# finger.pl --- A script for orabidoo's sirc # 18 April 1995 by GG # modified and debugged by orabidoo # Adds the capability to finger a user@host from either the nick or the # actual user@host. Uses the unix finger command to accomplish this # 3 Nov 95: fixed a bug reported by Haaino Zuithoff (missing \) $add_ons .= "+finger.pl"; sub GGfinger { if (fork) { foreach (`finger $_[0]`) { &tell($_); } exit 0; } } sub cmd_finger { &tell("*\c_Finger Error\c_* usage /finger or /finger \@"), return unless $args; if ($args =~ /\@/) { &GGfinger($args); } else { &userhost($args, "&tell(\"*\c_Finger Reply\c_* \$who!\$user\\\@\$host\"); \$user =~ s/^~//; &GGfinger(\$user.'\@'.\$host);"); } } &addcmd("finger");