS/2) */ { "cmf" , "c " }, /* CM Fortran */ { "cs" , " * " }, /* C* */ { "csh" , "# " }, /* shell */ { "dlg" , " * " }, /* MS Windows dialog file */ { "e" , "# " }, /* efl */ { "epsf", "% " }, /* encapsulated postscript */ { "epsi", "% " }, /* encapsulated postscript */ { "el" , "; " }, /* Emacs Lisp */ { "f" , "c " }, /* Fortran */ { "for" , "c " }, { "frm" , "' " }, /* Visual Basic form */ { "h" , " * " }, /* C-header */ { "hh" , "// " }, { "hpp" , "// " }, /* C++ header */ { "hxx" , "// " }, { "in" , "# " }, /* for Makefile.in */ { "l" , " * " }, /* lex (NOTE: franzlisp disagrees) */ { "lisp", ";;; "}, /* Lucid Lisp */ { "lsp" , ";; " }, /* Microsoft Lisp */ { "m" , "// " }, /* Objective C */ { "mac" , ";; " }, /* macro (DEC-10, MS-DOS, PDP-11, VMS, etc) */ { "mak" , "# " }, /* makefile, e.g. Visual C++ */ { "me" , ".\\\" "}, /* troff -me */ { "ml" , "; " }, /* mocklisp */ { "mm" , ".\\\" "}, /* troff -mm */ { "ms" , ".\\\" "}, /* troff -ms */ { "man" , ".\\\" "}, /* man-macros t/nroff */ { "1" , ".\\\" "}, /* feeble attempt at man pages... */ { "2" , ".\\\" "}, { "3" , ".\\\" "}, { "4" , ".\\\" "}, { "5" , ".\\\" "}, { "6" , ".\\\" "}, { "7" , ".\\\" "}, { "8" , ".\\\" "}, { "9" , ".\\\" "}, { "p" , " * " }, /* Pascal */ { "pas" , " * " }, { "pl" , "# " }, /* perl (conflict with Prolog) */ { "ps" , "% " }, /* PostScript */ { "psw" , "% " }, /* postscript wrap */ { "pswm", "% " }, /* postscript wrap */ { "r" , "# " }, /* ratfor */ { "rc" , " * " }, /* Microsoft Windows resource file */ { "red" , "% " }, /* psl/rlisp */ #ifdef sparc { "s" , "! " }, /* assembler */ #endif #ifdef mc68000 { "s" , "| " }, /* assembler */ #endif #ifdef pdp11 { "s" , "/ " }, /* assembler */ #endif #ifdef vax { "s" , "# " }, /* assembler */ #endif #ifdef __ksr__ { "s" , "# " }, /* assembler */ { "S" , "# " }, /* Macro assembler */ #endif { "sh" , "# " }, /* shell */ { "sl" , "% " }, /* psl */ { "spec", "-- " }, /* Ada */ { "sty" , "% " }, /* LaTeX style */ { "tex" , "% " }, /* TeX */ { "y" , " * " }, /* yacc */ { "ye" , " * " }, /* yacc-efl */ { "yr" , " * " }, /* yacc-ratfor */ { "" , "# " }, /* default for empty suffix */ { 0 , "# " } /* default for unknown suffix; must be last */ }; void gen() { size_t l = strlen(cvsdir); char **i, suffix[6] = ""; struct rpair *j; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", rfile.source); fi = strrchr(rfile.source, '/'); sprintf(getq(12 + (fi - rfile.source) + 1), "Directory .\n%.*s", fi - rfile.source, rfile.source); queue[queuel-1] = '\n'; fi2 = strrchr(fi, ','); fi = strrchr(fi, '.'); assert(fi2 && (!fi || fi < fi2)); if (fi) { fi++; /* If the suffix length is greater than four characters, * it cannot match, since it copies five of them. */ strncpy(suffix, fi, fi2 - fi < sizeof suffix - 1 ? fi2 - fi : sizeof suffix - 1); } fi = rfile.source + l + 1; rcsfiop = fopen(fi, "w"); fprintf(rcsfiop, "head\t%s;\n", rfile.head.num ? rfile.head.num : ""); if (rfile.branch.num) fprintf(rcsfiop, "branch\t%s;\n", rfile.branch.num); fprintf(rcsfiop, "access"); for (i = rfile.accl; i < rfile.acct; i++) fprintf(rcsfiop, "\n\t%s", *i); fprintf(rcsfiop, ";\n"); fprintf(rcsfiop, "symbols"); for (j = rfile.tagl; j < rfile.tagt; j++) fprintf(rcsfiop, "\n\t%s:%s", j->item, j->rev.num); fprintf(rcsfiop, ";\n"); fprintf(rcsfiop, "locks"); for (j = rfile.lckl; j < rfile.lckt; j++) fprintf(rcsfiop, "\n\t%s:%s", j->item, j->rev.num); fprintf(rcsfiop, ";%s\n", rfile.strict ? " strict;" : ""); fprintf(rcsfiop, "comment\t"); if (rfile.leader) rcsfputs(rfile.leader, rcsfiop); else { const struct clpair *curr; for (curr = cltbl; curr->suffix; curr++) if (!strcmp(curr->suffix, suffix)) break; rcsfputs(curr->comlead, rcsfiop); } fprintf(rcsfiop, ";\n"); if (rfile.ksub && strcmp(rfile.ksub, "kv")) { fprintf(rcsfiop, "expand\t"); rcsfputs(rfile.ksub, rcsfiop); fprintf(rcsfiop, ";\n"); } fprintf(rcsfiop, "\n\n"); trunk(rfile.revl); stats.nfiles++; puttree(rfile.revl, rcsfiop); fprintf(rcsfiop, "\ndesc\n"); rcsfputs(rfile.descr, rcsfiop); fprintf(rcsfiop, "\n"); puttree2(NULL, rfile.revl); que = queue; puttree3(NULL, rfile.revl); if (queue) free(queue); queue = NULL; fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fclose(rcsfiop); } char *home; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned long siz; char *buf, *passfile, *fn0, *fn1, *fn2; if (argc == 4 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { argc -= 2; cvsroot = argv[2]; argv[1] = argv[3]; } else if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Argument count.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else cvsroot = getenv("CVSROOT"); if (!cvsroot) { fprintf(stderr, "No CVSROOT.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } cvsroot = strdup(cvsroot); passfile = (home = getenv("HOME")) ? strcat(strcpy(malloc(strlen(home) + sizeof "/.cvspass"), home), "/.cvspass") : strcpy(malloc(sizeof ".cvspass"), ".cvspass"); BEGIN PWF0; if (!(yyin = fopen(passfile, "r")) || yylex() == EOF) { size_t l = strlen(cvsroot); cvsroot = realloc(cvsroot, l + 2); cvspass = strcpy(cvsroot + l + 1, "A"); } if (yyin) fclose(yyin); fprintf(stderr, "password file: %s\n" "cvsroot: %s\n" "pass: %.1s\n", passfile, cvsroot, cvspass); if (!(srv = srvopen())) { fprintf(stderr, "server connection failed or bad cvsroot\n"); #ifndef XTEST return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } #ifndef XTEST yyrestart(srv); fprintf(srv, "BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "END AUTH REQUEST\n", cvsdir, cvsuser, cvspass); fprintf(srv, "Root %s\n", cvsdir); /*fprintf(srv, "Argument micq/m4\n");*/ fprintf(srv, "Argument %s\n", argv[1]); fprintf(srv, "rlog\n"); fflush(srv); BEGIN SRV0; yy_set_interactive(1); fprintf(stderr, "exit: %d\n", yylex()); fn2 = fn0 = queue; fn1 = queue + queuel; queue = NULL; #else fn2 = fn0 = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 3); fn1 = strlen(argv[1]) + 3 + strcpy(fn0, argv[1]); strcat(fn0, ",v"); #endif while (fn0 < fn1 && (buf = ftobuf(rcsfiop = fopen(fn0, "r"), &siz))) { fclose(rcsfiop); fn0 += strlen(fn0) + 1; buf[siz - 2] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR; buf[siz - 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR; /* fprintf(stderr, "<<%s>>\n", buf); */ yybuf = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yy_scan_buffer(buf, siz); yy_set_interactive(0); BEGIN HDR0; rcsinit(); yylex(); assert(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_switch_to_buffer(yybuf); gen(); if (rfile.lckl) free(rfile.lckl); if (rfile.tagl) free(rfile.tagl); if (rfile.accl) free(rfile.accl); if (rfile.revl) free(rfile.revl); free(buf); } if (fn2) free(fn2); fprintf(stderr, "%s clone successful: %d files, " "%d branches, %d deltas\n", argv[0], stats.nfiles, stats.nbranches, stats.ndeltas); #ifndef XTEST fclose(srv); #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }